Thursday, November 03, 2016

Conway: I've talked to NBC about Trump singling out Katy Tur
The Economist endorses Clinton: She's 'a better candidate than she seems'
Portrait of a Trump West Wing
Obama Suggests Sexism Is Stopping Men From Supporting Clinton
Louis C.K., Michael Moore, Hillary Clinton, and the rise of benevolent sexism in liberal men
Column: Republicans supported Trump until they perceived him as a threat to white women
"Amoral masculinity": a theory for understanding Trump from feminist contrarian Christina Hoff Sommers
Seth Meyers Presents the Case Against Donald Trump: The ‘Monster’ Hiding in Our Closets
A Trump Tower Goes Bust in Canada
Bill Maher Roasts ‘Rapist’ Donald Trump in #WhinyLittleBitch Comedy Special
The Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy
Leaked emails reveal time Clinton quietly tried to help a 10-year-old Yemeni girl
Exclusive Promo Hints Stephen Colbert Will Unleash On Trump In Live Election Show
Donald Trump’s Huge, Horrible Halloween Nightmare
This professor devotes her life to countering dangerous speech. She can’t ignore Donald Trump’s.
Louis C.K. makes a hilarious, insightful case for Hillary Clinton
‘The View’ Confronts Kellyanne Conway: You Sound ‘Delusional’
Clinton Campaign Releases ‘October Surprise’ Campaign Ad, Trump Is PISSED
Louis C.K.: America Needs a ‘Tough Bitch’ Like Hillary Clinton in the White House
Jon Stewart scorches #F*ckFaceVonClownstick Trump at New York veterans benefit
Fake story about Obamas, Hillary Clinton ensnares Sean Hannity
Hillary Clinton Is an Open Book
HRC just dropped this to 10 million twitter followers

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