Resist."Resist. It won’t make you a liberal, a dirty communist, a radical, an activist, a hippie; it won’t contradict your patriotism; it won’t put you in league with America’s enemies. You can go right on despising Prius drivers, or neoliberals, or socialists, or dweebs who care about politics, or whoever; you can keep on bearing your tribal resentments down the road forever, not when you’re done resisting but while you’re doing it. You can still be you. But: Resist. Be all that you have been, but be an enemy to what is being done to your country. Now. Today. Outside of yourself. However you can."
How Cartoonists Around the World Have Depicted Trump
You pick, we choose: Hong Kong
Top Chef Alum Prints ‘Immigrants Make America Great’ on Customers’ Receipts
People can't stop sharing this cartoon about Trump's 'Muslim ban'
Trump Supporters Are Boycotting Budweiser Over Its Super Bowl Commercial
The Geography of NFL Fandom
How Washington state became the epicenter of resistance to Trump’s agenda
‘Ray of hope’ as Hong Kong recognises first Syrian refugee in the city, good luck find a job and housing.
President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks
Why We're Calling for Congress to Impeach Donald Trump
"From this point forward, we should all assume that everything Conway says is a lie unless proven otherwise." — Kevin Drum
Kellyanne Conway Is a Lying Hack
She had something to say about Betsy DeVos. So she sent her senator a pizza — with a message.
Librarians take up arms against fake news
Trump Is Attacking Any Institution That Challenges Him
Mexican Airline Aeromexico Responds To Trump’s “Border Wall” With SPINE TINGLING Commercial
What Effective Protest Could Look Like
Why Trump is Great, EPIC
Bodegas — a sacred New York institution — are always open. But they weren't on Thursday.
U.S. tech without Iranian immigrants: No eBay, Oracle, Google, Dropbox, Tinder
World’s Saddest Trump Rally Draws Just 8 Supporters, it is great to have the right to exercise free speech, freedom of assembly, no matter how "yuge" the crowd was.
This Website Lets You Send Pizza to Protestors Around America
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