To the Moms Silently Struggling with Anxiety, it is a good read to remind self that it is not about anxiety but self doubt.. that lead to problem.. always looking forward because you can't go back to correct your mistake.. the would have, could have, should have...
The rise of the Fidget Spinner and the fall of the well managed-fad
Before you study, ask for help
How to Prepare the Next Generation for Jobs in the AI Economy
An Honest Conversation: Don’t Forget To Love Yourself
Dear mama in survival mode: You will thrive again.. thank you.. this is nice to know.. even thought I am really blessed with a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back and endless fun hours, and in no mean, living in the extreme poverty mode with one kiddo as single mom.
Millennial Motherhood. Three Traps for Young Moms Millennial, maybe. Young, not, but I am educated and I am well read.
For 100 Days, I Illustrated People In Exchange For Their Secrets
Put Aside Those Toys: Your Kids Want the Real Deal
Celebrating Intellectual Engagement On College Campuses
10 Toxic People You Should Avoid At All Costs
20 Women Describe What Back Labor Actually Feels Like
Screen Detox: The first 24 hours.. my child will need it after uncle M is in town.. :P
An Etiquette Guide for Facebook Mommy Groups
The Mental Workload Of A Mother
This Is Why Your Kid’s Not Listening to You love this article.. sadly.. she still doesn't get it..
Getting To The Core Of Exercises Said To Strengthen 'Mum Tum'
7 Things Kids Need To Do For Themselves Before They Turn 13
A psychologist reveals the most common reason relationships fail Why do most relationships fail? It’s not an easy question to answer. Some people complain that there were “too many differences”. Others say that “we argued too…
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