Thursday, September 08, 2016


The “parenting happiness gap” is real, new research confirms, I am happy, I love my status as Mommy to Gabe
7 Fights Couples Tend To Have Right Before A Breakup Done Done Done
6 Ways to Create Good Karma
10 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship.. I did stayed and hoped for a change.. then I walked.
A US state’s school system is so bad, a judge has declared the whole thing unconstitutional
Elizabeth Warren: What Apple Teaches Us About Taxes, Corporations are people too.. well.. don't forget the government that partnered with Apple with their policies.
50 Things You Should Never, Ever Say to Your Kids
12 Things Progressive Moms Refuse To Say To Their Toddlers
Here’s How To Avoid One Of The Most Common Life Regrets
My Daughter Only Goes To School Twice A Week, But It Means Everything To Us
Our children aren't ready for class, so we are 'worldschooling' them instead
How to Get Your Kids Into a Habit of Community Service
Is She a Good Baby? I have a great baby , he doesn't sleep through the night, he cries, he is fussy, and he is happy.. he is a great soul
New Study Says You Should Marry Your Best Friend
How non-English speakers are taught this crazy English grammar rule you know but have never heard of

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