Friday, December 31, 2010

Best of me!

Groupon Insiders Take $345 Million Off The Table In Latest Funding Round
Actually, Groupon Already Closed Half Of That Billion Dollar Round
The 20 Worst Foods in America, very nasty food and The Truth About Your Weight Gain and those gross beef products!
He Spoke A Few Words, Then Went To His Work
It's Rude! It's Crude! It's Stupid! Just Sayin' -I'm just saying!
A Surgically Implanted Camera And More At New Arab Art Museum, I need this implant.
Iran Spat Pits President Against Supreme Leader
Yoga: A Positively Un-Indian Experience
A Cookbook Is The Latest Weapon In Fight Against Lionfish Invasion, eat up!
Next On Cyber Command's Agenda: Working With Private Sector
So, We're Getting Meaner! What's It To Ya?
Pew Study Hints At What Web Users Will Pay For
China To Go After Internet Phone Services
A Vintage Cocktail That Packs A Punch
Top 10 YouTube Videos For 2010
Goodbye (Again) To The Last Rolls Of Kodachrome Film, bye bye Kodak!
Social Entrepreneurs: Taking On World Problems; Change You Can Invest In: Social Entrepreneurship
Delaware's O'Donnell Fires Back At 'Thug Politic Tactic' It takes a "thug" to know a "thug"!
What’s Your State Good At? So cute!

華仔爆願為 Sammi越軌

For my boss, 你是王八!


Oh WAIT .. but he doesn't love me...




Life is meant to be happy …

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Now, I know why everyone at work was talking about W.

Locker leads Huskies to 19-7 win over Nebraska

Then I checked, wow, even Illini won Texas bowl.. impressive!

But Boise State Finishes On High Note With 26-3 MAACO Las Vegas Bowl Victory Over Utah....heehee..
“We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.” -Aristotle


Unforgettable for 30 years

劉德華 vs. 詹瑞文

You Wouldn't Eat a Tiger, So Why Would You Eat Endangered Bluefin Tuna?

Say no to blue fin tuna

Is the Bluefin Tuna an Endangered Species?, Oct 2009
Bluefin tuna fails to make UN's list of protected fish, March 2010
Endangered-Species Status Is Sought for Bluefin Tuna, June 2010
BlueFin Tuna are now an Endangered Species, August 2010
Bluefin Tuna Endangered by Overfishing, Dec 2010
Bluefin tuna in crisis in WWF
severity of decline and its causes
Northern Bluefin Tuna

Happy Birthday! Mo!

Mrs. Iong!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


到最尾我勝利 我得到你
為何又害怕一世一生對住你 尚要百般遷就你

我不服氣 拿著兵器 沒有空放低兩手來抱緊你

到最尾我勝利 放低兵器
回頭望共對手都輸光了力氣 大概勝出的是你
是愛 讓女人一敗塗地

After skipping 2009, the 6th annual SJR to celebrate Miss N B-day!

Do you have this game?

Snow furries -> wet mix --> drying out in 2 hours...


Ken Jeong Rocks!

He is real MD afteall, Just saying...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


怎麼我眼內 人人像你 人人是你
沿途萬里 完全被封鎖
前方街角尚有幾多個 徘徊著
未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
你的分身 怎麼緊貼著我

還是以前的事 不捨得的一個是我

小小的提示 亦會將你清楚記起
不小心 望見某君像你一堂濃眉
看進眼裡 也變作你

無謂太過 我欠你什麼苦苦追我
你不是那一天 已撇下我麼
還是我 極念舊 後患太多

還是以前的事 最拋不低的那是我

沒有人懲罰我 完全是我 難平復淒楚
徘徊著 未散的 靈魂在共我拍拖
那些追憶 本可一躍就過
其實滿懷執著 不甘心的一個是我

On NG channel


自由發揮-死定了- funny!

Happy birthday, Ms. Bam!
What is love?
Is It Time to Leave Your Job?
New Year's resolution: I quit!, how ironic, the leads are starting to show from you know where...

Monday, December 27, 2010


Taka and Motoko are stucked in NYC, haha, get me more presents...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy boxing day!

Did you give money and other gifts to those who were needy and in service positions?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

PM on NPR's world cafe

PM's holiday album
What is love?
Remembering Worry Over Y2K
How Science and Technology Influence Language
On The Horizon: Liquid Fuels Made By Sunlight
A Politically Correct Christmas? Who Cares!
Modern Japan Hopes Ancient Abacus Aids Academics, fun?!
Elegantly Old School: Nostalgia Books On The Rise
Minimum Wage To Increase In 7 States Next Month, OR, WA?
Why Economists Hate Presents, And How Seventh Graders Solved The Problem
Sperm cells created from female embryo
Sarah Palin's 'sarcas-ka'
Holy Kaw! All the topics that interest us, Comparing Facebook and Twitter
BMW Germany Makes Logo Appear Inside Cinema Audience's Eyelids
It's All About Carbon
U.S. Climate Change Plan Is Idea Rich, Cash Poor
Please think twice before you shop for another gadgets. Transcript; After Dump, What Happens To Electronic Waste?
Obama: Do You Like Me Yet? I love you Mr. President!!!!!!!!
Big-Box Retailers Move To Smaller Stores In Cities, say no WM!
Amazon’s Kindle sales to surpass 8M this year?, Say no to Kindle!
"Fröhliche Weihnachten!"

My Blackberry Is Not Working! And I love my apple! Do not boost it!

Love hurts....

One does not love a place the less for having suffered in it unless it has all been suffering, nothing but suffering.--- Jane Austin

Happy Birthday!

Mrs. Chan.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

What can I do?


多得你引領我 天天你亦為我

珍惜你愛過你 感激你 念掛你


我捨不得你 無奈我要創造未來

捨不得你 無奈我有我的未來
願你找到心中深刻的愛 永不更改


是你故意欺騙 怪在我太過心軟
你的真話就 等於夢囈 與謊言
無奈你說得太自然 令我聽了也能熱暖
甜言蜜語 原來又一次食言
是你對我改變 你別說世界轉變
解釋得混亂 千絲萬段 太多糾纏
胡言亂語 任你講足半天
為何永遠放不低 為何錯愛這一位
但求仍然維繫 不惜一切 我為你執迷
為何永遠放不低 任情愛控制身體
任誰關心 仍未可把你代替
(是明知的 仍願將心意白費)

I am trying , anyway, everyday and not just X'mas!

Very interesting project

End Petlessness!

What could be better than a Festivus pole, Festivus dinner, Airing of Grievances, Feats of Strength, and Festivus miracles?


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice!

Can you see the lunar eclipse?

Can't see anything @

Yippee... will find it on youtube tomorrow...Nighty night!

Pink Martini on ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno’!


仍然難禁看著你這個壞人 有什麼的吸引

如同前世欠下你的吻 還怎麼敢怒憤

喜歡你讓我下沉 喜歡你讓我哭
喜歡你待我薄情 喜歡你為人冷酷
若是你也發現 你也喜歡虧待我

和諧甜美永沒有天意弄人 有什麼的吸引

全球情侶故事也相近 寧願天昏地暗
要為錯的人傷過恨過 方算是勇敢


Eating brains.

We Seem To Be Zombies
For 'Sole Man' In China, One Shoeless Step At A Time, he is making a really bold statement, he will be getting Clark's attention?
The Worst Ideas Of 2010: Ping
China Aims To Move Past 'World's Sweatshop' Rep
The People Who Mattered In 2010, Onion World
100 People I Hate On Facebook I am the many.. hahaha!
Robert Morris: America's Founding Capitalist
Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills, wow Elliot, that really explains it.
The Root: When Biracial Means Black
It's Public Vs. Private In Upcoming Net Neutrality Vote
Facebook Invasion Robs Sense Of Online Security, this is messed up!
Pop Culture Happy Hour: The State Of Comedy And Fascinating Failures
China: What's Going Wrong? This is an interesting article for 1999.
Study: US water has large amounts of likely carcinogen
Abu Dhabi hotel regrets $11M Christmas 'overload'
I Hate Math! (Not After This, You Won't)
Neurotheology: This Is Your Brain On Religion
Why The iPhone Adds $1.9 Billion A Year To Our Trade Deficit With China
New Software Can Help You Manage Your Life
Tainted Food A Common Cause Of Illness
Dress to Impress, UBS Tells Staff; "Light makeup consisting of foundation, mascara and discreet lipstick" what's else?
Stop Me Before I Facebook Again, anti-social... hahaha...
But Seriously Folks, The Arab World Is A Funny Place
The Charging Conundrum: How To Feed Electric Cars?
Don't Come to Stockholm! Madame Curie's Nobel Scandal.. I am going!
Yahoo Cuts 600 Jobs, right before the holidays???
A Temporary Solution For A New American Worker
19 Unusual Gifts Nobody Wants
Speed-Freak Football
Twitter use strongest among US minority groups - study
China stood up by winner of 'Confucius peace prize'
Define a Social Media Strategy for Enterprise
Fast Fix: The problem with attacking Palin
America's Tallest Christmas Trees, yay, OR is on the list.
Rites of Love and Math
State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter
Food Photo Friday: Gaga For Food Fashion
At The White House, It's All Ribbons And Bo
100 Best YouTube Videos for Science Teachers
China's skyscraper boom buoys global industry
Handling Customer Service – The Secrets
Steele on thin ice at helm of Republican Party
Palin attacks media over coverage of North Korea gaffe

Another sad news about the mil

Toll continues from mill closing
Linn County preps for International Paper sale

12.20.10 Andy Lau concert promo

Science of Happiness

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Dec 18

Turning good intentions into positive actions..

TB vs. Warriors..


Don't cry your heart out, you.

TB fan

Liberal democrat! His last comment was right on!
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogMarch to Keep Fear Alive

Can't wait...Norwegian Forest!






Friday, December 17, 2010

A glute machine

Trainer: I got you a christmas present.
Me: Really?
Trainer: It is this " fun " glute machine.
Me: Where is the "fun"?
Trainer: it was a special gift.
Me: Can I return it for something else?
Trainer: oh too bad, there is no return or refund.
Me: LOL, oh I love it, so I can put in the middle of living room.
Trainer: That's right, you can work on your glute "all" the time.
Me: Yeah, that's is "all" I need.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can he?

Michael Vick: 'I would love to get another dog in the future'

Perfect timing!

Just saw this on OPB tonight, Salzburg and Hallstatt

Video, hmmm.. frozen lake in December... ggggrrrrr!
Happy birthday to Sherry and Mel!

Heisann !!!!!!

Can't it be 2011 already!!!!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


人之相處,以和為貴,以忍為高。忍也者,胸中博宏之器局,洞明世事人情之泱泱大度,閱盡人間滄桑之圓活表現,有 如明月入懷,心胸開闊明朗,既隱含著禮讓、包容、寬恕之高逸情操,復閃爍著深厚卓越之智慧、涵養、定力。

忍之為義,大矣:「貧者能忍免辱,富者能忍保家,父子能忍慈孝,兄弟能忍義篤,朋友能 忍情長,夫婦能忍和睦。」其奧義又或如俗諺所云:「忍字可以走天下,忍字可以結近鄰。」又或 者:「能忍一時之氣,可免百日之憂。能忍人所不能忍,世間一片祥和,宇宙一片清靜。」誠然, 生活中,誤會、爭執、齟齬、挑釁、誣衊、詆毀、謾罵、欺侮、咒詛、刁難、中傷、誹謗之事,真 是無日無之,但卻又在所難免,偶一遇上,亦唯其能忍始能免吵、息爭、消怨、去恨,化干戈為玉 帛。是以,古之智者,無不視忍為大智、大勇、大福之行為,並常將之比作修身、立命、成事、生 財之津梁,譬如孔子所言之「小不忍,則亂大謀」,周成王之「必有忍,其乃有濟;有容,德乃大」,王安石之「莫大之禍, 起於斯須之不忍」,又或佛家之「六度萬行,忍為第一」,斯所言者,俱是讓之道理,忍之法則,言簡意賅,發人深省。

向以堅忍刻苦見稱,文化風氣所及,忍學典籍也特別豐富,簡明精要教材,俯拾即是。當中,有《勸忍百箴》最為人所樂道。 該書成於元代,以勸人忍性盡禮為話題,匯集了諸子百家之卓見,再加上作者許名奎之親身體會,編成箴言百條,分為言之 忍、色之忍、氣之忍、權之忍、貧之忍等,涵蓋了差不多生活上每一層面,被譽為中國最有系統之忍學經書。我等只須一書 在手,便可盡收前人智慧;神功妙用,說之不盡。有論者甚至言之鑿鑿,謂只消熟讀此書,便可頤養天年!事實是否果真如 此,還恕我未夠資格致評。不過,如果話作者心思慎密,手法巧妙,那我就一定贊同:作者以百忍為數,《百箴》為名,表 面看似湊巧,實則應是有所託寓───古諺“百忍成金”之說,不是已然呼之欲出?另外,作者將言之忍列為百忍之首,也 有異曲同工之妙,同樣是挖空心思之作。須知道,禍從口出,言多招悔,處世待人之第一戒條,正是慎言檢跡。作者之苦心 孤詣,我等真是不可不察。

時,社會遠較現時貧困,但卻普遍崇尚堅忍、刻苦,所以我自小就要學習忍耐、吃苦、乃至吃虧(吃虧也是一種美德)。久而 久之,積習成常,忍讓差不多變成了我的恆常習慣。無論別人如何無禮,行為何等荒誕,我都能一笑置之。說來也好笑,有 很多人曾為此而替我感覺委屈,但我反而深感慶幸,能養成這份能耐。自忖,過去我所以能在做事和交友上受益無窮,其實 全賴忍讓所發揮之作用。隨著西風東漸,但見社會上之忍讓文化日漸式微,代之而起的是講求競爭及個人權利文化。忍讓, 或當作懦弱,或看成迂腐,一旦橫逆相加,便不論情理,即大動剛陽,但圖洩一時之忿;小則構怨于一時,大則貽害於終身。 人結果因此而缺少了寬待他人、為他人著想的心,越來越自我,常處於不滿和怪責別人的情緒中。最遺憾的是,高談個人權 益之餘,卻又不懂得以別人之權利為依歸,導致矛盾頻生。於是,生活中,無論是在家庭中,學校裡,社會上,無時不見衝 突發生。同事間、朋友間、夫妻間、鄰裏間,總會為了芝麻綠豆般的瑣事,爭個不休,小則惡言相向,大則拳腳交加,甚至 訴諸法庭,最後弄至兩敗俱傷。正是旁觀者惋惜,當事人後悔。不忍之患,可勝言哉?

凡事各執一詞,互不相讓,便會常陷僵局,如稍作轉圜,反而生機無限。忍讓精神,便是講乎體諒、包容、寬恕,求乎轉圜、生機。歷來相傳,有六字真言,可作轉圜,只要誠心運用,便能應付橫逆,扭轉乾坤。這六字真言就是:裝、忍、讓、 諒、恕、忘。意謂,當有人來犯時,只消裝作若無其事,不動聲色,忍以應之,繼而讓其發洩,但又諒其處境,再恕以待之, 然後忘卻了事。很明顯,這種息爭免吵的方法首重寬恕,其次是忘卻。學會寬恕別人,其實就是釋放自己。恕心養到極處, 人便恬然自安,只看得世間人都無過犯可憎之處,一切擾攘,不外天上雲煙,但隨清風而幻化幻滅。




Monday, December 13, 2010


"I have worked with him for many years, he can drive a guy to drink, hang in there and you can talk to me... "

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Yoga time

Happy Birthday!

Ayako & Wing!

Thursday, December 09, 2010


誰能用毅力便換來感情 誰憑施捨可保得住慘勝
你有多大量 亦未敢領我的情
但就算是惡夢 拒絕甦醒
如何用玩命 換來溫柔
如何比她好 一樣不夠
談情像奮鬥 共誰在鬥

若能耗盡力氣 去捕捉你

用殘酷遊戲 製造卑微

對你怎麼好 亦無所圖 同情分多少 都也得到
明明避過你 未憑命數 明明極易活得比死更好

用殘酷遊戲 製造卑微

我也知道遠處有人愛惜我 也知做人無求最好不過
我肯知錯也是錯 我想知道也做到

若能耗盡力氣 去捕捉你

若然被嫌棄 也是天理

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Starch monster..... hahahaha...
Not interested in any bowl game this year... I wonder why... must be the holidays blues... or... more...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Oregon Pride

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Mr. Hayashi

is here! And he remembers me because he talked about me last night! Today is my chance!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


with a NO attitude sucks! I know it, I will be the roasted beaver again for this new grade tomorrow.

Are they happy to see me?

So they said. November was a rough month... was it preventable? Hard to say.

Drink up!

Welcome to the 2010 Holiday Ale Festival!

Cute Panda!

Burn baby that abs.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Love and Hate November

It brings me pain and it brings me joy .....................

Monday, November 29, 2010

You rock!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Peak to Fong

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Show time!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey day, even better for tofukey day! :P

Monday, November 22, 2010

Teaching kids gratitude instead of entitlement
Flying Should Be Fun This Week; Protests Over New Screening Procedures; TSA Chief: Screening Should Be Minimally Invasive
'Nazis': A Word With Deep And Brutal Meaning
A Mystery: Why Can't We Walk Straight?
Cadmium, Lead Found In Drinking Glasses
A Chemist Explains Why Gold Beat Out Lithium, Osmium, Einsteinium ...
At Last! Stephen Colbert Surrenders NPR's Shiny Medal Of Fear
How The Average U.S. Consumer Spends Their Paycheck
A Tragedy That Shouldn't Happen To A Hero Dog
‎"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them."
— H.D. Thoreau

Why Did He Stop Loving Me?

Why did he stop loving me?
How could he forget so fast?
Does he still feel love for me?
How could such sweet love not last?

I've learned I can't believe my eyes
Nor trust the instincts of my heart.
I look upon a sea of lies
Too wide to cross, too deep to chart.

And yet I am condemned to sail
Upon that sea awash in pain.
Love hides its truth behind a veil
That none may know they love in vain.




Sunday, November 21, 2010


Senior citizen day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Good work, fellas! Go Beavers!

November 19th as National Entrepreneurs’ Day

How was your National Entrepreneurship Week?

I am inspired.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Book it.

Joey Yung Concert

Asstant to Maid of honor

OMG, I am so proud of me, MOH and of course, the one and only, "Bridezilla".... the "classic" housewife in training..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Will you come back?

Through the sleepless nights I cry for you
And wonder who is kissing you
Oh, these sleepless nights will break my heart in two

Somehow through the day I don't give in
I hide the tears that wait within
Oh, these sleepless nights will break my heart again

Why did you go, oh why did you go?
Don't you know, don't you know
I need you?

I keep hoping you'll come back to me
Oh let it be, please let it be
My love, please take these sleepless nights from me
Oh, these sleepless nights will break my heart in two

-Felice Bryant & Boudleaux Bryant

Another post from school about social media

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Warm light rain falls, trickled down by tear-drops on my window and? I long for you, my unattainable.....

Bad day for beavers..

Beavers lost
Ducks barely won
Badgers rocked, 83 points is crazy
Utes, 3 ponts, Sung must be crying.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Love is a wound in the body that has no outward sign....
Asia's World City
When love has come
But soon is gone
It begs the question
Was it there

The love was lost
And never found
Lost without you
Lost without me
Lost into eternity

The love was just a figment
A figment of our minds
Something we could ponder
But never express

Was it love or just a feeling
Was it love or just healing

Healing from the hatred
The hatred of our hearts
Our past was deep and full of pain
We needed this to release the stain

For this I do not regret
The time with you that I had spent


Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Misc. thing

GMO quiz, soy sauce on sunny side up, CT article from Mayo clinic I read, lovebird....つづく
When you love someone, And you love them with your heart, It never disappears When you're apart. And when you love someone And you've done all you can do, You set them free, And if that love was true.... When you love someone It will all come back to you -------------- FORGET PARIS

Happy birthday WA!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy birthday, Patty!

I miss you dork.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Love enters with a tiptoe and leaves with the slamming of the door.--------UNKNOWN AUTHOR
PBS documentary 'Through a Dog's Eyes' looks at assistance dogs and children

The Secrets Inside Your Dog's Mind

相戀是極容易, 相處是極難事.


林子祥 - 誰能明白我
作曲:林子祥 作詞:鄭國江 編曲:祖兒

昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上前行步步懷自信 風吹雨打不退讓無論我去到那方 心裡夢想不變樣是新生 是醒覺 夢想永遠在世上前路那怕遠只要自強 我繼續獨自尋路向常為以往夢想發狂 耐心摸索路途上懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱掌聲我向夢想裡尋 儘管一切是狂想途人路上回望我 只因我的怪模樣途人誰能明白我 今天眼睛多雪亮人是各有各理想 奔向目標不退讓用歌聲 用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞懷自信我永不怕夜航 到困倦我自彈自唱掌聲我向夢想裡尋 儘管一切是狂想昂然踏著前路去 追趕理想旅途上前行步步懷自信 依照心中那正確方向懷著愛與恕的心 充滿夢想的笑匠用歌聲用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞用歌聲用歡笑 來博知音的讚賞

Monday night class....

Washington AD Audio: Oregon Is ‘Embarrassment’

Monday, November 08, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

How ironic and sad at the same time, love is blind.

What do you know about GMO? It blows my mind away.


The quiz taught me a few things and I realized now how much a trap it is to shop at conventional supermarket. Everything is in moderation, but if you don't want to eat GMO food, watch it carefully of where you shop and where to go out for food. Fresh local produce is the way to go.

Cool show.

The Silver Pharaoh

How smart are dogs, and what makes them such ideal companions?

Dogs Decoded, don't miss it tomorrow night!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

BCS: Auburn closer to No. 1; TCU solid at No. 3
Pelosi's Triumph
Can the Tea Party Really Cut Spending by 40 Percent?, sure the party of lies can achieve great things.
Babson MBA Program Boldly Expands to San Francisco, Where Entrepreneurship Goes “90 Miles Per Hour”
The Winning Young Entrepreneurs 2010; 2010 Finalists: America's Best Young Entrepreneurs
How to Attract Asian Women - Secrets & Tips to Pick Up Oriental Girls, how sick is this?????!!!!
From Macacas to Turban Toppers: The Rise in Xenophobic and Racist Rhetoric in American Political Discourse from SAALT
What matters?
Director and Actor Discuss Intense '127 Hours' on 'Today Show'
MBAs: Female- friendly, or not?
Books Done Better: You Tell Us How
Can Social Media Break Up A Marriage?
Wikipedia Teams Up With Academia
California Voters Say No To Pot Legalization
Facebook Reveals The Most Popular Time For Breakups
Sorensen's Words and Wisdom: Might They Have Helped Obama?
California's Prop 19: The First Step Toward A National Marijuana Industry? Oregon/ Washington, are you ready?
A New Puppy for Timberline Lodge...oh...Heidi is so cute.
Sarah Palin vs. the World: Who's on Her Side? Ans: the nation of know nothing.
And iPhone Makes Three: Marriage In The Digital Age
Soon We'll Be Drinking Recycled Pee; Some of Us Already Are
How To Cook French, With Shortcuts
中國超級電腦; 全球最快! Really?
Nature’s backbone at risk
Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt
From Funnyman Judd Apatow, A Few Solid Laughs
The Tortoise And The Solar Plant: A Mojave Story
Unfriendly Skies? Blind Passengers Sue United
Nobel Economic Recipe: Help States, Add Stimulus
The 10 Best Places for Pasta in the US
From 'Secret Life' To Public Service
Brain Molecule May Offer Key to Erasing Fearful Memories
Tony Hawk: From Skateboard Misfit To CEO
YouTube Co-Founder Hurley Steps Down As CEO
Pan-Am Airline Set To Return To The Air Next Month

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Thursday, November 04, 2010

What made me sick?

Former gubernatorial candidate Ron Saxton who ran for Oregon governor in 2006 but lost to Oregon’s current governor, Ted Kulongoski, gives his analysis of the election. link

Disgusted: Shit coming out from his mouth on election light, thanks GOD that John Kitzhaber will serve a third term as Oregon governor.
Action for boringfish: Boycott KATU

Jaime Herrera defeated Denny Heck in the race for the 3rd Congressional District, include Clark and Cowlitz county, WA. link

Disgusted: Living in the red part of the State.
Action for boringfish: Find ways to move back to OR

Troutdale man accused of trapping, killing neighbor's dog, RIP, Yukon!

After Prop 19, the ad campaign

Actor/activist George Takei vs. Douchebag Clint McCance

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Good one!

"You can't spell suck without U S C! " - Dave
Deep Down

Seattle's Seattle's 5th Asian American Playwright's Festival

November 4 - 8, 2010

SIS Productions is thrilled to present Insatiable! Seattle's 5th Asian American Playwright's Festival, a week-long festival of play readings by local Asian American playwrights. With new works by Kathy Hsieh, Maggie Lee, May Nguyen, and Roger Tang, the festival will feature diverse genres such as drama, science fiction fantasy, superhero fiction and hard-boiled crime drama. Don't miss it!

Prima Vera Arts Center
112 5th Ave N, 2nd Floor (Susan G. Komen Foundation Building)
Just north of Denny Way, between 5th Avenue N & Taylor Avenue N
(enter from the back off of Taylor Avenue N)

Tickets are $5 per reading for general admission; $8 for a 2-show pass, or $12 for an all-fest pass.

(206) 323-9443

The Truth About Food, Inc.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Monday, November 01, 2010

National Blog Posting Month!

Are you ready to rumble? I mean blog posting...
Happy birthday, Hello Kitty and Mimmy!

OMG, it's November! Hello, here I come!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Can't wait!!!!!! Wish I can go to DC!

Rally to Restore Sanity
Fear The Pumpkin: In Ukraine, It's The Big Kiss-Off, lol. Do you want a pumpkin, Ukraine style?
How Brazil Challenged Europe, And Won
Iran Tells EU It Is Willing To Resume Nuclear Talks, are they lying again?
Cain’s pitching, offense give Giants 2-0 lead, go Giants!
Korean Troops Exchange Fire At Border, will this escalate?
Politics In The Social Media Age: How Tweet It Is
As Economy Has Sputtered, So Has Obama's 'Brand'
Tea party founder defends attack on congressman’s Muslim faith
Rove says Palin lacks ‘gravitas’ to be president
How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster
Bowl Half Empty? How to Tell If Your Dog Is a Pessimist
Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things
Fobby mom
Pink Martini At The Jorgensen, yipee!
One Toilet Paper Company Decides to Ditch the Tube, one less paper. Roll with it: Scott's tube-free toilet paper
Super-Dimensional Wedding Cake Macross, cool!
Sharron Angle Mocked For Telling Hispanic Students They Look Asian; Angle campaign responds to video of candidate and Asian remarks: Reid playing racial politics, Angle is an idiot.
Exotic, Perilous, and Inscrutable: A History Of East Asian Portrayals in Comic Covers
Being Steve Jobs' Boss
全球繁榮指數港排20 「經濟」入十大 「教育」表現差
全球清廉指數 港跌至13位
The World's Most Beautiful Bark (Or: Trees Worth A Closer Look)
Special report: Faked in China: Inside the pirates' web
Food Fears Persist In China 2 Years After Milk Scare
Most (And Least) Corrupt Countries in 2010..... the sea of red...
Think You Know How To Study? Think Again
First Photo Of A Human Being Ever?
Snowflake Shapes Shine Under The Microscope
Home Prices Start Falling Again, this sucks...
How High is the Sky?
Paul The Octopus, World Cup Oracle, Dies
Ford Continues Streak Of Profitable Quarters, who is buying them, oh the idiots!

A different kind of paradise....

Thanks, hun.

What kind of science is this? A load of bull crap.

This is not lobbying or education, this is bribing.

Shaping State Laws With Little Scrutiny
Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yakult invasion!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh Sally

Monday, October 18, 2010

Super great!

Miew miew miew with honey honey. :P

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Non-foodies food guide: Dependable local chains and restaurants rank high on diners' lists
Fat kid
Large study shows females the equal of males in math skills
Is Your Dog an Optimist or a Pessimist?
Lion movie highlights dangers in SAfrica, are we the society obsessed with hunting?
Top 20 most influential people in the Tea Party movement, don't underestimate the power of the lunatic.
Walking 'could ward off dementia and mental decline'
Salmon 'losing distinct genetic characteristics'
Why airline food is bland - don't blame the chef
Does Apple Get Too Much Media Love?
The Google Business Model; Google Asks, Why Should A Car Need A Driver?; Google Robot Cars. Again With The Skynet, People?
Salt, Calories And Info On Key Fats Belong On Front Of Foods
Hitchens Brothers Agree To Disagree Over God
Mormon Leader's Comments On Gays Draw Protests... watch out for crazy talk...
Glenn Beck: Drawing On 1950s Extremism?
Electric Vehicle Companies Tap Silicon Valley Cash
Obama's related to Palin, hope not. I guess the pitbull mom is pissed now with her lipstick.
Walmart Rolls Back Rollbacks: Food Prices at Two-Year High
Norway slams restrictions on Nobel winner's wife; Chinese Communist elders issue free speech appeal
McDonald’s Happy Meal resists decomposition for six months, gross... the food, not the pictures.
The Pro's Guide to Scoring Designer Discounts
Liu Xiaobo, Jailed Chinese Dissident, Awarded Nobel Peace Prize; Chinese dissident Liu wins Nobel Peace Prize
Ohio district where 4 died says it fights bullyiny, sad story.
港貧窮人口126萬歷來最高 貧富收入差距升至3.7倍
Walmart’s Short-Sighted Cost Cut: Profit-Sharing for Workers
Geron Corp. Tests Stem Cell Treatment On Patient, super rad!
How Silk Soymilk’s Cost-Cutting Dis of Organic Backfired
Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity how nut is he?
Huge Commonwealth Games cover-up leads to condoms blocking drains
Taliban in high-level talks with Karzai government, sources say
Verizon to sell Apple iPhone from early 2011: report
Retail Sales Edge Up, Except For Luxury Items; Only $2,370: Wealthy Americans Plan To Spend Less On Holiday Gifts, Survey Says
Original Hershey Chocolate Factory Set To Close
No cabbage. No Kimchi. Crisis....need kimchi....
Binge Drinking: A Big Problem, Especially For The Prosperous
In The Search For 'Last Speakers,' A Great Discovery
Report Says Nurses Have Bigger Jobs To Do, But Doctors Say Not So Fast
Polio Breaks Out In Newark In Roth's 'Nemesis'
James Franco, Modern-Day Renaissance Man
Not A Fan Of Beer? These Pairings May Win You Over
Coming Out From Life Under 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Beavers peep, here we come! Go Beavs!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Congrats to BCE!

You guys and gals did it!!!!!!!!!!