Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bill Nguyen: The Boy In The Bubble
No, Not That Left, Your OTHER Left!
cheesburger bacon roll, this is gross.. and sick... caveman died young.
Why Every MBA Should Read More Literature
Never Have Kids, If You Value Your Health.. LOL.
World's Best Street Food, Portland is the best (place for street food), well not quite, they need me and Dave!
Business School No Longer the Thing to Do.. I would disagree, they sure are expensive :P
Romney Legal Advisor Robert Bork: Women ‘Aren’t Discriminated Against Anymore’ to morons!
yay, we represent, well not quite, model is not the norms.
Member Profile: Timothy Tong, yay, OSU alum... and he even won an award back in the days when I was there, 2001 Academy of Distinguished Engineers.
怕成「剩女」 三成港女草草嫁
資源分配面臨極大隱憂 地球第70億人日內誕生
You're No Mind Reader: What Your Ex Is Really Thinking
GE futurist pod
"Occupy" Movement Raises $300k
The Top 1%: Executives, Doctors and Bankers
Occupy Wall Street’s ‘Political Disobedience’
Up the Career Ladder, Lipstick In Hand
Birth of a Salesman
內地婦衝產房 累港媽無位生
The relationship between wealth, happiness and inequality
Computational Model of Peace Predicts Social Violence, Harmony
Holy cow, Herman Cain is now in first place nationally, I think Cain will make a great GOP candidate!
Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language
Two Plates. One Herbivore. One Omnivore. Which Is Which?

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