Thursday, August 29, 2013

People That Said Goodbye To Wrong Side Of The Bay Bridge, bye bye Bay Bridge!
9 Scary Facts About the Yosemite Fire
Downtown crime shocks New Yorker, huh?
A Mattress That Makes It Easier To Cuddle
When Your (Brown) Body is a (White) Wonderland, POWERFUL WORDS
Eight of the top 10 cities are in Canada and Australia, which the Intelligence Unit points out reflects them being mid-sized cities in wealthier countries with relatively low population density and good healthcare and education.
Global Liveability Ranking and Report August 2013
Calgary dog walker prompts social media backlash with 'Go back to China' comment, she should go back to Europe too. Ask the Natives.
Apartment shares on the rise as Seattle rents soar
Soy sauce gone bad
Why the Woman Who "Has It All" Doesn't Really Exist
CTFD parenting method LOVING IT!
What DNA Testing Reveals About India’s Caste System
STUNNING VIDEO: Pilots' View Of California's Rim Fire
Tesla Sales Hum In California, Beating Porsche, Land Rover
Loneliness Is Deadly, don't let it.

Fun this weekend, Romania style!

港女之道 在攞著數 作者 堂前燕

1) 香港女性其實是相當幸福的一群,因為在地球上絕對找不到另一個像香港一樣既要求男人對女人要有父權社會的紳士風度,而同時女權幾乎變成霸權、男女平等到向女性傾斜的城市。 所以無論在職場上男女有多平等――如何不是女性更佔優――但你對待她的時候還必須依從父權社會的規則把女性當成是弱者。所以,你就算因為公事跟她們爭執不下,你還必須要注意你的禮貌不要太兇否則你就是不尊重女性無紳士風度正一賤男,但明明係公事喎――sorry,講嘅係公事,但你對女人嘅態度咁差就係私事――shit。 另一方面,不做家務―因為我係新世代智慧型女性,come on James你知唔知咩係男女平等?女人唔係天生出嚟幫你地啲男人執頭執尾囉――但同時James你覺唔覺得男人應該要照顧女人?所以結果就是James既做家務又要賺錢養家。 男女平等也好,紳士風度也罷,縱使日日掛在嘴邊也不會有多少香港女性有意深究,這些東西對她們來說根本沒有多大的意義除了讓她們能夠舔盡著數,也沒有多少女性會堅持追求甚麼男女平等或者女權到底,這些更多的只是作為鬧交時她們用來撻人的說話,而她們絲毫沒有察覺到自己有多自相矛盾。 2) 我唔係為咗你,我洗日日化妝,我去買衫裝身都係為咗同你去街咋,唔通我牛記笠記咩,你諗下喎,我洗錢都係為咗你面子咋――雖然衫係著喺我身上。 是不會有男人說自己做gym或是去買衫是為了令女朋友有頭有面,但有些女人就總喜歡找藉口,把自己的物慾、疑心或是其他無理取鬧的事合理化為對別人的付出。嗯,點講呢,即係其實如果你唔好成日咁臭檔係我返緊工嘅時候幾十個電話打黎嘅話,我都會覺得好有面。 咩喎,我打比你問你係關心你咋――嗱,一兩個電話,叫詢問;幾十個電話,叫盤問,係警察查犯先會咁做嘅姐。 3) 我希望我男朋友對我好啲――十個香港女性,九個都這樣說,但怎樣才算對她好?說穿了香港很多女性所謂對我好的具體表現,無非就是照顧她的一切開銷、忍受所有無理取鬧以及像她們老豆老母一樣不單要接受她們的臭脾氣還要調返轉去哄她們開心,否則你得到的評價就是:一啲都唔細心、唔緊張我、唔關心我。 她們不會意識到若果是在找男朋友而不是奴隸的話,沒有人需要無條件接受她們所有的缺點然後還不准投訴,而同時你的所有缺點將成為被人攻擊的藉口。在她們一再說男人要有風度、要關懷女人時,有無人諗過咁邊個關懷男人呢? 當然,有一些女生會覺得最大的付出就是自己――我肯同你上床仲唔係付出――comeon你當自己係雞都唔好當我係嫖客,你把自己當成是一件貨物也不要以為我應該理所當然地向你付錢,然後把這一切變成一場另一種意義上的性交易。 我仲估我地嘅交往係建築喺感情之上,估唔到,原來都係一盤生意。

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lasting Effects of Being Born Too Early
Hans Blix: Whether Obama in Syria or Bush in Iraq, The US Is Not the World Police
Diverse Gut Microbes, A Trim Waistline And Health Go Together
Gay bars and Bachettorettes parties in Portland
Exercise & energy!
Miley Cyrus Brings Her Race Problem To The VMAs
In Defense of (Conceptually Messy) Psychology
The Great Dumpling Debate: What Makes The Cut?
In the Beginning, There Were ... Dumplings?
Seeing Music For What It Is
Obesity And The Toxic-Sugar Wars
An Epic Look at Portland's Most Anticipated Fall Openings, truly epic.
24 Things Single People Are Tired Of Hearing
No, That wasn't Will Smith Reacting to Miley CyrusMC's performance is just DISGUSTING, a disgrace because little girls look up to her and what she is doing is not ok. the act devalues us (women).. we are not a sex tool to man.. and you don't have to stick your tongue out to have party.. and youngsters should not copy that
I’m Proud To Be An American: A Response To Hannah Dreyfus
10 Relationship Behaviors You Think Are Odd That Are Totally Normal
The Most Shameful McDonald’s Locations Worldwide
Following the Money: Who’s in Control?
President Obama Talks New Dog Sunny's Potty Training And How She's Keeping Bo Company
Remembering Florin Cioaba: ‘King of the Roma’
10 Things Americans Do That Drive Brits Nuts

Lego City Alien Invasion-- so cute!

I agree!

The era of climate change 'denial' is over, let's make it happen!

#MarchOnWashington #MLK #MOW50 #IHaveADream

Monday, August 26, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Key to Happy Relationships? It’s Not All About Communication
Average cost to raise a kid: $241,080
Parents, you don't need to buy more stuff
Report: Half of All Homes Are Being Purchased With Cash
Women Who Cheat Get the Most Messages on OKCupid
Even Carnivores Are Putting More Fake Meat On Their Plates
Why Apples Don't Taste as Delicious Anymore
No One, Male or Female, Can Ever Really 'Opt Out'
On Mount Everest, Sherpa Guides Bear The Brunt Of The Danger
Making it last: Never a Seven-Year Itch
Summer 2013 | The Spill: LOVE AND DATING: Then Versus Now
28 Reasons To Love Taipei
今天的他呼風可改雨不可一世太囂張/乜哥乜哥多麼的討厭 We don't need you anymore! Go to hell!/誰願壓抑心中怒憤衝動/咒罵這虛與偽與假/從沒信要屈膝面對生命/讓我放聲瘋狂叫嚷, this has shaken my core!
When Asian And Latin Food Collide: Spicy, Tasty Or Confused?
What’s Behind Hollywood’s Asian Flirtation? China’s Box Office
Asian Passengers are Second Class Citizens on Major Airline
Uh-Oh. The Pentagon Considers Well-Traveled, Broke Indian American Women Threats
Why The World Pays Attention When Elon Musk Proposes An Idea
Woody Allen Gets into Pimping in the 'Fading Gigolo' Trailer
The App That Connects Tourists with Locals in Real-Time
Harvard Sex Week and the Next Wave of the Sexual Revolution
5 Swoon-worthy Tony Leung Commercials To Get You Through Your Work Day, will try
How To Draw Out Your Worst Fears
27 Asian Leading Men Who Deserve More Airtime
Three Ways Cooking Has Changed Over The Last 300 Years
Dog Purse Seems Like A Very Polarizing Choice Of Accessory (PHOTOS), is this a new tread? LOL
What kind of GEEK are you?
The evolution of geek; Wide version
Why People Often Do The Exact Opposite Of What They're Told
What Your LinkedIn Photo Says About You
I need to be loved.
Revealed: Sheryl Sandberg's Unpaid Intern Disgrace


他太有個性 而我卻欠缺個性 談到戀愛欠個性 談話不夠建設性 訴苦 他不想傾聽 微笑 他不感高興 流淚 他不懂反應 還望我別說話煞風景 我知道 爲求一起委屈一點也願意 戀上寂寞做我靠倚 講得輕易 但卻不智 矛盾加諷刺 我很需要反思再造句子 滿腔壓抑應該到此 曾被不甘心拖拉到此 能努力撐下去 連自己都懷疑 痛苦經過反思再沒意思 愛不起怎可一輩子 橫豎他都不會在意 哭過萬次 乾脆一次 我知道 爲求一起委屈一點也願意 戀上寂寞做我靠倚 講得輕易 但卻不智 矛盾加諷刺 我很需要反思再造句子 滿腔壓抑應該到此 曾被不甘心拖拉到此 能努力撐下去 連自己都懷疑 痛苦經過反思再沒意思 愛不起怎可一輩子 橫豎他都不會在意 哭過萬次 乾脆一次 我很需要反思再造句子 滿腔壓抑應該到此 曾被不甘心拖拉到此 能努力撐下去 連自己都懷疑 痛苦經過反思再沒意思 愛不起怎可一輩子 橫豎他都不會在意 應該抹眼淚 我可以 給我抱抱你 然後給你這驚喜 原來我可以放棄你不要你

Thursday, August 15, 2013



"opportunity"= hard work " sexy"= smart "living life"

How The Power Of Thought Can Bring Success
The Dangers Of Taking Aspirin or Ibuprofen
Chart of the Day: The Public Doesn't Know Squat About the Federal Deficit
Beware The Pacu, Experts Tell Men Who Skinny-Dip In Scandinavia
What's Tylenol Doing to Our Minds?, Finally, what I wrote about 10 years ago... we can't just reach the medicine cabinet everytime when we have a headache!
Why More Vacation Doesn't Always Mean Happier Workers
What Your Small Talk Says About You
Some Members of Congress Don't Want to Talk About What They're Doing on Summer Vacation
How the Left Wing Learned to Love Hillary Clinton
Americans are having babies early to save on their taxes
Close Your Open-Concept Kitchen
Don’t listen to Slate. Open kitchens are great!, I love this open kitchen debate..personally, I am against it!
Iceland Headed For Another Crash, hmmm... for real?
Why Are Swimsuits So Expensive?
How to Be a Better Conversationalist, I need to practice more about these rules.. haha
Five Questions for Dee Settlemier

Think happy thoughts.

“There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.” ~ John Lennon

Hey. Mayor of Vicco!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Documentary ‘Hafu’ tackles what it means to be multiracial in Japan today
Would Some Marriages Be Better If Couples Signed 'Wedleases'?
Red Cross For Rover: Inside America's Canine Blood Banks
The Power Of Science And The Danger Of Scientism
White House Makes A Pretty Funny “Mean Girls” Reference
Pack A Pie For Your Picnic, Right In Your Hot Little Hand
When Power Goes To Your Head, It May Shut Out Your Heart
Cook Your Cupboard Korean-American Style
11 Messy Jobs for the Bravest Among Us
Killed For Taking Part In 'Everybody's Fight', dark history!
Nope, Sorry, 80 Bridesmaids Is Too Many, wasteful or what? But it is her wedding and they are her students.. hhaa
My Life as a Cellphone Holdout , finally!
Too Much, Too Fast: China Sees Backlash From Massive Growth
Rodeo Clown In Obama Mask Sparks Outrage, Apologies, MO is a naty state, the fair goers are local and touist, they are haters.
For Democrats And Republicans, It's Happily (N)ever After
Some of My Best Friends Aren't Black Or Brown Or Asian...
'Books On Bikes' Helps Seattle Librarians Pedal To The Masses
President Obama chats with Jay Leno -- and middle America
Are Engineers Really In Demand?
Her 2 husbands
The myth of America's missing software engineers
You’ll Never Guess Where the Nation’s Best Craft Beer Is Brewed

Are you happy? 10 yrs

Happy 七夕


Monday, August 12, 2013

Friday, August 09, 2013

Oh, Portland, I heart you!

In defense of Portland's food carts
A visit to Portland's Transylvanian food cart
Portland's Top 10 new food carts for 2013
Best of Szechuan isn't even best of Beaverton
Ben & Jerry's Portland Flavor Revealed
3 Reasons Your Friends Won't Speak to You After Your Wedding
Is the Ramen Burger New York's next big food trend?
Keeping a Family Together Is Hard, Whether You 'Opt Out' or Not
The Day I Stopped Saying 'Hurry Up'
Think pink: Thomas Lauderdale's call to action
An Insider's Guide to Our $5 Burger Week Bargains
Bad News: Hackers Are Coming for Your Tap Water
This Is Not Just A Story About Prostitution
10 Tips For Being Awesome on Camera
10 American Foods That Are Banned in Other Countries
Spaghetti! Fagioloni! Conchigliette!
Shoes with a built-in tent are perfect for outdoorsy people who don’t care if their feet look dumb
Feeling Left Out Makes People Take Financial Risks
17 Start-Up Founders on How to Become Insanely Successful
World's Most Paid Vacation Days: Europe Guarantees Most Paid Leave For Workers
16 Problems Every Petite Girl Deals With
Vote in the Anglo Fan Favorites Tournament.. oh MY, eye candies for the weekend!
The Happiest States In America In One Map

Stephen Colbert's 'Get Lucky' Dance Party With Hugh Laurie, Jeff Bridges, Jimmy Fallon & More

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


木紋- Feeling.

Post to Twitter Post to Facebook Post to Pinterest Post to Plurk Post to Blogger Send via Gmail Add to Tumblr 木紋 主唱:何韻詩 作曲:張繼聰 填詞:黃偉文 編曲: 監製: 歌詞 如果 一手鋸開枯樹 木不會發現痛 不過 日日澆水的我 覺得被挖空 如果 必須結束關係 難扮成從未栽種 讓我 數著年輪 這些年輪 我的心會痛 wo~ 畢竟那段如沐春風 早刻進百年長的信 在信中 圈圈緊扣 情感多深厚 前因 非因 錯種 分開簡單 抹去往事極難 幾多溫馨 燭光晚餐 難以用 斧頭一劈 叫畫面飛散 伴侶沒了 記憶會為患 倚星細語 抱月夜談 歷歷在目 錄下年鑑 來年樹倒 身影孤 煙花散 年輪未可推翻 化不~淡 (情長未可推翻 化不~淡 ) 緣慳 但是人非草木 並不會太易慣 刻個 木造的心給我 痛苦未會減 情願 舊事連根一拔 忘滅如燃盡的炭 但我 數著年輪 幾圈年輪 已經濕了眼 wo~ 分手與又平復之間 少不過百年零一晚 就怕翻風的一晚 回首貪一眼 回憶急速擴散 就怕新婚的一晚 臨終貪一眼 徒添幾分慨嘆

Healing my soul ! Give me those data! VERY SMOOTH!



Thursday, August 01, 2013

It's always your fault, don't take crap from no one.

“…We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – you can blame anyone, but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s ALWAYS your fault, because if you wanted to change, you’re the one who has got to change. It’s as simple as that, isn’t it?”---Katharine Hepburn

Moving on

I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.----Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fun and fair seasons in Portland! and more biking!

Portland Century Ride August 18th
Hawthrone street fair August 18th
One of many music festival in Portland: Festival Romani August 17th
Redhead Event August 16th
'Paddle Oregon' Trip Along Willamette River August 12th
Alberta street fair Augsut 10th
Bridge Pedal 2013August 11, Broadway Bridge 100th BIRTHDAY! YAY
Seafair weekend Aug 2nd
2nd Annual Vancovuer Brewfest august 9th
Bones and Brew august 3rd
Portland Festival Symphony August 3rd
Portland Obon festival August 3rd
Portland Bacon cup August 3rd

Hello Trekkies