Thursday, November 30, 2017

Please get all these crooks out of the White house please!

MSNBC analyst blames ‘carnival barker’ Trump’s ‘insane governing style’ for leading US to the brink of war
Sarah Huckabee Sanders just tacitly endorsed using anti-Muslim propaganda
University Graduate Students Walk Out To Protest Tax Plan That Hurts Them
Settle In: Russia Investigation Likely To Last Much Longer Than White House Says
'Chaos' Is At The Heart Of The Trump Camp's Defense. But It Can Cut Both Ways
Man Who Deactivated Trump's Twitter Account: 'I Didn't Break Any Rules'
Keystone Spill Likely Caused By Construction Damage, Investigators Say
Sen. Jeff Flake Plans Series Of Speeches Targeting Trump On Facts And Truth GO ROUGE from GOP, way to go, Jeff! You have guts!
FACT CHECK: President Trump's Tax Speech In Missouri
Eric Trump Defends Dad’s ‘Pocahontas’ Slur, But Twitter Claps Back Hard
The Note: Trump can only distract for so long from dysfunction and inaction
Families of Navajo Code Talkers decry Trump's political jab
Trump Brings Up 'Pocahontas' At Event Honoring Navajo Code Talkers
Woodland woman starts Ladle of Love to feed those in need
Cowlitz County joins lawsuit over methanol permit decision , it is fascinating to see how local Politics mingle with business and in the mix of economical growth, environment, energy and trade.
Without Chinese Buyers, Northwest Recycling Becomes Trash

I love it.

" None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Walk in the ocean. Say the truth you are carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else" Anthony Hopkins
Science And The Mystery Of The Mind
Scientists Train Bacteria To Build Unnatural Proteins
Laptops Are Great. But Not During a Lecture or a Meeting.
Confused By Your Public School Choices? Hire A Coach.. definitely will need to do a homework when my times come of Gabriel heading to 1st grade
21 Deep-Seated Quotes From Winnie The Pooh That We Should All Remember Those are awesome quotes.
Here Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side!
How To Cope When Your Narcissistic Ex Gaslights The Children
Teaching Kids to Give Thanks Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Them
Do We Buy the Idea of ‘Retail Therapy’?
Negative Emotions Are Key to Well-Being
5 lessons all parents should learn from Buddhism
My 3 favorite podcasts and why listening to them is good for your kids; I love those 3 too
Apps Can Cut Blue Light From Devices, But Do They Help You Sleep?
How to get your mind to read

My mantra of December

Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Love is creative and redemptive. Love builds up and unites; hate tears down and destroys. The aftermath of the ‘fight with fire’ method which you suggest is bitterness and chaos, the aftermath of the love method is reconciliation and creation of the beloved community. Physical force can repress, restrain, coerce, destroy, but it cannot create and organize anything permanent; only love can do that. Yes, love—which means understanding, creative, redemptive goodwill, even for one’s enemies—is the solution to the race problem. —Martin Luther King, Jr., 1957
But the end is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation of the beloved community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opposers into friends. The type of love that I stress here is not eros, a sort of esthetic or romantic love; not philia, a sort of reciprocal love between personal friends; but it is agape which is understanding goodwill for all men. It is an overflowing love which seeks nothing in return. It is the love of God working in the lives of men. This is the love that may well be the salvation of our civilization. from “The Role of the Church in Facing the Nation's Chief Moral Dilemma,” 1957

Truly, there is so much darkness in this world..

Garrison Keillor Accused Of 'Inappropriate Behavior,' Minnesota Public Radio Says.. oh mmmyy.... seriously
In Japan, A Growing Scandal Over Companies Faking Product-Quality Data
Epidemic Of Health Care Waste: From $1,877 Ear Piercing To ICU Overuse
Polish Nationalist Youth March Draws Thousands in Capital
Is Anyone Good Enough for an H-1B Visa?
Ivanka Trump's India visit raises questions about her brand , no sugar coating required, just because she is a pretty woman, she is as bad a her father.
'Washington Post' Says It Foiled Apparent Sting By James O'Keefe's Activist Group

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Top Democrats Pull Out Of Planned Meeting With Trump Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, leader of the House Democrats, announced they would no longer take part after Trump tweeted he doesn't "see a deal" between Democrats and the White House over funding the government past Dec. 8, when current funding is set to expire. Trump did himself a thumb up.
Reaganomics killed America’s middle class
Time fires back at Trump after 'Person of the Year' claim
Meredith Corp. Buys Time Inc. In Koch-Backed Deal, this is awful.
Week Ahead: The Stakes Are About To Get Really High For Republicans
In Hong Kong, Booing China's National Anthem Is About To Get More Risky
U.S. Reverses Its Decision To Close Palestinian Office In D.C.
Trump Takes Twitter Swing at CNN, Simultaneously Puts Foot in His Mouth
Tennis Star Andy Murray Mercilessly Mocks Donald Trump Over Time Magazine Claim
How Republicans Can 'Shoehorn' Temporary Tax Cuts In For Good
Poll: Economists Unanimous That Debt Would Balloon Under GOP Tax Plan

I will teach my kid the truth.

Opinion: Teaching kids about Thanksgiving or Columbus? They deserve the real story

Live life with love and kindness.

30+ Times Celebrity Outfits Were Hilariously Recreated By Former ‘Buffy’ Star Using Only Stuff He Found At Home; this is too funny.. and he does has a lot of free times on hand.
What One Woman Learned During Her Battle With Rare Cancer (And What We Can Learn Too)
In Myanmar, Pope Calls For Unity And Tolerance, But Doesn't Mention Rohingya; disappointing.
Even After 100 Years, People Are Still Reaching For The Moon(Pie)
Sacré Beurre: France Faces A Butter Shortage
Pope Arrives In Myanmar, But What Will He Say About The Rohingya?
Volunteering Abroad? Read This Before You Post That Selfie
Is The Streetwear Market Headed For The Mainstream?
For The Modern Man, The Sweatpant Moves Out Of The Gym

#givetuesday #doingtuesday

"You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want" -Zig Ziglar "Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed. - David Wolfe
"Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun. surround yourself with only those who want to see you grow." - Pavana
One day, someone will love you the way you deserved to be loved and you won't have to fight for it.- David Wolfe

Monday, November 27, 2017

"The mind is a sponge that can't absorb water if it's clenched too tight. It absorbs best when it's lightly supported."- unknown
Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be. - unknown

This is why I left the abusive people.

No amount of security is worth the suffering of a mediocre life chained to a routine that has killed your dream. - Maya Mendoza.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

How to build resilience in midlife
How to Be Better at Stress
Gaslighting: How A Flicker Of Self-Doubt Warps Our Response To Sexual Harassment I BELIEVE MYSELF.
Teaching Kids to Give Thanks Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Them
My wife flies into uncontrollable rages with me and the children
We Expect Too Much From Our Romantic Partners
What Made Me Question My Parenting
The Doyenne of DNA Says: Just Chillax With Your Ex
When the bottom drops out: How losing my marriage made me more thankful
This Is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means, Because It’s Not All Salt Baths And Chocolate Cake
What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life? not really..happiness, yes, peaceful, yea, healthy, yeah
15 Single Moms Share The Lowkey Creepy Things Their Dates Have *Actually* Said To Them
Holiday festivities get underway throughout Vancouver
Human Brains Have Evolved Unique 'Feel-Good' Circuits
Adult Siblings Can Make Our Lives Healthier And Happier
Why The Longer You've Been Single, The Better You'll Be In A Relationship
What's The Difference Between A Scheduled C-Section & An Emergency C-Section? OB-GYNs Weigh In
Divorced Couple Shares Each Side Of Their Love Story
If you ever feel heartbroken, you know degraded, alone and invisible, regardless of how seemingly "small" the reason, you can breathe deeply into the emptiness. It will not be easy at first but you will go there because nowhere else has any significance to you now. So you will reluctantly breathe into what you fear is an abyss in your soul-a fundamental crack in your constitution, an unhealable scab. As you breathe there and keep breathing there, not because you want to but because you are desperate to know it, you will eventually find this odd nectar underneath that buried shame, fear and anger. It will be like striking gold and you'll keep breathing and breathing into a place in your own heart reserved just for moments like these. You may tell yourself you opened your heart too quickly at times (and too slowly at others) but you can't dictate the speed of your love. You can only stay with it and stay with yourself, when there's nowhere else that feels safe. The nectar you find will be healing and you will want to hang out with it. It will let you let go of the outcome of your love out there and receive the income of your love in here. - Chaya Grossberg

Friday, November 24, 2017

10 overrated (and yet beloved) holiday traditions from a Portland Grinch
Ancient Trees: This Woman Spent 14 Years Photographing The World’s Oldest Trees
Thanksgiving as a kid VS Thanksgiving as an adult
3 driving tips to make Seattle traffic slightly less awful
Why you can't afford a house: Salary needed to buy in Portland is among highest in U.S.
In East Portland, Trying To Build Community In A Planner's Nightmare
Can a New Portland Museum Save Chinatown’s History?
"Sometimes you have to give up the life you planned, to get the better life that's waiting for you." - Unknown
In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same. - Albert Einstein
If you don't leave your past in the past, it will destroy your future. Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away. - unknown.
Trump Wine: Local Promotion Or Presidential Product Placement? So WRONG.
How The U.S. Defines Race And Ethnicity May Change Under Trump
Are Women Really Victims? Four Women Weigh In
Uma Thurman breaks silence on Harvey Weinstein, saying #metoo
Sarah Huckabee Sanders will regret asking April Ryan what she’s thankful for this Thanksgiving
Uma Thurman To Harvey Weinstein: “I’m Glad It’s Going Slowly, You Don’t Deserve A Bullet… Stay Tuned”
What White House staff should be thankful for, according to Stephen Colbert
Trump just rage-tweeted about a prominent African-American again

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Teaching Kids Respect – 6 Highly Effective Tips
7 Things Your Kids Will Remember About You When They're Grown Up
Can We Please Stop Gaslighting Our Kids?
A definitive ranking of Thanksgiving sides
For Many Native Americans, Fall Is The Least Wonderful Time Of The Year
Touring FICO Eataly World, a Magical Kingdom of Pasta
Asian-American chefs and food lovers share their takes on holiday classics
What The Industry Knew About Sugar's Health Effects, But Didn't Tell Us
Deciding At What Age To Give A Kid A Smartphone
A New Look At Defiant Children
“Accordingly, happiness lies always in the future, or else in the past, and the present may be compared to a small dark cloud driven by the wind over the sunny plain; in front of and behind the cloud everything is bright, only it itself always casts a shadow.” - ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER
There is always something to be thankful for. - Life is good.
"I've never seen any life transformation that didn't begin with the person in question finally getting tired of their own bullshit." - Elizabeth Gilbert

"How Great Thou Art"

It was special moment, I enjoyed the movie and company. It is wickedly cool.

This has been a special place for me. I am sad to see it go.

Lompoc Brewing Closes Hedge House Pub After 14 Years on SE Division

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"We must accept finite disappointment, but we use never lose infinite hope." MLK

Little did I know! Wow

Haya (هيا) is an Arabic word derived from the word ‘Hayat’ which means Life. In English, this can be translated as modesty, shyness, self-respect, bashfulness, honor and humility.
The things you re passionate about are not random, they are your calling. - Fabienne Fredrickson

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sean Hannity Gets Brutally Rejected By Attorney For Moore Accuser; he is not even a journalist, he is tv personality.
Mortified mom of teen charged in Eagle Creek fire speaks: 'This is a trauma for him' I am doing my best to find compassion and kindness in this situation.
SNL Skewers Alum Al Franken, Trump Sons
Trump reverses Obama-era ban on import of elephant trophies from Zimbabwe
Navy Apologizes After Pilot Uses Plane To Draw A Sky Penis
In Pitch-Perfect Retort, New Zealand PM Told Trump: 'No One Marched When I Was Elected'
Pentagon retweets call for Donald Trump to resign
UNICEF Report: 300 Million Cases Of Violence Against Children Ages 2 To 4 This makes me angry.
PHOTOS: Peep At The Toilets Of 7 Families Around The World
Prize-Winning Photos Show A Different Side Of Instagram
How to Sleep
This Is Your Brain on Gluten
Where Are All the Nannies on Instagram?
Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach
Keystone Pipeline Spills 200,000 Gallons of Oil
New Numbers On Child Labor Are Not Encouraging
California’s Plastic Bag Ban Appears to Be Kicking Some Major Ass

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Jake Tapper Rips Trump: People In Glass White Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones
When trying to determine why the US has so many mass shootings, only one statistic matters
How Trump walked into Putin’s web
Why Men Aren’t Funny
If we can’t stop gun violence, we can plan for it
Franken backs ethics investigation after woman accuses him of groping her
'Times' Reporters Describe How A Paper Trail Helped Break The Weinstein Story
Legal Landscape Shifts As More Sexual Harassment Allegations Surface Online
Shaken By Trump, Senators Ask: What Stops Him From Launching Nukes?
From Cattle To Capital: How Agriculture Bred Ancient Inequality
New Study Finds That 4.2 Million Kids Experience Homelessness Each Year
First Trials Begin For Those Charged Over Inauguration Day Rioting
What If We Treated Gun Violence Like A Public Health Crisis?
Fox News’ Shepherd Smith debunks his network’s Hillary Clinton ‘scandal’ story, infuriates viewers
Twitter Slams Donald Trump For Tweeting Condolences About The Wrong Mass Shooting
"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your big adventure." --Joseph Campbell
I wanted to share this with all the MOTHERS out there! Yes, you are appreciated, even you may not feel it! You are valued, but again, you might not see it. You are loved, but might not recognize it! Thank you, moms, for all you do! - Peter K
Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway.
Battle Lines Drawn as GOP Moves Closer to 'Greatest Transfer of Wealth to the Super-Rich in Modern American History'
Over-friendly, or sexual harassment? It depends partly on whom you ask
How Cutting Taxes Makes Life Worse for the Rich
The Term 'Hypocrisy' Doesn't Even Do It Justice
How Education Reform Ate the Democratic Party
Jaime Herrera Beutler #rubberstamp
Michelle Obama on dealing with difficult times: 'Don't tweet nasty stuff'
Seth Meyers Calls Out Al Franken For ‘Horrifying’ Groping Photo
Older Americans Were Sicker and Faced More Financial Barriers to Health Care Than Counterparts in Other Countries
The House Just Voted to Bankrupt Graduate Students
POINT-IN-TIME. Count of Homelessness in Portland/Gresham/Multnomah County, Oregon
Will Seattle see more homeless when spending changes hit?
Why You Shouldn't Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen This don't really agree...
Portland to begin requiring energy scores for homes before they hit the market
Male Engineering Student Pens Letter Explaining Why Female Classmates Aren’t His Equals
Here is the Portland's best 10 restaurants
Women Aren’t Ruining Food
89-Year-Old Japanese Grandma Discovers Photography, Can’t Stop Taking Hilarious Self-Portraits Now
Why don't NW drivers honk? It's personal
Anthony Bourdain brought ‘Parts Unknown’ to Seattle — here’s where he ate
Introducing Portland's chef 'family tree'

Free zoo day

Oregon Zoo offers free admission on Sunday, Nov. 19

Friday, November 17, 2017

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." -- Hamilton Wright Mabie

Thursday, November 16, 2017

“If you are grateful for where you are, you gotta respect the road that got you there.” - Cleo Wade

Yes.. entitled boys and men!

8 guys reveal how they feel bout dating single moms
Michelle Obama Told Parents To Stop Babying Their Sons And Latinas Blew Up Twitter With A Whole Lot of “YAS” , oh.. and the Romanian too!
Use this Emotional Cue to Turn Other People’s Infuriating Opinions into Your Highest Lessons.. cue to love... (ma version as.. treat the unkind with kindness
This Speech Proves Tracee Ellis Ross Is the Life Coach You Never Knew You Needed
Yes, You Do Need to Be Worried About Child Trafficking
The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem
104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Recommends These 14 Healthy Pieces of Advice
5 Ways Teens Changed My Parenting Style
Half-Chinese share how they feel about being biracial in Beijing, I am very much inspired to raise Gabe that will has awareness of his diverse background in a growing xenophobic society.
The Gray Rock Method Of Dealing With A Narcissist When No Contact Isn’t An Option
5 Signs That You Have A Threenager!
Increased Hours Online Correlate With An Uptick In Teen Depression, Suicidal Thoughts
Neuroscientists reveal the number one exercise for slowing down the agingprocess, woohoo.. I am loving it.. I feel great!
Marry the person who will help you to the bathroom.. well said.. but he was the kind of person, stomped me hard when I am down.. so why would he care?
The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a Marriage
Joe, good luck., btw, good luck to whoever you will marry to.
The Most Common Reasons Marriages Fail, According To Divorce Lawyers

Getting ready for kiddos school picture?

Thought YOUR school photo was bad? Epic mullets, gawky glasses and awkward poses revealed in incredible Yearbook portraits

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

GOP Senator Comes Out Against Tax Plan As It Undergoes Changes
Hate in America: Where it comes from and why it's back
Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah on Trump, Putin and who to believe in Best of Late Night
Diana Nyad: My Life After Sexual Assault
President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days, that's, at least, 5 per day.
'Drain The Swamp'? Hardly. Washington Appears More Stuck In The Muck Than Ever
Republican Senators Add Repeal Of Individual Health Care Mandate To Tax Bill.. these people have no shame, and brains...
‘Daily Show’s’ Trevor Noah: Trump Is Just as Fat as Kim Jong Un
Several States Roll Back 'Retroactive Medicaid,' A Buffer For The Poor
GOP Tax Cuts Expected To Push Up Nation's Debt
CHARTS: Here's How GOP's Tax Breaks Would Shift Money To Rich, Poor Americans
Grad Students Would Be Hit By Massive Tax Hike Under House GOP Plan
Three Richest Americans Now Own More Wealth Than Bottom Half of US Combined: Report
Senate plans disastrous tax on vesting that could kill stock compensation
None of us can exist in isolation. Our lives and existence are supported by others in seen and unseen ways, be it by parents, mentors or society at large. To be aware of these connections, to feel appreciation for them, and to strive to give something back to society in a spirit of gratitude is the proper way for human beings to live. - Daisuka Ikeda
“Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not.” - William James
“Everything you thought was true Look at what it’s done for you You scream into the sky Hallelujah In due time, in due time.” –Noah Kahan, Hallelujah
"It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings." - Ann Landers

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

7 Ways You're Unknowingly Shaming Your Child
The High Cost of Caring
Free Money: The Surprising Effects of a Basic Income Supplied by Government
Asian-American Cuisine’s Rise, and Triumph
When your toddler defies you, love is the answer I love you forever.
How a Parent’s Affection Shapes a Child’s Happiness for Life hug hug hug kiss kiss kiss. :)
6 Rules I’d Never Use For My Toddlers, love these.
Maternal Instinct, or O.C.D.?
For a Single Mother, an Alternate Reality, some alternate that doesn't really fit my case, however, I wish that sometimes...
4 Parenting Practices That Would Never Fly Today (And 1 Modern Practice We Should Ditch, Too),yeah.. not really plan to do these 4..
How to Stay Calm? The Same Way You Get to Carnegie Hall " he is not giving you a hard time, he is having hard time " works for me.
Sexism Starts in ChildhoodSexism Starts in Childhood
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
How to Hire Fake Friends and Family
What Makes Wagyu Beef Smell So Good? Science Explains
Um, Uh, Huh? Are These Words Clues To Understanding Human Language?
The Secrets of Resilience
How Fake News Works: Tens of Millions of Americans Would Flunk Any Basic Civics Class; willful ignorance; nicely put.
Woman Gets Up and Leaves After Date Says He Voted for Trump YES!
John McCain uses Trump's favourite insult against him after he fails to raise human rights with Duterte
Supreme Court Takes On Case About Free Speech And Abortion
Hate Crimes Up In 2016, FBI Statistics Show
I like what jimmy said about his toddler daughter and her eating habit. The ‘Paradise Papers’ expose Trump’s fake populism
America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 17 maps and charts
What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer
Younger voters drove historic wins on election night

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

WALL OF SHAME: The NRA Gave These 9 Senators Over $22 Million To Vote Down Gun Laws (CHART)
U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials
What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer
President Trump Was Elected A Year Ago — And Americans Are Feeling Aggrieved
Gun Violence: Comparing The U.S. With Other Countries
America’s unique gun violence problem, explained in 17 maps and charts
First a fee increase, is privatization of the parks next?
Hurricane Maria: More than 900 people in Puerto Rico have died after the tropical storm
Understanding the Fox News Propaganda Machine
Big Oil Has A Diversity Problem
Life... Put a smile on that pretty little face. Throw back your shoulders, hold up your head and don't let the world know that you are unhappy. - Karl McBride, Ph.D, Author of Will I Ever Be Good Enough
What makes you happy?
Sleepless Night Leaves Some Brain Cells As Sluggish As You Feel
In the shadow of a racist past, Portland still struggles to be welcoming to all its residents
Portland matches Seattle in 'severely unaffordable' housing ranking, makes Top 10 behind Calif. cities
A Letter of Love to the Devastated Soul
Are You a Hair-Twirler, Nail-Biter or Knuckle-Cracker?
Alexa, Are You Safe For My Kids?
How to Overcome The Pathological Lies Of The Narcissist And Win The Divorce, Settlement And Custody Battles
What Is a ‘Super Single’? Am I One? How Do I Know?

La Multi Ani to my son and to his father. St. Mihail & Gavriil

Today is St Michael and St Gabriel's Day in the Orthodox calendar
Name day
Romanian Traditions: Name Days
The phase
Phrase of the Day: La Multi Anis
Around 10% of Romanians celebrate their name day on St. Ioan

St Michael and St Gabriel's day! La Multi Ani

Sf. Mihail si Gavril (St. Michael and Gabriel)
"One of the most attractive qualities in a person is acceptance. Acceptance of themselves and acceptance of you. If you can admit that nobody belongs here more than you (while maintaining the belief that you don't belong here any more than anyone else) you will find yourself making connections with people in powerful ways."

Monday, November 06, 2017

An anonymous Twitter hero temporarily deleted Trump's account on their very last day of work
Joy Ann Reid unleashes 42 tweets about the 'rigged' DNC—that all sides may want to read
Indonesia's Youth Share Thoughts On Religion, Identity And Dreams
'Invisible No More' Examines Police Violence Against Minority Women
There's An Immigration Gap In How Latinos Perceive Discrimination
Trump greeted with 'Welcome to Kenya' signs in Hawaii
U.S. Withdraws From Anti-Corruption Group's Oil And Petroleum Rules
House Democrats Sue The Trump Administration To Get D.C. Hotel Records
Fearing Checkpoints, Undocumented Immigrants Cut Off From Medical Care

Thank Chatree, that is pretty awesome.

"Fortune cookie read: Don't be discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward".

Happy 3 rd i supposed. that would have been a history too.

I really enjoyed this video and I appreciated that thru MVP, I met this two lovely people and really gave me hope how each of each other back and love each other to pieces. There is mean mom to put a wedge into them. They always seem so loving and forgiving to one another. Truly lovely people.
The goal is to laugh with someone forever with someone you take seriously. - Unknown