Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear sriracha
Happy Campers
Birtherist response highlights racial undertones of ‘debate’
華人富豪榜 港包攬三甲
The table-to-farm movement, this gets my vote!
Unconventional Wisdom: Eight Wacky Schools
How I Paid Only 1% of My Income in Federal Income Tax
Privacy 2.0: We Are All Celebrities Now
Budget Cuts Shutdown SETI's Alien Seeking Telescopes
Facebook Takes On Groupon With Its Own Deals
Is The Dalai Lama Playing A Dangerous Game?
Jet skids off runway in Chicago, nobody injured
2 dingoes maul 3-year-old girl on Australia beach..uh. oh...
Is This What Makes America Exceptional? This is extremely SAD!
Friendster goes unsocial
The Really Smart Phone
Forget about the Gates Foundation. The world's biggest charity owns IKEA—and is devoted to interior design
These Are the Three Countries Who Don’t Use the Metric System
Japan business lobby gives OK to scrap corporate tax cut
Why We Love Japan
Obama Raises Celebrity Cash, But Trip Goes Off Script
Move Over, Tiger Mom: This Mother's 'On Fire'
波特蘭  ForeverYoung, my hometown.
Sitting All Day: Worse For You Than You Might Think
大亞灣周邊人口冠全球 75公里內住2800萬 專家警告忌過度自信
珠三角10年建50反應堆 料需數千專才
水產濫用抗生素避孕藥 養殖場追求利潤 罔顧人類健康
通脹脫韁 窮人捱貴貨惡化 按年升4.6% 兩年半新高 食品價狂漲
「八十後」怕捱苦 易受誘惑入歧途
通脹坐火箭 狂飆見4.6%
麥當勞加價2% 麥旋風加1.4元最高
麥當勞加價 套餐多八毫
工資難追通脹 被迫精明消費
通脹縮財儲 中產傷腦筋
食品海鮮價 海鮮價最高
通脹脫韁 窮人捱貴貨惡化 按年升4.6% 兩年半新高 食品價狂漲
街頭小食珍珠奶茶加價抵加薪 貢茶全線加1元 嘆最低工資推高通脹
Eat Oregon First!
Crews battle paper-mill fire in Snowflake

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