Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Haiku Takes To Twitter, 140 Characters At A Time
23 Things Not To Write In An E-mail
Wales's Badger cull faces new legal challenge
Big 12 commish: 10 of our members are better than Pac-11
屈蛇28載終獲身分尊嚴 珍惜香港 「只有這裏有這麼多人為弱勢抗爭」
Study finds men are more emotionally hurt than women over bad relationships
For China's Growing Middle Class, Expanding Waistlines Pose Problem; I can't wait to read "Fat China"!
11-year-old college grad: I’m no genius; pretty cool.
The other Arizona battle: A new law makes ethnic studies classes illegal
‘Model Minority’ Stereotype Obscures Reality of Asian American and Pacific Islander Educational Experience; very interesting!
The Endorser: Palin Gains Notice As A Primary Force, this is pathetic!
Add It Up: Pricing Out A Visit To TV's 'Dr. House'
In Your Facebook: Social Sites Are Everywhere
It Costs $222,360 To Raise A Child
The Case Of The Mysterious Puppy, Solved! (Sort Of)... hello... Dovekie!
Scientists Find 5,500-Year-Old Preserved Shoe In Cave
Breach Exposed iPad Users' E-Mail Addresses...yikes.. !
Portland's Next Top Dog Model Contest, need to get my family in for next year!
Pigeon held in India on suspicion of spying
Hello Beige Nation! Interracial marriages at an all-time high, study says; One-in-Seven New U.S. Marriages is Interracial or Interethnic, I don't think the statistic are very pleasing to the men group.
3 Campaign Ads That Aren't True; 1 That's Amazing
益力多light 含糖量高如可樂
How to Date an Indian (Advice for the Non-Indian) or a Patel? A Patel Motel Cartel?
MBA Pay: Top B-Schools, Top Dollar
Food deserts in the south
6 Career-Killing Facebook Mistakes
歲月情真 張婉婷@英華女學校, 『不論對別人、對自己、對神,最重要的是真誠,講真話』
Their Future, Made by Hand
Apple's Jobs Takes On Rivals Adobe, Google
Apple Says iPad Sales Top 2 Million
With Drinking, Parent Rules Do Affect Teens' Choices

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