Monday, September 30, 2019

Hong Kong upholds ban on National Day march after violence
【逆權運動】中彈傷眼印尼女記者 擬控警一哥縱容下屬亂開槍 並民事索償
【修例風波】警方證實警員灣仔向天鳴槍示警 指為保護自身安全
【多片】10.1前夕警連環放彈拉人 瑪麗急症醫生、社總總幹事被捕
Hong Kong clashes escalate ahead of China's big day
Hong Kong Is Winning the Global Public-Opinion War With Beijing
The Latest: Hong Kong rally ends early amid violence
Taiwan shrugs as communist China hails 70th anniversary
曾採訪七一佔領立法會 本台記者馬啟聰今晨被捕
Hong Kong Protests: Chaotic Scenes Unfold In Streets Ahead Of China's National Day
Singer attacked with paint at pro-Hong Kong democracy rally in Taiwan
【建政70年】極度冷清! 聯合國圖片展僅9友邦捧場
Hong Kong is becoming a basket case because our leaders have the power but no guts to end anarchy
【929 不斷更新】香港反極權遊行 警銅鑼灣、金鐘放催淚彈 至少數十人被捕
Hong Kong and the Independence Movement That Doesn’t Know Itself
In Pictures: Tear gas in Causeway Bay as Hong Kong protesters convene for unauthorised march
In Pictures: Water cannon, tear gas and Molotovs as police and protesters clash in high-speed Hong Kong Island chase
Clashes as Hong Kong marks five years since 'Umbrella' protests

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