What are your core values?
This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
To the Stranger at the Store
If The Brain Is Dead, Are You?
When Kids Have Structure for Thinking, Better Learning Emerges
Coursera is offering a way to get a real master’s degree for a lot less money
What Happens When Parents Try To Do Common Core Math
A Letter to My Husband: The First Year of Parenting. Too little too late, not when GP aka GK, AK, aka MK, is a home wrecker and a serial liar. Those 2 will have their perfect lives till death do them apart.
Raising Children With an Attitude of Gratitude
How to Teach Kids to Be Grateful: Give Them Less
Don’t tell toddlers to sit still, movement is essential to learning
The Four Qualities of Love, by Thich Nhat Hanh
A Cambridge professor on how to stop being so easily manipulated by misleading statistics
Joseph Campbell on Why Perfectionism Kills Love and the Pathway to Bliss in Romantic Relationships
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
How Work Stress Hits Minorities and Less Educated Workers the Hardest
Diet books are full of lies. But they're even worse when doctors write them.
Presence, Not Praise: How To Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Achievement
An Entire Easter Feast Made of Chocolate, Because Why Not?
Do We Talk Funny? 51 American Colloquialisms
Care For A Career Change-Up? These Stories Are Proof It's Never Too Late
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
If The Brain Is Dead, Are You?
When Kids Have Structure for Thinking, Better Learning Emerges
Coursera is offering a way to get a real master’s degree for a lot less money
What Happens When Parents Try To Do Common Core Math
A Letter to My Husband: The First Year of Parenting. Too little too late, not when GP aka GK, AK, aka MK, is a home wrecker and a serial liar. Those 2 will have their perfect lives till death do them apart.
Raising Children With an Attitude of Gratitude
How to Teach Kids to Be Grateful: Give Them Less
Don’t tell toddlers to sit still, movement is essential to learning
The Four Qualities of Love, by Thich Nhat Hanh
A Cambridge professor on how to stop being so easily manipulated by misleading statistics
Joseph Campbell on Why Perfectionism Kills Love and the Pathway to Bliss in Romantic Relationships
Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
The Secret to Raising Smart Kids
How Work Stress Hits Minorities and Less Educated Workers the Hardest
Diet books are full of lies. But they're even worse when doctors write them.
Presence, Not Praise: How To Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Achievement
An Entire Easter Feast Made of Chocolate, Because Why Not?
Do We Talk Funny? 51 American Colloquialisms
Care For A Career Change-Up? These Stories Are Proof It's Never Too Late
Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
We are among who? Ford??? Loreal??? Really??? hmmm...
Weyerhaeuser’s leadership in fostering a culture of integrity and compliance was recognized recently by the Ethisphere Institute who named us a 2016 World’s Most Ethical Company®. With 131 organizations honored worldwide, Weyerhaeuser was only one of two companies to win the award in the Forest, Paper & Packaging category. This is the seventh time we’ve received this recognition.

Sunday, March 27, 2016
No Turning Back
The one trait that may make us more likely to get over romantic failures
These 2 Questions Could Save Your Relationship
3 Ways to Know You're Ready to Sleep With Someone New
Boomers Face A 'Divorce Revolution,' But Some Can Learn From Happy Couples
The Future Of Porn Could Look A Lot Like This
Is Your Relationship Fair?
Growing Up in a War Zone Permanently Damages Kids’ Brains
Why swearing may not be as bad as you think
Why Breakups Can Be So Brutal
10 Ways to Avoid Being Judged in Mommy Groups
The family footsteps we follow
This green entrepreneur was once an undocumented farmworker
Trigger Warning: Breakfast
The one trait that may make us more likely to get over romantic failures
These 2 Questions Could Save Your Relationship
3 Ways to Know You're Ready to Sleep With Someone New
Boomers Face A 'Divorce Revolution,' But Some Can Learn From Happy Couples
The Future Of Porn Could Look A Lot Like This
Is Your Relationship Fair?
Growing Up in a War Zone Permanently Damages Kids’ Brains
Why swearing may not be as bad as you think
Why Breakups Can Be So Brutal
10 Ways to Avoid Being Judged in Mommy Groups
The family footsteps we follow
This green entrepreneur was once an undocumented farmworker
Trigger Warning: Breakfast
Perfection is inhuman. Human beings are not perfect. What evokes our love — and I mean love, not lust — is the imperfection of the human being. So, when the imperfection of the real person, compared to the ideal of your animus or anima, peeks through, say, this is a challenge to my compassion. Then make a try, and something might begin to get going here. You might begin to be quit of your fix on your anima. - Joseph Campbell
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
5 Parenting Choices Every New Mom Is Sick Of Being Judged On, it was just the surface!
Watching Television Makes You Only Slightly Happier Than Commuting
America’s obsession with social media is undermining the democratic process
6 Ways To Raise A Child Who Is Nothing Like Donald Trump
With A Simple Story About His Parents, Congressman Destroys Trump And Cruz’s Response To Brussels
Do you live in a bubble? A quiz
'The West Wing Weekly' Podcast Promises To Break Down Every Episode
‘Kids Are The Worst’ Instagram Account Gets Totally Honest About Parenting
Weimar America?
Ceci N'Est Pas Ice Cream (Actually It's Lard And Food Coloring)
Parents Sleeping Badly? They May Think Their Children Are, Too
21 Tweets From Parents That Sum Up The Misery Of Daylight Saving Time
Watching Television Makes You Only Slightly Happier Than Commuting
America’s obsession with social media is undermining the democratic process
6 Ways To Raise A Child Who Is Nothing Like Donald Trump
With A Simple Story About His Parents, Congressman Destroys Trump And Cruz’s Response To Brussels
Do you live in a bubble? A quiz
'The West Wing Weekly' Podcast Promises To Break Down Every Episode
‘Kids Are The Worst’ Instagram Account Gets Totally Honest About Parenting
Weimar America?
Ceci N'Est Pas Ice Cream (Actually It's Lard And Food Coloring)
Parents Sleeping Badly? They May Think Their Children Are, Too
21 Tweets From Parents That Sum Up The Misery Of Daylight Saving Time
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Why Belgium is vulnerable to attacks
What Would GWB Do? Nominate Garland, Says Former Bush Lawyer
Donald Trump can’t stop saying nasty things about women. It could cost him.
'There is no sign...these people are about to blow themselves up into smithereens'
Our obsession with elite colleges is making our kids feel worthless
More Teachers Can't Afford To Live Where They Teach
Big fairs like Art Basel Hong Kong are great for business, but bad for art
Study: Mass produced antibodies kill HIV in newborn monkeys in 2 weeks
A Letter To President Obama From The Daughter Of A Cuban Exile
The Story Behind Seattle's Obsession With Craftsman Homes
Who's That Neighbor In The Box House?
Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife
Of Seattle’s big Trump donors – all 6 of them – 2 are sorry they gave
Future American doctors train for free — in Cuba
Seattle Woman Regains Citizenship Taken From Family 500 Years Ago
Are Portland traffic jams as bad as Chicago's? No. No, they're not.
Terrorism Expert Calls Out Donald Trump For Feeding ISIS Propaganda
Donald Trump’s Free Speech Is Not Threatened, So Please Just Shut Up
Donald Trump Tweets About Brussels Terror Attacks, Makes Bombings About US Politics Just remember! Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
That Cabernet Might Not Be Good For Your Health After All
Our kids caught a $1,000 cough. Be careful: Yours can get it, too.
Why it seems impossible to buy your first home
Big fairs like Art Basel Hong Kong are great for business, but bad for art
Why is Trump Winning? He's Selling Glamour – Not Policy
Capitalism has to be attended to
Oregon State women dance into Sweet 16 after dominating win against St. Bonaventure
What Would GWB Do? Nominate Garland, Says Former Bush Lawyer
Donald Trump can’t stop saying nasty things about women. It could cost him.
'There is no sign...these people are about to blow themselves up into smithereens'
Our obsession with elite colleges is making our kids feel worthless
More Teachers Can't Afford To Live Where They Teach
Big fairs like Art Basel Hong Kong are great for business, but bad for art
Study: Mass produced antibodies kill HIV in newborn monkeys in 2 weeks
A Letter To President Obama From The Daughter Of A Cuban Exile
The Story Behind Seattle's Obsession With Craftsman Homes
Who's That Neighbor In The Box House?
Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife
Of Seattle’s big Trump donors – all 6 of them – 2 are sorry they gave
Future American doctors train for free — in Cuba
Seattle Woman Regains Citizenship Taken From Family 500 Years Ago
Are Portland traffic jams as bad as Chicago's? No. No, they're not.
Terrorism Expert Calls Out Donald Trump For Feeding ISIS Propaganda
Donald Trump’s Free Speech Is Not Threatened, So Please Just Shut Up
Donald Trump Tweets About Brussels Terror Attacks, Makes Bombings About US Politics Just remember! Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.
That Cabernet Might Not Be Good For Your Health After All
Our kids caught a $1,000 cough. Be careful: Yours can get it, too.
Why it seems impossible to buy your first home
Big fairs like Art Basel Hong Kong are great for business, but bad for art
Why is Trump Winning? He's Selling Glamour – Not Policy
Capitalism has to be attended to
Oregon State women dance into Sweet 16 after dominating win against St. Bonaventure
Doing less with more
A better way to tour Multnomah Falls: The scenic Multnomah-Wahkeena Loop
Just how overpriced are budget-airline refreshments?
What's in Those Haribo Gummy Bears?
10 Hilarious Comics That Show Having Kids Is One Helluva Ride
Here’s What Happens to Animals at the Multnomah County Shelter
Not again! SNAP cut hurts struggling adults
NASA-Recommended: 18 Plants That Purify The Air We Breathe
Brazil is the world’s second-worst economy
After earning a fortune in airline miles, I’ve figured out the economics of exactly how to spend them
Islam in Europe: perception and reality
The Best Finds at 180, Xurros to Dipping Sauces
Portland job market keeps improving
The man cold vs. the mom cold
Has Portland City Hall Learned Its Lesson About Parking Spaces Raising Rents?
A better way to tour Multnomah Falls: The scenic Multnomah-Wahkeena Loop
Just how overpriced are budget-airline refreshments?
What's in Those Haribo Gummy Bears?
10 Hilarious Comics That Show Having Kids Is One Helluva Ride
Here’s What Happens to Animals at the Multnomah County Shelter
Not again! SNAP cut hurts struggling adults
NASA-Recommended: 18 Plants That Purify The Air We Breathe
Brazil is the world’s second-worst economy
After earning a fortune in airline miles, I’ve figured out the economics of exactly how to spend them
Islam in Europe: perception and reality
The Best Finds at 180, Xurros to Dipping Sauces
Portland job market keeps improving
The man cold vs. the mom cold
Has Portland City Hall Learned Its Lesson About Parking Spaces Raising Rents?
What Happens to the Brain During Cognitive Dissonance?
Attacking Heidi Cruz for Her Depression Is a Disgraceful Move
13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married
Finding The Balance Between Chaos And Structure
Skip The Spoon: Babies May Eat Better When They Feed Themselves
What Happens to the Brain During Cognitive Dissonance?
Why We Don’t Let Our Children Do Sleepovers
Analysts respond to our April cover story and assess the president’s foreign policy
The 5 Big Reasons Why Couples Divorce After Decades Of Marriage
Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues
How To Finally Get Closure After A Split, In 9 Expert-Approved Steps
How my fantasy of marriage settled into the reality of marriage
9 Signs Your Long-Term Partner Is Still Madly In Love With You
Why I Let My Kids Interrupt My Conversations
John Gottman’s five rules for saving a marriage
Gender Ideology Harms Children
Barack Obama is officially one of the most consequential presidents in American history
3 Mistakes Parents Make When Their Kids Bully Them
The Work That Makes Work Possible
The problem with profits
Build Love Maps
Apple is boring now
How do carbohydrates impact your health? - Richard J. Wood
Here's to All the Mothers
Attacking Heidi Cruz for Her Depression Is a Disgraceful Move
13 Questions to Ask Before Getting Married
Finding The Balance Between Chaos And Structure
Skip The Spoon: Babies May Eat Better When They Feed Themselves
What Happens to the Brain During Cognitive Dissonance?
Why We Don’t Let Our Children Do Sleepovers
Analysts respond to our April cover story and assess the president’s foreign policy
The 5 Big Reasons Why Couples Divorce After Decades Of Marriage
Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues
How To Finally Get Closure After A Split, In 9 Expert-Approved Steps
How my fantasy of marriage settled into the reality of marriage
9 Signs Your Long-Term Partner Is Still Madly In Love With You
Why I Let My Kids Interrupt My Conversations
John Gottman’s five rules for saving a marriage
Gender Ideology Harms Children
Barack Obama is officially one of the most consequential presidents in American history
3 Mistakes Parents Make When Their Kids Bully Them
The Work That Makes Work Possible
The problem with profits
Build Love Maps
Apple is boring now
How do carbohydrates impact your health? - Richard J. Wood
Here's to All the Mothers
Here’s How 8 Different Countries Officially Define What ‘Healthy Eating’ Is
Forget Generation Rent: More Younger Americans Aim To Buy
Would You Opt For An Organic Pod Burial?
50+ Picture Books about Mixed Race Families
The bystander. France embodies Europe’s dilemmas over migration
Police officer: Trump protesters were ‘the most hateful, evil people I’ve ever seen’
One Thing Considered: ‘Stressed Out,’ an Anthem of Millennial Anxiety
A hollow superpower
Worth their wait in gold
Fuck You, I’m Not A Millennial
Poop Peeps Are Here To Help Ruin Easter
How to beat loneliness
Forget Generation Rent: More Younger Americans Aim To Buy
Would You Opt For An Organic Pod Burial?
50+ Picture Books about Mixed Race Families
The bystander. France embodies Europe’s dilemmas over migration
Police officer: Trump protesters were ‘the most hateful, evil people I’ve ever seen’
One Thing Considered: ‘Stressed Out,’ an Anthem of Millennial Anxiety
A hollow superpower
Worth their wait in gold
Fuck You, I’m Not A Millennial
Poop Peeps Are Here To Help Ruin Easter
How to beat loneliness
Last time...
The Last Time
From the moment you hold your baby in your arms,
you will never be the same.
You might long for the person you were before,
When you have freedom and time,
And nothing in particular to worry about.
You will know tiredness like you never knew it before,
And days will run into days that are exactly the same,
Full of feedings and burping,
Nappy changes and crying,
Whining and fighting,
Naps or a lack of naps,
It might seem like a never-ending cycle.
But don’t forget …
There is a last time for everything.
There will come a time when you will feed
your baby for the very last time.
They will fall asleep on you after a long day
And it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child.
One day you will carry them on your hip then set them down,
And never pick them up that way again.
You will scrub their hair in the bath one night
And from that day on they will want to bathe alone.
They will hold your hand to cross the road,
Then never reach for it again.
They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles,
And it will be the last night you ever wake to this.
One afternoon you will sing “the wheels on the bus”
and do all the actions,
Then never sing them that song again.
They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate,
The next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone.
You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face.
They will run to you with arms raised for the very last time.
The thing is, you won’t even know it’s the last time
Until there are no more times.
And even then, it will take you a while to realize.
So while you are living in these times,
remember there are only so many of them
and when they are gone, you will yearn for just one more day of them.
For one last time.
-Author Unknown-
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
In the Digital Age, What Becomes of the Library?
18 Things About Raising Children I Wish My Parents Had Told Me
Why Parents Should Not Make Kids Do Homework
Clinton attacks Trump’s qualifications in AIPAC address
Giggle Parenting For A Toddler That Runs Away – Reader Question N.O 9
5 Ways to Bolster Your Child's Emotional Intelligence
Donald Trump Is a Small Man
Parents FedEx Their Family through Blizzard for Daughter's Transplant
The Healthiest People In The World Eat A Lot Of Carbs
The Link Between Multilinguals and People Skills
A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board
Donald Trump Is a Small Man
Letting Go of Learning Styles
Bill Clinton Bought One Book at Powell’s Yesterday—Here’s What It Was
Studies Suggest Multilingual Exposure Boosts Children's Communication Skills
Explaining 'Small Hands,' Wet Pants To Your Kids This Presidential Campaign
French, Spanish, German ... Java? Making Coding Count As A Foreign Language
Electronic Toys May Hinder Baby Language Development
I, Cthulhu, endorse Donald Trump
10 Things I’d Rather My Kid Be Doing Than Homework
When Your Child’s Anxiety Is Making You Anxious, Repeat These 22 Phrases
WaPo After Meeting Trump: His Presidency Would Pose ‘Radical Risk’
Suppressed in translation
Bubble Tea Is Back — With A Vengeance
The Love Story of a Boy and His Blankie
The Best Little Strip Mall in Portland
Four Fun Videos That Explore the English Language
America's 20 Most Beautiful Skylines, Ranked
The Americans who’d benefit the most from online education have no idea it exists
Shutting down immigration won't solve Europe's terrorism problem
Fox News slams Donald Trump for sick obsession with Megan Kelly
Republican's Elite reign of disdain
NO, not Trump, Not ever.
18 Things About Raising Children I Wish My Parents Had Told Me
Why Parents Should Not Make Kids Do Homework
Clinton attacks Trump’s qualifications in AIPAC address
Giggle Parenting For A Toddler That Runs Away – Reader Question N.O 9
5 Ways to Bolster Your Child's Emotional Intelligence
Donald Trump Is a Small Man
Parents FedEx Their Family through Blizzard for Daughter's Transplant
The Healthiest People In The World Eat A Lot Of Carbs
The Link Between Multilinguals and People Skills
A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board
Donald Trump Is a Small Man
Letting Go of Learning Styles
Bill Clinton Bought One Book at Powell’s Yesterday—Here’s What It Was
Studies Suggest Multilingual Exposure Boosts Children's Communication Skills
Explaining 'Small Hands,' Wet Pants To Your Kids This Presidential Campaign
French, Spanish, German ... Java? Making Coding Count As A Foreign Language
Electronic Toys May Hinder Baby Language Development
I, Cthulhu, endorse Donald Trump
10 Things I’d Rather My Kid Be Doing Than Homework
When Your Child’s Anxiety Is Making You Anxious, Repeat These 22 Phrases
WaPo After Meeting Trump: His Presidency Would Pose ‘Radical Risk’
Suppressed in translation
Bubble Tea Is Back — With A Vengeance
The Love Story of a Boy and His Blankie
The Best Little Strip Mall in Portland
Four Fun Videos That Explore the English Language
America's 20 Most Beautiful Skylines, Ranked
The Americans who’d benefit the most from online education have no idea it exists
Shutting down immigration won't solve Europe's terrorism problem
Fox News slams Donald Trump for sick obsession with Megan Kelly
Republican's Elite reign of disdain
NO, not Trump, Not ever.
Therapy can actually make things worse for some people
18 Rules Of Behavior For Young Ladies In 1831
Japan’s male-only emperor system. Imperial lather
Only 2.7 percent of U.S. adults live healthy lifestyle, Oregon State researchers find
Why Is Marriage Thriving Among (and Only Among) the Affluent?
Meet the Women Working to Take Down Trump
When did America give up on the idea of America?
The Dumbing Of America
Anti-Trump protester punched, kicked at Tucson rally...who are these trump support? Bully, just liked Trump himself.
Elizabeth Warren Deftly Employs Trump’s Own Insults Against Him
Barriers For Women Today May Be Less Visible, But Not Less Real
For Tokyo's Famed Fish Market, A Dreaded Death And A Hopeful Rebirth
The GOP Elites Have Themselves to Blame
The U.S. doesn’t crack the top 10 happiest countries in the world
America’s misery index: a presidential ranking
Beware What You Say on Facebook—Even If It’s True
Pediatric guidelines now urge holistic health and wellbeing checks
Riveting video the harmful consequences of objectifying women
'Unfair and lovely': South Asian women dare to be dark
This Japanese Inn Has Been Open For 1,300 Years
What Kind of Partners Make Narcissists Happy?
18 Rules Of Behavior For Young Ladies In 1831
Japan’s male-only emperor system. Imperial lather
Only 2.7 percent of U.S. adults live healthy lifestyle, Oregon State researchers find
Why Is Marriage Thriving Among (and Only Among) the Affluent?
Meet the Women Working to Take Down Trump
When did America give up on the idea of America?
The Dumbing Of America
Anti-Trump protester punched, kicked at Tucson rally...who are these trump support? Bully, just liked Trump himself.
Elizabeth Warren Deftly Employs Trump’s Own Insults Against Him
Barriers For Women Today May Be Less Visible, But Not Less Real
For Tokyo's Famed Fish Market, A Dreaded Death And A Hopeful Rebirth
The GOP Elites Have Themselves to Blame
The U.S. doesn’t crack the top 10 happiest countries in the world
America’s misery index: a presidential ranking
Beware What You Say on Facebook—Even If It’s True
Pediatric guidelines now urge holistic health and wellbeing checks
Riveting video the harmful consequences of objectifying women
'Unfair and lovely': South Asian women dare to be dark
This Japanese Inn Has Been Open For 1,300 Years
What Kind of Partners Make Narcissists Happy?
"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open." ~ Martha Graham
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Why I Am Not a Maker
No, America Is Not a Poor Country
When Chefs Become Famous Cooking Other Cultures' Food
For Adults, Lifelong Learning Happens The Old Fashioned Way
Strollers on Campus
An Upside To Climate Change? Better French Wine
‘A Window Into Other Lives’: Twitter at 10
What Makes People Smile In The Saddest Country In The World?
If You Think This Bus Has An Eye On You, You're Right
【新店直撃】出現了!卡樂B Plus薯片概念店登陸灣仔!
Oregon to Become Home to World’s Largest Corndog
5 Ways to Battle Procrastination
5 tips to improve your critical thinking
Rick Steves' The Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today
No, America Is Not a Poor Country
When Chefs Become Famous Cooking Other Cultures' Food
For Adults, Lifelong Learning Happens The Old Fashioned Way
Strollers on Campus
An Upside To Climate Change? Better French Wine
‘A Window Into Other Lives’: Twitter at 10
What Makes People Smile In The Saddest Country In The World?
If You Think This Bus Has An Eye On You, You're Right
【新店直撃】出現了!卡樂B Plus薯片概念店登陸灣仔!
Oregon to Become Home to World’s Largest Corndog
5 Ways to Battle Procrastination
5 tips to improve your critical thinking
Rick Steves' The Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today
Monday, March 21, 2016
Sunday, March 20, 2016
How the rest of the world sees donald trump 12 foreign political cartoons
Ben Bagdikian Knew That Journalism Must Serve the People—Not the Powerful
Where Are the American Cities That Aren't Struggling?
Shields and Brooks on blocking Trump, Sanders’ chances and Merrick Garland
男人愛不愛你?看這10條就知道! I learn a lot. I lost one.
25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas
'The Election-Industrial Complex'
How to travel the world for ‘free’? The Points Guy shows you the way.
Mushrooming megacity property prices in China
Hillary Clinton's Trust Gap Is Killing Her With Millennials
White men dominate Silicon Valley not by accident, but by design
The Fed has finally woken up to the real danger facing the economy
Ben Bagdikian Knew That Journalism Must Serve the People—Not the Powerful
Where Are the American Cities That Aren't Struggling?
Shields and Brooks on blocking Trump, Sanders’ chances and Merrick Garland
男人愛不愛你?看這10條就知道! I learn a lot. I lost one.
25 Powerful Reasons to Eat Bananas
'The Election-Industrial Complex'
How to travel the world for ‘free’? The Points Guy shows you the way.
Mushrooming megacity property prices in China
Hillary Clinton's Trust Gap Is Killing Her With Millennials
White men dominate Silicon Valley not by accident, but by design
The Fed has finally woken up to the real danger facing the economy
Be courageous
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ---Martin Luther King, Jr.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Posh professions
Toxic relationship habits most people think are normal
Study: You Really Can Predict the 'Marrying Type'
The simple communication theory that explains most relationship conflictsActs of Service: “For these people, actions speak louder than words.” Words of Affirmation: “This language uses words to affirm other people.” Receiving Gifts: “For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift.” Physical Touch: “To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch.” Quality Time: “This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.”
6 Reasons Women Leave the Men They Love
This Is How Sand Looks Magnified Up To 300 Times
We’re talking about inequality all wrong
How The Media's Silence Helped Trump Get Ahead
Our Founding Fathers Included Islam
Your cat is a lot deeper than you think
Women in China: on the march
The long march from China to the Ivies
The Very Serious Archaeological Quest For Lewis And Clark's Poop
A Guide to Pizza Styles of Italy
Why smart people are better off with fewer friends
The New York Times Reported on How Lame Boston Is
Almost everyone who is single is single for the same reason, haha, I am still hopeful.
Toxic relationship habits most people think are normal
Study: You Really Can Predict the 'Marrying Type'
The simple communication theory that explains most relationship conflictsActs of Service: “For these people, actions speak louder than words.” Words of Affirmation: “This language uses words to affirm other people.” Receiving Gifts: “For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift.” Physical Touch: “To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch.” Quality Time: “This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.”
6 Reasons Women Leave the Men They Love
This Is How Sand Looks Magnified Up To 300 Times
We’re talking about inequality all wrong
How The Media's Silence Helped Trump Get Ahead
Our Founding Fathers Included Islam
Your cat is a lot deeper than you think
Women in China: on the march
The long march from China to the Ivies
The Very Serious Archaeological Quest For Lewis And Clark's Poop
A Guide to Pizza Styles of Italy
Why smart people are better off with fewer friends
The New York Times Reported on How Lame Boston Is
Almost everyone who is single is single for the same reason, haha, I am still hopeful.
What Is An Enough List And How it Helped Me Enjoy Everyday
Obama's approval rating is the highest it's been in years. Why?
Why Germans pay cash for almost everything
The world’s biggest polluter is now the global leader in renewable-energy spending
Why Sleeping May Be More Important Than Studying
White House Appoints First Trans Woman To Top LGBT-Issues Post
Obama deeply dismayed by ‘vulgar’ presidential campaign
Xenophobia and nationalism are on the rise in Germany
Some Babies Are Just Easier Than Others
Why Naps Need to Make a Comeback
Nearly half of Boston residents make less than $35,000 a year
“Telemeaua de Ibanesti” becomes first Romanian product with protected designation of origin in the EU
There Should Be Flights Just for Parents
The U.S. Government's Warning to Courts That Jail The Poor
In reversal, Obama admin to block oil drilling in Atlantic
What would Shakespeare do about Europe's migrants?
Obama's approval rating is the highest it's been in years. Why?
Why Germans pay cash for almost everything
The world’s biggest polluter is now the global leader in renewable-energy spending
Why Sleeping May Be More Important Than Studying
White House Appoints First Trans Woman To Top LGBT-Issues Post
Obama deeply dismayed by ‘vulgar’ presidential campaign
Xenophobia and nationalism are on the rise in Germany
Some Babies Are Just Easier Than Others
Why Naps Need to Make a Comeback
Nearly half of Boston residents make less than $35,000 a year
“Telemeaua de Ibanesti” becomes first Romanian product with protected designation of origin in the EU
There Should Be Flights Just for Parents
The U.S. Government's Warning to Courts That Jail The Poor
In reversal, Obama admin to block oil drilling in Atlantic
What would Shakespeare do about Europe's migrants?
10 Ways to Connect With Your Child
‘Redshirting’ Kindergarten-Age Kids Can Lead to Regrets
Against the Sticker Chart
Packaged with girls’ dresses, jewelry tested off charts for toxics
10 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship
Here’s What ‘Nesting’ Is And Why My Ex-Wife And I Choose To Do It
The Inconvenient Truth About Love — and Divorce
There’s never been a better time to be divorced, there is no perfect partnership. I had a decent one once till one woman decided that she had to destroy it
A DIVORCED DAD'S ADVICE TO COUPLES RAISING KIDS TOGETHER, I appreciated this article.. but I am fine....
10 Activities to Help Young Children Develop a Positive Attitude
10 Beauty Products That Aren’t Packed with Chemicals
What does it mean to fully fund education?
Salmon Full of Cocaine and Antidepressants? Study Finds Puget Sound Fish Full of Drugs
What Engineers Can Learn From the Design of the Penis
Who Are Trump Supporters?
‘Redshirting’ Kindergarten-Age Kids Can Lead to Regrets
Against the Sticker Chart
Packaged with girls’ dresses, jewelry tested off charts for toxics
10 Critical Things You Should Never Tolerate In A Relationship
Here’s What ‘Nesting’ Is And Why My Ex-Wife And I Choose To Do It
The Inconvenient Truth About Love — and Divorce
There’s never been a better time to be divorced, there is no perfect partnership. I had a decent one once till one woman decided that she had to destroy it
A DIVORCED DAD'S ADVICE TO COUPLES RAISING KIDS TOGETHER, I appreciated this article.. but I am fine....
10 Activities to Help Young Children Develop a Positive Attitude
10 Beauty Products That Aren’t Packed with Chemicals
What does it mean to fully fund education?
Salmon Full of Cocaine and Antidepressants? Study Finds Puget Sound Fish Full of Drugs
What Engineers Can Learn From the Design of the Penis
Who Are Trump Supporters?
Best of what?,
‘Why are you so tired?’ – mum uses a selfie stick to document her day
Moms, Let’s Stop With The Judging
While liberal arts decline in U.S., China and other economic rivals add them
10 Life-Changing Tips to Make Your Home So Much Cleaner
The Mom I Judge Harshest Of All
The Truth About Trade and Job Losses
These 25 Companies Are More Powerful Than Many Countries
THE FIGHT IS REAL, BUT MOMMY WARS ARE NOT, Thank you! I don't understand that why I am hated so much by these 2 persons. One is a woman and a mother herself, full of judgement and hate. One is the father of my child, manipulated and filled his brain with her judgement and hate.
The infuriating rule American Airlines won’t tell you about until it’s too late
Power Suits: How Dressing For Success At Work Can Pay Off
Why Listening to Podcasts Helps Kids Improve Reading Skills
Snoop Dogg Makes Romanian Village Famous With Instagram Mistake
A new study says that if European governments want more babies, they’re really missing the point
Mother Teresa to become a saint on Sept. 4
These “literary criticism” Mr Men Amazon reviews will bring joy to weary parents
7 Things Moms Should Do for Their Kids Every Day, these made me happy.
A BEER COMPANY WILL PAY YOU $12,000 TO TRAVEL AND DRINK BEER ALL SUMMER.. first Ninja in Japan.. now beer and free money to travel.. wow
‘Why are you so tired?’ – mum uses a selfie stick to document her day
Moms, Let’s Stop With The Judging
While liberal arts decline in U.S., China and other economic rivals add them
10 Life-Changing Tips to Make Your Home So Much Cleaner
The Mom I Judge Harshest Of All
The Truth About Trade and Job Losses
These 25 Companies Are More Powerful Than Many Countries
THE FIGHT IS REAL, BUT MOMMY WARS ARE NOT, Thank you! I don't understand that why I am hated so much by these 2 persons. One is a woman and a mother herself, full of judgement and hate. One is the father of my child, manipulated and filled his brain with her judgement and hate.
The infuriating rule American Airlines won’t tell you about until it’s too late
Power Suits: How Dressing For Success At Work Can Pay Off
Why Listening to Podcasts Helps Kids Improve Reading Skills
Snoop Dogg Makes Romanian Village Famous With Instagram Mistake
A new study says that if European governments want more babies, they’re really missing the point
Mother Teresa to become a saint on Sept. 4
These “literary criticism” Mr Men Amazon reviews will bring joy to weary parents
7 Things Moms Should Do for Their Kids Every Day, these made me happy.
A BEER COMPANY WILL PAY YOU $12,000 TO TRAVEL AND DRINK BEER ALL SUMMER.. first Ninja in Japan.. now beer and free money to travel.. wow
Friday, March 18, 2016
Hadley Freeman: the trouble with Caitlyn Jenner
How To calm an angry child
How To Deal With Tantrums in Public (Without Feeling Like A Fool)
They could have stopped Trump. How non-voters blew it
What white-supremacist tattoos on PBS say about the media’s failures to cover racism
Americans have already forgotten their history of backsliding on racial progress
Chinese-American Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet talks diversity in Hollywood
Donald Trump fuels citizenship drive among immigrants
Harry Reid: The GOP’s ‘Big Lie’ Gave Rise To Donald Trump
Harry Reid: Republicans' "moral cowardice" created Donald Trump "Republican leaders created the drought conditions; Donald Trump has simply struck the match." — Senator Harry Reid.
Humans interbred with Hominins on multiple occasions
Opening The Books On Donald Trump's Business Deals In Atlantic City
'Rent-A-Minority' Promises A Satirical Solution To Diversity Problems
Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU
We can’t defend democracy by electing a thug
Michigan’s Governor Goes to Washington, Gets Ass Handed to Him by Congress
A Spoken Word Piece About the Language Barrier: “Maybe Asians are Known to be Good at Math Because That’s the Only Homework Our Parents Could Help us With”
Automatic Braking Systems To Become Standard On Most U.S. Vehicles
Professor Who Solved Fermat's Last Theorem Wins Math's Abel Prize
The rise of American authoritarianism
Cooking Or Slicing Food: What Drove Early Human Evolution?
How To calm an angry child
How To Deal With Tantrums in Public (Without Feeling Like A Fool)
They could have stopped Trump. How non-voters blew it
What white-supremacist tattoos on PBS say about the media’s failures to cover racism
Americans have already forgotten their history of backsliding on racial progress
Chinese-American Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Chloe Bennet talks diversity in Hollywood
Donald Trump fuels citizenship drive among immigrants
Harry Reid: The GOP’s ‘Big Lie’ Gave Rise To Donald Trump
Harry Reid: Republicans' "moral cowardice" created Donald Trump "Republican leaders created the drought conditions; Donald Trump has simply struck the match." — Senator Harry Reid.
Humans interbred with Hominins on multiple occasions
Opening The Books On Donald Trump's Business Deals In Atlantic City
'Rent-A-Minority' Promises A Satirical Solution To Diversity Problems
Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU
We can’t defend democracy by electing a thug
Michigan’s Governor Goes to Washington, Gets Ass Handed to Him by Congress
A Spoken Word Piece About the Language Barrier: “Maybe Asians are Known to be Good at Math Because That’s the Only Homework Our Parents Could Help us With”
Automatic Braking Systems To Become Standard On Most U.S. Vehicles
Professor Who Solved Fermat's Last Theorem Wins Math's Abel Prize
The rise of American authoritarianism
Cooking Or Slicing Food: What Drove Early Human Evolution?
Everybody hates Americans: My life abroad as the maligned Other
Work stress is bad for everyone–but it hurts one group more than anyone else
8 Ways You Can Survive — And Thrive In — Midlife
3 Common Causes of Insecurity and How to Beat Them I will heal and love again..
Americans are spectacularly bad at answering even the most basic math questions
What Exactly Is IN A Cadbury Creme Egg, Anyway?
What Happens When We Become A Cashless Society?
Greenery (or Even Photos of Trees) Can Make Us Happier
This American Life: Poetry of Propaganda
Your Data Footprint Is Affecting Your Life In Ways You Can't Even Imagine
Stand To Work If You Like, But Don't Brag About The Benefits
Academy's Apology For Asian Jokes At Oscars Falls Flat
A Quarter-Life Crisis: When You Let Go Of 'I Will,' What's Next?
If You Set High Expectations For Your Marriage, Is It Doomed?
The Human Behind the Dog or Food Meme Is From Portland
“Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC” Changes Its Name After Warning From Feds
What You Learn in Your 40s
Is Your Medicine Right for Your Metabolism?
Faking happiness on social media helped me cope with depression
San Francisco house-flipping startup considers Portland expansion
What Would It Mean To Have A 'Hapa' Bachelorette?
Pope Francis Sets Canonization Date For Mother Teresa: Sept. 4
For Divorced Couples, Separate Plans OK To Repay Health Law Tax Credits
Can Computer Programs Be Racist And Sexist?
These 27 Solutions Could Help The U.S. Slash Food Waste
The BuzzFeed Buzz Saw: Why Campaigns Should Fear These Four 20-Somethings
Work stress is bad for everyone–but it hurts one group more than anyone else
8 Ways You Can Survive — And Thrive In — Midlife
3 Common Causes of Insecurity and How to Beat Them I will heal and love again..
Americans are spectacularly bad at answering even the most basic math questions
What Exactly Is IN A Cadbury Creme Egg, Anyway?
What Happens When We Become A Cashless Society?
Greenery (or Even Photos of Trees) Can Make Us Happier
This American Life: Poetry of Propaganda
Your Data Footprint Is Affecting Your Life In Ways You Can't Even Imagine
Stand To Work If You Like, But Don't Brag About The Benefits
Academy's Apology For Asian Jokes At Oscars Falls Flat
A Quarter-Life Crisis: When You Let Go Of 'I Will,' What's Next?
If You Set High Expectations For Your Marriage, Is It Doomed?
The Human Behind the Dog or Food Meme Is From Portland
“Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC” Changes Its Name After Warning From Feds
What You Learn in Your 40s
Is Your Medicine Right for Your Metabolism?
Faking happiness on social media helped me cope with depression
San Francisco house-flipping startup considers Portland expansion
What Would It Mean To Have A 'Hapa' Bachelorette?
Pope Francis Sets Canonization Date For Mother Teresa: Sept. 4
For Divorced Couples, Separate Plans OK To Repay Health Law Tax Credits
Can Computer Programs Be Racist And Sexist?
These 27 Solutions Could Help The U.S. Slash Food Waste
The BuzzFeed Buzz Saw: Why Campaigns Should Fear These Four 20-Somethings
True love is about loving me, and not allowing your mother to hurt me.
“True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.” — Ellen G. White
Why Nothing Is More Exciting for Romance Than Calm
The Economist lists Donald Trump winning election as a global risk
Global risk
Linn County DA won’t prosecute driver who admitted checking his phone before deadly hit-and-run crash
Portland No. 3 in U.S. for per-capita Sanders donations
Slack is working on manager bots that will automatically check up on employees
Want To Escape The Cubicle? Here's How To Be Your Own Boss
The unexpected upsides of getting fired over and over again
The stupid, avoidable mistakes that make good employees leave
If you're at a job fair, you may already be in trouble.
Americans Think Republicans Should Give Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee A Fair Hearing
Mitch McConnell’s stance on Merrick Garland is maddeningly brilliant. And desperate.
The Trump Files, Part Two
Jordan Schnitzer Gets a Son—and a Court Battle
A bill to block GMO labeling fails key Senate vote
20 Questions That Reflect How Healthy Your Relationship Truly Is
Optimistic People All Have One Thing In Common: They’re Always Late
Teary Facts About the Science of Crying
Let It Rip: Farting Can Be Good for Your Relationship
Portland To Join Suit Against Monsanto
What Keeping Oil in the Ground Can Do for Economic Inequality
This is what life looks like in the happiest places on Earth
The $1000 pair of shoes
The difference between the Republican and Democratic parties has never been clearer
Arrest and prosecute Donald J. Trump for incitement to violence. Legal precedent: Brandenburg v. Ohio.
Building a Sound Relationship House
11 Gross Signs You’ve Reached Peak Comfort Levels In Your Relationship.. interesting.... there were some.. and then.. there were none..
Lean In to Crying at Work
The Economist lists Donald Trump winning election as a global risk
Global risk
Linn County DA won’t prosecute driver who admitted checking his phone before deadly hit-and-run crash
Portland No. 3 in U.S. for per-capita Sanders donations
Slack is working on manager bots that will automatically check up on employees
Want To Escape The Cubicle? Here's How To Be Your Own Boss
The unexpected upsides of getting fired over and over again
The stupid, avoidable mistakes that make good employees leave
If you're at a job fair, you may already be in trouble.
Americans Think Republicans Should Give Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee A Fair Hearing
Mitch McConnell’s stance on Merrick Garland is maddeningly brilliant. And desperate.
The Trump Files, Part Two
Jordan Schnitzer Gets a Son—and a Court Battle
A bill to block GMO labeling fails key Senate vote
20 Questions That Reflect How Healthy Your Relationship Truly Is
Optimistic People All Have One Thing In Common: They’re Always Late
Teary Facts About the Science of Crying
Let It Rip: Farting Can Be Good for Your Relationship
Portland To Join Suit Against Monsanto
What Keeping Oil in the Ground Can Do for Economic Inequality
This is what life looks like in the happiest places on Earth
The $1000 pair of shoes
The difference between the Republican and Democratic parties has never been clearer
Arrest and prosecute Donald J. Trump for incitement to violence. Legal precedent: Brandenburg v. Ohio.
Building a Sound Relationship House
11 Gross Signs You’ve Reached Peak Comfort Levels In Your Relationship.. interesting.... there were some.. and then.. there were none..
Lean In to Crying at Work
Best of what?,
Start up
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Happy St. Patrick's day!
It is a holiday about the religion, cultural, language and people. Not wearing green or drinking green beer.. just plain silly. It's easier to get people to stop speaking a language than to take it up again. Just ask the Irish.
Everything You Know About St. Patrick’s Day Is Wrong
Everything You Know About St. Patrick’s Day Is Wrong
Why Kids Need to Move,
Touch and Experience to Learn
Beyond 9 to 5: Why My Career Doesn’t Define Me AMEN.
How Teaching With Symmetry Improves Math Understanding
The Economic Anxiety Index: What's Your Number? My number is not good. YIKES
The career advice no one tells you
Some of us remember there were consequences to protesting
How to Design a Classroom Built on Inquiry, Openness and Trust
Disparity in the life spans of the rich and poor is growing
It's Not Just You: Science Agrees Work Starts Too Early
How to Succeed Professionally by Helping Others
How Repetition in Music Affects Your Thinking
Teaching kids philosophy makes them smarter in math and English
250 Years of Campaigns, Cash and Corruption
Overcoming Loss, One Newspaper Delivery At A Time
A Nordic pyramid Sweden's richest 1 % of households control 24% of the pop.'s wealth; Japan's only 4.3%
Discover The Truth About Why You Suck, According To Your Zodiac Sign
How to Help First-Generation Students Succeed
Gross Habits You Really Should Grow Out Of By The Time You're 30
We're Underestimating the Risk of Human Extinction
Beyond 9 to 5: Why My Career Doesn’t Define Me AMEN.
How Teaching With Symmetry Improves Math Understanding
The Economic Anxiety Index: What's Your Number? My number is not good. YIKES
The career advice no one tells you
Some of us remember there were consequences to protesting
How to Design a Classroom Built on Inquiry, Openness and Trust
Disparity in the life spans of the rich and poor is growing
It's Not Just You: Science Agrees Work Starts Too Early
How to Succeed Professionally by Helping Others
How Repetition in Music Affects Your Thinking
Teaching kids philosophy makes them smarter in math and English
250 Years of Campaigns, Cash and Corruption
Overcoming Loss, One Newspaper Delivery At A Time
A Nordic pyramid Sweden's richest 1 % of households control 24% of the pop.'s wealth; Japan's only 4.3%
Discover The Truth About Why You Suck, According To Your Zodiac Sign
How to Help First-Generation Students Succeed
Gross Habits You Really Should Grow Out Of By The Time You're 30
We're Underestimating the Risk of Human Extinction
Best of what?,
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Ride the Rails to Glacier
When Factories Shut Down, Why Don't Workers Move?
The scientist who doesn't fly. Here's why.
Denmark beats Switzerland to become the world’s happiest country
North Korea sentences US college student to 15 years' hard labour
You can apply to be a ninja in Japan
Norway's Plan To Get Rid Of Cars Involves A New Billion-Dollar Bike Highway
A Dutch Newspaper Finds the Perfect Way to Explain Trump
Caught on a hot mic, Clinton speculates about Chris Christie’s support for Trump
In difficult times Mexico and its firms retain their faith in globalisation
China Thinks Hillary Is Bossy
When Factories Shut Down, Why Don't Workers Move?
The scientist who doesn't fly. Here's why.
Denmark beats Switzerland to become the world’s happiest country
North Korea sentences US college student to 15 years' hard labour
You can apply to be a ninja in Japan
Norway's Plan To Get Rid Of Cars Involves A New Billion-Dollar Bike Highway
A Dutch Newspaper Finds the Perfect Way to Explain Trump
Caught on a hot mic, Clinton speculates about Chris Christie’s support for Trump
In difficult times Mexico and its firms retain their faith in globalisation
China Thinks Hillary Is Bossy
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Why Love Is Not the Cure for Loneliness
The National Review Confirms That It Is, Indeed, Worse than Donald Trump
The Trump Campaign Gives License to Violence
Discipline Tips: When Time-Outs Don't Work
Welcome To The Post-Work Economy
Bernie Sanders Says He Opposes Private Charter Schools. What Does That Mean?
Even Astronauts Get The Blues: Or Why Boredom Drives Us Nuts
Dont call it fascism?
Three Simple Steps to Effective Parenting
The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals
How to Handle a Tantrum or Meltdown Like a Rockstar
Donald Trump is merely the symptom. The GOP itself is the disease! The party of NO did this to themselves.. they were breeding the extremists for the last 8 years.
The GOP and the Rise of Anti-Knowledge
Protesters celebrate after Trump rally abruptly canceled
Don’t Take That Tone With Me!
Trump: The American Fascist
Reading is basically a form of brainwashing
There’s a way to teach kids how to fail without ruining their lives
7 Ways to Stop Misbehavior
Why the 401(k) system is a blight on the face of the American republic
Them’s the Breaks! Upsides and Downsides of How Many Kids You Have
French: Lingua Franca
Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand Common Core (and Neither Do His Rivals
So, Who Are Donald Trump’s Voters?
Life in a Banking Desert
The Geography of Trumpism
Former Trump U students describe lofty promises, paltry results
3 Crucial Lessons of Love and Attraction
Larry David returns to SNL, rips into Bernie Sanders supporters
Monty Python’s Terry Jones has a different take on the not-so-funny 2008 financial crisis
Americans with bachelor degrees lag behind other nations in labor skills
Here’s how the rest of the world views Trump and campaign nastiness
There is a “hot migrants” Instagram account, and it’s making a lot of people angry
Oregon's 10 fave hard liquors
How to Stop Passing Unfairness to Your Partner
A College Education Costs Even More Than You Thought It Did
49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child
The National Review Confirms That It Is, Indeed, Worse than Donald Trump
The Trump Campaign Gives License to Violence
Discipline Tips: When Time-Outs Don't Work
Welcome To The Post-Work Economy
Bernie Sanders Says He Opposes Private Charter Schools. What Does That Mean?
Even Astronauts Get The Blues: Or Why Boredom Drives Us Nuts
Dont call it fascism?
Three Simple Steps to Effective Parenting
The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals
How to Handle a Tantrum or Meltdown Like a Rockstar
Donald Trump is merely the symptom. The GOP itself is the disease! The party of NO did this to themselves.. they were breeding the extremists for the last 8 years.
The GOP and the Rise of Anti-Knowledge
Protesters celebrate after Trump rally abruptly canceled
Don’t Take That Tone With Me!
Trump: The American Fascist
Reading is basically a form of brainwashing
There’s a way to teach kids how to fail without ruining their lives
7 Ways to Stop Misbehavior
Why the 401(k) system is a blight on the face of the American republic
Them’s the Breaks! Upsides and Downsides of How Many Kids You Have
French: Lingua Franca
Donald Trump Doesn’t Understand Common Core (and Neither Do His Rivals
So, Who Are Donald Trump’s Voters?
Life in a Banking Desert
The Geography of Trumpism
Former Trump U students describe lofty promises, paltry results
3 Crucial Lessons of Love and Attraction
Larry David returns to SNL, rips into Bernie Sanders supporters
Monty Python’s Terry Jones has a different take on the not-so-funny 2008 financial crisis
Americans with bachelor degrees lag behind other nations in labor skills
Here’s how the rest of the world views Trump and campaign nastiness
There is a “hot migrants” Instagram account, and it’s making a lot of people angry
Oregon's 10 fave hard liquors
How to Stop Passing Unfairness to Your Partner
A College Education Costs Even More Than You Thought It Did
49 Phrases to Calm an Anxious Child
Trump Is a Near-Perfect Example of Needy Narcissism
Advocate says race is a dominant indicator of pollution — not just in Flint
Watch women Read actual Donald Trump quote about Women
A Pitch for Kindness Outside Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan
Originals: How To Spot One, How To Be One
How Single Women Are Transforming American Politics
How Does Sunshine Affect The Lottery?
How Does Gender Affect One's Willingness To Compete?
Ang Lee, other Asian Oscar winner protest "racist stereotypes" to Academy
OSU fined for hazmat violations
The founder of Wikipedia’s Women Scientists project found a brilliant use for her hate mail
THe sex appeal of flower
Scientists can tell when your motives are truly altruistic, and when you’re secretly being selfish
Why We’re Not Looking Up to the West Anymore
7 Things Extremely Happy People Do Every Single Day
NPR Clarifies Cokie Roberts' Role After Anti-Trump Column
http://cjonline.com/opinion/2016-02-26/steve-and-cokie-roberts-gop-must-stop-trump-nowSteve and Cokie Roberts: GOP must stop Trump - now
Here Is When Each Generation Begins and Ends, According to Facts
Portland’s Best Hot Chocolate
Advocate says race is a dominant indicator of pollution — not just in Flint
Watch women Read actual Donald Trump quote about Women
A Pitch for Kindness Outside Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan
Originals: How To Spot One, How To Be One
How Single Women Are Transforming American Politics
How Does Sunshine Affect The Lottery?
How Does Gender Affect One's Willingness To Compete?
Ang Lee, other Asian Oscar winner protest "racist stereotypes" to Academy
OSU fined for hazmat violations
The founder of Wikipedia’s Women Scientists project found a brilliant use for her hate mail
THe sex appeal of flower
Scientists can tell when your motives are truly altruistic, and when you’re secretly being selfish
Why We’re Not Looking Up to the West Anymore
7 Things Extremely Happy People Do Every Single Day
NPR Clarifies Cokie Roberts' Role After Anti-Trump Column
http://cjonline.com/opinion/2016-02-26/steve-and-cokie-roberts-gop-must-stop-trump-nowSteve and Cokie Roberts: GOP must stop Trump - now
Here Is When Each Generation Begins and Ends, According to Facts
Portland’s Best Hot Chocolate
Best of what?,
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Portland's 9 most gut busting food challenges
Americans eat too damn much processed food
Trump Doesn't Own Most Of The Products He Pitched Last Night
Oregon senators: Portland's toxic air is 'public health emergency' where are we now?
Study: Petrochemical Projects Could Transform Pacific Northwest Into Export Hub
The Search for Portland’s Magic Mac
Why You Need To Stop Buying Cheap Clothes
How To Make A Poke Bowl Like A True Hawaii Local
Portland Organizer Founds “Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC”
Reminder: Your Vagina Is Not A Ziploc Bag
Barack Obama to Republicans: Good luck with Vladimir Putin, you can't handle CNBC Kate Brown Officially Files To Run For Oregon Governor
James Corden Conquers YouTube With 'Carpool Karaoke'
Americans eat too damn much processed food
Trump Doesn't Own Most Of The Products He Pitched Last Night
Oregon senators: Portland's toxic air is 'public health emergency' where are we now?
Study: Petrochemical Projects Could Transform Pacific Northwest Into Export Hub
The Search for Portland’s Magic Mac
Why You Need To Stop Buying Cheap Clothes
How To Make A Poke Bowl Like A True Hawaii Local
Portland Organizer Founds “Trump Has Tiny Hands PAC”
Reminder: Your Vagina Is Not A Ziploc Bag
Barack Obama to Republicans: Good luck with Vladimir Putin, you can't handle CNBC Kate Brown Officially Files To Run For Oregon Governor
James Corden Conquers YouTube With 'Carpool Karaoke'
When Justin Met Barack
Hail and farewell: Trudeau in Washington
Justin Trudeau, Canada’s dreamy prime minister, explained for Americans
Michele Obama and Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau team up to hail Canadian fashion at the state dinner
Obama And Trudeau: The Bromance You Didn't Know You Needed
Obama and Canadian prime minister voice stronger ties
The budding bromance between President Obama and Canada’s Justin Trudeau, in 11 great pictures
State dinner will start with a gussied-up version of Canada’s late-night party food
Here's Why Obama's New Pact With Canada Is a Big Deal
Justin Trudeau And Barack Obama Turn To Mush When A Baby's Around
Hail and farewell: Trudeau in Washington
Justin Trudeau, Canada’s dreamy prime minister, explained for Americans
Michele Obama and Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau team up to hail Canadian fashion at the state dinner
Obama And Trudeau: The Bromance You Didn't Know You Needed
Obama and Canadian prime minister voice stronger ties
The budding bromance between President Obama and Canada’s Justin Trudeau, in 11 great pictures
State dinner will start with a gussied-up version of Canada’s late-night party food
Here's Why Obama's New Pact With Canada Is a Big Deal
Justin Trudeau And Barack Obama Turn To Mush When A Baby's Around
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Obama is a great President.
Most Americans don't trust Donald Trump—especially women
This is what a Donald Trump rally looks like
Democrats' best choice for 2016 is the guy already in the White House
Which Issues Each Party Debates, or Ignores
The problem with violence at Trump rallies starts with Trump himself
Obama’s Approval Rating Hits 3-Year High As America Breaks Into Cold Sweat Over His Replacements
Gastronomy Of Genius: History's Great Minds, And The Foods that Fueled Them
The Atlantic examines Obama’s foreign policy legacy
The Obama Doctrine
How Have Critics Been Wrong About President Obama?
Tech billionaires and Republican leaders use secret retreat to plot against Trump
How the Kobayashi Maru Explains Obama's Foreign Policy
The Intermediate Asian Pantry
Obama To Republicans: You Are Responsible For Donald Trump's Rise
'Body Hacking' Movement Rises Ahead Of Moral Answers
A Late Birth Date Could Boost The Risk Of An ADHD Diagnosis
Finally Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Publishing a new book
How Finland Became Europe’s Bear Whisperer
He Rescued A Dog. Then The Dog Rescued Him
This is what a Donald Trump rally looks like
Democrats' best choice for 2016 is the guy already in the White House
Which Issues Each Party Debates, or Ignores
The problem with violence at Trump rallies starts with Trump himself
Obama’s Approval Rating Hits 3-Year High As America Breaks Into Cold Sweat Over His Replacements
Gastronomy Of Genius: History's Great Minds, And The Foods that Fueled Them
The Atlantic examines Obama’s foreign policy legacy
The Obama Doctrine
How Have Critics Been Wrong About President Obama?
Tech billionaires and Republican leaders use secret retreat to plot against Trump
How the Kobayashi Maru Explains Obama's Foreign Policy
The Intermediate Asian Pantry
Obama To Republicans: You Are Responsible For Donald Trump's Rise
Chew On This: Slicing Meat Helped Shape Modern Humans
'Body Hacking' Movement Rises Ahead Of Moral Answers
A Late Birth Date Could Boost The Risk Of An ADHD Diagnosis
Finally Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Publishing a new book
How Finland Became Europe’s Bear Whisperer
He Rescued A Dog. Then The Dog Rescued Him
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