Sunday, December 30, 2012

In my heart...

Shakespeare - "Never Play With The Feelings Of Others, Because You May Win The Game But The Risk Is That You Will Surely Lose The Person For Life Time"
It's Never Early To Think About 2013's Best Music
Fresh Air Weekend: Critics' Picks For 2012
On Your Plate In 2013, Expect Kimchi And Good-For-You Greens
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Convicted Of War Crimes
Koch Brothers' 'Pro-Romney' Letter To Staff: Is Koch PAC Non-Partisan, As They Claim?
Bicymple is Functional Minimalist Design on Wheels
How to Thicken Soup
5 ways to make New Year's Eve delicious: Foodday Favorites
This Map Shows Which Ethnicities Have The Largest Ancestry In U.S. Cities
Swedish Massage Could Lower Stress Hormone Cortisol: Study
Ex-Executives At Iceland Bank Jailed For Role In Financial Crisis
Spicy Soup Burns Hole In Chinese Man's Stomach
When a Kid's Bedroom Isn't a Room
13 Trends We Hope Die Out In 2013

Rewind YouTube Style 2012

Let it go!

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. -- Mahatma Gandhi


我是一片雲 天空是我家 朝迎旭日昇 暮送夕陽下 我是一片雲 自在又瀟灑 身隨魂夢飛 它來去無牽掛 -瓊瑤

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why am I so fxxked up?

Can I count on you?

Yup.. death

I need this in my head!

Often in life, you might take a wrong turn, but at the time, you may not be aware that it IS a wrong turn. So you’ll coast along for a while, thinking that the scenery looks a bit different to what you expected, but that things seem okay. It may take ages, but suddenly you might come up against an immoveable boulder on the path, one that you can’t climb over or go around. Or the road you are on ends at a cliff with the equivalent of the Grand Canyon beyond. This is the moment of truth, when you realize not only that you took a wrong turn, but that you’re going to have to retrace your steps. You may feel so very far from your destination that you despair, and you just can’t believe that you wasted your time, how stupid of you, etc. DON’T DESPAIR! Don’t give yourself a hard time either. If you think back and look really hard, there will have been something positive (maybe many things!) that came out of your little detour. It doesn’t matter that you made a side journey: it was just that – a side journey – and it won’t necessarily prevent you from reaching your true destination. It just means that you weren’t concentrating, or you need to be more ‘on it’ if you really want to get where you’re going. Time passes and so does the moment. Soon you’ll be back on the right path. Reality checks in at different times with different hats on. The view from the top is always changing and rarely, if ever, replicates itself. Getting anything that’s worthwhile is always full of wrong turns, dead ends, and sometimes dark despair. But that serves to make it all the sweeter when you finally arrive. The source

Hair style!

Go beavs.. NO long horns!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Happy birthday, love!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Connected in mind.
11 Foods You Can't Buy Anywhere Anymore
Best. Christmas. Gifts. Ever.
Winter scenes
6 outrageous incidents of discrimination against nonbelievers
Gee, It’s Been Toastier Than Ever This Year
South Korea's New Leader Promises Moderate Path
When Someone You Know Loses A Child
Newtown Tragedy: Would A Good God Allow Such Evil?
The Paradox And Mystery Of Our Taste For Salt
Suddenly There's A Meadow In The Ocean With 'Flowers' Everywhere, mysterious yet beautiful
Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says WATCH OUT!
After Years In Exile, They Returned
Without Magic, Santa Would Need 12 Million Employees
9 Ways Successful People Defeat Stress
Before Newtown, Obama choked up over daughters growing up
The 10 Weirdest Animal Discoveries of 2012
《一代宗師》受邀柏林開幕 王家衛再創里程碑
The Scariest Thing About the Newspaper Business Isn't Print's Decline, It's Digital's Growth
告老還鄉港人5年減6200 住屋醫療不如理想 回流無依者趨增
毒油流市面 致癌物超7.5倍
除夕倒數移師會展 煙火8分鐘 耗1200萬歷來之最 新世界冠名贊助
A Winter Storm Is Pummeling The Rockies, And The Plains Are Next
Peak Farmland? Some Researchers Say It's Here
The 40 Happiest Photos Of 2012
Don't Hide Your Harlequins: In Defense Of Romance

See we are fine! Have a Happy Winter Solstice!

A Guarantee: The World Will Not End On Friday
Maya Expert: The 'End Of Times' Is Our Idea, Not The Ancients'
In A French Village, Protection From The Apocalypse
Global doomsday hot spots draw believers, revelers

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Facebook fine-tunes Messages filters, tests $1 option
The Cost of Romney’s Government-Assisted Transition: $8.9 Million
Do Armed Civilians Stop Mass Shooters? Actually, No. Teachers are not police or bodyguards.. they don't need guns on school grounds
Scandal Alert: Congress Is Quietly Abandoning the 5th Amendment The Bribery Aisle: How Wal-Mart Got Its Way in Mexico; Wal-Mart: Probe Continues In Mexico Bribery Case ; Persistence, Bribes Got Wal-Mart Into Mexican Town
Unitaskers And Other Foodie Gifts We Don't Need Or Want, ore crap we don't need
H&M Sourcing Child-Picked Uzbek Cotton, Claims Anti-Slavery Group, this is awful.. i need to think twice when i shop at H&M
FAA Pressured To Give E-Readers A Pass During Takeoff, Landing
12 Items Walmart Apparently Considers More Dangerous Than Assault Weapons
Darden Restaurants Profit Plunges 37 Percent After Bad Publicity Over Attempt To Skirt Obamacare, they are just awful!
State Department responds to claims that Clinton faked illness... these ppl are disgusting!
Everyone Is Ignoring the Much Bigger Problems With Instagram's New Privacy Policy
Quoting Rush Limbaugh Verbatim Is the Easiest Way to Discredit Him
Single-Issue Solidarity Behind NRA's Clout
Rape Case In India Provokes Widespread Outrage, this is awfuL!
White House Reporters Hammered For Fiscal Cliff Questions At Obama Gun Control Press Conference
Time For Gun Owners To Be Good Sports About Gun Restrictions
Let Teachers Carry Guns? Some State Lawmakers Say Yes
How the U.S. gun industry became so lucrative
Welcome to Buck-a-Hit Day
'#Instagate': Instagram Claims Right to License Users' Photos to Advertisers; Users Protest
“Why Do We Laugh?”
A first: state recycles more than it throws away
Facebook Is Killing Instagram
Investment Firm Selling Stakes In Gun Makers
Coverage Rapid, And Often Wrong, In Tragedy's Early Hours
Your iPhone was Built by 13 Year Old Children Working 16 Hours a Day, I want proof!
Cathay Pacific Airways Staff Threaten To Withhold Smiles, Booze Over Pay Dispute :(

星期日檔案-大逃港 Aspiring!

Would I send my kids? =)


Red-Nosed Reindeer

Famous Rudolph, Ohio, Postmark Will Shine On

Fifty Shades of Takei

What i really really want for Christmas after that red hot BMW!

For About $20, Cardboard Bicycle Could 'Change The World,' Inventor Says

Love is the answer!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The 10 Most Important Gadgets of 2012
50 Things You Will Never Get For Christmas Again... now i am truly truly sad...
Walmart De Mexico Bribed Local Officials To Open 19 Stores: NYT
Finally, an Independent Study of the Health Effects of Airport Scanners
Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness -- Immediately Banned in Nova Scotia
Trapped Dog Honks Truck's Horn to Alert Police; Dog abandoned in car in Ontario honks horn for help, smart Husky!
What Your Wine Choice Says About You
Montreal may require dogs to be bilingual, Montreal bylaw requires dogs understand commands in both official languages, summer 2013, good luck, Montréalais
Top 10 Most Complicated Watches.. oh sooo puuurty!
Farewell, Bosses: A Wave Of Young Entrepreneurs
Why Legos Are So Expensive — And So Popular
Brewers Prepare Beer For The End Of Time, Mayan Or Otherwise
'We've Got Bigger Fish To Fry' Than Going After Pot Smokers, Obama Says
7 Most Inappropriate Restaurant Names heehee Hung far low
A Photographer's Mini Food Fascination
Stephen Colbert Puts Super PAC Cash Into 'Ham Rove Memorial Fund' For Transparency, Sandy Relief

Furry docs!

Dogs Make Sandy Hook Students Smile

Explore. Dream. Discover.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Cathay Pacific flash mob dances for charity

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sad moment.

First Of Shooting Victims Buried In Newtown, Conn.
"Now it's our responsibility to bring heaven down to earth - act by act, good deed by good deed, until we reach a world filled with goodness and light."

Mad world!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Using Science to Care for Your Christmas Tree
7 Ingredients of a Healthy Relationship: Is Your Relationship Healthy?
Caution: Walking Under The Influence Of Mobile Devices
We're Living Longer, But Not All That Healthier
Here's Some Good News: Volunteering Is On The Rise
The Fiscal-Cliff Battle Is Already Over, and the Republicans Have Won It
Japan scrambles jets as Chinese plane flies over disputed isles
The Boom And Bust Of Fracking
Who Needs College? Young Entrepreneuer Bets On Bright Idea For Solar Energy

蕭敬騰 vs 楊宗緯 新不了情 超級星光大道

Guns guns guns

The Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting: What We Probably, Maybe, Possibly Know About the Shooter
Death in Connecticut
Huckabee Says Connecticut School Massacre Occurred Because We ‘Removed God From Our Schools’
The most unhinged reactions to the shooting
A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths
Connecticut Gun Laws: No Permit Needed To Buy Shotguns, Rifles
Emotional Obama vows action to prevent shootings ‘regardless of the politics’
An emotional Obama: 'They had their entire lives ahead of them'
Twelve facts about guns and mass shootings in the United States

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Gay marriage.. what??

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hell has begun! I am destroyed long time ago.

教您如何毀掉一個孩子 以下方法家長和老師可以通用,不同的是:家長毀一個,老師毀一群。 首先應該做的是摧毀孩子的自尊,將孩子貶到卑微的地位上。 ----------------------------------------------- 具體方法有這樣幾條: 1、讓孩子覺得自己什麼都不行,沒人賞識他。 例如學習不行,長相不行, 交際不行,干家務不行,馬虎,粗心,讓家人為他受累……總之,他沒有行的地方。 2、經常拿比他「行」的人刺激他。 例如,這種話要時常掛在嘴邊: 「看人家XX!」,「從不讓父母操心!」這類話最具打擊力和摧毀力,是毀孩子的王牌語錄。 3、父母把自己塑造成為家庭犧牲者的形象,這樣會使孩子產生罪惡感。 而一個有罪惡感的人往往採用自暴自棄的方法度過一生。 具體方法舉例如下:經常告訴孩子,自從有了他,你連電影也沒看過,你為他操碎了心,都累出病來了。 最好再具體說出你身上的哪種病是由於他造成的。 或者說,如果不是為了照顧他,自己早就在事業上有大發展了。 4、和孩子說話時口氣絕不能和藹,切不可使用商量的口吻,一定要使音量達到七十分貝以上, 一定要使用命令式的口吻。 如果還能配合一些挖苦諷刺的漢語詞組,則效果更佳。 如「你真蠢」、「你混」、「沒見過你這麼傻的」、「怎麼生了你這麼個東西」等等。 5、孩子的一切要由你來決定,切不可給他一點兒自由,他的行蹤你要密切注視。 他如果有日記,一定要設法查看;他如果有信件,一定要審查。 這樣做能在他心裡造成他不是人的感覺,造成他是一個受人操縱的木偶的感覺。 一個懷疑自己不是人的人是絕不可能奮發上進的。 6、要學會遷怒的本事。單位上遇到不順心的事, 回來後要想方設法找理由給孩子潑狗血。 無論什麼事都歸功於孩子的過錯然後教訓他, 並制止他流眼淚。 這樣做可以有效地打擊孩子的自尊心, 增強孩子的自卑感,同樣可以造成他不是人的感覺。 7、當眾出孩子的醜。 前六條都是在家庭裡的「單練」。真正要徹底毀掉他, 這第七條才是殺手鑭。 你一定要當著外人(或同學或親友或鄰居)損他,貶他,讓他無地自容。 從心理學角度講,這樣做能使一個人產生懼怕社會的心理,產生自慚形穢的念頭。 而一個懼怕社會和自慚形穢的人是很難立足於社會的。 ----------------------------------------------- 您掌握了以上七條,就基本上可以毀掉自己的孩子了。 當然, 還得在實踐中不斷總結經驗,做到運用自如, 這樣才能將你的孩子徹底毀掉,使他終身一事無成。 能做到這七點的父母,肯定是很愛孩子的這不假,但是方法欠妥當。 這文章故意反著說話的目的是為了以後我們不要這樣對自己的孩子。 ----------------------------------------------- 唉,只能說現在的家長幾乎都這樣,還能說什麼…?!= = 尤其第二點最多,比較來比較去的,比到最後孩子都叛變了。
A Sign From Above? Needing New Roof, Monks Sell Rare Beer In U.S.
Letters From 'Peanuts' Creator Reveal Bittersweet Romance
Etsy Crafts A Strategy For Staying Handmade And Profitable
All work and no play — or you’re fired!
The World’s Funniest Blow Jobs, freaky!
Inside China's Grueling Toy Factories
At the Ivies, Asians are the new Jews, horrible article.
Life Before And After Cell Phones
Want To Find A Restaurant That Treats Workers Well? There's An App For That
37 Reasons Why Staying In Is The Best

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hellish.. time

This is real.

Clinton 2016

Why This Video Makes One Editor Think Clinton Will Run In 2016


Iron sky

Buy Nada challenge

Buy nothing till 2013

Human Rights Day 2012

Human Rights Day presents an opportunity, every year, to celebrate human rights, highlight a specific issue, and advocate for the full enjoyment of all human rights by everyone everywhere.

Woo Senator Colbert!

Colbert for Senate
Colbert for Senate

SNL! WA was mentioned!

Janet Foxman

Poetry Daily of Janet
Luv u!

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Friday, December 07, 2012

Why A 'Fiscal Cliff' Failure Could Help The Economy
Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal Returns To Gaza Strip After 45-Year Exile
U.S. Olive Oil Makers Say Imports Aren't Always So 'Extra Virgin'
Why The Falling Birthrate Is Bad News For My 2-Year-Old Son
China's Manhattan Knock-Off, what is the progress on this?
Sudan nabs Israeli 'spy' vulture oh boy! Hahaha
Debt Ceiling Bluff Called By Harry Reid, Leaving Mitch McConnell To Filibuster Himself
Fox News' Laura Ingraham Blasts Obama's Meeting With MSNBC Hosts, Neglects Own Meeting With Bush
U.S. Jobs Lost (And Gained!), In Two Graphs
Why Isn't the FDA Stopping the Epidemic of Foodborne Illness?
Oprah.. move over!
Dogs can drive - here's the proof (+video); NZ dogs that drive
Not my babies
6 deadly excuses job hunters
High-end donuts should have foodies fighting for a place in line
14-year-old Bennion Jr. High student commits suicide, this is just plain horrible.
Rose Pak is Winning
Steve Li stuck in immigration 'limbo'
A Hidden Hanukkah Tale Of A Woman, An Army And Some Killer Cheese
Are You Done With That? Photographing The Results Of Your Good Will
India Clears A Path To Bring In Big-Box Retailers...awful awful
Why Drinking Tea Was Once Considered A Dangerous Habit
Palestinian Olive Harvest Turns Bitter As Economy Sputters
Citigroup Cutting 11,000 Jobs, Taking $1.1 Billion In Charges.. are being running away from the banks?
Frozen Pizza, Fatty Alcohol And Wire Hangers

DAVIE>>... good luck... ! Go Go Go!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Is it possible.. 48 hours for a building?

Sure with pre-fabricated materials. They're now a super-fast power: How the Chinese built a 30-storey hotel from scratch in just FIFTEEN days again with prefabricated and sections...

Giving.. the season of giving

Gifts That Change Lives
Give where you live.

新聞透視-中國人 香港人2012-12-01

Is that really possible?

You are perfectly exactly as you are. With all your flaws and problems, there's no need to change anything.All you need to change is that thought that you have to change.

Woohoo.. maybe I should wait till 2013-14 to buy an apple device. :)

Apple CEO Tim Cook announces plans to manufacture Mac computers in USA

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Some New Apple iMacs Say 'Assembled in USA'
Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple CEO Speaks
Britain Doubles Down On Failed Austerity Policies
5 Ways Rising Income Inequality Kills The American Dream [CHARTS]
Why are men so bad at making sperm cells?
Whom Has Taylor Swift Dated: A Brief History of All The Men in the Universe
China's Communists Declare War ... On Boring Meetings
The Downward Death Spiral of the GOP looks like this
7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Time On Right Now (PICTURES)
Why Don't Parents Name Their Daughters Mary Anymore?
Why China and the U.S. Can Be Capitalist Comrades
Roughing Up Rice: GOP Senators Play The Personal And Political
Mormonism: A Scrutinized, Yet Evolving Faith
The Chemistry of the Suppression of Desire
No country for butt-hurt old men
Japan Is Flexing Its Military Muscle to Counter a Rising China
Best Run States In America
2day, txt msg = 20
Worst Run States In America: 24/7 Wall St. woohoo.. CA is 1st.. :)
Text Messages Help Smokers Kick The Habit
The Next Workplace? Behind The Wheel
College football's bowl season a jumbled mess
Norwegian Company to Search for Oil in Dragon Zone off NE Iceland

Mocha and mini R =).. Maybe we can do better.

Poor vs Rich

If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. John F. Kennedy ( inaugural address, January 20, 1961)

Stewart vs. GOP

Numbers don't lie.

Led Zeppelin

Don't bother to look at this, just 2 lunatics talking phonies.

La Cucaracha

Friday, November 30, 2012

Hong Kong in Gaza
Sea Level Rising Much Faster Than U.N. Projections
Bill Maher on Israel, uncut and uncensored
The Insourcing Boom, GE
College Football: Pro and Con(servative) Views
Victory Or Defeat? Emotions Aren't All In The Face
Why Mexico Is The World's Biggest Exporter Of Flat-Screen TVs
The Peony Pavilion: A Vivid Dream In A Garden

Yet Another Shift In Facebook Policies Raises Privacy ConcernsGreenland, Antarctic Ice Is Melting Faster
California Dock Strike Widens, Slows Imports From Asia

教育系統排名 港全球第三-學者-大學生比例低拖累排名

I need to kill that radio.

Christmas music is driving me nutzzzz!

About the economy!

No such thing as clean coal.. we need carbon capture and storage

An Overture To Latinos, GOP-Controlled House Passes Immigration Bill
Pretty much everything you eat is associated with cancer. Don’t worry about it.
Should I tell my infertile Asian wife that I want all-white babies? This is sooo wrong.
Ambassador Susan Rice Is Financially Tied To Keystone Pipeline Company
Does Anybody Have More Fun Than Joe Biden? Check These Photos
From 'JK' To 'Eye Gunk': Taking U.S. Slang To China
All Over The Map: Cartography And Conflict
Clinton Reveals Blueprint For An 'AIDS-Free Generation'
夫露宿凍死 妻歎人命只值2千, this is really sad
33 Dogs And Cats That Just Don't Know Anymore
Top 100; Top 100 Names And Biggest Trends In Naming
World's Best Countries To Be Born In For 2013, I want to move.
U.S. and Israel Look to Limit Impact of U.N. Vote on Palestinian Authority

Thursday, November 29, 2012

霧裡看花, not easy!

State of mind.. what can I fix?


I need to be me.

"Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval." "You are your most important relationship. – Happiness is when you feel good about yourself without feeling the need for anyone else’s approval. You must first have a healthy relationship with yourself before you can have a healthy relationship with others. You have to feel worthwhile and acceptable in your own eyes, so that you’ll be able to look confidently into the eyes of the people around you and connect with them."
Democrats demand Republicans name the entitlement cuts they want
Obama’s economic philosophy, in 8 charts
Obama campaign finally opens up about email strategy
2012 Apocalypse FAQ: Why the World Won't End
; 2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns, the world will go on!
The Economic Case Against Winning a $500 Million Lottery (Seriously.)Can money realy buy happiness? I think it is to some people.
Austin Peralta, jazz pianist and Flying Lotus collaborator, dead at 22
A Young Prodigy's Search, Cut Short
Analysis finds contaminated U.S. pork products, don't get pork
How to Live Without Irony
Disgree with the article title
Disney, Sears, Walmart part of deadly Bangladesh fire, I should consider clothes from Bangladesh. Stay away!
Why one of China's richest men is squaring off against Obama in court
$1,200 Dish at Calif. Restaurant I won't waste my 1200. I have been giving it to the government instead.

Bill Clinton Kicks the Crap out of Fox News

Do what you love.

Happy holidays!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Spain Expands Renewables With Wave-Powered Electricity Plant
Should We Legalize Drugs?
Is That A Budweiser In Your Hand?: Product Placement, Booze, And Denzel Washington
Independent Bookstores Find Their Footing
Running A Comedy Machine: How Chuck Lorre Makes Hits
How Ordinary Chinese Are Talking And Fighting Back
For Restaurants, Food Waste Is Seen As Low Priority
Do Orchestras Really Need Conductors?
Infected and unaware: HIV hitting America's youth
Two views of the Civil War (photo essay)

Religion Is Bullshit

破相 誰來愛我 痛愛 心淡 抱抱 野孩子 16號愛人 爭氣 想得太遠


只知要飛 但是不知高處 會抽光我的氧氣 當初我這班客機 曾羨慕空中的鳥 要展開我的兩臂 跌痛了 我會努力從原地起 到了最終 總算 學會飛 但為什麼 捉到浮雲 才想起 誰的光 如常為我築起 這空港 何時若覺不安 都清楚燈塔會於哪方 迷失了到底要飛哪方 雲蒼蒼 茫茫長夜裡感激 有空港 雲層上滿星光 星星不知道我的怯慌 人間卻有殷切的眼光 仰望 我下降 只知要飛 但自當天出發 已經飛過千百里 今天我屈指算起 曾為自己爭口氣 也聽到過些讚美 我慣了 世界各地來回地飛 卻怕有一天我 下了機 站在陌生的星球時 才傷悲 誰的光 如常為我築起 這空港 曾忙着破天荒 不清楚心要放於哪方 誰給我蓋好被講晚安 雲蒼蒼 茫茫長夜裡感激 有空港 雲層上滿星光 星星不知道我的怯慌 人間卻有殷切的眼光 每夜 往上看 (從高處) 往下看 (迷失裡) 你的愛好比一個網 往下看 (颱風裡) 的空港 (唯一你) 會等我心足了飛夠了 再下降
Grover Norquist: Pink Unicorns Aren't Real And GOP Won't Break Tax Pledge
How to be happy, Amiee Mann's style
GOPer, Tea Partier have a last-ditch theory on how to get Romney elected
Teabaggers still see a chance to stop President Obama from being reelected
The 20 Richest Metros in America (the First 2 Will Surprise You), woohoo, SF, Boston!
UK education sixth in global ranking; US 17th In Global Education Ranking; Finland, South Korea Claim Top Spots; 全球教育系統排名港第三
南亞血汗製衣廠 時薪2.7元, hm.. time to consider not buying from the chains...
U.S., Latin America need more engineers
Are Your Facebook Friends Stressing You Out? (Yes.)
How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart

Friday, November 23, 2012


Quack!.. Nope.. Go Beavs!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ayako and Koji!

Wishing you all the best! Mr. & Mrs.!
How We're Preparing For Black Friday
Portland, Oregon: wine country, cuisine capital
America, Meet Your New First Lady: Obama’s Foreign Side Piece, the Prime Minister of Thailand
Book-Vending Machine Dispenses Suspense, Bibliomat: Small-Scale Press Makes Out-Of-Print Books On Demand, Biblio-Mat vending machine dispenses random books
Armed With Age And Experience, Soundgarden Returns, so bummed that I will miss their concert when they will be in Portland. :(
Israeli Fans Of Iron Dome No Longer Run For Cover
3.2 Earthquake Recorded In Portland Area
Can You Move It And Work It On A Treadmill Desk?
Why Obama Put Asia On The Agenda Now
The Past And Future Of America's Biggest Retailers
Why Not Say It Simply? How About Very Simply?
5 Reasons Why The Israeli-Palestinian Fighting Is Different This Time
Rubio Dodges Question On Earth's Age
Do We Really Need A Second Inauguration
Activist Groups Boycott Cyber Monday lincoln.. mumbai..

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cute red pandas!

Ting and Tucker, Taka and Motoko!

Congrats to the new additions! Babies news are non stop!

Dumb ways to die

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon

Friday, November 16, 2012

Beat Cal

Go Beavs!


Woohoo!.. I am excited! Please hope that I have a good weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

6名港人1個窮 創10年新高
在職貧窮戶 十年來最多
Mitt Romney Economic Adviser Calls For Raising Taxes On The Rich, Contradicting Entire GOP Campaign
How the US can avoid falling off the fiscal cliff
INFOGRAPHIC: The 113th Congress Will Be The Most Diverse In History
Ann Coulter Finds Herself Snubbed As Fordham College Republicans Rescind Invitation, Bravo! The world need more ppl like Fordham college to ignore people like Ann, Donald and Sarah!
Gallup is very upset at Nate Silver
The New Flyover Country
Who Gets The Blame For The Romney Loss? The Tea Party Has A Theory.
港人國民認同感見新低 抗拒國旗國歌新高 80後重港人身分
濠江繁華 港人見證危與機
MBA報考者趨年輕 人力顧問:太早讀反而難求職
Sky-High Vegetables: Vertical Farming Sprouts In Singapore
Struggle For Smarts? How Eastern And Western Cultures Tackle Learning
By 2020, United States Will Become World's Leading Oil Producer, Says IEA
America’s poor were little mentioned in Barack Obama’s re-election campaign. They deserve better
The Companies Where Everyone Wants to Work
Secession petitions filed in 20 states, this is crazy.. so unpatriotic! Did it happened when it was BUSH-era?
Are Humans Becoming Less Intelligent?
Is Seattle one of the most expensive cities in the U.S.?

Happy Diwali to the Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Buddhists!

President Obama Marks Diwali

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, November 09, 2012

Beat Stanford!

Go Beavs!

Thursday, November 08, 2012

My Heroes!


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

President Clinton Introduces President Obama in Bristow, VA - Full Speech

I have a busy day reading and listening to RHCP!

Obama victory tweet becomes his most-retweeted ever
Romney campaign out-advertises Obama in the final week
The big surprise of 2009-2012: How the Tea Party passed and protected Obamacare
The 2012 election in charts
Fashion of Jubilation And Mourning
Who Is Most Pissed Off After This Election I LOVE THIS ARTICLE
Mitt Romney Likely Regrets These 7 Campaign Moments
Hyesung "Hace" Oh, dancing his Asian ass off at campaign headquarters in Chicago. Takano beats Tavaglione in nationally watched race, the first openly gay Asian American to serve in Congress
Duckworth defeats Walsh in congressional contest, the first Thai American woman and first disabled woman ever elected to Congress
New York’s First Asian-American Congresswoman on Her ‘Historic’ House Victory
Tulsi Gabbard becomes first Hindu-American in US Congress, GOP, nevertheless
Hawaii's new senator breaks glass ceiling, the first Asian-American woman elected to the Senate.
Exit Polls Show Asian Americans Backed Obama by Wide Margin
Donald Trump: Irrelevant , so well said.
The New Gay Marriage Map
Why Mitt Romney Lost: A Simple, Overriding Theory
Mass. Town-By-Town Election Results
Mitt Romney's Unread Acceptance Speech
Obama’s re-election signals a difficult future for Republicans
The Saddest Sad Faces in the World: A Janna Ryan Election Night Mosaic, I think that is her regular face
Paul Ryan Will Return To Congress, Budget Committee Chairmanship
With Obama's Victory, Health Law Stays On Track
Republican Response Likely To Be Tactical, Not Transformative
Media Circus: Fox Struggles With Obama's Win, I just had to post it again!
Top 10 Wrongest Election Predictions From Cable News Pundits
Moderate Mitt’s Rise and Conservatives’ Cognitive Dissonance
R.I.P., Mitt Romney, his political ambition, that is.
An Idea for Our Conservative Friends
Massachusetts election results 2012: Elizabeth Warren defeats Scott Brown in Senate race; Congress once again has a Kennedy
Obama: ‘More work to do’
President Obama wins re-election: 17 hysterical GOP reactions, end of the world to them.. they should pack and run and live in church bunker and be rescued by GOD!
The funniest tweets from Election Night 2012
Victoria Jackson On Obama's Win: 'I Can't Stop Crying, America Died'
Why Mitt Lost. He couldn’t separate himself from the Republican Party’s growing extremism.. Mitt is the extremism!
Four More Years: The View From the Other Side
Allen West loses ugly, West got to go!
Election night 2012 was a good night for California, civility and statheads
Obama victory spells trouble for Israel's Netanyahu
What Happened to the Tea Party?
Karl Rove vs. Fox News
Obama's lease renewed despite tough economic times
President Obama’s Election Night Speech
State Educational Ranking vs Electoral College map
World Reacts To Obama's Re-Election
VIDEO: An Awkward Moment, As Karl Rove Objects To Fox's Ohio Call
Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann wins tight race in Minnesota, this is wrong, how could still have her office?????!!!
13 Must-See Moments From Election Night (VIDEO)
New Hampshire Becomes First With All-Female Congressional Delegation, Governor
On Ballot In Maryland, 'Dream Act' Wins Big On Election Night
How Obama Won Re-election