Sunday, December 31, 2017

When Does Christmas Actually End?

Here to 2018!

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." -- Hamilton Wright Mabie

Friday, December 29, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

"I've been thinking about this over the holidays... Santa needs a makeover. In my house, I am Santa. I pick a time and place to get the tree. I manage and do most of the decorating. I buy the decorations. I plan all of the fun holiday events (going to see Xmas lights, going to see Santa, etc). I play holiday music and movies. I buy the presents for the kids, husband, & extended family. I make and send out the Xmas card. I plan Xmas breakfast and dinner. I make cookies on Christmas Eve. Ask yourself who does this in your family. If the answer is Mom/Wife, she is Santa." - M. Bond
Ring in the New Year with Family Friendly Celebrations, some events are free.

Monday, December 25, 2017

This is how I feel about my child.

"The cleverness of the child born [from the union] is commensurate with the love they felt toward each other during relations." - Siddur Beit Yaakov, R. Yaakov Emden, Hanhagat Leil Shabbat, Mitot HaKesef

Merry Christmas!

Chart of the Day: How Americans view Christmas
How Six Interfaith Families Balance the Holidays
but they are mostly dated and filled with words like thine and o’er and behold. And yes, I do want something about the snow, and the light as it falls on the snow, but I could do without the angels today, or anything unreachable that’s supposed to be looking out for us down here. And yes, I do want something about the trees, both outside and inside, and about the singing, and about the laying out of the table, or the looping of ribbons, or the tucking in of children. But I’m wishing we could leave God out of it. It’s not God’s job to hang out with us right now and fix things. I want something that uses filling stockings as a metaphor for choosing small kindnesses to tuck into each person’s heart. Something that reminds us that the horse knows the way, so if we could just find that horse and hold on, we’ll come out of all this OK. Something that, yes, is filled with the glistening and the sparkling and all things aglow, because As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky— Yes, that’s the kind of thing I want, all of us outrunning the storm that’s pushing us out of the year, and we’re climbing right over the tired pile of reindeer to what’s really up there for us. The snow coming down. The way we shape it with our hands and throw. —from Poets Respond December 24, 2017

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Judge Sides With ACLU, Ruling American Detainee In Iraq Has Right To Lawyer
Virginia’s dramatic House of Delegates recount shows the power of one vote
Comey: FBI officials being 'attacked for partisan gain'
AT&T credits #GOPTaxScam for worker bonuses, but its union already negotiated for them weeks ago
The Trojan Horse in the Tax Bill
Monsanto Gives CEO Hugh Grant 64% Raise Ahead of Bayer Acquisition
Finding A Legal Loophole, Memphis Takes Down Its Confederate Statues
"The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away." - David Viscott

Merry Christmas Eve!


"Life can feel pretty overwhelming at times. Gratitude has the power to turn what we have into more than enough. It can convert daily occurrences into blessings, and duties into joy. The more gratitude we express, we often find that we have more to be grateful for. To put it in Bar Method terms -gratitude is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets." - Bar method practitioner.
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
How to Raise Critical Thinkers in a World That Desperately Needs Them
How to Be Better at Stress
Don’t be a jerk and your kids and relationships will be fine. Let’s talk Emotional Maturity.
I Won’t Say I’m Okay.
Here are 10 signs you’re a strong woman that intimidates most men "You don’t need a man to tell you what your life is worth, and that is awesome. If you want a man in your life, you’ll need to find a strong man who knows your worth too, but it’s not on the top of your to-do list because you are out loving life."
7 Traits Kids Get From Their Fathers
Nearly Dying In Childbirth: Why Preventable Complications Are Growing In U.S.
11 Reasons Why You Should Go Contra Dancing
11 Perfect Comics That Will Hit Home For Introverts, I see some introvert in me.
This single mom’s heartwarming story is a reminder to ditch ‘perfect’ parenting.
Science Says A ‘Suck It Up’ Parenting Style Kind Of Sucks
Psychologists think taking selfies all the time could be a sign of a mental illness
How To Deal With Tantrums
A Psychological Explanation for Kids’ Love of Dinosaurs
The brain benefits of your child's dinosaur obsession
The Right Brain Develops First ~ Why Play is the Foundation for Academic Learning
We were in our 20s and we didn't have a clue.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite." - William Blake
"When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic, Time takes on the strain until it breaks; Then all the unattended stress falls in On the mind like an endless, increasing weight.." - John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us
For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Shortest Days Of The Year, And The Worst Traffic Of The Season
Idaho Leads U.S. As Fastest Growing State, Census Bureau Reports
30 Most Exciting Food Cities in America 2017. Portland is not on the list..surprise!
Is This The Saddest Christmas Tree In The World?
Science says holiday music is bad for your mental health
Lying to your kids about Santa might be good for their development, my kiddo hasn't asked it yet. So not lying involved.
Illinois Holocaust Museum Preserves Survivors' Stories — As Holograms
On Christmas Eve, Pass The Pierogi And The Memories
The “backlash” against Star Wars: The Last Jedi, explained
Why We Kiss Under Mistletoe And Toast With Eggnog
Smør Bullar: The Classic Danish Christmas Cookie No One Has Heard Of
At Christmas, The Swedish Smörgåsbord Redefines Over The Top
America Stresses Over Making Time for Holiday Cheer


U.N. Votes Overwhelmingly To Condemn U.S. Decision On Jerusalem
Trump's bullying and bluster on Jerusalem is bad news for the UN
UN votes resoundingly to reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as capital
UN votes to condemn Trump's Jerusalem decision "Some of the United States' closest allies moved to condemn the decision. The United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan, among others, voted in favor of the resolution. Other allies, like Canada, Mexico and Australia, abstained. "
Canada to abstain from UN vote condemning Trump Jerusalem move
Nikki Haley’s Right: Time to Start ‘Taking Names’ at the U.N.. Although the writer of this article is in support of your action, Bully Nikki Haley, you have 128 names to take.
'US Will Be Taking Names' Of U.N. Votes On Jerusalem Resolution
Hispanic Identity Fades Across Generations as Immigrant Connections Fall Away
Trump to Open the Door for Oil Drilling Off U.S.’s East Coast
Latino Identity Fades As Immigrant Ties Weaken, Study Finds
Sorry Folks, Climate Change Won't Make Chocolate Taste Better
Oregon increasing reliant on newcomers for population growth
How To Survive Climate Change? Clues Are Buried In The Arctic

Winter Solstice Festival

Dōngzhì Festival
Winter Solstice: The Science of the Shortest Day of 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

‘Keep your flame lit, and you will never feel darkness.’ - J Parker
NTSB: Amtrak Washington Train Traveling At 80 MPH In 30 MPH Zone
Derailment Probe Looks At Speed, As Critics Cite Amtrak's 'Lax Safety Culture'
Fewer than half of U.S. kids today live in a ‘traditional’ family
Children in single-parent families
Single Parent Statistics; census Data on the Number of Kids Being Raised By One Parent
Your Mood Depends on the Food You Eat, and What You Should Eat Changes as You Age
Older Adults' Forgetfulness Tied To Faulty Brain Rhythms In Sleep
#MeToo movement highlights question for parents: How to raise good men.. How to raise good men! I am work on my raising my son to be a good man!
This mom's journey through divorce and illness reminds us why single moms are heroes.
I'm Not Lucky to Share Custody of My Kids
You’re Going To Miss It
Friends of a certain age
The Science Of Emotional Regulation
What to Say to Little Kids Instead of "Say Sorry"
Why Blocks Are the Ultimate Toy for Kids of All Ages
There’s a surprising science behind making friends, and this psychologist is teaching it.
Jesus Demands Separate Presents For Birthday & Christmas This Year
How to Strengthen Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence
Making the Ask
The Problem with Midlife Is That We Think Life Is Over
Volunteering Is the Best Kept Secret for Mental Health
The Symptom Of Depression We Don’t Talk About
Your Family Matters - Seven tips for a more peaceful Christmas

So true so true... take that Mister.

It's not what people say that offends us, it's what we hear. #mondaymusings - K.C. from L.C.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Post-Alabama, Democrats See A Slim Path To A Senate Majority, But Challenges Remain
Week Ahead: Trump Might Get His Tax Bill, But That Might Be It Until After 2018
Why Trump Continues To Forge An Unlikely Bond With Religious Conservatives
Grad Students' Tuition Waivers Will Remain Untaxed, After All
CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity
What Does #MeToo Have to Do with the Gender Pay Gap? Both Are Symptoms of the Suppression of Women’s Power in the Workplace
Is the Affordable Care Act Helping Consumers Get Health Care? YES YES YES! Two-thirds of people who used their ACA plan to get care wouldn’t have been able to get this care prior to enrolling.
Tax Bill: John Cornyn Says Tax Cut Potentially Benefiting Bob Corker Was Part Of Effort To Secure Votes For Passage
Roy Moore's White Female Voters Are Part Of A Long History Of Internalized Misogyny
CHART: How The New Version Of The Republican Tax Bill Would Affect You
I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
‘Never fear shadows. They simply mean there’s a light shining somewhere nearby.’ Ruth E Renkel
Amtrak Train Derails On Overpass In Washington, Causing 'Multiple Fatalities'
Amtrak train derails, hangs over I-5 in Washington; injuries and deaths reported

Thank you. Neveh Shalom

“Against an age of alienation, isolation and polarization, we are building a community of connection and encounter. Our goal is to fulfill the prophet Isaiah’s dream: Neveh Shalom will be a house for people of all backgrounds, orientations, genders and viewpoints. We will then share our culture with the larger community and world.” – Rabbi David Kosak
PHOTOS: Animals That Could Disappear Because Of Us
What If Life On Earth Didn't Start On Earth?
Vancouver, B.C. cracks down on Airbnb with tough new short-term rental regulations
Portland is the 5th worst place to drive in nation, according to Waze
Macron Awards U.S. Climate Scientists Grants To 'Make Our Planet Great Again'
Allegations Against Celebrity Chefs Reveal Abuse In The Restaurant Industry
An $846,000 Inheritance Got Lost In Transit. That Was In February


Neo-Nazi Recruitment Flyers Found Littering Downtown Portland on Saturday Night
Can It Happen Here?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

“That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." - Star Wars: The Last Jedi , 2018
‘The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen.’ - G K Chesterton

Saturday, December 16, 2017

DIABETES  2045; An Emergency in Slow Motion
According to Science, Curcumin Removes Fluoride From the Brain
A Couple of Truths About Adulthood That No One Tells You
As a Doctor, I’m Sick of All The Health Care Freeloaders.. CHIP need to stay!!!!!
Son Says, “I Don’t Love You, Mommy”
When “I Don’t Love You” Isn’t Just a Phase
As taxes rise, we can’t forget our youngest residents
Jimmy Kimmel, With Son Billy in Tow, Delivers Tear-Filled Plea for Children’s Health Insurance
This 12-Month Self-Care Challenge Will Be the Only Resolution You Actually Keep
Sperm donor must pay child support to lesbian couple, court rules .. hm... interesting...
Why Chinese People Are Afraid of ‘Yeet Hay’
You Got This Mama! Here’s 25 Things To Feel Confident About Right Now As A New Mom I DID IT! So happy and proud of myself.
Joe Biden and Meghan McCain deliver a feel-good moment of bipartisanship
Life Well Spent
Almost half of Fortune 500 companies were founded by American immigrants or their children
100 Tweets That Made British People Piss Themselves In 2017
How to Use Social Media in Your Career
Ed Lee, San Francisco mayor who tried to tame the city's tech boom, dies at 65 , we are losing a hero, an advocate.
一代文壇巨匠 華文世界痛惜 余光中病逝 《鄉愁》成絕詠
「民間特首」獲樹仁大學肯定 華仔榮升博士:希望傳承文化
Waitress, 25, is killed after she is pushed in front of a train in random attack at a subway station in Romania
Happy Hanukkah! May we all be filled by the miracles of light, laughter, and latkes.

Friday, December 15, 2017

"Basically you’re not allowed to breathe, unless you take their permission."

Why the Trump Era Won’t Pass Without Serious Damage to America
The case for normalizing impeachment
Got Student Loans? Trump’s Tax Plan Might Actually Horrify You
Sarah Sanders: Trump OK With Businesses Hanging Antigay Signs
Trump Judicial Nominee Can’t Answer Basic Questions About The Law In Disastrous Hearing
How The House Tax Overhaul Bill Could Hurt Affordable Housing
Video Shows Trump Judicial Nominee Unable To Answer Basic Questions Of Law.. this swamp of Trumpland is bad.. and a life time appointment to the court will mean my kid's future is in jeopardy.. HELL NO.
State leaders announce steps to protect net neutrality
Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory About Alabama Election Gets A Brutal Reality Check
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee promises state action on net-neutrality protections
Oregon Likely to Join Lawsuit Against FCC on Net Neutrality
New York AG to sue FCC over net neutrality repeal
‘Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.’ - Anthony J D’Angelo
Why the Silence Breakers Are TIME's Person of the Year 2017
Time’s Person of the Year: ‘The Silence Breakers’ for speaking out against sexual harassment
Weinstein, Hefner and the poor excuse that explains a lot


real and surreal
The path to enlightenment is not a path at all, it's actually a metaphor for the time it takes for you to allow yourself to be happy with who you already are, where you already are, and what you already have... no matter what. Just do it, The Universe
"What saddens me is that the agency that is supposed to protect you is abandoning you, but what I am pleased to be able to say is the fight to save net neutrality does not end today. This agency does not have, the final word. Thank goodness." ~ FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn | via The Verge Read the dissenting statements of the Democratic FCC commissioners slamming net neutrality repeal
FCC Votes to Kill Net Neutrality, Capping a Year of Endless Bullshit
Former Facebook Exec: 'You Don’t Realize It But You Are Being Programmed'
So men are afraid after #MeToo? Think about what it's like for women
New Facebook App for Children Ignites Debate Among Families
Health Care Costs Push A Staggering Number Of People Into Extreme Poverty
Why Do So Many People Hate Obamacare So Much?
In Reaction To Trump, Democratic Candidates Surge In Deep-Red Texas
'I Came, I Saw, I Selfied': How Instagram Transformed The Way We Experience Art
How A Female Engineer Built A Public Case Against A Sexual Harasser In Silicon Valley
How Sexual Harassment Can Damage Your Health

Thursday, December 14, 2017

How to Be a Parent Your Child Wants to Talk To
Yes, It’s Your Parents’ Fault Punishment?
"Real happiness comes from within, from a strong sense of self, from growing as a human being, from being a decent person. So if your core self is rotten, if you are severely disconnected, if you are not growing, and if you are a hurtful person, it’s impossible to be genuinely happy. The best you can do is desperately manage your shaky and skewed false self. So what’s a malignant narcissist’s punishment? It’s their existence. It’s their inner prison. It’s waking up every day into their life that—despite possessions, power, and status symbols that they may have—they hate deep down. And then one day they die, and it’s all over. That’s the sad reality of a wasted and miserable life. And that’s their natural punishment. " What’s a Narcissist’s Punishment?
The Surprising Effects of Loneliness on Health
8 Things A Parent Should Never Say To Their Child.. so glad that I don't use it.
As Marriage Standards Change, A Therapist Recommends 'Rethinking Infidelity'
How A Deregulated Internet Could Hurt America's Classrooms
6 Tactics Narcissists Will Use To Silence You
Can Your Ceramic Cookware Give You Lead Poisoning?
Where's the Christmas Magic When You're Broke?
This Year, Consider Giving Presence Instead Of Presents
Could Probiotics Protect Kids From A Downside Of Antibiotics?
'Messages of Shame Are Organized Around Gender'
Gender Stereotypes Are Messing with Your Kid
Shaming Children Is Emotionally Abusive
10 ways to absolutely improve toddler communication
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller
‘We light candles in testament that faith makes miracles possible.’ - Nacho Braverman
Happiness is when, one doesn't need to seek outside validation to feel accepted. In your heart, you know you are good enough. - #ScienceOfHappiness
Magnitude 3.9 Earthquake Strikes Near Molalla, Felt In Portland
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." - William Arthur Ward

Warm Holiday Wishes From UConn, Jonathan

Retweeted Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA): I hope Roy Moore's defeat is a lesson to all Republicans that no matter how many kids you fuck NEVER admit to having a jew lawyer Retweeted Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn): Hey @MooreSenate, please don’t take the wrong way. But go fuck yourself. It’ll be the first time you’ll be doing that to someone your own age. Alabama, you are close to making me relieved. I cannot say proud since half a million people just voted for Moore...but you are close to giving me relief (and possibly hope). - C.J.G.
The Price Black Voters Paid to Defeat Roy Moore
In New Documentary “Priced Out,” A North Portland Resident Explains Why She’s No Longer Pro-Gentrification
Portland, I Love You but You're Forcing Me Out
Is the Rental Housing Explosion Over?
How Seattle Killed Micro-Housing
Alabama Has the Worst Poverty in the Developed World, U.N. Official Says
Raw sewage, hookworm and civil rights: UN official shocked at poverty in rural Alabama
Oregon politician celebrates high holidays, gives colleague weed socks
10 things we would rather see leave Portland than the Fred Meyer at 82nd and Foster
Black Voters, Mothers, and Millennials Carried Doug Jones to Victory
'Black Votes Matter': African-Americans Propel Jones To Alabama Win
Footage shows Trump with some accusers after he claimed he ‘never met’ women
Trump's 'Closing Argument' On Taxes, Annotated
This Mouse Swallows Part Of A Fox: Disney Buys Most Of Murdoch Empire
FCC Set To Repeal 'Net Neutrality' Rules For Internet Providers
As FCC Prepares Net-Neutrality Vote, Study Finds Millions of Fake Comments
Unhappy 10th Anniversary, Great Recession. You Still Hurt Us
Schools Disagree Over How To Prepare For Active Shooters
"A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes."- USA Today Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom?
PBS Host Tavis Smiley Suspended After Sexual Misconduct Investigation #metoo movement is cool.
2 Firms To Investigate Allegations Against Tom Ashbrooku18m
Fed Raises Interest Rates Again As Economy Rolls On
White House: Nomination of Alabama Lawyer Brett Talley 'Will Not Be Moving Forward'
Trump Gives Final Tax Pitch As GOP Lawmakers Reach A Deal On A Bill
Mario Batali Steps Aside From His Restaurants Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations.. oh.. more reasons for me to dislike him!...
"Happy Chanukah, everyone. I don't care if you're Jewish or not. This year, it's a holy day for all those who refuse to allow monstrous asshats who have seized power to defile our most cherished institutions." - Wilhelmina Spicehandler

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

‘There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.’- Edith Wharton
Don't compare your life to others. There's no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it's their time. -
Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dream. - Paulo Coelho
Abbas Says U.S. Shouldn't Lead Mideast Peace Process, Citing Jerusalem Policy
Palestinian President Says U.S. No Longer Qualified To Broker Peace Talks
Recycling Chaos In U.S. As China Bans 'Foreign Waste'
Reports of crimes against Asians are rising in some cities. Police are working to figure out why.
Vera Katz, a longtime Portland mayor, dies at 84
This Year's Christmas Tree Shortage Has Roots In The Recession
Worries Grow In Hong Kong As China Pushes Its Official Version Of History In Schools
To Some Zionist Christians And Jews, The Bible Says Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

‘We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.’- Ben Sweetland
6 Totally Fun and Kid-Friendly DIY Menorahs to Make This Hanukkah
Hanukkah 2017: 22 quotes, poems, messages and greetings to share with loved ones
Eight Themes of Hanukkah
The Real Miracle of Hanukkah
Abba, Can I Have a Christmas Tree?
Celebrating Hanukkah: Potato Latke

Hanukkah starts at sundown!

Ryan eyes push for 'entitlement reform' in 2018
Donald Trump’s Approval Rating Hits New Record Low, Making Him the Most Unpopular President in Poll History
The World Has Taken Trump’s Measure
Is the GOP Congress Calling for a Patagonia Boycott?
Dear Al Franken: I’ll Miss You, But You Can’t Matter Anymore
The 19 Women Who Accused President Trump of Sexual Misconduct
President Trump Is Sending NASA Back To The Moon... for what? He just want to bankroll more of his crooks.
After Court Ruling, Military Will Accept Openly Transgender Recruits As Of Jan. 1
Nikki Haley Says 'We Should All Be Willing To Listen' To Trump Accusers
Poll: Discrimination Against Women Is Common Across Races, Ethnicities, Identities
Colbert Brings Down The House By Using Trump’s Words Against Don Jr.

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Myth Of Trump's Economic Populism, As Proved By The Tax Bill
Trump Watches Up To 8 Hours Of TV Per Day
Truck Ad Featuring Ivanka Trump Bashing Roy Moore Trolls Dad’s Rally
Cory Booker Calls On Donald Trump To Resign Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations
GOP bill would eliminate student loan forgiveness for public service
Tax Bill Could Offer New Way To Funnel Political Cash — And Make It Tax-Deductible
Senate Republicans Made a $289 Billion Mistake in the Handwritten Tax Bill They Passed at 2 a.m. Go Figure.
Living with the Republican Tax Plan
Gay man who was denied marriage license by Kim Davis is running for her job
For the first time in 7 years, there are more homeless in US .. the tax plan will add that to the housing crisis.. good luck to us all. Kim Davis Once Denied Him A Marriage License. Now Kentucky Man Seeks Her Job.I hope he will win. As GOP Lawmakers Eye Cutting Estate Tax, Will They Increase Income Inequality?
House Passes Bill To Allow 'Concealed Carry' Across State Lines
Religious Leaders Divided Over Trump's Jerusalem Decision
Former S.C. Officer Who Killed Walter Scott Sentenced To 20 Years In Prison...finally... justice!
Conyers Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations. When Sexual Harassment allegations hit the democratic Politicians, they resigned, apologized and took the blame. When Sexual harassment allegations hit the GOP, they said the women lied and they could just kept "grab their pussy".
Sen. Al Franken Announces He Will Resign 'In The Coming Weeks'
For LGBTQ People Of Color, Discrimination Compounds
Poll: Asian-Americans See Individuals' Prejudice As Big Discrimination Problem
Homeless Population Rises, Driven By West Coast Affordable-Housing Crisis
Trump Administration Delays Decision On Race, Ethnicity Data For Census
Is Trump Waging A Hidden Campaign Against Mitt Romney?
Trump Orders Largest National Monument Reduction In U.S. History
POLL: Trump's Opposition Firmer Than His Support
Is This The Right Time For a Big Tax Cut?
To create one's own world takes courage - Georgia O'Keeffe
"We get so fixated on the job we want or the person we’re dating because we don’t think there will be another. But there’s always another." - Modren Love, The New York Times

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Happy Birthday! I love you so much my loving son!

For my beloved, you are my shining star. Dear son, I want you to know Day after day, as you grow Lose your fears, not your confidence Make meaning of, your existence Say goodbye, to every worry Live life king size and be carefree These are words, that may be few But to live well, they will guide you I love you I always wish the best for you in life As you deserve every bit in strive Baby stay as you are so loving You are my most adorable son I love you so much! I can’t put into words How much I love you But it’s enough to fill The skies above so blue How happy you make me I cannot express Without you my life Would be worthless I love you

Thursday, December 07, 2017

How Does Beauty Feel?
How trauma affects our relationship with our bodies
Even Low-Dose Contraceptives Slightly Increase Breast Cancer Risk
14 Things To Never Post About Your Relationship On Social Media
The New Dating Hazards You Need To Know About
8 Characteristics Of A Truly Amazing Girlfriend.. wow..I am amazing and fabulous, just not to them.
Scientists Train Bacteria To Build Unnatural Proteins
7 Ways You Can Protect Yourself From Outrageous Medical Bills
Tantrums and Meltdowns – My Secret For Staying Calm When My Kids Aren’t
50 Things I’ve Done Since My Divorce That You Should Do Too. Great list and i have done majority of it! Woohoo!
When your mind is grounded in whatever in front of you no situation is too devastating to handle. The devastation is when the mind runs to the past (comparing and regretting) or the future (what it means in or anticipating the future). Don't look back nor anticipate, nothing is that hard anymore. That's how I lead a stress-free life. One thing at a time, right here right now. - Katarina Phang
Be Strong Enough To Let Go And Patient Enough To Wait For What You Deserve -
"Please consider wrapping fewer presents this season for people that do not really need anything, and giving more to organizations and people that really do need help."- K.A.
"Being happy never goes out of style." - Lilly Pulitzer
Can Celebrity Scientists Change The Way People Think About Science And Religion?
This Food Critic's Quest To Eat A Taco A Day For A Year Is Almost A Wrap
Haute Dots Of Sauce: Culinary Art Or A Horror Show On A Plate?
It's Not Just A Bug, It's A Fine-Dining Feature At This Thailand Restaurant
Across The World, If You Eat For Your Health, You'll Help The Planet
Is Life Better Now Than 50 Years Ago? The Answer May Depend On The Economy
Credit Rating Agency Issues Warning On Climate Change To Cities
Two new Earth Explorer concepts to understand our rapidly changing world

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Monday, December 04, 2017

Republicans in Congress have complained about the deficit for eight years. (Before that, they famously passed W’s tax cuts without cutting spending leading to massive deficits.) Tonight, they have chosen to pass a tax cut that - on its face - results in a massive deficit and (assuming that the tax cuts to everyone who isn’t a corporate entity) are continued, even larger deficits in the future. They did this with the vague assertions that “economic growth” would pay for the cuts. They have failed to offer even one economic projection that supports this. Neither party has clean hands on this issue. And the deficit is a growing problem that absolutely must be addressed. But it is sickening to watch this form of hypocrisy. Exactly what does the (national) Republican Party stand for if it cedes all pretense of fiscal responsibility and flagrantly ignores nonpartisan budget office projections? I’m not convinced there is much left in that shell that isn’t encapsulated as “social issues.” --- CJ Graves

Friday, December 01, 2017

“You’re not on a quest to save the world but to save yourself.. and in doing so, you save the world” - Joseph Campbell

We are crossing this one off

Great wolf lodge
Live life to the fullest. Always love yourself. - R. Jain
Spread the love, we have for each other! It's not a huge thing to ask, but the impacts might turn into a tidal wave the further this action gets out of our hands! Be good, and sow good things through your actions! - Peter K.

Winter fun and goals

Polar Express ride/
Christmas in Oregon garden
7 days of living liked a kid in Portland
25 awesome indoor activites for kids in Portland
Holiday light displays in Portland