This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Laugh out now!
11 things humans do that dogs hate
'Hard Choices' Tour Put Spotlight On Clinton's Strengths, Weaknesses
Women Defy Turkey's Deputy PM, Who Said Women Shouldn't Laugh In Public
Obama has rope-a-doped these GOP clowns hard
The 21 Most EXTREME Selfies Ever Taken. Nothing Can Top the Last One. NOTHING.
This Guy’s Wife Refused To Take Maternity Photos, So He Had Some Taken Of Himself Instead
One Reason Women Fare Worse in Negotiations? People Lie to Them.
David Sarasohn: The book store is not dead, at least in Portland
The Russian government has banned lingerie — for your health
America's 10 Most Hated Banks
11 Dogs Who Learned The Hard Way Not To Eat Bees
The Modern Shower, 'Designed to Kill'
Photographer Finds That A Lot Of Mundane Things Look Like Vaginas
《逆權大狀》真實版 義務律師義助511示威者
25 aminal famous for their fur markings
When my fiance told me about the other woman
How to trim $500 from your monthly spending
We May Finally Know Why Couples with Firstborn Daughters Are More Likely to Divorce
Tilikum Crossing, The Abbreviated Version
Carole Novielli, you are so damn bright, stay informed. How One Portland Ice Cream Shop Spurred A National Debate, Gotta "like" What's the scoop for their philanthropic spirits!
'Hard Choices' Tour Put Spotlight On Clinton's Strengths, Weaknesses
Women Defy Turkey's Deputy PM, Who Said Women Shouldn't Laugh In Public
Obama has rope-a-doped these GOP clowns hard
The 21 Most EXTREME Selfies Ever Taken. Nothing Can Top the Last One. NOTHING.
This Guy’s Wife Refused To Take Maternity Photos, So He Had Some Taken Of Himself Instead
One Reason Women Fare Worse in Negotiations? People Lie to Them.
David Sarasohn: The book store is not dead, at least in Portland
The Russian government has banned lingerie — for your health
America's 10 Most Hated Banks
11 Dogs Who Learned The Hard Way Not To Eat Bees
The Modern Shower, 'Designed to Kill'
Photographer Finds That A Lot Of Mundane Things Look Like Vaginas
《逆權大狀》真實版 義務律師義助511示威者
25 aminal famous for their fur markings
When my fiance told me about the other woman
How to trim $500 from your monthly spending
We May Finally Know Why Couples with Firstborn Daughters Are More Likely to Divorce
Tilikum Crossing, The Abbreviated Version
Carole Novielli, you are so damn bright, stay informed. How One Portland Ice Cream Shop Spurred A National Debate, Gotta "like" What's the scoop for their philanthropic spirits!
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
~ Mother Teresa
I am good enough!
“The right person will make you a priority. If you find yourself feeling like you’re not good enough, it’s because they’re not good enough." - Steve Maraboli
So so true. Thanks for being there for me, my peeps!
"If a person wants to be a part of your life, they will make an obvious effort to do so. Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay."- Unknown.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Delta passengers outraged when child poops on airplane seat
Hello Vancouver What's happening in Clark County?
Airline passengers kick up a stink on Delta flight from Beijing to Detroit after Chinese family let toddler poop on his seat
Money Magazine Ranks Babson No. 1 College
30 Things That Will (Probably) Happen in Your 30s
NO more real estate for WY! Weyerhaeuser Closes Transaction to Separate its Homebuilding Business
SW behaving badlly. FAA Seeks $12 Million Fine Against Southwest Airlines
Fast-Food Scandal Revives China's Food Safety Anxieties
New York Debates Whether Housing Counts As Health Care
It May Be Summer, But For Economists, This Week Feels Like Christmas
People Who Feel They Have A Purpose In Life Live Longer
With Men's Y Chromosome, Size Really May Not Matter
In Which Colin Firth Debunks Some Myths About Working With Woody Allen
Director Says Hoffman Inhabited 'Most Wanted Man' Role
Hello Vancouver What's happening in Clark County?
Airline passengers kick up a stink on Delta flight from Beijing to Detroit after Chinese family let toddler poop on his seat
Money Magazine Ranks Babson No. 1 College
30 Things That Will (Probably) Happen in Your 30s
NO more real estate for WY! Weyerhaeuser Closes Transaction to Separate its Homebuilding Business
SW behaving badlly. FAA Seeks $12 Million Fine Against Southwest Airlines
Fast-Food Scandal Revives China's Food Safety Anxieties
New York Debates Whether Housing Counts As Health Care
It May Be Summer, But For Economists, This Week Feels Like Christmas
People Who Feel They Have A Purpose In Life Live Longer
With Men's Y Chromosome, Size Really May Not Matter
In Which Colin Firth Debunks Some Myths About Working With Woody Allen
Director Says Hoffman Inhabited 'Most Wanted Man' Role
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Enough is enough!
Seriously, be strong and know when enough is enough. Take your stand, speak up and refuse to let others hurt you. Throughout your lifetime some people will discredit you, disrespect you and treat you poorly for no apparent reason at all. Don’t consume yourself with trying to change them or win their approval. And don’t make any space in your heart to hate them. You don’t have control over what others think about you, but you do have control over how you decide to internalize their opinions. Leave them to their own judgments. Let people love you for who you are, and not for who they want you to be. Or let them walk away if they choose. They can’t harm you either way; it’s their understanding that is faulty, not yours.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Donors Pay To Test Seawater For Traces Of Fukushima Radiation
Does Your Dog Feel Jealous, Or Is That A Purely Human Flaw?
Here is the awesome website; States Against E.P.A. Rule on Carbon Pollution Would Gain, Study Finds
Teenager Codes Plug-In to Expose Corruption, Amazing!!!
19 Unusual Dog Breeds And Markings Will Make You Fall In Love.
Is there anything wrong with being 53 and pregnant?
Sorry, Portland, not you.The 10 most hipster neighborhoods on Earth
20 Things You Should Say to Your Kid Often
These Are The Geekiest Colleges According To HerCampus' 2013 Ranking
" The Fire phone ... is an impressive debut with several cool features. But the price is a bit high for a device designed to help you buy more stuff from Amazon." Review: Fire phone
We’re only No. 18? Our state not so great for our kids
China's ageing millions look forward to bleak future
Advocates Say Military Dogs Aren't Pets — They're Veterans
Book News: Amazon Exec Says Hachette Is Using Authors 'As Human Shields'
When Does a Woman Owe You Sex? Check This Chart
In the mood for love
Does Your Dog Feel Jealous, Or Is That A Purely Human Flaw?
Here is the awesome website; States Against E.P.A. Rule on Carbon Pollution Would Gain, Study Finds
Teenager Codes Plug-In to Expose Corruption, Amazing!!!
19 Unusual Dog Breeds And Markings Will Make You Fall In Love.
Is there anything wrong with being 53 and pregnant?
Sorry, Portland, not you.The 10 most hipster neighborhoods on Earth
20 Things You Should Say to Your Kid Often
These Are The Geekiest Colleges According To HerCampus' 2013 Ranking
" The Fire phone ... is an impressive debut with several cool features. But the price is a bit high for a device designed to help you buy more stuff from Amazon." Review: Fire phone
We’re only No. 18? Our state not so great for our kids
China's ageing millions look forward to bleak future
Advocates Say Military Dogs Aren't Pets — They're Veterans
Book News: Amazon Exec Says Hachette Is Using Authors 'As Human Shields'
When Does a Woman Owe You Sex? Check This Chart
In the mood for love
He got a point! Just MOVE ON!
“You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It wont happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life. You must make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.” Joel Osteen.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Portland Tribune: GMO Labeling Measure Qualifies For Ballot
Oregon Symphony Conductor Norman Leyden Dies At 96
How High Debt From The Housing Collapse Still Stifles Our Economy
Renting vs h housing in Khan Academy
This is very very disturbing! California 80-year-old satisfied after gunning down fleeing pregnant home intruder
Rent or Buy? The Math Is Changing
Is It Better to Rent or Buy?
Maine City Council Votes To Keep Tar Sands Out Of Its Port
#LovingPDX, One Shot at a Time, I heart Portland!
5 Reasons Eating Bugs Could Save The World, According To Seattle's Own 'Bug Chef'
On 'Tomlinson Hill,' Journalist Seeks Truth And Reconciliation
The Immigrant Kids Have Health Issues — But Not The Ones You'd Think
Oregon Symphony Conductor Norman Leyden Dies At 96
How High Debt From The Housing Collapse Still Stifles Our Economy
Renting vs h housing in Khan Academy
This is very very disturbing! California 80-year-old satisfied after gunning down fleeing pregnant home intruder
Rent or Buy? The Math Is Changing
Is It Better to Rent or Buy?
Maine City Council Votes To Keep Tar Sands Out Of Its Port
#LovingPDX, One Shot at a Time, I heart Portland!
5 Reasons Eating Bugs Could Save The World, According To Seattle's Own 'Bug Chef'
On 'Tomlinson Hill,' Journalist Seeks Truth And Reconciliation
The Immigrant Kids Have Health Issues — But Not The Ones You'd Think
Keep on making it! Filling my mind with positive change!
“Breathe. All of the times you felt this anxious and this overwhelmed. All of the times you felt this level of pain. And remind yourself how each time, you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you’ve survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust that this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.”--------Daniell Keopke
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Intimacy is not who you let touch you.
Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are. -
20 Percent Chance Of Rain. Do You Need An Umbrella? Is that a Portland question?
Some Food Companies Are Quietly Dumping GMO Ingredients
Cheesy SF Postcards Matched Up with Their Locations
The Two Words Steve Jobs Hated Most
22 Little Kids And Their Big Dogs
A YouTube Video Is Doctor's Secret Weapon Against Back Pain
Book News: 'Big 5' Publishers Absent From Amazon's New E-Book Service
Take this Ring -- But Keep Your Name
Soylent DIYers Sell Their Own Versions Of The Powdered Food, would you eat this as your primary food source?
French Supermarket Sells Ugly Fail Vegetables to Combat Food Waste
22 Ingenious Products That Will Make Your Workday So Much Better
Hot Plates: Our Favorite Portland Restaurants This Week
5 Nights of Pizza on Southeast Division
Some Food Companies Are Quietly Dumping GMO Ingredients
Cheesy SF Postcards Matched Up with Their Locations
The Two Words Steve Jobs Hated Most
22 Little Kids And Their Big Dogs
A YouTube Video Is Doctor's Secret Weapon Against Back Pain
Book News: 'Big 5' Publishers Absent From Amazon's New E-Book Service
Take this Ring -- But Keep Your Name
Soylent DIYers Sell Their Own Versions Of The Powdered Food, would you eat this as your primary food source?
French Supermarket Sells Ugly Fail Vegetables to Combat Food Waste
22 Ingenious Products That Will Make Your Workday So Much Better
Hot Plates: Our Favorite Portland Restaurants This Week
5 Nights of Pizza on Southeast Division
Monday, July 21, 2014
“Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we’re gone.” ― Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Who is here to understand me, love me and will be there for me, no matter what.

Saturday, July 19, 2014
States That Raised Minimum Wage See Faster Job Growth, Report Says
By the Numbers: Abortion in America
Which Sports Require You to Be Most Fit?
Two Funerals: In Israel And Gaza, Each Side Mourns Its Dead
Israelis, Palestinians Defy Recent Violence To Break Fast Together
Skimping On Sleep Can Stress Body And Brain
Microsoft Will Cut As Many As 18,000 Jobs
Everett plans to sue Kimberly-Clark over mill site fill
Bride school: Where South Korea’s mail-order wives learn their trade
By the Numbers: Abortion in America
Which Sports Require You to Be Most Fit?
Two Funerals: In Israel And Gaza, Each Side Mourns Its Dead
Israelis, Palestinians Defy Recent Violence To Break Fast Together
Skimping On Sleep Can Stress Body And Brain
Microsoft Will Cut As Many As 18,000 Jobs
Everett plans to sue Kimberly-Clark over mill site fill
Bride school: Where South Korea’s mail-order wives learn their trade
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The Modern American Man, Charted. "girls still do better in school, and men still make more money."
The One Emotion That Really Hurts Your Brain: New research reveals the fearsome impact of humiliation.
Buddhist statues, beautiful harbours and lush green parks! The breathtaking aerial shots that show there is more to Hong Kong than soaring skyscrapers
Recent Oregon job losses underscore the recovery is far from complete
In the doghouse! The quirky Swiss lodge that lets you rent a room next door to its huskies... but there's no guarantee they'll keep the noise down
Move Over Hong Kong: The World's Priciest Cities Are In Angola And Chad
Violence And Other Threats Raise Press Freedom Fears In Hong Kong
10 Bittersweet Things You Learn When You Lose Someone You Love
Craft Beer Reaches New Depths As Mainers Brew A Batch From Seaweed
Leased Solar Panels Can Cast A Shadow Over A Home's Value
The One Emotion That Really Hurts Your Brain: New research reveals the fearsome impact of humiliation.
Buddhist statues, beautiful harbours and lush green parks! The breathtaking aerial shots that show there is more to Hong Kong than soaring skyscrapers
Recent Oregon job losses underscore the recovery is far from complete
In the doghouse! The quirky Swiss lodge that lets you rent a room next door to its huskies... but there's no guarantee they'll keep the noise down
Move Over Hong Kong: The World's Priciest Cities Are In Angola And Chad
Violence And Other Threats Raise Press Freedom Fears In Hong Kong
10 Bittersweet Things You Learn When You Lose Someone You Love
Craft Beer Reaches New Depths As Mainers Brew A Batch From Seaweed
Leased Solar Panels Can Cast A Shadow Over A Home's Value
Best of what?,
RIP Elaine Stritch !
"Try to stay in the moment and celebrate what's going on at the time it's going on. Like being alive."--Elaine Stritch
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
19 Little Babies And Their Big Ol' Lovable Dog Friends
Palin's Call For Impeachment Reopens Debate Over ... Sarah Palin, hopefully, someday we will say "Sarah, who?"
California Approves $500 Fines For Residential Water-Wasters
Want More Stress In Your Life? Try Parenting A Teenager
Dialing Back Stress With A Bubble Bath, Beach Trip And Bees
除皺霜不去皺 貴未必最好
10 Portland area ice cream sundaes you need to eat this summer (gallery)
Appeals court: Texas can use race in admissions
Dear Senator Paul, What Happened to Your Libertarian Ideals?
Perry-Paul row reveals Republican foreign policy divide
10 Things Only a Siberian Husky Owner Would Understand
Why Smartphone Breaks At Work Aren't Such A Bad Idea
Plan To Make 6 States Out Of California May Head To Ballot
Palin's Call For Impeachment Reopens Debate Over ... Sarah Palin, hopefully, someday we will say "Sarah, who?"
California Approves $500 Fines For Residential Water-Wasters
Want More Stress In Your Life? Try Parenting A Teenager
Dialing Back Stress With A Bubble Bath, Beach Trip And Bees
除皺霜不去皺 貴未必最好
10 Portland area ice cream sundaes you need to eat this summer (gallery)
Appeals court: Texas can use race in admissions
Dear Senator Paul, What Happened to Your Libertarian Ideals?
Perry-Paul row reveals Republican foreign policy divide
10 Things Only a Siberian Husky Owner Would Understand
Why Smartphone Breaks At Work Aren't Such A Bad Idea
Plan To Make 6 States Out Of California May Head To Ballot
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Why Apologizing the Right Way Matters
Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless
When Work Becomes A Haven From Stress At Home
Japan's ODD
The yellowface of “The Mikado” in your face
With Bright Benches, London Shows Off Its Love Of Books
Do We Choose Our Friends Because They Share Our Genes?
Sex, Death And Evolution ... Nursery Rhyme Style
How 'Ching Chong' Became The Go-To Slur For Mocking East Asians
To Make Children Healthier, A Doctor Prescribes A Trip To The Park
How To Eat Organic On A Budget
Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless
When Work Becomes A Haven From Stress At Home
Japan's ODD
The yellowface of “The Mikado” in your face
With Bright Benches, London Shows Off Its Love Of Books
Do We Choose Our Friends Because They Share Our Genes?
Sex, Death And Evolution ... Nursery Rhyme Style
How 'Ching Chong' Became The Go-To Slur For Mocking East Asians
To Make Children Healthier, A Doctor Prescribes A Trip To The Park
How To Eat Organic On A Budget
Monday, July 14, 2014
245 Things President Obama Has Accomplished That Conservatives Don’t Want You To Know About
50 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships
You May Not Know About The First Chinese Americans, But You Should
Science Vs. Religion: Beyond The Western Traditions
Why A Spoonful Of Medicine Can Be A Big Safety Risk For Kids
How The Millennials May Save America
This Is Your Stressed-Out Brain On Scarcity
Teaching 4-Year-Olds To Feel Better
Food-Mood Connection: How You Eat Can Amp Up Or Tamp Down Stress
An Insider Guide to Hong Kong’s Cleanest Water Spots
Caviar, Reindeer Jerky, and 18 More Insane Movie Theatre Snacks From Around the World
In historic move, Republican House is suing Obama
The destructive myth about religion that Americans disproportionately believe
President Obama Has the Perfect Rebuttal to All the People Who Want to Impeach Him
Well Known to No Idea: Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage List Explained
The Science Of Settling: Calculate Your Mate With Moneyball
From McDonald's To Organic Valley, You're Probably Eating Wood Pulp
China's Booming Real Estate Market Finally Begins To Slide
Math Nerd Or Bookworm? Many Of The Same Genes Shape Both Abilities
Grocery Store Economics: Why Are Rotisserie Chickens So Cheap?
Is Foster Farms A Food Safety Pioneer Or A Persistent Offender?
50 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships
You May Not Know About The First Chinese Americans, But You Should
Science Vs. Religion: Beyond The Western Traditions
Why A Spoonful Of Medicine Can Be A Big Safety Risk For Kids
How The Millennials May Save America
This Is Your Stressed-Out Brain On Scarcity
Teaching 4-Year-Olds To Feel Better
Food-Mood Connection: How You Eat Can Amp Up Or Tamp Down Stress
An Insider Guide to Hong Kong’s Cleanest Water Spots
Caviar, Reindeer Jerky, and 18 More Insane Movie Theatre Snacks From Around the World
In historic move, Republican House is suing Obama
The destructive myth about religion that Americans disproportionately believe
President Obama Has the Perfect Rebuttal to All the People Who Want to Impeach Him
Well Known to No Idea: Hong Kong's Cultural Heritage List Explained
The Science Of Settling: Calculate Your Mate With Moneyball
From McDonald's To Organic Valley, You're Probably Eating Wood Pulp
China's Booming Real Estate Market Finally Begins To Slide
Math Nerd Or Bookworm? Many Of The Same Genes Shape Both Abilities
Grocery Store Economics: Why Are Rotisserie Chickens So Cheap?
Is Foster Farms A Food Safety Pioneer Or A Persistent Offender?
Five Violet Spiders
Five violet spiders on a purple tree
Some were dark and hard to see
A birdie ate the lightest for her morning tea
Poor little spiders on that purple tree!
Four violet spiders on a purple tree
Some were dark and hard to see
A birdie ate the lightest for his morning tea
Poor little spiders on that purple tree!
Three violet spiders on a purple tree
Some were dark and hard to see
A birdie ate the lightest for her morning tea
Poor little spiders on that purple tree!
Two violet spiders on a purple tree
Both were dark and hard to see
They had lots of babies in their family
And just like their parents, they were hard to see!
[Repeat from start a few hundred times]
Once there were spiders on a purple tree
The darker ones had babies more successfully
Now they need not fear becoming treats for tea
Unless the birds get spectacles to help them see!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Friday, July 11, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Bingeing On Bad News Can Fuel Daily Stress
Asians and Attachment theory
The 5 Asian Love Languages
The Hottest Baby Names Of 2014... So Far
Who can post the cutest dog picture?
Infographic: What Does Your Surname Mean?
Like All Animals, We Need Stress. Just Not Too Much
Comedy vs Anti Science: 10 amazing videos that show how humor can make a difference
The ONE Thing You Must Do In Each U.S. State
Beliefs, Facts and Money; Conservative Delusions About Inflation
Group leaves racist fliers on windshields, neighbors outraged, besides, protesting, they left fliers on car's windshields too.
DON"T CLICK because it will lead to the group's website and an article about their action! Just understand the heading.Portland: A protest against anti-White immigration organization. I can't believe this happened in Portland.
Asian-American Leadership Programs Tackle The 'Bamboo Ceiling'
Asians and Attachment theory
The 5 Asian Love Languages
The Hottest Baby Names Of 2014... So Far
Who can post the cutest dog picture?
Infographic: What Does Your Surname Mean?
Like All Animals, We Need Stress. Just Not Too Much
Comedy vs Anti Science: 10 amazing videos that show how humor can make a difference
The ONE Thing You Must Do In Each U.S. State
Beliefs, Facts and Money; Conservative Delusions About Inflation
Group leaves racist fliers on windshields, neighbors outraged, besides, protesting, they left fliers on car's windshields too.
DON"T CLICK because it will lead to the group's website and an article about their action! Just understand the heading.Portland: A protest against anti-White immigration organization. I can't believe this happened in Portland.
Asian-American Leadership Programs Tackle The 'Bamboo Ceiling'
Monday, July 07, 2014
What America’s Supersized Fast Food Culture Looks Like
Anthony Bourdain’s Theory on the Foodie Revolution
Mayor Charlie Hales Goes on Diversity Retreat for White Men, golf retreat?
Teen Tries To Be The Parent His Own Dad Never Was
Romantic gestures that don’t cost a thing
These Vintage Brides And Grooms Are The Epitome Of Old-School Cool
John Boehner delivers red-faced response to president's 'so sue me' taunt
Every state in the USA, ranked by its food/drink
The Secret History Behind The Science Of Stress
The Grand Canyon Is Doomed
Will You Ride The World's Tallest Water Slide? My ans: NONONONONONONONONONONO
With Gene Disorders, The Mother's Age Matters, Not the Egg's
For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family
It's A Nice Day For A Flash Wedding
Obama Promised to Do 4 Big Things As President. Now He’s Done Them All.
Prosperity and Poverty: The Stark Reality of Housing for Hong Kong’s Have Nots
Obie the (No Longer) Tubby Dog
'The Great Fish Swap': How America Is Downgrading Its Seafood Supply
Thousands Rally In Hong Kong To Call For Democratic Vote
Another Day, Another Reason For Voters To Loathe Congress
3 Things Everyone Should Know Before Growing Up
FTC Alleges T-Mobile Charged Customers Millions In Bogus Charges
A Misspent Youth Doesn't Doom You To Heart Disease
12 Powerful Photos That Will Change The Way You Look At The World Cup
Anthony Bourdain’s Theory on the Foodie Revolution
Mayor Charlie Hales Goes on Diversity Retreat for White Men, golf retreat?
Teen Tries To Be The Parent His Own Dad Never Was
Romantic gestures that don’t cost a thing
These Vintage Brides And Grooms Are The Epitome Of Old-School Cool
John Boehner delivers red-faced response to president's 'so sue me' taunt
Every state in the USA, ranked by its food/drink
The Secret History Behind The Science Of Stress
The Grand Canyon Is Doomed
Will You Ride The World's Tallest Water Slide? My ans: NONONONONONONONONONONO
With Gene Disorders, The Mother's Age Matters, Not the Egg's
For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family
It's A Nice Day For A Flash Wedding
Obama Promised to Do 4 Big Things As President. Now He’s Done Them All.
Prosperity and Poverty: The Stark Reality of Housing for Hong Kong’s Have Nots
Obie the (No Longer) Tubby Dog
'The Great Fish Swap': How America Is Downgrading Its Seafood Supply
Thousands Rally In Hong Kong To Call For Democratic Vote
Another Day, Another Reason For Voters To Loathe Congress
3 Things Everyone Should Know Before Growing Up
FTC Alleges T-Mobile Charged Customers Millions In Bogus Charges
A Misspent Youth Doesn't Doom You To Heart Disease
12 Powerful Photos That Will Change The Way You Look At The World Cup
Sunday, July 06, 2014
7 days and counting

Saturday, July 05, 2014
Friday, July 04, 2014
Happy birthday, America!
O say can you see by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
Thursday, July 03, 2014
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