All this week, Huskygal lady has been reminding me that X'mas is around the corner with her very red/ green/ x'mas theme sweater and earrings! With 3 more weeks to go, I wonder how many more x'mas sweater does she own?
This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
China in Africa: Developing ties, part ?
Hong Kong maker apologises over toxic toys
Ladies: Are u looking for a mate from Mainland? 愛港女夠「醒目」 內地男士要求不低; 港女北嫁好夢險破 經濟拮据兩地分居 中港夫妻險離婚; 中港夫婦離婚率高達50%
US protest at China navy refusal, HK Gov forgot the millions that the sailors could have spent in HK!!!!
'Chinese' tequila worries Mexico, interesting.
Chinese warship arrives in Japan
Criticism as EU-China talks begin
China in Africa: Developing ties, part 2
Chinese Immigrants Chase Opportunity in America
Smuggled Chinese Travel Circuitously to the U.S.
China in Africa: Developing ties
Sarkozy wins China 20bn euro deal
Hong Kong maker apologises over toxic toys
Ladies: Are u looking for a mate from Mainland? 愛港女夠「醒目」 內地男士要求不低; 港女北嫁好夢險破 經濟拮据兩地分居 中港夫妻險離婚; 中港夫婦離婚率高達50%
US protest at China navy refusal, HK Gov forgot the millions that the sailors could have spent in HK!!!!
'Chinese' tequila worries Mexico, interesting.
Chinese warship arrives in Japan
Criticism as EU-China talks begin
China in Africa: Developing ties, part 2
Chinese Immigrants Chase Opportunity in America
Smuggled Chinese Travel Circuitously to the U.S.
China in Africa: Developing ties
Sarkozy wins China 20bn euro deal
Mocha Update
Mocha is coming! She maybe here in SalCrk as early as Jan! YAY! Keep my fingers cross!!!!! I am so excited! : ~>
Poor Mocha!
Mocha, she is adorable!
Honestly, my family is a little worried about me taking care of MOCHA, it will a challenge I admitt! She will definitely get enrolled in doggie school!
Poor Mocha!
Mocha, she is adorable!
Honestly, my family is a little worried about me taking care of MOCHA, it will a challenge I admitt! She will definitely get enrolled in doggie school!
House prices slip in half of U.S. cities, neither OR or WA got on the best and worst markets.
E. coli opended federal cases, watch out for those contaminated ground beef and sauage!
Canada chides Japan on sex slaves
Mass tree-planting in Indonesia
Gene study suggests Native Americans came from Siberia
Brain scans 'may detect OCD risk'
E. coli opended federal cases, watch out for those contaminated ground beef and sauage!
Canada chides Japan on sex slaves
Mass tree-planting in Indonesia
Gene study suggests Native Americans came from Siberia
Brain scans 'may detect OCD risk'
努力! 加油!
To PandaH and Mosquito
努力! 加油!
努力! 加油!
We are told that talent creates its own opportunities. But it sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents. --Eric Hoffer
Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon... must inevitably come to pass! --Meyer
There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same. --Chinese Proverb
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. --Albert Einstein
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. --Albert Einstein
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Paper update
More capacity is out! Probably good for us.
Myllykoski announces more capacity reductions, Myllykoski
Elk Falls paper machine curtailment extended through Q1
Myllykoski announces more capacity reductions, Myllykoski
Elk Falls paper machine curtailment extended through Q1
Monday, November 26, 2007
Ygirls reunion
Environmental activists protest Sears' holiday catalog event; say nearly 200-page catalog doesn't come from recycled content
Source: NEW YORK (ForestEthics)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Environmental activists, led by Santa and his reindeer, arrived in New York’s Times Square this morning to interrupt Sears’ holiday celebration of its Wish Book catalog, which was hosted by Ty Pennington, and unveil their own Sears “Wish Crook” “cutalog” [pdf]. The “Wish Crook”, unlike its deceptive cousin the Wish Book, highlights Sears’ remorseless destruction of Endangered Forests and threatened caribou habitat, as well as its contribution to global warming.
Whereas companies like Victoria’s Secret and Dell have aligned their paper policies with the ecological demands of business in the 21st Century, Sears’ Wish Book offers up nearly 200 pages cut from some of the world’s most threatened Endangered Forests, like North America’s Boreal, which is home to threatened caribou, (also known as reindeer). Sears catalogs are made almost entirely from paper that comes from trees, rather than recycled content, and the company mails more than a million a day.
“Sears is here today to resurrect their Holiday Wish Book after 14 years, which they claim is tailored to current consumer trends. If Sears was truly in touch with its consumers’ wishes, it would recognize that environmental destruction is no longer acceptable to most Americans,” said PJ McKosky, volunteer with ‘Catalogs without Clearcuts’ in New York.
This holiday season, ForestEthics wishes that Sears Holdings Corporation would leave behind the ghosts of policy past and implement a procurement plan that accomplishes the following four goals: ceases the use of wood fiber from Endangered Forests such as Canadian Boreal caribou habitat; ensures that virgin fiber used comes from operations certified by the Forest Stewardship Council; maximizes post-consumer recycled content; and reduces overall paper consumption and carbon footprint.
“Destruction of forests contributes more global warming emissions than transportation annually, and critical defenses like North America’s Boreal are being logged to make things like catalogs, 97% of which are tossed into recycling or the trash without so much as a glance,” said Ginger Cassady of ForestEthics. “If this senseless waste does not stop, all the wishes in the world will not save us from facing severe changes to our climate.”
North America’s Boreal Forest is logged at a rate of two acres a minute, 24 hours a day. Much of this logging produces paper for catalogs and junk mail. This is a tragic end for trees that form a critical line of defense against global warming. The Boreal is also Earth’s most accessible source of freshwater, and plays an essential role in keeping our air healthy to breathe. It is home to wolves, bears, wolverines, threatened woodland caribou, and half of North America's songbirds. The hundreds of First Nation communities that live in the Boreal depend on the land for hunting, fishing, economic development and the continuation of their cultural heritage.
ForestEthics’ vision for sustainable business practices is the emerging standard across the catalog sector. Successful campaigns by ForestEthics and its network have resulted in many companies, including Williams-Sonoma, Dell, and Victoria’s Secret, implementing environmentally sound catalog and paper policies. The Victoria’s Dirty Secret Campaign, launched in October 2004 and marked by irreverent ads, web-based advocacy and a colorful, sustained presence at retail outlets across the US, achieved a successful end in December 2006 when Victoria’s Secret announced a landmark new environmental policy.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Environmental activists, led by Santa and his reindeer, arrived in New York’s Times Square this morning to interrupt Sears’ holiday celebration of its Wish Book catalog, which was hosted by Ty Pennington, and unveil their own Sears “Wish Crook” “cutalog” [pdf]. The “Wish Crook”, unlike its deceptive cousin the Wish Book, highlights Sears’ remorseless destruction of Endangered Forests and threatened caribou habitat, as well as its contribution to global warming.
Whereas companies like Victoria’s Secret and Dell have aligned their paper policies with the ecological demands of business in the 21st Century, Sears’ Wish Book offers up nearly 200 pages cut from some of the world’s most threatened Endangered Forests, like North America’s Boreal, which is home to threatened caribou, (also known as reindeer). Sears catalogs are made almost entirely from paper that comes from trees, rather than recycled content, and the company mails more than a million a day.
“Sears is here today to resurrect their Holiday Wish Book after 14 years, which they claim is tailored to current consumer trends. If Sears was truly in touch with its consumers’ wishes, it would recognize that environmental destruction is no longer acceptable to most Americans,” said PJ McKosky, volunteer with ‘Catalogs without Clearcuts’ in New York.
This holiday season, ForestEthics wishes that Sears Holdings Corporation would leave behind the ghosts of policy past and implement a procurement plan that accomplishes the following four goals: ceases the use of wood fiber from Endangered Forests such as Canadian Boreal caribou habitat; ensures that virgin fiber used comes from operations certified by the Forest Stewardship Council; maximizes post-consumer recycled content; and reduces overall paper consumption and carbon footprint.
“Destruction of forests contributes more global warming emissions than transportation annually, and critical defenses like North America’s Boreal are being logged to make things like catalogs, 97% of which are tossed into recycling or the trash without so much as a glance,” said Ginger Cassady of ForestEthics. “If this senseless waste does not stop, all the wishes in the world will not save us from facing severe changes to our climate.”
North America’s Boreal Forest is logged at a rate of two acres a minute, 24 hours a day. Much of this logging produces paper for catalogs and junk mail. This is a tragic end for trees that form a critical line of defense against global warming. The Boreal is also Earth’s most accessible source of freshwater, and plays an essential role in keeping our air healthy to breathe. It is home to wolves, bears, wolverines, threatened woodland caribou, and half of North America's songbirds. The hundreds of First Nation communities that live in the Boreal depend on the land for hunting, fishing, economic development and the continuation of their cultural heritage.
ForestEthics’ vision for sustainable business practices is the emerging standard across the catalog sector. Successful campaigns by ForestEthics and its network have resulted in many companies, including Williams-Sonoma, Dell, and Victoria’s Secret, implementing environmentally sound catalog and paper policies. The Victoria’s Dirty Secret Campaign, launched in October 2004 and marked by irreverent ads, web-based advocacy and a colorful, sustained presence at retail outlets across the US, achieved a successful end in December 2006 when Victoria’s Secret announced a landmark new environmental policy.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Nice! 羨慕死
(明報) 11月 26日 星期一 05:05AM
【明報專訊】「我的家在香港。」史密夫先生曾在意大利 吃過6000元的五星級大餐,但菜式中的燒乳鴿只屬一般,他認為沙田 58元一隻的好吃得多,「這些香港也有的,哪要到其他地方?這裏好的東西,
連香港人自己都發現不到」。這個美國 先生,比香港人更懂得欣賞香港、發掘香港的美。
史密夫先生的能說流利的普通話和廣東話,曾替美國政府當翻譯。他亦寫得一手好文章,當年一封中文感謝信,便打動香港老闆聘請他。1986年,當時26歲的史密夫放棄了在美國7、8萬美元 年薪的工作,接受了一年期的香港工作合約。從這時開始,史密夫一步一步成為香港人。
禁說母語 睇電視學廣東話
史密夫曾於觀塘設辦公室,又在觀塘住過近10年,這個地方對他來說並不止是「一個舊工業區」。「這個地方很特別,很多福建、潮州、客家的新移民 就在這裏『落腳』,在觀塘街市又找到很多特色的道地風味小食,其他地區找不到,那裏雖然貧窮,但『好得意』。」
在香港生活已廿載,史密夫可有想過返回美國?他說:「走不了,多年的經驗、人脈關係、生意都在這裏,在香港又能賺錢。回到美國,我這個人已經沒有『賣點』,走了也可能會回來。」不是仍有家人在美國嗎?「No No No!我的家在香港。」
明報記者 吳梓瀅
香港電台 電視部製作《香港故事》,周一晚上7時在亞視 本港台 播出。港台網上廣播站(提供視像直播及重溫
(明報) 11月 26日 星期一 05:05AM
【明報專訊】「我的家在香港。」史密夫先生曾在意大利 吃過6000元的五星級大餐,但菜式中的燒乳鴿只屬一般,他認為沙田 58元一隻的好吃得多,「這些香港也有的,哪要到其他地方?這裏好的東西,
連香港人自己都發現不到」。這個美國 先生,比香港人更懂得欣賞香港、發掘香港的美。
史密夫先生的能說流利的普通話和廣東話,曾替美國政府當翻譯。他亦寫得一手好文章,當年一封中文感謝信,便打動香港老闆聘請他。1986年,當時26歲的史密夫放棄了在美國7、8萬美元 年薪的工作,接受了一年期的香港工作合約。從這時開始,史密夫一步一步成為香港人。
禁說母語 睇電視學廣東話
史密夫曾於觀塘設辦公室,又在觀塘住過近10年,這個地方對他來說並不止是「一個舊工業區」。「這個地方很特別,很多福建、潮州、客家的新移民 就在這裏『落腳』,在觀塘街市又找到很多特色的道地風味小食,其他地區找不到,那裏雖然貧窮,但『好得意』。」
在香港生活已廿載,史密夫可有想過返回美國?他說:「走不了,多年的經驗、人脈關係、生意都在這裏,在香港又能賺錢。回到美國,我這個人已經沒有『賣點』,走了也可能會回來。」不是仍有家人在美國嗎?「No No No!我的家在香港。」
明報記者 吳梓瀅
香港電台 電視部製作《香港故事》,周一晚上7時在亞視 本港台 播出。港台網上廣播站(提供視像直播及重溫
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sad new
Angela's grandpa passed away yesterday. I hope Sherry & Nancy and the family are doing okay in this difficult times! They are great people!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Temp. mascot at 06CR
Found the new wall deco at 06CR on post turkey day, this time with out the safety message. See the 2006 note.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Mosquito's online time.
MO is my connection to the cyber world. Thanks to her, I can share with you the tipbits of my trip.
I got carded! I was under 18 for a change!(no more mistaken as someone's aunt or sister) Peggy, Mosquito, Mikey and I went to get wasted in Lan Kwai Fong. (NOV9)
(NOV9) After Mikey and I spent the afternoon at Stanley for sightseeing & shopping, we met up with the girls.
(Nov8) Yummy Sushi after the tram ride to the Peak with Mikey, Mos & Panda
Stand-in Korean bf with a shortie?! Grandma, Mikey and I went to the the Peak. (NOV8) Grandma took this pic, isn't it nice?
I got carded! I was under 18 for a change!(no more mistaken as someone's aunt or sister) Peggy, Mosquito, Mikey and I went to get wasted in Lan Kwai Fong. (NOV9)

(NOV9) After Mikey and I spent the afternoon at Stanley for sightseeing & shopping, we met up with the girls.

(Nov8) Yummy Sushi after the tram ride to the Peak with Mikey, Mos & Panda

Stand-in Korean bf with a shortie?! Grandma, Mikey and I went to the the Peak. (NOV8) Grandma took this pic, isn't it nice?

Decoding Life:The Next Phase of Discovery
I miss this lecture about what could be next in the world of biology after the decoding of human DNA.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Huskie at Beavers
Beavers won at home! I get to have bragging right for the rest of the year to Huskygal.
Go beavs!
Sidenote, Il beat Ohio State! YEAH
Go beavs!
Sidenote, Il beat Ohio State! YEAH
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
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