Monday, April 27, 2020

Calif. Governor Warns That Packed Beaches Put Coronavirus Pandemic Progress At Risk
So Many People Went To Newport Beach That It Might Get Shut Down Again
An Anti-Lockdown Protest Leader Has Now Tested Positive for COVID-19
Georgia: Waffle House reopens, but normal's still a long way away
Stanford Health Care To Cut Employee Wages By 20 Percent
Bay Area counties extend coronavirus stay-at-home orders to end of May
Hawaii won't reopen anytime soon. Coronavirus stay-at-home order extended through May
Tennessee Restaurants Reopen As State Sees Biggest 1-Day Jump In COVID-19 Cases
Nearly 50 On USS Kidd Test Positive For Coronavirus, Navy Confirms
UW team illustrates the adverse impact of visiting ‘just one friend’ during COVID-19 lockdown. After weeks of social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, people of all ages may be asking: What could be the harm of visiting just one friend?
Stop shaming people for going outside. The risks are generally low, and the benefits are endless.
‘Quarantine fatigue’: Researchers find more Americans venturing out against coronavirus stay-at-home orders. For the first time since mid-March, people are staying home less, according to smartphone data.
After #FloridaMorons, Californians also crowd beaches
Thousands of people pack California beaches despite coronavirus concerns

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