Monday, March 13, 2017

Nursery Products To Blame For Rise In Infant Injuries, Study Finds
The Harmful Effects of Instant Ramen Noodles , time for me to lay off this time saving, cheap dinner option.. I guess. I will eat what I prepared for Gabe, healthy, nutritious meal.
Save Hide And Seek For The Playground: Why Kids Should See Their Veggies... we are planting.. and eating and we will have fun.
We Don’t Always End Up With The Loves Of Our Lives (And That’s Okay)
11 Sentences That Will Change Your Child’s Life Love it
10 Things Single Parents Won’t Say (Because Of How They’ll Be Judged)
Godless Parents Are Doing a Better Job, an interesting view about religion and parenting
The early red flags of an abusive relationship, according to the victims Now I know
33 Tweets That Sum Up Life With 2-Year-Olds
7 toxic ideas about love and relationships we need to stop romanticizing
11 Inspirational Quotes To Heal A Broken Heart LOVING all these quotes!
You Can Get PTSD From Staying In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship
This Artist Tells Hilariously of the Everyday Struggles That Happen Inside Each of Us
Stephen Hawking’s Beautiful Message For Anyone With Depression
10 Toxic Habits You Need to Avoid.. I look at self improvement lots these days, luckily I don't do what they listed. But it doesn't hurt to think that we have those habits from time to time.. i thrive for self improvement and growth.. . and the article about delaying task helps a lot
Adult Children of Narcissists Face Trauma-Induced Health Risks
Doctors Raise Concern about Organic Food your label... I always do...crazy high content of sugar!
Science says parents of successful kids have these 13 things in common
7 Signs You’re Slipping Into An Emotional Affair..yup...that was you... with your mom!
The Best Response I’ve Found for Morning Meltdowns & Challenging Situations
How To Actually Comfort Your Partner During An Anxiety Attack (Because Saying ‘Don’t Worry’ Does Nothing)
How to make yourself work when you’re not in the mood
Second Marriages Are More Likely To End In Divorce. Here’s Why
This Is Why The Strongest Girls Feel Insecure All The Time
This $213 Train Ride Shows You All of America's Most Beautiful Sights; I would love to do this with Gabe. But at what point, the train ride is too much for 15 days.
35 Things I Survived The First Year of Motherhood, there are some truth humorous lines in these that fit for my situation... warning.. no baby of mine was hurt, or traumatized by me in this growing process
34 Hilariously Honest Cards For Pregnant Moms-To-Be

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