Sunday, October 02, 2016

Why Hillary Clinton is the safe choice for president
Kids React To Presidential Debate, Give Us All Hope For The Future
As news of Trump’s taxes breaks, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania
The Donald Trump Deposition Video Live Blog
Trump’s Long History Of Demanding Thanks From The People He Demeans
Sarah Silverman and Bill Maher admonish Gary Johnson supporters
OPB Politics Now: M97 Ads And Why Trump's Only Oregon Staffer Left The State
Pierce Booed For Sexual Assault Remarks, Later Apologizes
Republican candidate for governor doesn’t think educated women can be abused
SNL Debate: Alec Baldwin’s Trump Gets Trounced by Kate McKinnon’s Hillary
Megyn Kelly Tells Team Trump To ‘Just Shut Up’ Already About Women’s Weight
PSA: It’s really, really sexist to blame Hillary Clinton for Bill’s infidelity
I’ve come to admire Hillary Clinton. What on earth happened?
Could This Be The End For Trump’s Campaign? Newsweek Expose To Look At Trump Ties To Cuba During Embargo
EARLY MORNING Tweetstorm from TRUMP -- SUSAN GLASSER’s PERES funeral dispatch -- Trump raises $3m in NYC -- B’DAY: Craig Minassia
Trump jumps into the gutter
Donald Trump’s 3 a.m. moment
Let’s dispel with this notion that Donald Trump knows what he’s doing
Campaign 2016 updates: Nearly 95% of who gave to Trump's rivals are sitting out the general election
Trump deposition video set for release
Donald Trump Bashes Alicia Machado Again, Alleging a ‘Sex Tape’ (Without Evidence)
WSJ columnist backs Clinton
Barbara Bush: “I Don’t Know How Women Can Vote” For Trump
Trump thinks Google is out to get him

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