Thursday, September 08, 2016

Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist, has died at age 92, she took her infants with her at her speaking engagement, oh mmmmyyy... as Gabriella Pamfil would wag her little tiny fingers at Mrs Schlafly and screamed.. you are not a mother, you are a bad person...the end
Trump-Ryan-Christie: A Twitter Saga
Donald Trump’s strange speaking style, as explained by linguists
‘The Daily Show’s’ Trevor Noah Tears Into Matt Lauer: ‘What the F*ck’ Was He Doing?

2016ish: Donald Trump's relationship with the truth from Noa Gurvis on Vimeo.

Last night, Clinton got 6 questions on her emails. Trump got zero on his Iraq lies.
Italian soccer fans give Nazi salute, spit and boo during Hatikvah, this is not OK.
Gary Johnson: 'What is Aleppo?'
Kaine uses Trump's words against him
Paul Krugman says Hillary is being Al 'Gored'—urges media to stop publishing false innuendos
One tweet that perfectly captures what it’s like to be a woman running for president
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president
So this picture of Trump and his Daughter just went viral.
A Republican Candidate Said He Hoped I Got Raped

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