Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It will be funny from now till 2016.. there are so many material.. JOHN! You are missing out.

Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson hm... Even Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, Marco Rubio will give you plenty of material. Not All In It to Win It
Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016
2016 Republican Presidential Candidates
Who Is Running for President (and Who’s Not)?

Hillary Clinton with Diane Sawyer Interview | 6-9-14


Jeremy Lin 2.0

Over-Aged: Chinese Authorities Seize Decades-Old Meat
Nikki Haley, South Carolina Governor, Calls for Removal of Confederate Battle Flag
Why The Confederate Battle Flag Is Even More Racist Than You Think
Why some people can get away with so little sleep
Black America should stop forgiving white racists
In Germany, Seasonal Eating As Way Of Life — And Excuse To Celebrate
To Ease Pain, Reach For Your Playlist Instead Of Popping A Pill
Husbands And Wives: Who Works, Who Doesn't?
In the Footsteps of Other Popes, Francis Seeks Worldly Change
Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change
There’s a new frontrunner to be the next James Bond, according to the bookies
Hong Kong’s “fake democracy” vote ends with a defeat for Beijing
Cambridge is hiring a Lego professor “of Play in Education, Development, and Learning”
US fashion companies are starting to look beyond China for sourcing apparel

Saturday, June 13, 2015

6-13-15 A day to remember!

Congrats, MIKEY & KIM!

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Walmart Fight Between Two Moms And Child

Jeb Bush In 1995: Unwed Mothers Should Be Publicly Shamed
High School Graduation Rates: The Good, The Bad And The Ambiguous
How to cohabit (and live to tell the tale): 10 essential commandments
How Long Is Your Daily Commute? See How 30 U.S. Cities Compare
How Growing Up in Poverty Rewires a Child’s Developing Brain
19 Things People With Chronic Pain Want You To Know
When mom has a mental illness
Portraits Capture the Completely Mesmerized Faces of Children Watching TV
What Your Facebook Updates Reveal About Your Personality
China is doing a “tremendous” job protecting human rights, says China
Why Wal-Mart's Labor Issues Run Deeper Than Too Much Justin Bieber
Why Political Campaigns Are Raising Money Faster Than Tech Startups
Politics Rewind: Everyone Into The 2016 Pool!
The Dangers Of Political 'Foot-In-Mouth' Syndrome
Study: Washington state ranks first in STEM jobs, but 42nd in on-time high school graduation rates
How US students get a university degree for free in Germany
Hong Kong remembers Tiananmen -- but this year is different
Maybe That BPA In Your Canned Food Isn't So Bad After All
MERS In South Korea Is Bad News But It's Not Yet Time To Panic
BPA Messes With Your Hormones—and It's in These Canned Foods
These Are The Giant Corporations That Own Your Favorite Organic, Mom-And-Pop Brands
Inbox Zero vs. Inbox 5,000: A Unified Theory

Love you to the moon and back!- Happy milestone!

Monday, June 08, 2015

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Friday, June 05, 2015