Feeling confused? Renee & Hunting? Yup, I went Elk hunting in this past weekend at Vida. More like Cruising in the wood in a truck in the rain, trying to search for that heart shaped white target in the sea of green.
As I was on call, I felt the urge to go to Fiddler’s Green to spend some hard-earned cash on some golf accessories. Afterwards, I decided to give Scott a call and see what he was up to. Drum rolls, please! ELK hunting, here we went. It was interesting, let's leave it at that.
Same night, I went to see Dave, the drummer with Dave, the bassist. Confused again? Mare Wakefield band was in town for a show. I know Dave, the band’s drummer, so I met Dave, the bassist of NERO at the bar to give out my support to Dave, the drummer. The last time when I saw him perform, he was playing with Love, Death and Agriculture in 2002?
Autoline is here. What should we do? DAFing has been going well. I like the process, now the problem is to make it better with no money for limitation improvement. Individual DAF Level Control Please! On a similar note, I was informed that my interns won’t be coming back in the winter and next summer because the funding of my proposed projects did not get approved. It was a pity and I was having a tough time to break the news to them.
Emily is coming home… She is a lucky doggy, traveling to Sequim, BC, Alberta. She even made it to Fort McMurray! Can you believe that? What’s next, HK? She probably will go to Calgary next Spring as my cousin is getting married. Coffee, where are you? Man I am confused! Can you come home now?
Speaking of the Maple leaf land, Michael is doing well, he is taking classes in welding and fabrication, maybe he can be a ME? And he is looking at buying his first home. He was visiting Nick, Lawrence and Ngai with my mom. Happy Thanksgiving to them! They also get to call grandma and wish her a great birthday. I thought that was awesome! Eric and I did the same! Pretty impressive.
Speaking of work, Prince Albert & Cosmopolis came to mind. They are facing difficult mill closures and I wish them well. Fred was my opportunity; Tram was my mentor at North Bend and good luck to Bob.
Medium ran well and we are still waiting for the feedback from the corrugators… Meanwhile… I am THE ONE, THE ONLY DAF person, the land/process of no man.