Monday, November 18, 2019

Terrified Parents Outside a Hong Kong University Plead With Authorities to ‘Save Our Kids’
HKFP Lens: Hong Kong PolyU engulfed in fierce police-protester battles, as officers enter campus
Senator Hawley Suggests China May Be In Violation Of Sino–British Joint Declaration Following Violence At PolyU In Hong Kong
'Only Beijing can rule on HK's Basic Law'
What the U.S. Congress Is and Isn’t Doing About Hong Kong
Footage shows daring escape by Hong Kong protesters on motorbikes
Hong Kong Protesters In Tense Standoff With Police At Polytechnic University Campus
Hong Kong courts have no power to rule on face mask ban, says China
Police swoop in as Hong Kong protesters try to flee besieged campus
Hong Kong’s High Court rules anti-mask law unconstitutional
Anti-mask law to quell Hong Kong protests ruled unconstitutional by High Court
Hong Kong's government is being willfully blind to the chaos it's creating
【理大攻防戰】醫護離開理大即被捕遭反鎖坐地如戰俘 黃之鋒:香港已有人道危機
Hong Kong protesters try to break out of besieged university after a night of fighting with police
Police storm into Hong Kong Polytechnic University after stand off with protesters
滙豐取消反修例活動眾籌戶口. 企業賬戶與用途不符 助抗爭基金收款
Hong Kong Violence Escalates as Police and Protesters Clash at University
理大衝突:通宵對峙,深夜火勢猛烈,消防清晨滅火,警察攻入校園抓捕示威者. 18日凌晨兩點,水炮車與銳武裝甲車在理大外再次推進,距離示威者僅有十米左右,近兩點半,水炮車多次發射水柱;另一邊,在佐治五世公園,警員懷疑發三發實彈。
Hong Kong PolyU campus surrounded: police warn live ammo may be used as protesters set fire to armoured vehicle
Australia ends human rights partnership with China
FCC Statement Condemning Obstruction of Press Coverage at PolyU Standoff
港警首認催淚彈含戴奧辛 極強致癌物全港受害
Hong Kong protest: police storm Polytechnic University after standoff with protesters
Riot police storm Hong Kong Polytechnic University after all-night siege

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