2015 President Obama
Obama's got jokes: A look back at the president's best punch lines
This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
When Kids are Bullied, What Can Parents Do?
21 Rookie mistakes every mom had made
How Much of a Hot Mess Is Your Minivan? No mini van for me.. lol
How to Turn Your School Into a Maker Haven
10 Reasons I Quit Competitive Parenting "chuckle"
What Are Microaggressions? Let Clackamas High Students Show You
Yet Another Reason Why Parents Should Put Phones Away Around Kids
20 Things That Keep Moms Sane(ish) #4, #10, #16.. pretty good ;)
The Message Behind “Be Good” and What to Say Instead
Feeling Like The World’s Worst Mother "Parenting is a learning process, and like any other aspect of life, it has both good and bad days. As much as we’d like to, we cannot protect our little ones from everything. Even our best attempts will always eventually come up short."
Trust Your Baby And Ditch The Diapers
Weasel Apparently Shuts Down World's Most Powerful Particle Collider, RIP weasel.. this happened at where I worked several times in the past.. IT was electrifying to the rodents!
Hey New Mama, Do Me A Favor, I remind myself daily of how tiny Gabe once was and so much progress and growth had he experience... everyday is an achievement for the both of us.
This Princeton professor's list of his failures is the most reassuring thing you'll read today
3 Dangerous Myths about Innovators and Creators
Mom Encourages Other Women To Make Peace With Their Post-Baby Bodies
These tweets from Ryan Reynolds on Parenting will make you want him as your dad
Donald Trump And The Fluidity Of Racism
Sleep Regression: It’s Not Just For Babies
How Massachusetts Became The Best State In Education
'The grim truth behind the Scandinavian miracle' – the nations respond
Life in the Robot Age: When We’re All Unemployed
21 Rookie mistakes every mom had made
How Much of a Hot Mess Is Your Minivan? No mini van for me.. lol
How to Turn Your School Into a Maker Haven
10 Reasons I Quit Competitive Parenting "chuckle"
What Are Microaggressions? Let Clackamas High Students Show You
Yet Another Reason Why Parents Should Put Phones Away Around Kids
20 Things That Keep Moms Sane(ish) #4, #10, #16.. pretty good ;)
The Message Behind “Be Good” and What to Say Instead
Feeling Like The World’s Worst Mother "Parenting is a learning process, and like any other aspect of life, it has both good and bad days. As much as we’d like to, we cannot protect our little ones from everything. Even our best attempts will always eventually come up short."
Trust Your Baby And Ditch The Diapers
Weasel Apparently Shuts Down World's Most Powerful Particle Collider, RIP weasel.. this happened at where I worked several times in the past.. IT was electrifying to the rodents!
Hey New Mama, Do Me A Favor, I remind myself daily of how tiny Gabe once was and so much progress and growth had he experience... everyday is an achievement for the both of us.
This Princeton professor's list of his failures is the most reassuring thing you'll read today
3 Dangerous Myths about Innovators and Creators
Mom Encourages Other Women To Make Peace With Their Post-Baby Bodies
These tweets from Ryan Reynolds on Parenting will make you want him as your dad
Donald Trump And The Fluidity Of Racism
Sleep Regression: It’s Not Just For Babies
How Massachusetts Became The Best State In Education
'The grim truth behind the Scandinavian miracle' – the nations respond
Life in the Robot Age: When We’re All Unemployed
Leading Man,
Friday, April 29, 2016
10 Tidy Habits That Will Change Your Life, I got this!
The 10 most important life lessons to master in your 30s
Sending Mixed Message: Do Parents Value Kids’ Achievement Over Empathy?
How the Dream of Retirement Is Becoming a Nightmare
A guide to proper allowance etiquette, it will be soon enough.. nah.. maybe a while. I will pay him with hugs and kisses for now :)
Column: Why click-bait will be the death of journalism
The Battle over Pain in the Brain
'Unbroken Brain' Offers New Insights On Addiction
Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies
Does Oregon have the nation's best drive-in movie theater?
The 25 most popular bands from Oregon
By 2050, India’s working-age population will cross one billion. But where are the jobs?
The One Best Way to Remember Anything
How to Pinch Pennies in the Right Places
Gannett Ready To Pay $815 Million For Tribune Publishing
The Moment When An Israeli Soldier Saw Himself Through A Palestinian Child's Eyes
Can Israelis And Palestinians Change Their Minds?
How Can Tourism Promote Peace In The Middle East?
How To Not Run Out Of Money In Retirement
The 10 most important life lessons to master in your 30s
Sending Mixed Message: Do Parents Value Kids’ Achievement Over Empathy?
How the Dream of Retirement Is Becoming a Nightmare
A guide to proper allowance etiquette, it will be soon enough.. nah.. maybe a while. I will pay him with hugs and kisses for now :)
Column: Why click-bait will be the death of journalism
The Battle over Pain in the Brain
'Unbroken Brain' Offers New Insights On Addiction
Why you shouldn't exercise to lose weight, explained with 60+ studies
Does Oregon have the nation's best drive-in movie theater?
The 25 most popular bands from Oregon
By 2050, India’s working-age population will cross one billion. But where are the jobs?
The One Best Way to Remember Anything
How to Pinch Pennies in the Right Places
Gannett Ready To Pay $815 Million For Tribune Publishing
The Moment When An Israeli Soldier Saw Himself Through A Palestinian Child's Eyes
Can Israelis And Palestinians Change Their Minds?
How Can Tourism Promote Peace In The Middle East?
How To Not Run Out Of Money In Retirement
Best of what?,
MIddle East,
100 Oregon companies to be inspected for heavy metal emissions
Portland's best Mexican Food
Who should 'run water' before drinking in Seattle, and other lead questions
Mitsubishi has been cheating on fuel economy tests for 25 years
Most High School Seniors Aren't College Or Career Ready, Says 'Nation's Report Card'
Beneath An Ugly Outside, Marred Fruit May Pack More Nutrition
Plateau But No Decline: Child Obesity Rates Hold Steady
Many Grouchy, Error-Prone Workers Just Need More Sleep
The end is nigh for Louis Vuitton fried chicken
Ford bought a Tesla just to see how it works
Nike creates fake bargains at outlet stores: lawsuit
The OREGON bucket list
The world’s cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant is coming to New York
Why Sleep Is The Best Thing You Can Do On Vacation
10 Incredible Waterfront Restaurants Everyone In Oregon Must Visit
Homelessness: Portland's Great Depression Hoovervilles vs. 'Hales-villes' (photos)
How Sleep Deprivation Decays the Mind and Body
10 places to drink German beer in Portland
Oregonians would pay Washington sales tax under "democracy credit" initiative
Withholding recess is banned in 10 states. But it's common in Seattle
Volkswagen’s next step in resolving the emissions scandal
Portland's best Mexican Food
Who should 'run water' before drinking in Seattle, and other lead questions
Mitsubishi has been cheating on fuel economy tests for 25 years
Most High School Seniors Aren't College Or Career Ready, Says 'Nation's Report Card'
Beneath An Ugly Outside, Marred Fruit May Pack More Nutrition
Plateau But No Decline: Child Obesity Rates Hold Steady
Many Grouchy, Error-Prone Workers Just Need More Sleep
The end is nigh for Louis Vuitton fried chicken
Ford bought a Tesla just to see how it works
Nike creates fake bargains at outlet stores: lawsuit
The OREGON bucket list
The world’s cheapest Michelin-starred restaurant is coming to New York
Why Sleep Is The Best Thing You Can Do On Vacation
10 Incredible Waterfront Restaurants Everyone In Oregon Must Visit
Homelessness: Portland's Great Depression Hoovervilles vs. 'Hales-villes' (photos)
How Sleep Deprivation Decays the Mind and Body
10 places to drink German beer in Portland
Oregonians would pay Washington sales tax under "democracy credit" initiative
Withholding recess is banned in 10 states. But it's common in Seattle
Volkswagen’s next step in resolving the emissions scandal
Motherhood = a love like nothing I have ever felt before.
Motherhood Is The Loneliest Thing Ever
"I need people who build me up so that I can turn around and build my family up. I need people who will invest in me so that I have something to give."
Scientists Have Just Worked Out How to Find the Best Eggs for In Vitro Yeah baby!
10 Commandments of Toddlers EPIC!
Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all "Everyday, we should be striving to learn something new. We should have an unquenchable curiosity for the world around us."
How the chance of breaking up changes the longer your relationship lasts
WATCH: How We Speak Reveals What We Think, with Steven Pinker
How to Heal From Trauma
Confessions Of A Messy Mom, there must be a balance, weekend without Gabe is a chance for me to catch up, folding clean clothes, pick up the toys, clean bedding etc. I don't want the kid to learn messy, because his mama is one, but I don't need him to be a OCD clean freak either, because his grandma is one. I am juggling with a balance, parenting, working and cleaning. Yeah those are the orders.
How to Raise a Leader
10 Miracle Phrases to Help You Reconnect With Your Child {Printable}
Setting boundaries with toddlers using empathy and positive guidance, Gabe will make mistakes along with his curiosity mind, I need to be kind, always, even if he flips his plate of food or cut my hair.. lol... I need to stay connect and talk... and he will experiment lots.. I will need patience.. :)
Mom Says What Every Parent Of A ‘Difficult’ Child Needs To HearNo worry, Gabe, even if you are a strong-will kiddo. I can see the intelligence, the passionate moments. You may not give in, I will embrace the gift.
When Should Kids Start Learning About Sex and Consent?
Becoming Light Reflectors
How Not to Let a Known, Psychological Phenomenon Keep You From Becoming a Scream-Free Parent
Column: 12 alternatives to timeouts when kids are at their worst
Why you should never use timeouts on your kids
The Most Important Things We Can Teach Our Kids, Gabe, your dad and you were the center of my universe, now it is just you. :)
The Emotional Sticker Shock Of Parenting
This is why all American mothers are crazy
Marriage After Baby – It’s Not What You’d Expect,.. lol.. it was over with the most unexpected reason.. a woman got into my relationship in June 2014... yup our courtship was passionate and full of haze of infatuation...then... GKP reminded me I am no match to her.
April Showers Bring Action, Not Fear, with Autism Awareness
Why Daydreaming is Critical to Effective Learning
Positive Parenting: Accept Feelings, Limit Actions
What causes chest pain when feelings are hurt?
10 Moms Every Mom Should Have On Speed Dial
An Apology To My Firstborn Child
The Other Kind Of Motherless Mother
Contortionist mom brings new meaning to work/life balance
Kindergarten Redshirting: How Kids Feel About it Later in Life
‘Redshirting’ Kindergarten-Age Kids Can Lead to Regrets
Why the hell people have kids?
Spanking Children Affects Their Behavior as Adults, Says New Study
Risks of harm from spanking confirmed by analysis of 5 decades of research
It Takes Effort to be Selfish
29 Honest Mother’s Day Cards For Your Baby Mama
Scans Show 'Brain Dictionary' Groups Words By Meaning
7 things I am weird about since having kids, haha, the author is a bit extreme in a good and humorous way.. No judging... I am sure I am going thru those as well.
Finally, Some Good News for Moms Who Wait to Have Kids After 35
Why Connection is the Parenting Key
25 Ways to Bond with Your Newborn, Gabe you are not a new born anyway, but we still do all of these, Mama loves you to the moon and back.. I am so grateful that we are together.
It’s time to stop putting kids in separate gifted education programs
No Fooling: Children Need Unbounded Outdoor Play
Power Down and Tune In to Solitude
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Homework Battles: When Parent Help Negatively Affects Students
Home is a song I've always remembered
Why are so many smart people such idiots about philosophy?
What Nobody Tells You About the First 3 Months of Motherhood
While I lay beside my sleeping baby, I enjoy our sweet moment together while you were sleeping. :)
Listening To Music May Sharpen Your Baby's Language Skills
Why the American Academy of Pediatrics opposes North Carolina’s transgender “bathroom law”
Babies Who Eat Rice Cereal Have Higher Arsenic Levels, Study Finds, Gabe is the 20% that did not expose to arsenic-rice cereal (I WILL keep on doing what is right for my GABE. Thank you for leaving me alone. "chuck"). Guess what MVP & GKP & Titza S. CLAN STYLE are the best, they should eat all the rice cereal as they can fit in their gigantic heads
Hey! What Are You Laughing At?
9 Signs Your Marriage Is Worth Saving, According To Experts, it wasn't meant to be
Where's the magic in family dinner?
Steps for Cultivating a Love of Reading in Young Children
How to Create a Family Mission Statement
To The Woman Who Takes Care Of My Child While I Work, I am grateful to have wonderful teachers at the daycare, they are my village and they did not put me down.
Why We Should Stop Going Over The Top For Our Kids
Use Behavioral Economics to Trick Yourself into Breaking Bad Habits
一秒惹怒旅行者 這句話最討厭
What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the Same, heart warming!
10 things that you didn't know about orgasm
Chrissy Teigen Just Spoke Out About Having to Wear Diapers After Giving Birth
Why We Prefer 'Okay' Mates to Our Idea of a 'Perfect' One
Please Tell Me You’ve Been That Mom
My Spouse Is Not My Best Friend
Children should learn mainly through play until age of eight, says Lego
How successful people work less—and get more done
Beyond Tolerance
50 Easy Steps For Scheduling A Date Night, another marriage maint ppl should do
How Going Out With An Older Man Changed My Perspective On Dating
Why I Worry About Passing Depression On To My Children
This Is the Real 'War on Marriage'
Against Empathy
How to Get Kids to Play Music, According to Yo-Yo Ma
7 Ways You Can Become a More Loving Partner
All Moms Are Working Moms
Stop leting your kids that treat you liked crap
You played outside unsupervised until dark. Why can't you let your kids?
“Tricky People” Are the New Strangers
When Sex Isn’t Enough: What Women Want
How to Love: Legendary Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on Mastering the Art of “Interbeing”, maybe this was what happened to us.
13 Totally Legit Excuses for Not Having Sex Once You Have Kids
5 Things My Single Mom Taught Me About Raising Kids
Why We Fall in Love: The Paradoxical Psychology of Romance and Why Frustration Is Necessary for Satisfaction
Stendhal on the Seven Stages of Romance and Why We Fall Out of Love: Timeless Wisdom from 1822
The Greatest Definition of Love
9 Things to Do When Someone Hurts You
Set Limits With Toxic People
13 Things to Teach Your Son Before 13
When Taking Multiple Husbands Makes Sense
As more Latino kids speak only English, parents worry about chatting with grandma
How to identify any language at a glance
5 Healthy Steps To Help You Move On From An Abusive Relationship
Three Things You Didn’t Know about Your Child’s Brain
What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother AMEN! It is so nice to know the changes that happen to our brains, but then you can called CRAZY..
The Quiet Joy Of Unimportance
How Music Education Can Lighten Kids’ Lives And Improve Learning Outcomes
How to learn a new language: 7 secrets from TED Translators
‘Not a Math Person’: How to Remove Obstacles to Learning Math
"I need people who build me up so that I can turn around and build my family up. I need people who will invest in me so that I have something to give."
Scientists Have Just Worked Out How to Find the Best Eggs for In Vitro Yeah baby!
10 Commandments of Toddlers EPIC!
Watson, Jeopardy and me, the obsolete know-it-all "Everyday, we should be striving to learn something new. We should have an unquenchable curiosity for the world around us."
How the chance of breaking up changes the longer your relationship lasts
WATCH: How We Speak Reveals What We Think, with Steven Pinker
How to Heal From Trauma
Confessions Of A Messy Mom, there must be a balance, weekend without Gabe is a chance for me to catch up, folding clean clothes, pick up the toys, clean bedding etc. I don't want the kid to learn messy, because his mama is one, but I don't need him to be a OCD clean freak either, because his grandma is one. I am juggling with a balance, parenting, working and cleaning. Yeah those are the orders.
How to Raise a Leader
10 Miracle Phrases to Help You Reconnect With Your Child {Printable}
Setting boundaries with toddlers using empathy and positive guidance, Gabe will make mistakes along with his curiosity mind, I need to be kind, always, even if he flips his plate of food or cut my hair.. lol... I need to stay connect and talk... and he will experiment lots.. I will need patience.. :)
Mom Says What Every Parent Of A ‘Difficult’ Child Needs To HearNo worry, Gabe, even if you are a strong-will kiddo. I can see the intelligence, the passionate moments. You may not give in, I will embrace the gift.
When Should Kids Start Learning About Sex and Consent?
Becoming Light Reflectors
How Not to Let a Known, Psychological Phenomenon Keep You From Becoming a Scream-Free Parent
Column: 12 alternatives to timeouts when kids are at their worst
Why you should never use timeouts on your kids
The Most Important Things We Can Teach Our Kids, Gabe, your dad and you were the center of my universe, now it is just you. :)
The Emotional Sticker Shock Of Parenting
This is why all American mothers are crazy
Marriage After Baby – It’s Not What You’d Expect,.. lol.. it was over with the most unexpected reason.. a woman got into my relationship in June 2014... yup our courtship was passionate and full of haze of infatuation...then... GKP reminded me I am no match to her.
April Showers Bring Action, Not Fear, with Autism Awareness
Why Daydreaming is Critical to Effective Learning
Positive Parenting: Accept Feelings, Limit Actions
What causes chest pain when feelings are hurt?
10 Moms Every Mom Should Have On Speed Dial
An Apology To My Firstborn Child
The Other Kind Of Motherless Mother
Contortionist mom brings new meaning to work/life balance
Kindergarten Redshirting: How Kids Feel About it Later in Life
‘Redshirting’ Kindergarten-Age Kids Can Lead to Regrets
Why the hell people have kids?
Spanking Children Affects Their Behavior as Adults, Says New Study
Risks of harm from spanking confirmed by analysis of 5 decades of research
It Takes Effort to be Selfish
29 Honest Mother’s Day Cards For Your Baby Mama
Scans Show 'Brain Dictionary' Groups Words By Meaning
7 things I am weird about since having kids, haha, the author is a bit extreme in a good and humorous way.. No judging... I am sure I am going thru those as well.
Finally, Some Good News for Moms Who Wait to Have Kids After 35
Why Connection is the Parenting Key
25 Ways to Bond with Your Newborn, Gabe you are not a new born anyway, but we still do all of these, Mama loves you to the moon and back.. I am so grateful that we are together.
It’s time to stop putting kids in separate gifted education programs
No Fooling: Children Need Unbounded Outdoor Play
Power Down and Tune In to Solitude
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
Homework Battles: When Parent Help Negatively Affects Students
Home is a song I've always remembered
Why are so many smart people such idiots about philosophy?
What Nobody Tells You About the First 3 Months of Motherhood
While I lay beside my sleeping baby, I enjoy our sweet moment together while you were sleeping. :)
Listening To Music May Sharpen Your Baby's Language Skills
Why the American Academy of Pediatrics opposes North Carolina’s transgender “bathroom law”
Babies Who Eat Rice Cereal Have Higher Arsenic Levels, Study Finds, Gabe is the 20% that did not expose to arsenic-rice cereal (I WILL keep on doing what is right for my GABE. Thank you for leaving me alone. "chuck"). Guess what MVP & GKP & Titza S. CLAN STYLE are the best, they should eat all the rice cereal as they can fit in their gigantic heads
Hey! What Are You Laughing At?
9 Signs Your Marriage Is Worth Saving, According To Experts, it wasn't meant to be
Where's the magic in family dinner?
Steps for Cultivating a Love of Reading in Young Children
How to Create a Family Mission Statement
To The Woman Who Takes Care Of My Child While I Work, I am grateful to have wonderful teachers at the daycare, they are my village and they did not put me down.
Why We Should Stop Going Over The Top For Our Kids
Use Behavioral Economics to Trick Yourself into Breaking Bad Habits
一秒惹怒旅行者 這句話最討厭
What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the Same, heart warming!
10 things that you didn't know about orgasm
Chrissy Teigen Just Spoke Out About Having to Wear Diapers After Giving Birth
Why We Prefer 'Okay' Mates to Our Idea of a 'Perfect' One
Please Tell Me You’ve Been That Mom
My Spouse Is Not My Best Friend
Children should learn mainly through play until age of eight, says Lego
How successful people work less—and get more done
Beyond Tolerance
50 Easy Steps For Scheduling A Date Night, another marriage maint ppl should do
How Going Out With An Older Man Changed My Perspective On Dating
Why I Worry About Passing Depression On To My Children
This Is the Real 'War on Marriage'
Against Empathy
How to Get Kids to Play Music, According to Yo-Yo Ma
7 Ways You Can Become a More Loving Partner
All Moms Are Working Moms
Stop leting your kids that treat you liked crap
You played outside unsupervised until dark. Why can't you let your kids?
“Tricky People” Are the New Strangers
When Sex Isn’t Enough: What Women Want
How to Love: Legendary Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh on Mastering the Art of “Interbeing”, maybe this was what happened to us.
13 Totally Legit Excuses for Not Having Sex Once You Have Kids
5 Things My Single Mom Taught Me About Raising Kids
Why We Fall in Love: The Paradoxical Psychology of Romance and Why Frustration Is Necessary for Satisfaction
Stendhal on the Seven Stages of Romance and Why We Fall Out of Love: Timeless Wisdom from 1822
The Greatest Definition of Love
9 Things to Do When Someone Hurts You
Set Limits With Toxic People
13 Things to Teach Your Son Before 13
When Taking Multiple Husbands Makes Sense
As more Latino kids speak only English, parents worry about chatting with grandma
How to identify any language at a glance
5 Healthy Steps To Help You Move On From An Abusive Relationship
Three Things You Didn’t Know about Your Child’s Brain
What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother AMEN! It is so nice to know the changes that happen to our brains, but then you can called CRAZY..
The Quiet Joy Of Unimportance
How Music Education Can Lighten Kids’ Lives And Improve Learning Outcomes
How to learn a new language: 7 secrets from TED Translators
‘Not a Math Person’: How to Remove Obstacles to Learning Math
Thursday, April 28, 2016
That's Gross: the Four Worlds of Income Inequality
Why Some People Are Left-Handed
CY Leung Says a Hong Kong Family of 5 Can Eat on $9,000 a Month and Save Money. We Take His Claim and Put It to the Test, so awful.
The 5 Stages of Diet Coke Addiction, plenty of co workers are!
John Boehner on Ted Cruz: 'Lucifer in the Flesh'
The hilarious and frightening fantasy of Donald Trump's foreign policy
Seattle is a challenge for first-time home buyers, Zillow finds, while Indianapolis tops cities that are looking good
Divorcee builds pie-shaped house to spite ex, runs afoul of laws against 'malicious erections' (photos)
13 Super Romantic Places To Elope
Forest guardians pay a heavy price
How Donald Trump Sees the World — in Three Maps
The Irony of Viruses
There’s a misogynist aspect of Buddhism that nobody talks about
Some Hong Kong women would rather die alone than date Hong Kong men
Seattle Is Pretty Much Game Over: We Will Become Another San Francisco and Vancouver
Why Some People Are Left-Handed
CY Leung Says a Hong Kong Family of 5 Can Eat on $9,000 a Month and Save Money. We Take His Claim and Put It to the Test, so awful.
The 5 Stages of Diet Coke Addiction, plenty of co workers are!
John Boehner on Ted Cruz: 'Lucifer in the Flesh'
The hilarious and frightening fantasy of Donald Trump's foreign policy
Seattle is a challenge for first-time home buyers, Zillow finds, while Indianapolis tops cities that are looking good
Divorcee builds pie-shaped house to spite ex, runs afoul of laws against 'malicious erections' (photos)
13 Super Romantic Places To Elope
Forest guardians pay a heavy price
How Donald Trump Sees the World — in Three Maps
The Irony of Viruses
There’s a misogynist aspect of Buddhism that nobody talks about
Some Hong Kong women would rather die alone than date Hong Kong men
Seattle Is Pretty Much Game Over: We Will Become Another San Francisco and Vancouver
Best of what?,
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
How a Mother's Struggle Led to Early Detection for Down Syndrome
5 Tips for Raising Money-Smart Kids
How does background noise affect our concentration?
Are liberals too smug? Nah, we are too condescending.
Scientists unveil the new tree of life
What online misogynists really want is silence
Astronaut shares photos of Portland, Seattle, from space station
Shields and Brooks on Va. rights for felons
Going Viral: Secret Shame of the Middle Class
How Can We Have A More Candid Conversation About Race?
Taxes like Texas: Washington’s system among nation’s most unfair
Gender Stereotyping Begins at Just 3 Months Old, According to Science
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000. Bernie supporters, don’t make the same mistake I did
25 Free Things to Do
5 Tips for Raising Money-Smart Kids
How does background noise affect our concentration?
Are liberals too smug? Nah, we are too condescending.
Scientists unveil the new tree of life
What online misogynists really want is silence
Astronaut shares photos of Portland, Seattle, from space station
Shields and Brooks on Va. rights for felons
Going Viral: Secret Shame of the Middle Class
How Can We Have A More Candid Conversation About Race?
Taxes like Texas: Washington’s system among nation’s most unfair
Gender Stereotyping Begins at Just 3 Months Old, According to Science
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000. Bernie supporters, don’t make the same mistake I did
25 Free Things to Do
Best of what?,
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Want to change your life, make this one choice! The power of responsibility! YOU are living the life that you chose. Own it. Don't blame others. You made your choices. AMEN!
How To Deal With Unsupportive Colleagues
10 Ways to Salvage a Bad Morning Before Parting Ways
A Map of China, By Stereotype
How to make a great impression: 11 things sincerely polite people never do
What women can do to keep their brains strong through old age
10 unexpected things that will radically improve your life
Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy
Department stores should go ahead and shut down hundreds of locations, report says
Is H&M misleading customers with all its talk of sustainability?
Harvard Has a New Center for Happiness
Want to Be Happier? Ask Yourself This Question Every Morning
Neuroscience discovers 5 things that will make you happy
Knitted Men's Underwear Brings A Whole New Meaning To 'Sexy'
The career advice no one tells you
Israel's Health Minister To McDonald's: 'Not In Our Country'
A warning for parched China: a city runs out of water
Long Live The Nanny State! (Without It, You Might Be Eating Horse Meat Right Now)
Why You Probably Shouldn't Say 'Eskimo'
Bad housing laws have turned San Francisco's tech boom into a crisis for Oakland
The Disintegration of the World
How To Deal With Unsupportive Colleagues
10 Ways to Salvage a Bad Morning Before Parting Ways
A Map of China, By Stereotype
How to make a great impression: 11 things sincerely polite people never do
What women can do to keep their brains strong through old age
10 unexpected things that will radically improve your life
Why So Many Smart People Aren’t Happy
Department stores should go ahead and shut down hundreds of locations, report says
Is H&M misleading customers with all its talk of sustainability?
Harvard Has a New Center for Happiness
Want to Be Happier? Ask Yourself This Question Every Morning
Neuroscience discovers 5 things that will make you happy
Knitted Men's Underwear Brings A Whole New Meaning To 'Sexy'
The career advice no one tells you
Israel's Health Minister To McDonald's: 'Not In Our Country'
A warning for parched China: a city runs out of water
Long Live The Nanny State! (Without It, You Might Be Eating Horse Meat Right Now)
Why You Probably Shouldn't Say 'Eskimo'
Bad housing laws have turned San Francisco's tech boom into a crisis for Oakland
The Disintegration of the World
Sunday, April 24, 2016
The End of Empathy
"Regardless, it’s time to resurrect the Golden Rule. Let’s all take a breath, shake it off, and declare a do-over. Let’s start listening to each other, especially when we disagree. Let’s value our differences instead of vilifying each other for them. Let’s be inclusive and kind. Let’s be compassionate and empathetic to the plights of others. Let’s be human beings. Because we’re never going to get anywhere if we continue to treat each other like garbage. A wise man who I loved very much once said: “Let’s stop finding a new witch of the week and burning them at the stake. We are all horrible and wonderful and figuring it out.”
4 Men with 4 Very Different Incomes Open Up About the Lives They Can Afford
找到妻子兼主管的幸福平衡點- 【一段「懂得感恩」的關係,不需完美也能長久】
An Open Apology To My Kids On The Subject Of My Divorce
Why a Good Divorce Is Better Than a Bad Marriage for Kids
How I Manage to Love an Ex-Husband Who Hates Me
PDA Between Parents Is Actually Good for Your Kids' Health
We're Having a Baby!? How To Feel The Joy, Without The Financial FearsInvestment, necessity, consuming! Great learnings!
A U.S. City is Practically Begging to Accept More Refugees
7 Signs Your Significant Other Is Entirely Wrong For You, 4 out of 6, wow... this hit home.
The Two Counterintuitive Personality Traits That Make the World’s Best Leaders
A vote for Trump is a vote for China
‘Shark Tank’ suffers from the same problem as the rest of the startup world
Chinese companies love acquiring American brands
Japan's population is plunging, so where are the babies?
For families, even a small amount in savings goes a long way
The economics of wasting food
"Regardless, it’s time to resurrect the Golden Rule. Let’s all take a breath, shake it off, and declare a do-over. Let’s start listening to each other, especially when we disagree. Let’s value our differences instead of vilifying each other for them. Let’s be inclusive and kind. Let’s be compassionate and empathetic to the plights of others. Let’s be human beings. Because we’re never going to get anywhere if we continue to treat each other like garbage. A wise man who I loved very much once said: “Let’s stop finding a new witch of the week and burning them at the stake. We are all horrible and wonderful and figuring it out.”
4 Men with 4 Very Different Incomes Open Up About the Lives They Can Afford
找到妻子兼主管的幸福平衡點- 【一段「懂得感恩」的關係,不需完美也能長久】
An Open Apology To My Kids On The Subject Of My Divorce
Why a Good Divorce Is Better Than a Bad Marriage for Kids
How I Manage to Love an Ex-Husband Who Hates Me
PDA Between Parents Is Actually Good for Your Kids' Health
We're Having a Baby!? How To Feel The Joy, Without The Financial FearsInvestment, necessity, consuming! Great learnings!
A U.S. City is Practically Begging to Accept More Refugees
7 Signs Your Significant Other Is Entirely Wrong For You, 4 out of 6, wow... this hit home.
The Two Counterintuitive Personality Traits That Make the World’s Best Leaders
A vote for Trump is a vote for China
‘Shark Tank’ suffers from the same problem as the rest of the startup world
Chinese companies love acquiring American brands
Japan's population is plunging, so where are the babies?
For families, even a small amount in savings goes a long way
The economics of wasting food
Friday, April 22, 2016
Happy #earthday!
Why Firstborns and Only Children are Perfectionists
These are the three most effective ways to chop your carbon footprint
What do women do when no one is watching? These images sum it up nicely.
Biz503: Women In STEM Careers
How to Raise Environmentally Responsible Kids
9 Out Of 10 Parents Think Their Kids Are On Grade Level. They're Probably Wrong
Apple’s iBooks and iTunes movie stores have been shut down in China
Why you should never give up on love
How Oregon became a center for Israeli babies born to surrogate moms
The 10 Most Deadly Phrases In A Relationship, so hard to forget.. because you, MVP and GKP 2 are so deadly toxic.. and you 2 are so harmful to us..
The Arctic Suicides: It's Not The Dark That Kills You
Oregon's top 20 high schools, according to U.S. News' 2016 rankings
Difficult Women
These are the three most effective ways to chop your carbon footprint
What do women do when no one is watching? These images sum it up nicely.
Biz503: Women In STEM Careers
How to Raise Environmentally Responsible Kids
9 Out Of 10 Parents Think Their Kids Are On Grade Level. They're Probably Wrong
Apple’s iBooks and iTunes movie stores have been shut down in China
Why you should never give up on love
How Oregon became a center for Israeli babies born to surrogate moms
The 10 Most Deadly Phrases In A Relationship, so hard to forget.. because you, MVP and GKP 2 are so deadly toxic.. and you 2 are so harmful to us..
The Arctic Suicides: It's Not The Dark That Kills You
Oregon's top 20 high schools, according to U.S. News' 2016 rankings
Difficult Women
I love you , Gabe, see you soon.
5 Ways Your Worst Experiences Can Bring Out the Best in You, definitely, mistakes learned... experience gained.. moving on.. be a wiser people, live life.
Motherhood Is Teaching Me to Live in the Moment
Stop Fleeing Loneliness, I will prevail.
Buying organic veggies at the supermarket is a waste of money
Modern Life Is Harming Your Brain
It’s Hard for Them, Too
Infographic: The Key to a Healthy Brain Is a Healthy Digestive System
Working Moms Breastfeed In Uniform In Stunning Photos
How Americans pretend to love ‘ethnic food’
It's Not Your Thyroid: Surprising Reasons You Might Be Gaining Weight
Chrissy Teigen Just Spoke Out About Having to Wear Diapers After Giving Birth
3-Year-Olds Are Kinda the Worst and Here's Why
The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The ‘Joys’ Of Kids’ Birthdays
101 Things I Say Every Day With 4 Kids Under 7
The best way to put babies to sleep
Do You Want to Fight Bullying? Focus on Kindness
Swingin' Albina: An Oral History Of Portland’s Once Great Jazz Neighborhood
A Viral Facebook Post Has Some Calling Her 'The Meanest Mom Ever,' But She's Just Trying To Raise Her Kids Right
Food Addiction Is Real and Has ZERO to Do with Willpower
Half Your Brain Stands Guard When Sleeping In A New Place
One Good Parent Is Not Enough to Undo Harm Done by the Other
No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problems
I’m A Control Freak About My Kids’ Sleep
10 ways parenting has changed in 10 years
Why We Don’t Let Our Children Do Sleepovers
Five Things NOT to Do to Babies
How Place Makes Pizza
7 Times When You Should Definitely Listen To Your Toddler Saying "No", very very personal!
What is consciousness?
Go away, Mama!
Don’t Tell Me I’m Not a “Real” Single Mom
Real Talk: What I’ve Learned About Race and Motherhood From Having a Son Who Can ‘Pass’ as White
9 Unique Things About Having A Kid Who Looks Nothing Like You
Am I Supposed to Be My Child's Playmate?
Late sleepers are tired of being discriminated against. And science has their back.
Five Hikes for the Whole Family
Portland's best 10 brunches.. wow, i am really out of touch.. don't know most of these.. lol
Mom’s Post About The ‘Absolute Worst Parts Of Motherhood’ Goes Viral
24 Tweets That Will Make You Laugh In The Face Of Stress
Motherhood Is Teaching Me to Live in the Moment
Stop Fleeing Loneliness, I will prevail.
Buying organic veggies at the supermarket is a waste of money
Modern Life Is Harming Your Brain
It’s Hard for Them, Too
Infographic: The Key to a Healthy Brain Is a Healthy Digestive System
Working Moms Breastfeed In Uniform In Stunning Photos
How Americans pretend to love ‘ethnic food’
It's Not Your Thyroid: Surprising Reasons You Might Be Gaining Weight
Chrissy Teigen Just Spoke Out About Having to Wear Diapers After Giving Birth
3-Year-Olds Are Kinda the Worst and Here's Why
The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The ‘Joys’ Of Kids’ Birthdays
101 Things I Say Every Day With 4 Kids Under 7
The best way to put babies to sleep
Do You Want to Fight Bullying? Focus on Kindness
Swingin' Albina: An Oral History Of Portland’s Once Great Jazz Neighborhood
A Viral Facebook Post Has Some Calling Her 'The Meanest Mom Ever,' But She's Just Trying To Raise Her Kids Right
Food Addiction Is Real and Has ZERO to Do with Willpower
Half Your Brain Stands Guard When Sleeping In A New Place
One Good Parent Is Not Enough to Undo Harm Done by the Other
No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problems
I’m A Control Freak About My Kids’ Sleep
10 ways parenting has changed in 10 years
Why We Don’t Let Our Children Do Sleepovers
Five Things NOT to Do to Babies
How Place Makes Pizza
7 Times When You Should Definitely Listen To Your Toddler Saying "No", very very personal!
What is consciousness?
Go away, Mama!
Don’t Tell Me I’m Not a “Real” Single Mom
Real Talk: What I’ve Learned About Race and Motherhood From Having a Son Who Can ‘Pass’ as White
9 Unique Things About Having A Kid Who Looks Nothing Like You
Am I Supposed to Be My Child's Playmate?
Late sleepers are tired of being discriminated against. And science has their back.
Five Hikes for the Whole Family
Portland's best 10 brunches.. wow, i am really out of touch.. don't know most of these.. lol
Mom’s Post About The ‘Absolute Worst Parts Of Motherhood’ Goes Viral
24 Tweets That Will Make You Laugh In The Face Of Stress
Best of what?,
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Intel layoffs: Who qualifies, and what they'll get
The Secret Language of Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths: How Abusers Manipulate and Traumatize Their Victims, Dang, Gabriela Kari Pamfil is a natural born narcissist, sociopath & psychopath, no wonder I don't have a chance... phew... I hope I can help Gabe to avoid the shit... it hits the fan man!
Megacities, not nations, are the world’s dominant, enduring social structures
Age of Distraction: Why It’s Crucial for Students to Learn to Focus
50% Of The Great Barrier Reef Is Now Dead Or Dying, 93% Is Bleached
Nurses Say Stress Interferes With Caring For Their Patients
After Powerful Quakes, An Even Stronger Temblor Strikes Southern Japan
Intel layoffs: More seismic changes to come
The best programming languages you can learn
The Income You Need to Live Comfortably in 50 U.S. Cities
This is how much money you need to make to live ‘comfortably’ in Seattle
You need an income of $60,195 to 'live comfortably' in Portland, study says
Intel to lay off 12K employees, 11% of workforce, as it shifts from PC business
Why You Sometimes Need to Hear Sad Music
Dramatic drone footage of earthquake damage on Japan’s Kyushu island
This Map Shows China’s Hilarious Stereotypes of Europe
How Islam Created Europe
Portland Goes Green(er)
Tips and tricks for raising bilingual children
The Biology of Positive Habits
Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time
What’s Going on Inside the Brain Of A Curious Child?
Sale of Peacock Lane home sparks neighbors' fears
Nordstrom to cut up to 400 more jobs, just one month after slashing 130 tech-related positions
There’s one crucial life lesson on which both CEOs and marriage counselors agree
Intel layoffs: Who qualifies, and what they'll get
The Secret Language of Narcissists, Sociopaths and Psychopaths: How Abusers Manipulate and Traumatize Their Victims, Dang, Gabriela Kari Pamfil is a natural born narcissist, sociopath & psychopath, no wonder I don't have a chance... phew... I hope I can help Gabe to avoid the shit... it hits the fan man!
Megacities, not nations, are the world’s dominant, enduring social structures
Age of Distraction: Why It’s Crucial for Students to Learn to Focus
50% Of The Great Barrier Reef Is Now Dead Or Dying, 93% Is Bleached
Nurses Say Stress Interferes With Caring For Their Patients
After Powerful Quakes, An Even Stronger Temblor Strikes Southern Japan
Intel layoffs: More seismic changes to come
The best programming languages you can learn
The Income You Need to Live Comfortably in 50 U.S. Cities
This is how much money you need to make to live ‘comfortably’ in Seattle
You need an income of $60,195 to 'live comfortably' in Portland, study says
Intel to lay off 12K employees, 11% of workforce, as it shifts from PC business
Why You Sometimes Need to Hear Sad Music
Dramatic drone footage of earthquake damage on Japan’s Kyushu island
This Map Shows China’s Hilarious Stereotypes of Europe
How Islam Created Europe
Portland Goes Green(er)
Tips and tricks for raising bilingual children
The Biology of Positive Habits
Why the baby brain can learn two languages at the same time
What’s Going on Inside the Brain Of A Curious Child?
Sale of Peacock Lane home sparks neighbors' fears
Nordstrom to cut up to 400 more jobs, just one month after slashing 130 tech-related positions
There’s one crucial life lesson on which both CEOs and marriage counselors agree
Coca-Cola is changing its look
When do airlines decide to kick people off planes?
The 'Swap-The-Baby' Test
What Do We Lose By Measuring ‘Average’ In Education?
5 Challenges Of Making Mom Friends
18 Things You Didn’t Know About Anthony Bourdain
What is the most counterfeited item in the world?
Victoria's Secret turns the page on catalogs
On Becoming Anti-Bernie
The Average 29-Year-Old
Treasury Decides To Put Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill
Do You Have Too Many Facebook Friends?
Amazon hoping to put e-books in NY schools
When do airlines decide to kick people off planes?
The 'Swap-The-Baby' Test
What Do We Lose By Measuring ‘Average’ In Education?
5 Challenges Of Making Mom Friends
18 Things You Didn’t Know About Anthony Bourdain
What is the most counterfeited item in the world?
Victoria's Secret turns the page on catalogs
On Becoming Anti-Bernie
The Average 29-Year-Old
Treasury Decides To Put Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill
Do You Have Too Many Facebook Friends?
Amazon hoping to put e-books in NY schools
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
9 Things That Just Don’t Matter Anymore When You Find The Right Person
The Silent Killer Of Relationships
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Why Creatives Need Alone Time to Thrive
Your Conversation On The Bus Or Train May Be Recorded
Here's the Math Self-Driving Cars Will Use to Decide if it Should Sacrifice Its Passengers
So, You Sent Your Kid To A Montessori School?
The one trait that may make us more likely to get over romantic failures
People over 40 are way more productive when they work part-time
Why 3-day work week would boost economy: Study finds over-40 brains can't handle 40-hour 'stress'
Some Hong Kong women would rather die alone than date Hong Kong men
In an Era of Conflict, Healing the World One Classroom at a Time
The Unique Tensions of Couples Who Marry Across Classes
The Limits of the Late-Night Comedy Takedown
What Is Lost When Kindergarten Gets More Academic?
Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away
Iceland Is Officially Worshiping Norse Gods Again
High school student invents a cheaper hearing aid
This Map Shows Us Why Tor Is so Important
Charted: Hong Kong’s housing market suddenly has echoes of the SARS era
U.S. acknowledges Israel’s unlawful killings, excessive force, torture, discrimination against Palestinians
Why Don’t We Have Gift Registries for Breakups?
The unique disadvantage older women face in the workforce
Relationships Are More Important Than Ambition
This Giant Wall Sucks Carbon Dioxide Straight Out Of The Air
The Silent Killer Of Relationships
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
Why Creatives Need Alone Time to Thrive
Your Conversation On The Bus Or Train May Be Recorded
Here's the Math Self-Driving Cars Will Use to Decide if it Should Sacrifice Its Passengers
So, You Sent Your Kid To A Montessori School?
The one trait that may make us more likely to get over romantic failures
People over 40 are way more productive when they work part-time
Why 3-day work week would boost economy: Study finds over-40 brains can't handle 40-hour 'stress'
Some Hong Kong women would rather die alone than date Hong Kong men
In an Era of Conflict, Healing the World One Classroom at a Time
The Unique Tensions of Couples Who Marry Across Classes
The Limits of the Late-Night Comedy Takedown
What Is Lost When Kindergarten Gets More Academic?
Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away
Iceland Is Officially Worshiping Norse Gods Again
High school student invents a cheaper hearing aid
This Map Shows Us Why Tor Is so Important
Charted: Hong Kong’s housing market suddenly has echoes of the SARS era
U.S. acknowledges Israel’s unlawful killings, excessive force, torture, discrimination against Palestinians
Why Don’t We Have Gift Registries for Breakups?
The unique disadvantage older women face in the workforce
Relationships Are More Important Than Ambition
This Giant Wall Sucks Carbon Dioxide Straight Out Of The Air
So far, my tribe said it will get easier when kiddo reaches 5 years old. :)
Parenting Tips from A to Z: A-I
4 Steps to Fit Your Parenting to Your Child's Temperament
Six Negotiation Rules That Will Get You Anything You Want
Who will care for the child?
Arguments begin in major Supreme Court immigration case
Why Play Should Be a Priority for Every Adult’s Life
10 Life-Changing Tips to Make Your Home So Much Cleaner
Is Teaching Kids Empathy Just as Important as Teaching Them Math?
10 Ways to Connect With Your Child
5 Things I Learned From My Working Mom
The Invisible Burden That Leaves Moms Drained
More Than Half Of The U.S. Is Living With Unhealthy Pollution Levels
Raising Confident Girls: When Apologizing Is Not a Good Thing
Terry Gross on Not Having Kids
Coming Soon To A Tortilla Near You: A Vitamin To Prevent Birth Defects
Coffee Workers' Concerns Brew Over Chemical's Link To Lung Disease
Will Genetically 'Edited' Food Be Regulated? The Case Of The Mushroom
Generation X’s Parenting Problem
Hey Mom! Watch This!.. soon, that day will come to me... I miss him already when he is away.
Dear parents, you are being lied to.
Why I Won’t Call My Toddler ‘Bad’, totally agree!!!!!!!
Two Massachusetts high schools make list of top 100 in U.S.
Scorching March temperatures set a global record — for the third straight month this year
Comedian Celeste Barber recreates celebrity Instagrams and they’re all spot on
Fragile Masculinity Causes Men to Be Frightened by Mockumentary
4 Steps to Fit Your Parenting to Your Child's Temperament
Six Negotiation Rules That Will Get You Anything You Want
Who will care for the child?
Arguments begin in major Supreme Court immigration case
Why Play Should Be a Priority for Every Adult’s Life
10 Life-Changing Tips to Make Your Home So Much Cleaner
Is Teaching Kids Empathy Just as Important as Teaching Them Math?
10 Ways to Connect With Your Child
5 Things I Learned From My Working Mom
The Invisible Burden That Leaves Moms Drained
More Than Half Of The U.S. Is Living With Unhealthy Pollution Levels
Raising Confident Girls: When Apologizing Is Not a Good Thing
Terry Gross on Not Having Kids
Coming Soon To A Tortilla Near You: A Vitamin To Prevent Birth Defects
Coffee Workers' Concerns Brew Over Chemical's Link To Lung Disease
Will Genetically 'Edited' Food Be Regulated? The Case Of The Mushroom
Generation X’s Parenting Problem
Hey Mom! Watch This!.. soon, that day will come to me... I miss him already when he is away.
Dear parents, you are being lied to.
Why I Won’t Call My Toddler ‘Bad’, totally agree!!!!!!!
Two Massachusetts high schools make list of top 100 in U.S.
Scorching March temperatures set a global record — for the third straight month this year
Comedian Celeste Barber recreates celebrity Instagrams and they’re all spot on
Fragile Masculinity Causes Men to Be Frightened by Mockumentary
2016 World Press Freedom Index
The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The Joys Of Marriage Post-Kids
We’re Poor, But We Can Still Be Happy
The Three Types of Happiness
When You Can't Sleep, How Good Is Lying in Bed With Your Eyes Closed?
How Happiness Changes With Age
This Is What It's Like to Try to Sue Donald Trump
10 Movies This Child of the ’80s Wants Her Kids to Watch
Obama Urges Journalists to Cover the Substance of the Campaign
No Such Thing as an Expert on Asia
"The interesting thing about the Asians -- the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Cambodians, Indians, Pakistanis -- coming to the United States is they're coming in with all the old American virtues -- family, hard work, risks and endurance, stamina. I think they're making a positive contribution to this country." The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The Joys Of Marriage Post-Kids
Comedian’s Hilarious Instagram Recreations Are So Much Better Than The Originals
The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The Joys Of Marriage Post-Kids
We’re Poor, But We Can Still Be Happy
The Three Types of Happiness
When You Can't Sleep, How Good Is Lying in Bed With Your Eyes Closed?
How Happiness Changes With Age
This Is What It's Like to Try to Sue Donald Trump
10 Movies This Child of the ’80s Wants Her Kids to Watch
Obama Urges Journalists to Cover the Substance of the Campaign
No Such Thing as an Expert on Asia
"The interesting thing about the Asians -- the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Cambodians, Indians, Pakistanis -- coming to the United States is they're coming in with all the old American virtues -- family, hard work, risks and endurance, stamina. I think they're making a positive contribution to this country." The Funniest Parents On Twitter Talk The Joys Of Marriage Post-Kids
Comedian’s Hilarious Instagram Recreations Are So Much Better Than The Originals
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
RIP, Doris Roberts
"If someone is mean, harmful, or evil, they're out of my life. I cross them out." - Doris Roberts
5 Keys To Living A Successful And Full Life, As Told By Doris Roberts
Monday, April 18, 2016
The True Value of Mom
Man vs. Food
Every fulfilling relationship begins with how you see your partner
This Is What Parenting With Anxiety Is Like
For When You Think You Didn’t Get Sh*t Done Today
To My Son: Hold On To Your Sparkle, Kid
15 Things Veteran Moms Really Want to Say
The dangers of a present but absent parent
How I Found My Tribe On Facebook, yeah I found my tribe too. :)
Being Present For The Lasts
What Texting Does to the Spine
Researchers have found a ‘striking’ new side effect from eating fast food
32 Super Truthful Moms Confess Outrageous Things About Motherhood.
What We Choose to Eat Reveals Our Psychology More than Our Biology
A program that mixes academics with vocational training
More Progressive Ways to Measure Deeper Levels of Learning
People Who Have Amazing Sex All Have One Thing In Common: Timing
Can you solve it? The logic question almost everyone gets wrong
Can You Recognize Controlling People? YES WE ARE ALL CONTROLLING PEOPLE.
One And Done: Yes, We ‘Only’ Had One Child — And That’s OK
6 Ways to Escape a Toddler Tantrum Before It Starts
I Don’t Want Your Unconditional Love
Study: Verbal Abuse Hurts at Least as Much as Physical Abuse
Beware the rule-following co-worker, Harvard study warns
Why Is It So Hard to Tell When Someone Likes You?
Watch: Short videos that TED says will recharge your brain
What's wrong with what we eat?
Marriage Should Be About Giving Strength, Not Making Up For Weakness
Sex ed for adults
My Worst Nightmare — What If I Accidentally Raise The Bully?
The Evolution Of A Mom’s Sex Drive, love this! .. and GP & MVP were really supportive to call me out "XXXX""..haha.. I am only human
5 Reasons Why I Talk To My Young Kids About Sex And Sexuality
The Ultimate Guide to Positive Discipline
Attachment Parenting Out Of Sheer Laziness
Horrors Pile Up Quietly In 'The Other Slavery'
America’s missing wage growth has been particularly cruel to one generation—and it isn’t millennials
Pregnancy Is Not an Invitation to Comment on My Body
For Couples Skipping The Ring, It Pays To Plot Out Finances
The Case for Teaching Kids 'Vagina,' 'Penis,' and 'Vulva'
I’m The Mom Who’s Often On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown.. I will make sure to take care myself, so I won't get this far to be a nervous mom.. but others.. take care each other. My partner left us, but we are fine.
Ready to take the STING out of the Birds + Bees Talks?
8 Reasons Why Women Get Better With Age
Guy Goes on Racist Rant After Being Denied Sex
When Emotional Intelligence Goes Wrong
The Ambivalent Marriage Takes a Toll on Health
7 Problems Every Couple Inevitably Faces, According To Therapists
Who gets divorced in America, in 7 charts
Man vs. Food
Every fulfilling relationship begins with how you see your partner
This Is What Parenting With Anxiety Is Like
For When You Think You Didn’t Get Sh*t Done Today
To My Son: Hold On To Your Sparkle, Kid
15 Things Veteran Moms Really Want to Say
The dangers of a present but absent parent
How I Found My Tribe On Facebook, yeah I found my tribe too. :)
Being Present For The Lasts
What Texting Does to the Spine
Researchers have found a ‘striking’ new side effect from eating fast food
32 Super Truthful Moms Confess Outrageous Things About Motherhood.
What We Choose to Eat Reveals Our Psychology More than Our Biology
A program that mixes academics with vocational training
More Progressive Ways to Measure Deeper Levels of Learning
People Who Have Amazing Sex All Have One Thing In Common: Timing
Can you solve it? The logic question almost everyone gets wrong
Can You Recognize Controlling People? YES WE ARE ALL CONTROLLING PEOPLE.
One And Done: Yes, We ‘Only’ Had One Child — And That’s OK
6 Ways to Escape a Toddler Tantrum Before It Starts
I Don’t Want Your Unconditional Love
Study: Verbal Abuse Hurts at Least as Much as Physical Abuse
Beware the rule-following co-worker, Harvard study warns
Why Is It So Hard to Tell When Someone Likes You?
Watch: Short videos that TED says will recharge your brain
What's wrong with what we eat?
Marriage Should Be About Giving Strength, Not Making Up For Weakness
Sex ed for adults
My Worst Nightmare — What If I Accidentally Raise The Bully?
The Evolution Of A Mom’s Sex Drive, love this! .. and GP & MVP were really supportive to call me out "XXXX""..haha.. I am only human
5 Reasons Why I Talk To My Young Kids About Sex And Sexuality
The Ultimate Guide to Positive Discipline
Attachment Parenting Out Of Sheer Laziness
Horrors Pile Up Quietly In 'The Other Slavery'
America’s missing wage growth has been particularly cruel to one generation—and it isn’t millennials
Pregnancy Is Not an Invitation to Comment on My Body
For Couples Skipping The Ring, It Pays To Plot Out Finances
The Case for Teaching Kids 'Vagina,' 'Penis,' and 'Vulva'
I’m The Mom Who’s Often On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown.. I will make sure to take care myself, so I won't get this far to be a nervous mom.. but others.. take care each other. My partner left us, but we are fine.
Ready to take the STING out of the Birds + Bees Talks?
8 Reasons Why Women Get Better With Age
Guy Goes on Racist Rant After Being Denied Sex
When Emotional Intelligence Goes Wrong
The Ambivalent Marriage Takes a Toll on Health
7 Problems Every Couple Inevitably Faces, According To Therapists
Who gets divorced in America, in 7 charts
Best of what?,
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Always remember to be kind to yourself. You are a mom. That is a big deal.
"Most importantly, remember that it’s okay to freak out a bit about how different your body is. You are a changed being! You’ve created a life! So be kind to yourself. Give yourself emotional time and space to make peace with your new body by highlighting what you love, what your body has done for you, and not, for the love, comparing it to your pre-baby body. Never helpful. Learn this modified Serenity Prayer by heart and repeat it often:
Grant me the serenity to accept the stretch marks I cannot change,
The courage to get my butt to the gym to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
And keep in mind as you look around the playground, Target aisles, and daycare drop-off scene, every other mom there is dealing with these same things. So be kind to yourself and each other. We’re all in this post-baby body thing together." The source
Grant me the serenity to accept the stretch marks I cannot change,
The courage to get my butt to the gym to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
And keep in mind as you look around the playground, Target aisles, and daycare drop-off scene, every other mom there is dealing with these same things. So be kind to yourself and each other. We’re all in this post-baby body thing together." The source
"The curse which lies upon marriage is that too often the individuals are joined in their weakness rather than in their strength, each asking from the other instead of finding pleasure in giving." - Simone de Beauvoir
Do Thyroid Medications Increase The Risk Of Lung Cancer?
Stop Freaking Out About How Much Protein You're Getting
Your Eyes Are (Literally) the Window to Your Soul
We are blind to an epidemic of domestic abuse
Is the ‘War on Mothers’ Really A War on Working-Class America?
The benefits of dirt for children
The Perks Of Having An Only Child
8 Truths Of Parents Who Are Raising A Strong-Willed Child
Does Exercise During Pregnancy Lead to Exercise-Loving Offspring?
Common Words and Phrases That Have Seriously Racist Roots
How to Heal an Emotional Wound
What Do You Owe the Friends You Unwittingly Scammed?
Why mothers of tweens – not babies – are the most depressed
6 Ways to Compliment My Daughter Without Saying ‘You’re Pretty’, I will learn this and praise Gabe the same way.
Turns Out, There Is A Better Way To Play With Your Dog
Marked at Birth: Your Birth Month, Allergies and DNA Are Linked
Salmon Caught Near Seattle Are Full Of Cocaine And Antidepressants GROSS
How the “Model Minority” Myth Made Incarceration Harder for One Chinese Immigrant
Photos: Hong Kong’s overwhelming urban density—captured from a drone
Stop Freaking Out About How Much Protein You're Getting
Your Eyes Are (Literally) the Window to Your Soul
We are blind to an epidemic of domestic abuse
Is the ‘War on Mothers’ Really A War on Working-Class America?
The benefits of dirt for children
The Perks Of Having An Only Child
8 Truths Of Parents Who Are Raising A Strong-Willed Child
Does Exercise During Pregnancy Lead to Exercise-Loving Offspring?
Common Words and Phrases That Have Seriously Racist Roots
How to Heal an Emotional Wound
What Do You Owe the Friends You Unwittingly Scammed?
Why mothers of tweens – not babies – are the most depressed
6 Ways to Compliment My Daughter Without Saying ‘You’re Pretty’, I will learn this and praise Gabe the same way.
Turns Out, There Is A Better Way To Play With Your Dog
Marked at Birth: Your Birth Month, Allergies and DNA Are Linked
Salmon Caught Near Seattle Are Full Of Cocaine And Antidepressants GROSS
How the “Model Minority” Myth Made Incarceration Harder for One Chinese Immigrant
Photos: Hong Kong’s overwhelming urban density—captured from a drone
There's no need to prove anything to anyone; it's your own life that you should be improving. -Under the Tuscan Sun
Don't hold back your kindness; sometimes the smallest act of caring can have the biggest impact in the heart of another. -Monsters Inc.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Southeast Asia’s infrastructure plans show that they want to redefine the value chain of the future
The Art Of Waiting Gracefully
50 Reasons to #LoveTheWorld
This Could Be A Game Changer For Parents Who Fly With Their Kids
Solo Dining Is the Solo Travel Experience at Home
These Things Happen To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day.. Hail oatmeal.. :)
Come fly with me
JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon delivers an epic takedown of Donald Trump without even naming him
The $90 billion question: Do we need government-supplied daycare?
The foodie's guide to seeing Portland
Why “do what you love” is bad career advice
10 Words 'The Simpsons' Made Famous
The Moral Bucket List
The Art Of Waiting Gracefully
50 Reasons to #LoveTheWorld
This Could Be A Game Changer For Parents Who Fly With Their Kids
Solo Dining Is the Solo Travel Experience at Home
These Things Happen To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day.. Hail oatmeal.. :)
Come fly with me
JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon delivers an epic takedown of Donald Trump without even naming him
The $90 billion question: Do we need government-supplied daycare?
The foodie's guide to seeing Portland
Why “do what you love” is bad career advice
10 Words 'The Simpsons' Made Famous
The Moral Bucket List
Friday, April 15, 2016
The Truth About Sleeping Through The Night
Should your baby share your bed?
Disturbing New Evidence About What Common Pesticides Can Do to Brains
How to Be Your Best Self? Embrace Your Imperfection
16 (Super Helpful) Things My Mom Drilled Into My Head
When You Lose Sleep, Your Brain Can't Read Other People's Emotions
Critics of Cry-It-Out Fundamentally Misunderstand How Stress Affects the Brain
Goodbye, Lake Wobegon: ‘Prairie Home’ is Getting a New Host
Stunning, psychedelic images where art and science collide
Michael Pollan and the Luxury of Time
Buyer Beware: The 12 Most Pesticide-Contaminated Fruits and Veggies
Some of the best brands of packaged pasta you might want to try
Rethinking Intelligence: How Does Imagination Measure Up?
Canadian Economic Growth Slashed, Along With Rest Of World, In IMF Report
The truth about Cancer
What Americans are willing to pay for “ethnic” restaurant food reveals some deep prejudices
Should your baby share your bed?
Disturbing New Evidence About What Common Pesticides Can Do to Brains
How to Be Your Best Self? Embrace Your Imperfection
16 (Super Helpful) Things My Mom Drilled Into My Head
When You Lose Sleep, Your Brain Can't Read Other People's Emotions
Critics of Cry-It-Out Fundamentally Misunderstand How Stress Affects the Brain
Goodbye, Lake Wobegon: ‘Prairie Home’ is Getting a New Host
Stunning, psychedelic images where art and science collide
Michael Pollan and the Luxury of Time
Buyer Beware: The 12 Most Pesticide-Contaminated Fruits and Veggies
Some of the best brands of packaged pasta you might want to try
Rethinking Intelligence: How Does Imagination Measure Up?
Canadian Economic Growth Slashed, Along With Rest Of World, In IMF Report
The truth about Cancer
What Americans are willing to pay for “ethnic” restaurant food reveals some deep prejudices
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