Romney clarifies his position on Blunt amendment.. flip flop!
Grand Ayatollah or Grand Old Party?
Putting Away His Knife and Those Cutting Words........... frozen fish.. :(
Living in Boston without a car
Oetzi the Iceman's nuclear genome gives new insights
Franklin Graham Apologizes For Seeming To Question Obama's Faith
The Man Working To Reverse-Engineer Your Brain
At Least 6 People Killed Because Of Midwest Storms, according to frothy.. Satan is working against us and winning... sad news in the god country!
For Leap Day Only, A Rare Newspaper Goes To Print
Leap Day tips and traditions
Well loved American comfort food: Mac and cheese: A macrocosm of variations, just had some last night, so satisfying.
Virginia Senate passes ultrasound law minus vaginal probe, don't want to go to VT, but I will go see Forsyth ( and her only 0 .. it is one of those state that i will boycott.
Why chefs are confused about what fish they can serve
法人湧港工作 14年增逾倍
Temporal Distortion, beautifully done!
Three New “types” of Women: Are You One of Them?
Apps for Apes: Orangutans using iPads to paint and video chat with other apes
17 Crazy/Awesome Japanese Commercials
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