'I got a degree at 19, PhD at 21'
Japanese factory output shrinks
Final goodbye for early web icon, my first used search engine! BYE BYE
Remote Canada town a hub for Northern Lights seekers
US Muslim women seek active faith role
Cuba the donor, why thousands of Bolivians have reason to be grateful to Cuba
Hepatitis C warning for US clinic
Dog's tricks are 'better than TV'
Pollution turns Chinese river red
The most spied upon people in Europe
African lesbians 'not criminals'
Hong Kong eyes slower 2008 growth
Sudden oak death fears scotched
Botox boom among young women, we are really obsessive about our appearance, aren't we? We are all going to be the cat woman or Joan Rivers?!
Germany cleared in Parmesan case, cheese lover, this is important!!!
Free speech 'shrinking' in Russia
What's behind the record rise in wheat prices worldwide?
Crowds flock to monkey 'wedding'

India's big population challenge
Rare Antelope Didn't Truly Run With a Train to Tibet; Xinhua Agency Recants
French Court Rules Parents Can Name Fetuses
How Putin is inspired by history
UK director's Olympic role unease
Remember the little blue cutie? Smurfs at 50: Ready for a Comeback
Wii Games therapy for burns victims
Astronaut's An Optimistic View of the World
1 comment:
I remember the 'cat woman' too. . .she was scary. She would smile or talk and her face wouldn't budge at all.
Creeped me out.
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