Sunday, August 17, 2008

A sweaty day

I sweated a lot today because of 3 reasons:

1. WJ, 2310 and I went hiking at Silver falls. But really, I was really focused on my power walking, scouting for bears, dancing with the rattle snakes and chasing squireee on my doggie behalfs. It was a great work out and I am feeling a bit sored.
2. Hot summer weather in OR. Do I need to say more, thanks to the one who invented AC! I repeat not a fan, not a swamp cooler but an AIR-Conditioner!
3. Chow time: eating really spicy noodles, ban-chan and Korean hot wings! and really yummy shaved ice with fruits.....What would life be with/o H-mart food court?

Pictures? Miss WJ has it all, waiting...

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