Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hell Hath No Fury Like Alumni Scorned. Here's What Happens When Mom & Dad Can't Get the Kid Into the Old Alma Mater
Tales from the trenches at the Harvard Extension School
Turn Up Your Nose: Americans Drink More Wine Than the French, I have 3 glasses yesterday, I did my part.
‘Tiger’ balm: Ivy League coup for Chua’s cub
Did Amy Chua's Daughter Really Need a Tiger Mom to Get Into Harvard? The daughter is a legacy kid, that is the same way George W. Bush got into Yale. "blechhh!"
Oregon cowboy town promotes solar energy
Nuclear Woes Could Propel Quest For Natural Gas
The World's Tallest Tree Is Hiding Somewhere In California
Anonymous goes after Sony, makes it personal... very personal. Horrifying!
Cars, Houses, Human Remains: Debris From Japan Is Headed Toward U.S.
Is This the Best Hot Dog in the World?
Top five Stanley Cup contenders for the 2011 playoffs, go CANUCKS!!!!
India’s sex ratio is getting worse. The trend can be reversed
10 Reasons Seattle Should Be Jealous of Portland, that's it, it was all about food though.
Who speaks English?
Roaming Ramen Parties Courtesy of Boke Bowl
New Republic: Paul Ryan's 'No, We Can't' Budget Plan
Nonprofits Look For New Ways To Get People To Give
In Tsunami's Wake, Tough Choices For Japan's Elderly
Glenn Beck leaving his Fox News Channel show
The Magazine for Clean Capitalism
Heroin vs. Häagen-Dazs: What Food Addiction Looks Like in the Brain
Chica and their MBAs
Female MBAs tend to earn less than their male colleagues
The glass ceiling
Let a million flowers bloom
Can a Mormon get to the White House?
Lack of change you can believe in

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