Thursday, August 30, 2012

A new beginning!?!

"As happy as it gets :d"

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What do you love?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oh why oh ?

Roxy Boxy Foxy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

National Toilet Paper Day!

How would you celebrate?? Haha

Monday, August 20, 2012

林憶蓮 歌生.憶愛 滾滾紅塵 遇見 歡顏 不能說的祕密 盛夏光年

Why Can Some People Recall Every Day Of Their Lives? Brain Scans Offer Clues "They tend to save a lot of objects. They tend to have some repetitive habits. They tend to store things."-- conclusion: OCD is good, lol!
Juanes: A Superstar Slows Down, Shifts Gears, pretty good music!
Ay Amor! Seven Unusual Latin Love Songs
The Catholic Church And German Porn, dirty business!
Should Lack Of Exercise Be Considered A Medical Condition? Please no excuse for lazy ppl, nobody was born fat
Can College Students Resist The Lure Of Facebook, Twitter During Class?
Cut Diplomatic Ties? Hide Him In A Crate? How Might Assange Standoff End?
Peaches, Beautiful And Fleeting, Thanks To Fuzzy Thin Skin
Johnson and Johnson to Remove Dangerous Chemicals from All Products; More info at Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Handshake, Pound or Hug? A Guide to Not Being Awkward When Greeting Someone
The power to heal at the tips of your fingers, too cool!
7 Reasons Why Diamonds Are a Waste of Your Money
10 Iconic Summer Foods From Around the U.S.
The 10 Ice Cream Shops You Need to Visit
Leader Of Anti-Semitic Party In Hungary Discovers He's Jewish

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Thursday, August 02, 2012

China’s Comments On Romney’s Israel Gaffe
Chick-fil-A: 5 Reasons It Isn't What You Think
3-alarm fire extinguished at Newberg paper mill
Plastic Bottles Release Potentially Harmful Chemicals (Bisphenol A) After Contact With Hot Liquids
; Legal Battle Erupts Over Whose Plastic Consumers Should Trust
Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
New Republic: Mitt Romney's Economic Fantasies
Jonah Lehrer Resigns From 'New Yorker,' Admitting He Made Up Quotes
Getting Old Is Hard, Even (And Especially) For Models
Every Single Person in America is Pissed at NBC’s Olympic Coverage
Biblical Standards for Marriage
New low for Politico
Changing The Image Of AIDS
How's Facebook Really Doing? Investors Will Soon Find Out
Is Olympic Swimmer Leisel Jones Fat, or Is This What Fit Looks Like?
Study: Proof That We Sexually Objectify Women
My Doggie's Best Friend - A huge guinea pighm.. is that guinea real? It doesn't move
Mitt’s British Blunders: How It Played In The UK Press, hi Mr. Leader!
Michele Bachmann's Muslim Brotherhood Claims Condemned By Catholic Bishops, 41 Other Groups
Big Mac index
Japanese Women Fall Behind Hong Kong in Longevity; 香港男女壽命全球之冠

達明一派:沒有張揚的命案 (Live 2012 返嚟就郁)