Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Journalist shot in face with Hong Kong police projectile will lose sight permanently in right eye, lawyer says
Mainland Chinese who destroy Hong Kong ‘Lennon Walls’ in Taiwan will be barred from reentry, says official
Opinion | Time is on Taiwan’s side, as long as the U.S. is, too
Hong Kong Police Shoot a Protester, 18, With a Live Bullet for the First Time
Running out of options, Hong Kong protesters dig in
Anti-Hong Kong sentiment runs deep in China
代表律師:醫生稱印尼女記者右眼將永久失明 (19:39)
Hong Kong extradition bill
115 Days of Hong Kong Protests. How Did We Get Here? The protests started as peaceful marches and rallies against an unpopular bill. Then came dozens of rounds of tear gas and a government that refused to back down.
Hong Kong protests: Man shot in chest by police firing live rounds
教協對中五生被實彈擊中表示極震驚 批評警方火上加油
公共醫療醫生協會強烈譴責警方 指射傷市民與行刑無異
本台攝記受傷 港台發言人嚴厲譴責針記者暴力行為
修例風波:青年荃灣中實彈命危留醫ICU 彈頭晚上已取出
Hong Kong Protester Is Shot By Police As Clashes Over Democracy Take A Dark Turn
【逆權運動】筆架山現直幡 「十一‧賀佢老母」
【逃犯條例】灣仔街坊稱目擊警員疑喬裝示威者 現場曾傳槍聲 (19:54)
When Water Becomes Flood
Hong Kong Police Shoot a Protester, 18, With a Live Bullet for the First Time
Protester shot in chest with live police round during Hong Kong National Day protests
Police shoot Hong Kong protester as China celebrates 70th birthday
Hong Kong's older protesters awed, humbled by zeal of youth
Hong Kong protester shot as China marks its 70th anniversary
More Violence Grips Hong Kong Ahead of China’s National Day
More protests in Hong Kong

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