Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Economists to Trump: You’re dead wrong on tariff revenues
Donald Trump’s endgame: He may admit collusion — and claim he was saving America from Hillary
White House shuts down press availability after Trump tweet admits collusion
5 times Donald Trump insisted collusion is a crime
Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon
President urged to stop tweeting on Trump Tower meeting
Trump (Again) Admits His Son Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Clinton
Captive Audience: How Companies Make Millions Charging Prisoners to Send An Email
The Kochs helped fund an attack on 'Medicare for All.' It still concluded the plan would save us trillions
A new bill aims to send masked Antifa activists to jail for 15 years
NRA In Financial Jeopardy, May Soon Be 'Unable To Exist'
President Admits Trump Tower Meeting Was Meant to Get Dirt on Clinton President Trump said a 2016 meeting between his son and a Russian lawyer was not about adoptions, as he previously claimed, but to “get information on an opponent.” It's illegal for a campaign to get such help from a foreign power.
Sarah Sanders' dishonest defense of Trump and his assault on the free press reaches a new low"You know things are deteriorating when you are regurgitating conspiracy theories to justify your boss’s obsession with weakening the First Amendment." | via NBC News
China Announces Retaliatory Tariffs On $60 Billion In U.S. Goods
Despite Strong Economy, Federal Deficit Soars
Republicans Scramble Trump To Ohio To Avert Special Election Loss

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