WHY I WILL NEVER IGNORE HER CRIES, I gave Gabe Love and protection and comfort, I always run to him.
An Empowering Way to Respond to
Hurtful People
“Cause peace and love ain’t so far. If we nurse our wounds before they scar.” –Alicia Keys
People Who Have The Best Marriages Do This One Thing
How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off
5 Ways to Make Love
Ten Ways To Confuse a Child
Can Trauma be Passed on through our DNA
10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist
I Broke Every Rule And Fell In Love
What you should think about before you judge others
13 illustrations that help us understand the secrets to a great relationship
10 things I wish I'd known about raising a boy, I know all of them before Gabe made his debut, but I wish and hope that I will never make #6.
15 Mother-In-Law Behaviors That Deserve a Punch in the Face3, 7, 10, 14 BINGO, so so so toxic
11 Subtle Signs You Should Marry Your Partner, Even If You're Not Sure If They're Your Soulmate Or Not, I was not your priority, we were doomed from the get go.
You’ll Be Sorry – Children and Apologies
The Psychological Importance Of A Dad, sure I am sad to say that Gabe won't see the goodness of how a father should treat a mother, even if his dad is around with us. He wasn't capable in the first place, his role models in life are narcissistic, so toxic. I am glad to shield Gabe from the neg impact of how I was treated. The shame and negativity from the duo were too much to bear and so damaging to one soul. Love that I know G turned his child into his partner. I will never do that to Gabe. I will learn to bond with other adults and don't project this burden to Gabe. Gabe doesn't need to take care of me.
Actor Jason Momoa Talks Fatherhood, Climbing, and the Arts
25 Best Apps for Kids of All Ages
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