15 Complaints Men Are Keeping From Their Spouses
A Million-Mom Army And A Billionaire Take On The NRA JOINING!
Why Do Our Minds Wander?
Why Are the Highly Educated So Liberal?
The one key element of long-lasting love that all happy couples share
How To Get Over Rejection (And Your Ex) In 3 Minutes
Divorced men and women reveal what was missing from this marriages
Do Not Get Married Unless You Ask Your Partner These 39 Questions
5 Reasons You Think Your Partner Is Hotter Than They Are
Can’t A Mom Get A Break? Omg "as a 37-year-old full-time working mom, Facebook is about as close as I come to a real social life."... Thank you Lynn Morrison. "We perform these great daily feats in parenting so often that they become invisible to everyone in the house. No one sets out to become the family doormat, but somewhere in between working mom guilt and marital complacency and trying to avoid a visit from child protective services, we end up putting our own needs dead last and never even notice." SADLY I am the door mat to the DUO....
Don’t Strive to Be Someone You’re Not " I was less anxious and I was easier on myself, rather than being hard on myself for not speaking up more. "
Surprise, Surprise: American Parents Are the Least Happy Parents in the Western World
What A ‘Pre-Divorce’ Couple Looks Like Definitely.. another spot on for me... totally described my case.
The Top 7 Reasons Parents of Small Children Split Up... ding ding ding.. we got all of them.. esp. when sr. said I am into other men and women.. lol
What I Didn’t Know About Breastfeeding: A Man’s Perspective
Against Self-Criticism: Adam Phillips on How Our Internal Critics Enslave Us, the Stockholm Syndrome of the Superego, and the Power of Multiple Interpretations
Worst End of School Year Mom Ever
21 Things Only Moms Who Are Pregnant Over 35 Know
Dr. Gottman’s 5 Tips for Summer Travel
16 Everyday Romantic Gestures
Bill Nye: The Evolutionary Benefits of Sex (Beyond the Obvious)
15 Things Little Girls Need To Hear From Their Moms, for little boys too... I LOVE YOU , GABE!
2 traits scientifically proven to make your relationship last "Kindness and generosity are traits taught to toddlers then reinforced throughout life. Applying them to marriage and long-term loving, intimate relationships is more complex, but the basic idea still applies. " I did but it wasn't enough to a narcissist.
10 Insights of Remarkable Parents from a Family Therapist
7 Decluttering Tricks for Kids' Rooms from a Celebrity Organizing Expert
Will Genetic Advances Make Sex Obsolete?
The Building Blocks of Learning
The Atir-Rosenzweig-Dunning Effect: When Experts Claim to Know the Unknowable
Watch: Lin-Manuel Miranda delivers a stirring sonnet at the Tony Awards
Just for laugh
Can Stress Sometimes Prove Beneficial?
Parenting: Why We Yell and How to Stop!
How Japanese Children Learn Kanji, I got to figure out how to teach my kids about kanji
The Misguided Desire of Wanting Our Kids to be Happy
Creating Connection Through Correction
Photographer Mom Documents Her Kids’ Childhood Without Electronic Devices, love it.. and Raising Gabe really makes me want to move to the country side. :)
After 10 Years of Marriage, Here's What I Wish I Had Learned Before We Said "I Do"
The Art of Conversation: Timeless, Timely Do’s and Don’ts from 1866
5 Things Kids Need From Parents
13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married
Scientists Discover How to Implant False Memories
How Children of Unloving Mothers Can Find Self-Compassion
It’s true: Parents really are biased toward firstborns, it was in my mother's side of the family.....lucky for Gabe then. :).. he is always my fave. :P
Why Dance is Possibly the Best Activity for Kids
Why I’ll never again post about my relationships on social media
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