Saturday, October 12, 2019

Teachers call to scrap school tests for children under eight in push for play-based learning
California's first surgeon general: Screen every student for childhood trauma
20 Minute Contact with Nature Reduces Stress Hormone Cortisol
Studies Prove cuddling our children makes them more successful as adults
What Causes A Rare Disease That Paralyzes Kids? Researchers Home In On A Virus
Parents, Require Obedience of Your Children, very interesting view in a biblical sense. I don't nexcssary agree or believe all of it., yet it is still interesting to read.
5 Perspectives on What Kids do to Your Marriage
it sickens me that there are people who can make up as much lies about someone and make themselves look so innocent and they destroy someone's reputation all because they are jealous and pathetic and so many people believe them without finding the truth. - unknown
Chump Lady, the cheaters are playing victims, it is karma, and :).. GKP. and then.. MVP..
The hidden abuse that can hurt your mental health: Gaslighting
A Good Man Is Getting Even Harder to Find

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