This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Fibre workers reject contract offer, strike, strike, strike!!!
A Tea Party Foreign Policy
Japan pop artist's Versailles show sparks protests
Young investors wary of stock market
Trust me, I'm a financial advisor
Half of world's top global cities Asian
Companies opt to spend on acquisitions and mergers
Should public transportation be free?
Our Storied Lives: The Quest For 'Something More'
Intel To Buy Infineon's Wireless Operations
Researchers Fight To Save Fruits Of Their Labor
'L.A. Times' Database Angers Teachers, Union
Has Celebrity Worship Gone Too Far?
What Does It Feel Like To Be 75? Say Goodbye To Spry
Here's Something You Don't Want To Know
Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally: What Do You Think Now?, Glenn Beck And Obama's Christianity, another lunatic, escape from asylum.
Do Youz Knowz What I Meme?
Some Thieves Steal Much More Than Money
University Attendance Scanners Make Some Uneasy.. interesting concept, we can't let them fail, right?
Is Believing In God Evolutionarily Advantageous?
New York Rebounds From Slump, but Unevenly
How to Sell an Idea to Your Boss
Oregon Symphony Waterfront Concert | Fireworks, Military Cannons, Portland Youth Philharmonic & Oregon Ballet
On the Precipice, Wings Spread
7 Ordinary Things Turned Hi-Tech
10 Profound Innovations Ahead
Over-50 Flock to Facebook, Twitter
The billionaire Koch brothers' war against Obama
In Hard Times, One New Bank (Double-Wide)
Nike patents plan for self-lacing shoes; Info
Mobile Power Comes of Age
Dumbed-Down Dialing
Rulings Cover Political Donors In Veil Of Secrecy
When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream
Top Republicans: Yeah, We're Calling Obama Socialist
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Gives Big To GOP..bad wrinkling man.
Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Says He's Gay, Regrets Party's Position, scandalous you betcha.
The Brothers Koch: Rich, Political And Playing To Win
Is 'Giving The Finger' Getting Out Of Hand?
How To Spend $1.25 Trillion
If There Is An Anti-Universe, It's In Alaska, mental list, boycott AZ and AK...where next?
'USA Today' To Reconfigure, Slice Jobs, so Mr. Opsal, can you explain?
It’s a Dog Day
All the candidates Sarah Palin backed had a great night. I am terrified.
Korea and Bolivia sign deal on precious lithium
New Life in America No Longer Means a New Name
For Your Viewing Pleasure: The Sheriff Elizabeth Warren Rap Video
A Tea Party Foreign Policy
Japan pop artist's Versailles show sparks protests
Young investors wary of stock market
Trust me, I'm a financial advisor
Half of world's top global cities Asian
Companies opt to spend on acquisitions and mergers
Should public transportation be free?
Our Storied Lives: The Quest For 'Something More'
Intel To Buy Infineon's Wireless Operations
Researchers Fight To Save Fruits Of Their Labor
'L.A. Times' Database Angers Teachers, Union
Has Celebrity Worship Gone Too Far?
What Does It Feel Like To Be 75? Say Goodbye To Spry
Here's Something You Don't Want To Know
Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally: What Do You Think Now?, Glenn Beck And Obama's Christianity, another lunatic, escape from asylum.
Do Youz Knowz What I Meme?
Some Thieves Steal Much More Than Money
University Attendance Scanners Make Some Uneasy.. interesting concept, we can't let them fail, right?
Is Believing In God Evolutionarily Advantageous?
New York Rebounds From Slump, but Unevenly
How to Sell an Idea to Your Boss
Oregon Symphony Waterfront Concert | Fireworks, Military Cannons, Portland Youth Philharmonic & Oregon Ballet
On the Precipice, Wings Spread
7 Ordinary Things Turned Hi-Tech
10 Profound Innovations Ahead
Over-50 Flock to Facebook, Twitter
The billionaire Koch brothers' war against Obama
In Hard Times, One New Bank (Double-Wide)
Nike patents plan for self-lacing shoes; Info
Mobile Power Comes of Age
Dumbed-Down Dialing
Rulings Cover Political Donors In Veil Of Secrecy
When Right-Wing Extremism Moves Mainstream
Top Republicans: Yeah, We're Calling Obama Socialist
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Gives Big To GOP..bad wrinkling man.
Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman Says He's Gay, Regrets Party's Position, scandalous you betcha.
The Brothers Koch: Rich, Political And Playing To Win
Is 'Giving The Finger' Getting Out Of Hand?
How To Spend $1.25 Trillion
If There Is An Anti-Universe, It's In Alaska, mental list, boycott AZ and AK...where next?
'USA Today' To Reconfigure, Slice Jobs, so Mr. Opsal, can you explain?
It’s a Dog Day
All the candidates Sarah Palin backed had a great night. I am terrified.
Korea and Bolivia sign deal on precious lithium
New Life in America No Longer Means a New Name
For Your Viewing Pleasure: The Sheriff Elizabeth Warren Rap Video
Monday, August 30, 2010
Food for thoughts!
雜感 - 鳳凰
by Herbert Chan on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 4:42am
在不同民族的古老傳說中,都不約而同地出現一種神鳥,在古埃及名為貝努鳥 (Bennu),在古希臘稱為不死鳥,即菲尼克司 ( Phoenix),在波斯稱作胡馬鳥 (Huma Bird),在印度則為迦樓羅,在中國便是我們熟悉的鳳凰。翻查資料,才發現鳳凰跟菲尼克司原來是兩種不同的生物,但Phoenix的中譯依然是鳳凰。很巧合,不同民族的不死鳥居然有著相似的外型及相近的象徵意義,都有著赤紅色的羽毛,有著長長的尾巴,都代表著風及火,也有代表著太陽、公義、忠誠。
相傳不死鳥每隔五百年左右,便會採集各種有香味的樹枝或草葉,並將之疊起來後引火自焚,最後留下來的灰燼中會出現重生的幼鳥,因此 Phoenix 便有著浴火重生的形象,也有著堅毅不屈,置諸死地而後生的意義。至於中國的鳳凰,並沒有浴火重生的傳說。兩者的分別也在於此。然而,近代的翻譯家習慣把不死鳥當作鳳凰,在我看來,其實並無不可。反正這些神鳥都是來自神話傳說,從遠古一代一代的傳下來,今天聽到的傳說當然跟幾千年前的說法很不同。傳到今時今日,不妨把浴火重生的說法加進去,再往後代傳,沒有甚麼問題。而且我覺得,浴火重生的鳳凰比沒有的,不是更美嗎?
by Herbert Chan on Monday, August 30, 2010 at 4:42am
在不同民族的古老傳說中,都不約而同地出現一種神鳥,在古埃及名為貝努鳥 (Bennu),在古希臘稱為不死鳥,即菲尼克司 ( Phoenix),在波斯稱作胡馬鳥 (Huma Bird),在印度則為迦樓羅,在中國便是我們熟悉的鳳凰。翻查資料,才發現鳳凰跟菲尼克司原來是兩種不同的生物,但Phoenix的中譯依然是鳳凰。很巧合,不同民族的不死鳥居然有著相似的外型及相近的象徵意義,都有著赤紅色的羽毛,有著長長的尾巴,都代表著風及火,也有代表著太陽、公義、忠誠。
相傳不死鳥每隔五百年左右,便會採集各種有香味的樹枝或草葉,並將之疊起來後引火自焚,最後留下來的灰燼中會出現重生的幼鳥,因此 Phoenix 便有著浴火重生的形象,也有著堅毅不屈,置諸死地而後生的意義。至於中國的鳳凰,並沒有浴火重生的傳說。兩者的分別也在於此。然而,近代的翻譯家習慣把不死鳥當作鳳凰,在我看來,其實並無不可。反正這些神鳥都是來自神話傳說,從遠古一代一代的傳下來,今天聽到的傳說當然跟幾千年前的說法很不同。傳到今時今日,不妨把浴火重生的說法加進去,再往後代傳,沒有甚麼問題。而且我覺得,浴火重生的鳳凰比沒有的,不是更美嗎?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New Kindle Leaves Rivals Farther Back , Kindle 3, you got nothing on me, listen up iPad, you 2!
Why do Ken Cuccinelli's legal opinions always match his personal ambitions? .. give it up lunatic!
Women Are Not Marshmallow Peeps, And Other Reasons There's No 'Chick Lit'
Germany May Block Employer Facebook Checks
Climate, Energy And Stem Cells: Ceding the Frontier
The 10th Parallel: Where Christianity And Islam Meet
Saving For College: How Much Is Enough?
The End of Management: Corporate bureaucracy is becoming obsolete. Why managers should act like venture capitalists
The Economist reports China now world's largest beer market
How Joe Miller—the Palin-endorsed, Tea Party-supported candidate—surprised everyone in Alaska, so Chuck Norris won!.. So officially, AK is hopeless.
Google plugs free PC-to-phone calling into e-mail
Philippine Police Show How To Not Handle Hostage Crises
Building Homes to Age In
Digital Overload: Your Brain On Gadgets
European Islamophobia Finds A Home In The U.S.
DIY Wedding Cake: Secret Ingredient Is Love
Spacing Out A Bit: Chicago And The Shuttle
Is Apple working on a 'desktop iPad?'; Patently Apple
Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women
5 ways to stay fabulous on a budget
10 ways to divorceproof your marriage, Fi.. those are good advices!
achin' bacon
Philippines police: Authorities botched hostage rescue; Ten things the Philippines bus siege police got wrong; Manila police admit bungling deadly bus siege
Drinking water before meals helps dieting, says study
Mama Grizzly Man.... watch out!
Educators learn about logging industry
Carry-Ons and Courtesy Need to Co-Exist.. actually, I like th idea.. $$$
Sliced Bagels, Taxes on Top. how do they come up with that? Why?
Utah Meets Pac-10 Opposition, say no to Utes!
"one whose diet includes fish but no meat"
People of walmart ... gross!
Inside the Secret World of Trader Joe's
Japan's hunt for missing elderly exposes social woes
Roommates Who Click
Paper mill is gone, but the picnic goes on
'L.A. Times' Series Examines Teacher Ratings
China's Economic Rise Enables Military Growth
'Virtual Shellfish' Aid In Studying Oil's Effects
Should Boys Also Get Vaccinated For HPV?
Why do Ken Cuccinelli's legal opinions always match his personal ambitions? .. give it up lunatic!
Women Are Not Marshmallow Peeps, And Other Reasons There's No 'Chick Lit'
Germany May Block Employer Facebook Checks
Climate, Energy And Stem Cells: Ceding the Frontier
The 10th Parallel: Where Christianity And Islam Meet
Saving For College: How Much Is Enough?
The End of Management: Corporate bureaucracy is becoming obsolete. Why managers should act like venture capitalists
The Economist reports China now world's largest beer market
How Joe Miller—the Palin-endorsed, Tea Party-supported candidate—surprised everyone in Alaska, so Chuck Norris won!.. So officially, AK is hopeless.
Google plugs free PC-to-phone calling into e-mail
Philippine Police Show How To Not Handle Hostage Crises
Building Homes to Age In
Digital Overload: Your Brain On Gadgets
European Islamophobia Finds A Home In The U.S.
DIY Wedding Cake: Secret Ingredient Is Love
Spacing Out A Bit: Chicago And The Shuttle
Is Apple working on a 'desktop iPad?'; Patently Apple
Why Men Still Get More Promotions Than Women
5 ways to stay fabulous on a budget
10 ways to divorceproof your marriage, Fi.. those are good advices!
achin' bacon
Philippines police: Authorities botched hostage rescue; Ten things the Philippines bus siege police got wrong; Manila police admit bungling deadly bus siege
Drinking water before meals helps dieting, says study
Mama Grizzly Man.... watch out!
Educators learn about logging industry
Carry-Ons and Courtesy Need to Co-Exist.. actually, I like th idea.. $$$
Sliced Bagels, Taxes on Top. how do they come up with that? Why?
Utah Meets Pac-10 Opposition, say no to Utes!
"one whose diet includes fish but no meat"
People of walmart ... gross!
Inside the Secret World of Trader Joe's
Japan's hunt for missing elderly exposes social woes
Roommates Who Click
Paper mill is gone, but the picnic goes on
'L.A. Times' Series Examines Teacher Ratings
China's Economic Rise Enables Military Growth
'Virtual Shellfish' Aid In Studying Oil's Effects
Should Boys Also Get Vaccinated For HPV?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Respect, reconnect and review, Portland River Fest
Alberta Street Fair, Aug 21st.
Portland Baconfest 2010, also Aug 21st.
Alberta Street Fair, Aug 21st.
Portland Baconfest 2010, also Aug 21st.
Facebook Feels Unfriendly Toward Film It Inspired
Ivy Grads Outperform Their Public-School Colleagues on Loan Repayments
'Pop-Up' Restaurants: Where The Foodies Flock
A Mom's Tough Standards, Imported From Vietnam
After A Turn To The Right, McCain Looks Ahead
Tracking The Companies That Track You Online, watch out for cookies...
Single? You're not alone , 96 million people of us :D
Greetings, 18 Percenters!, do I have a label for 3X Idiots?!
Bon Appetit names Portland's Laurelhurst Market one of the 10 best new restaurants in America
Facebook Knows Where You Are
Are You Really in Love? Want to take the test with me?
Sarah Palin Said What? The 15 Craziest 'Palinisms'
A special way to do sit up, Sung, what do you think?
The 15 Most Overrated Contemporary American Writers; wow.. Amy Tan and Jhumpa Lahiri are on the list.
Born in the U.S.A.
badass math guys meet the president
Yummy yummy Indian food
Alan Yang, 10 Screenwriters to Watch
緬軍趕絕 少數族裔求醫無門
癌超心臟病 全球頭號殺手
Wheel of lunch
American Apparel Nears Bankruptcy, this store is god awful!
Beijing Fireworks Display Sets Off Deadly Inferno
2010 Global Cities Index, HK ranks #5.
Hong Kong Has Second Highest Carbon Footprint, shame, shame, shame!
New York renamed top fashion capital but Asia sashays in, the big apple comes in 1st, HK is 2nd.
A (Load) Balancing Act: The Challenge Of Clean Power.. Chanting "solar" and "wind"...
Do's And Don'ts For The Great American Garage Sale
His Sperm, My Choice
Hungry For Oil: Feeding America's Expensive Habit
In Egypt, Carrie Bradshaw In A Headscarf
Electronics Sales A Bright Light In Dim Economy, I am sick of the word "smartphones"!!!!!
Turn ugly dresses into nice ones for $1
yummy yummy in Seattle
Ivy Grads Outperform Their Public-School Colleagues on Loan Repayments
'Pop-Up' Restaurants: Where The Foodies Flock
A Mom's Tough Standards, Imported From Vietnam
After A Turn To The Right, McCain Looks Ahead
Tracking The Companies That Track You Online, watch out for cookies...
Single? You're not alone , 96 million people of us :D
Greetings, 18 Percenters!, do I have a label for 3X Idiots?!
Bon Appetit names Portland's Laurelhurst Market one of the 10 best new restaurants in America
Facebook Knows Where You Are
Are You Really in Love? Want to take the test with me?
Sarah Palin Said What? The 15 Craziest 'Palinisms'
A special way to do sit up, Sung, what do you think?
The 15 Most Overrated Contemporary American Writers; wow.. Amy Tan and Jhumpa Lahiri are on the list.
Born in the U.S.A.
badass math guys meet the president
Yummy yummy Indian food
Alan Yang, 10 Screenwriters to Watch
緬軍趕絕 少數族裔求醫無門
癌超心臟病 全球頭號殺手
Wheel of lunch
American Apparel Nears Bankruptcy, this store is god awful!
Beijing Fireworks Display Sets Off Deadly Inferno
2010 Global Cities Index, HK ranks #5.
Hong Kong Has Second Highest Carbon Footprint, shame, shame, shame!
New York renamed top fashion capital but Asia sashays in, the big apple comes in 1st, HK is 2nd.
A (Load) Balancing Act: The Challenge Of Clean Power.. Chanting "solar" and "wind"...
Do's And Don'ts For The Great American Garage Sale
His Sperm, My Choice
Hungry For Oil: Feeding America's Expensive Habit
In Egypt, Carrie Bradshaw In A Headscarf
Electronics Sales A Bright Light In Dim Economy, I am sick of the word "smartphones"!!!!!
Turn ugly dresses into nice ones for $1
yummy yummy in Seattle
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Top 10 Items You're Too Old to Wear
1. Message T-Shirts
2. Too-Trendy Denim
3. Costume Shoes
4. Micro-mini Skirts
5. Anything Showing Excessive Cleavage
6. White, Ribbed Cotton Tank Tops
7. Hair Gadgets
8. Oversized, Overly-Decorated Hobo Bags
9. Cheap, Unflattering Underwear
10. Loud Accessories
2. Too-Trendy Denim
3. Costume Shoes
4. Micro-mini Skirts
5. Anything Showing Excessive Cleavage
6. White, Ribbed Cotton Tank Tops
7. Hair Gadgets
8. Oversized, Overly-Decorated Hobo Bags
9. Cheap, Unflattering Underwear
10. Loud Accessories
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Singer from “the first lip synching case in China” attempts suicide
We’re No. 11! .... seriously.. Newsweek is not cool.. it is my No. 111 magazine choice...
Facebook May Unveil New Products Tomorrow, Including Geo-Location Tool
Forget Random Matches: Find A Dorm Mate Online
Finding True Love Beyond The Love Story, go Liz. Dating in the Odyssey Years
Gov't Unlocks Apple's iPhone But Is The Jailbreak Era Over?
Government Vs. Telecoms: Where Does The Consumer Fit In?
Video Games And Their Evolution Into A New Breed Of Spectator Sport , I don't like this sports.
'Wookieeleaks': Popular, It Is; Because 'Geeks Love To Go Deep On Things'
How Black People May Or May Not Use Twitter
Computers Are Becoming Cupid's Best Weapon
Husbands Who Earn Less Than Wives Are More Likely To Cheat.. need to get me a second job.
The 'Mindset List': Do College Students Really Think Beethoven Is A Dog?
Montreal's Muzique Nightclub Posts 'NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED' Invite On Facebook
"The Newspaper" as the Best e-Reader On the Market
yummy yummy
Superheroes 'poor role models for boys'
Take This Job and Shove It
Protesters denounce Google plan for 'two-tier internet'
Cult of less: Living out of a hard drive
Facebook 'dislike' scam warning
How the internet is changing language
Old Irish bones may yield murderous secrets in Pa.
The Popularity Issue
China overtakes Japan in 2Q as No. 2 economy
3D Fast Bus in China Goes OVER Cars
Can Your Smart Phone Double As Your Wallet Yet?
Skies Aren't So Friendly For Many Flight Attendants
OMG, Retailers Are, Like, Totally Giving Me Free Stuff!
Former Oregon Lumber Town Tries To Reinvent Itself
Who Gives A Damn About Scarlett O'Hara's Dresses
Home needed for dog allegedly dragged behind truck by owner
We’re No. 11! .... seriously.. Newsweek is not cool.. it is my No. 111 magazine choice...
Facebook May Unveil New Products Tomorrow, Including Geo-Location Tool
Forget Random Matches: Find A Dorm Mate Online
Finding True Love Beyond The Love Story, go Liz. Dating in the Odyssey Years
Gov't Unlocks Apple's iPhone But Is The Jailbreak Era Over?
Government Vs. Telecoms: Where Does The Consumer Fit In?
Video Games And Their Evolution Into A New Breed Of Spectator Sport , I don't like this sports.
'Wookieeleaks': Popular, It Is; Because 'Geeks Love To Go Deep On Things'
How Black People May Or May Not Use Twitter
Computers Are Becoming Cupid's Best Weapon
Husbands Who Earn Less Than Wives Are More Likely To Cheat.. need to get me a second job.
The 'Mindset List': Do College Students Really Think Beethoven Is A Dog?
Montreal's Muzique Nightclub Posts 'NO FAT GIRLS ALLOWED' Invite On Facebook
"The Newspaper" as the Best e-Reader On the Market
yummy yummy
Superheroes 'poor role models for boys'
Take This Job and Shove It
Protesters denounce Google plan for 'two-tier internet'
Cult of less: Living out of a hard drive
Facebook 'dislike' scam warning
How the internet is changing language
Old Irish bones may yield murderous secrets in Pa.
The Popularity Issue
China overtakes Japan in 2Q as No. 2 economy
3D Fast Bus in China Goes OVER Cars
Can Your Smart Phone Double As Your Wallet Yet?
Skies Aren't So Friendly For Many Flight Attendants
OMG, Retailers Are, Like, Totally Giving Me Free Stuff!
Former Oregon Lumber Town Tries To Reinvent Itself
Who Gives A Damn About Scarlett O'Hara's Dresses
Home needed for dog allegedly dragged behind truck by owner
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Apple takes gulp of strong, glossy Liquidmetal.. this is some cool stuff! A hybrid of glass and metal!
Sovereign citizens spin history, reject government
In new TV ads, Mormons pitch message to Middle America.. watch out..UNCLE LDS wants you!!!
The World's Most Enduring Brands.. very nice, but very spendy.
Charlie Chan: A Stereotype and a Hero
Chinese Baba
Austin family finds clues in attic to Chinese pioneer
Obon, A Different Kind of Holiday
Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office.. pretty cool!
OK Cupid advises Panasonic cameras, iPhones for lonely nerds. Michelle, thanks for the forward. Now I will be beautiful. Don’t Be Ugly By Accident!
The Most Expensive College Dorm Rooms
The First Lady's Vacation From Empathy, I am not giving up my vacation, Fi will get on a place and come after me! Just kidding, sweetie.
'Tapped': Just Another Excellent Indie Documentary Likely To Bring You Down
China Orders More Than 2,000 Inefficient Businesses Shut
Foreign Policy: Five Rock Stars I'd Let Rule The World, I want Flea.
When Did We Become Mentally Modern?
Check out the the outrageously Frrronzen Hot Cholocate at Serendipity; Serendipity 3 Creates The World's Most Expensive Dessert; 19萬元甜品全球最貴
Here Comes the iBike? Apple Files Patent for a Bicycle
College Inc.. watch out and pick your "COLLEGES" wisely.
Europe's irreligious
The 2010 Presidential Citizens Medal
Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalis
Mom and Dad, Meet My Budget in Nicaragua
Sovereign citizens spin history, reject government
In new TV ads, Mormons pitch message to Middle America.. watch out..UNCLE LDS wants you!!!
The World's Most Enduring Brands.. very nice, but very spendy.
Charlie Chan: A Stereotype and a Hero
Chinese Baba
Austin family finds clues in attic to Chinese pioneer
Obon, A Different Kind of Holiday
Girl quits her job on dry erase board, emails entire office.. pretty cool!
OK Cupid advises Panasonic cameras, iPhones for lonely nerds. Michelle, thanks for the forward. Now I will be beautiful. Don’t Be Ugly By Accident!
The Most Expensive College Dorm Rooms
The First Lady's Vacation From Empathy, I am not giving up my vacation, Fi will get on a place and come after me! Just kidding, sweetie.
'Tapped': Just Another Excellent Indie Documentary Likely To Bring You Down
China Orders More Than 2,000 Inefficient Businesses Shut
Foreign Policy: Five Rock Stars I'd Let Rule The World, I want Flea.
When Did We Become Mentally Modern?
Check out the the outrageously Frrronzen Hot Cholocate at Serendipity; Serendipity 3 Creates The World's Most Expensive Dessert; 19萬元甜品全球最貴
Here Comes the iBike? Apple Files Patent for a Bicycle
College Inc.. watch out and pick your "COLLEGES" wisely.
Europe's irreligious
The 2010 Presidential Citizens Medal
Mongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese sentiment fuels rise of ultra-nationalis
Mom and Dad, Meet My Budget in Nicaragua
Sorry.. hon.. so much to do, so little time!
2010 Hawthorne Street Fair, August 15th.
2010 India Festival, August 15th.
Best of oregon food and wine on Aug 14th.
Tree to tree; how do I manage to miss 2 in a row? I am missing the tree and the river!
The Tualatin Crawfish Festival , August 13th to 14th
PDX ADULT SOAPBOX DERBY, August 14th Fun, and it's free!
Deschutes Brewery Street Fare, tonight, don't miss it.
2010 India Festival, August 15th.
Best of oregon food and wine on Aug 14th.
Tree to tree; how do I manage to miss 2 in a row? I am missing the tree and the river!
The Tualatin Crawfish Festival , August 13th to 14th
PDX ADULT SOAPBOX DERBY, August 14th Fun, and it's free!
Deschutes Brewery Street Fare, tonight, don't miss it.
Ramadan 8.12
refrain from eating, drinking, and certain behaviors as a means to cleanse their bodies and bring them closer to God. The most prominent event of this month is fasting. Every day during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up before dawn to eat and then they perform a prayer. They have to stop eating and drinking before the call for prayer starts (daybreak) until the fourth prayer of the day. Muslims break their fast at sunset with a meal. Muslims may continue to eat and drink after the sun has set until the next morning's prayer call. Then the process starts all over. This lasts for 28-30 days.
The basic
In Egypt, Turning Back The Clock For Ramadan
What You Might Not Know About Ramadan
The basic
In Egypt, Turning Back The Clock For Ramadan
What You Might Not Know About Ramadan
Study, study, study...
School is moving along and I have so much to do with it for the next 30 days...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
More Free stuff at the park.
Aug. 11, Apple Jam, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. This Seattle group offers Lennon/McCartney songs the Beatles never recorded.
Aug. 12, Loveness Wesa, Kgotso African Dance & The Bantus Band, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Traditional African dancers and drummers highlight the roots of the marimba.
Aug. 13, Do Jump! Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Do Jump “actorbats” blend physical theatre, dance, acrobatics, dynamic visuals and live music by Klezmocracy.
Aug. 14, Felicidades, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Salsa and calypso get the whole crowd up and dancing.
Aug. 11, Apple Jam, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. This Seattle group offers Lennon/McCartney songs the Beatles never recorded.
Aug. 12, Loveness Wesa, Kgotso African Dance & The Bantus Band, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Traditional African dancers and drummers highlight the roots of the marimba.
Aug. 13, Do Jump! Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Do Jump “actorbats” blend physical theatre, dance, acrobatics, dynamic visuals and live music by Klezmocracy.
Aug. 14, Felicidades, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Salsa and calypso get the whole crowd up and dancing.
The idiots are so special that they have a post all by themselve.
First lady went to Spain to spend time with grieving friend, The first lady is not the blame, Andrea Tantaros is the idiot. I am looking forward to her next article about not to get married because it will cost you, just look at the Clintons. I wonder if Andrea Tantaros enjoys her nice "things" or if she lives in the homeless shelter and eats from the soup kitchem, so that she can be "down" with her "people", the rights.
Palin pushes back on video of testy exchange
Palin and her entourage likes to be in the spotlight, don't them. Levi Johnston seeks Sarah Palin's old job in Wasilla
Palin pushes back on video of testy exchange
Palin and her entourage likes to be in the spotlight, don't them. Levi Johnston seeks Sarah Palin's old job in Wasilla
Month of thinking dangerously
Stephen Hawking's Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction, which planet should we move to?
8/10 #9: Open Our Borders
8/09 #8: Sell American Citizenship
8/08 #7: End Aid to Africa
8/07 Death by Cruise Ship, Lithium, and Suicide
8/07 #6: Leave Children Behind: Don't Prepare Everyone for College
8/06 #5: Stephen Hawking's Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction
8/05 #4: Blot Out the Sun—Or Face Extinction
8/04 #3: Erase Traumatic Memories (and Achieve Your Own “Eternal Sunshine”)
8/03 #2: Sell Your Kidneys
8/02 #1: Drug Our Drinking Water
8/10 #9: Open Our Borders
8/09 #8: Sell American Citizenship
8/08 #7: End Aid to Africa
8/07 Death by Cruise Ship, Lithium, and Suicide
8/07 #6: Leave Children Behind: Don't Prepare Everyone for College
8/06 #5: Stephen Hawking's Warning: Abandon Earth—Or Face Extinction
8/05 #4: Blot Out the Sun—Or Face Extinction
8/04 #3: Erase Traumatic Memories (and Achieve Your Own “Eternal Sunshine”)
8/03 #2: Sell Your Kidneys
8/02 #1: Drug Our Drinking Water
Monday, August 09, 2010
OMG! You are fired!
It's official: M's fire Don Wakamatsu
Scapegoated in Seattle: Mariners give Don Wakamatsu the boot
Manager firing, triple play make for wild M’s day
It’s the first time something has gone according to plan in this wacky Mariners season, which has featured:
— Wakamatsu benching storied slugger Ken Griffey Jr.(notes) because he was hitting .200 without a home run, and then the franchise icon angrily driving away to Florida—but not informing the Mariners he was retiring until he was hours into his drive, almost out of the state.
— Outfielder Eric Byrnes(notes) inexplicably pulling his bat back on a suicide squeeze play to get a runner thrown out at home. A few minutes after that 2-0 loss in 12 innings to Texas, Byrnes drove out the clubhouse door on a beach cruiser bicycle and did a 90-degree left turn in a tunnel around startled general manager Jack Zduriencik. Byrnes was cut a few days later.
— Wakamatsu taking mercurial slugger Milton Bradley(notes) out of a May game and sending him into the clubhouse because Bradley was irate for striking out. Bradley left the stadium during the game, and then got pulled over by a traffic cop for speeding on his way home. He came in the next day to ask Wakamatsu and Zduriencik for help with emotional issues. Bradley spent two weeks in counseling and on the restricted list.
— Ace Cliff Lee(notes), the prized winter acquisition and presumed piece that would get Seattle to its first postseason since 2001, missing the first month of the season following an unsuccessful attempt to heal his strained abdomen with unproven blood-spinning treatment. Lee returned to dominate, only to be traded to division-rival Texas last month when the Mariners fell so far out of the AL West race.
— Chone Figgins(notes), whom Zduriencik signed to a $36-million, free-agent contract last winter, repeatedly clashing with Wakamatsu. The last time resulted in an in-game dugout fracas. There was shouting, pushing, players trying to jump over others to fight, and infielder Jose Lopez(notes) getting his shirt pulled over his back—all in front of half the home stadium and a national television audience. Figgins never apologized.
Monday, when approached following Wakamatsu’s firing, Figgins smiled, shook his head and politely said, “I’m not going to talk about it, man.”
— First baseman Russell Branyan(notes), the lone consistent threat to hit a home run on the worst offensive team in baseball, injured his foot recently when a table in his hotel room fell on it as he was trying to close curtains.
— And starting shortstop Jack Wilson(notes) slipped in his bathroom early Sunday and broke his right hand. He’s headed to surgery Wednesday and is likely out for the season.
Ichiro Suzuki(notes), Seattle’s perennial All-Star and cornerstone, called Wakamatsu’s firing “frustrating.”
“It’s not just his responsibility (that we’re losing). It’s the whole team’s responsibility,” Suzuki said through his interpreter. “I don’t think it’s fair to say the manager’s responsible to take the blame, because he’s not.”
Suzuki sees his Mariners back at square one, less than 12 months after Wakamatsu finished a revitalizing, 85-win season.
“That’s the only way we can look at it,” Suzuki said.
Scapegoated in Seattle: Mariners give Don Wakamatsu the boot
Manager firing, triple play make for wild M’s day
It’s the first time something has gone according to plan in this wacky Mariners season, which has featured:
— Wakamatsu benching storied slugger Ken Griffey Jr.(notes) because he was hitting .200 without a home run, and then the franchise icon angrily driving away to Florida—but not informing the Mariners he was retiring until he was hours into his drive, almost out of the state.
— Outfielder Eric Byrnes(notes) inexplicably pulling his bat back on a suicide squeeze play to get a runner thrown out at home. A few minutes after that 2-0 loss in 12 innings to Texas, Byrnes drove out the clubhouse door on a beach cruiser bicycle and did a 90-degree left turn in a tunnel around startled general manager Jack Zduriencik. Byrnes was cut a few days later.
— Wakamatsu taking mercurial slugger Milton Bradley(notes) out of a May game and sending him into the clubhouse because Bradley was irate for striking out. Bradley left the stadium during the game, and then got pulled over by a traffic cop for speeding on his way home. He came in the next day to ask Wakamatsu and Zduriencik for help with emotional issues. Bradley spent two weeks in counseling and on the restricted list.
— Ace Cliff Lee(notes), the prized winter acquisition and presumed piece that would get Seattle to its first postseason since 2001, missing the first month of the season following an unsuccessful attempt to heal his strained abdomen with unproven blood-spinning treatment. Lee returned to dominate, only to be traded to division-rival Texas last month when the Mariners fell so far out of the AL West race.
— Chone Figgins(notes), whom Zduriencik signed to a $36-million, free-agent contract last winter, repeatedly clashing with Wakamatsu. The last time resulted in an in-game dugout fracas. There was shouting, pushing, players trying to jump over others to fight, and infielder Jose Lopez(notes) getting his shirt pulled over his back—all in front of half the home stadium and a national television audience. Figgins never apologized.
Monday, when approached following Wakamatsu’s firing, Figgins smiled, shook his head and politely said, “I’m not going to talk about it, man.”
— First baseman Russell Branyan(notes), the lone consistent threat to hit a home run on the worst offensive team in baseball, injured his foot recently when a table in his hotel room fell on it as he was trying to close curtains.
— And starting shortstop Jack Wilson(notes) slipped in his bathroom early Sunday and broke his right hand. He’s headed to surgery Wednesday and is likely out for the season.
Ichiro Suzuki(notes), Seattle’s perennial All-Star and cornerstone, called Wakamatsu’s firing “frustrating.”
“It’s not just his responsibility (that we’re losing). It’s the whole team’s responsibility,” Suzuki said through his interpreter. “I don’t think it’s fair to say the manager’s responsible to take the blame, because he’s not.”
Suzuki sees his Mariners back at square one, less than 12 months after Wakamatsu finished a revitalizing, 85-win season.
“That’s the only way we can look at it,” Suzuki said.
Campaign Aims To Make Meatless Mondays Hip, sign me up, meatless Monday, actually ramadan is around the corner! Fasting, anyone?
The death of my friend Karen, so sad, British surgeon among 10 medics executed in Afghanistan
In Superman’s Hometown, a Labor Dispute Over Health
Raising a stink
In Illegal Immigration Debate, To Hire Or Not?
'Late-Life Lesbians' Reveal Fluidity Of Sexuality
Bad Yearbook Photos Collects The WORST School Pictures
Portland Trail Blazers Name Rich Cho General Manager, woohoo!!!
'Porkchop' pageant: Who is the ugliest Miss Hong Kong?, I don't see what the fuss is about, she is not deadly "porkchop" in my opinion.
HP chief Hurd quits after sexual harassment claim, walks away with $12 million in cash and tons of stock are just wrong, so wrong!
養狗貴自律 方可解矛盾
富豪主動捐輸 創造社會雙贏
Methane powered car runs on human excrement
Consumers Still Skittish About Gulf Seafood.. i know I am.
Scientists Trumpet Discovery Of Cholesterol Genes, But Hold The Champagne
Innovation prizes And the winner is…
A hockey trailblazer emerges from obscurity
Byte-Sized Books
US billionaires pledge 50% of their wealth to charity
40 U.S. Billionaires Pledge Half Of Wealth To Charity
More Billionaires Sign the Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge
Low-Carb Matches Low-Fat Diet On Weight Loss -- With A Heart Bonus
In Japan, Living Large In Really Tiny Houses
You Scream, I Scream ... at the Price of Ice Cream
D.C. Poor Eligible For Discount On Medical Marijuana
Cracking The Lychee 'Nut'
Results From Our Survey Of NPR Facebook Fans
Not Sarah Palin's Friends
Grand theft American
Military dog comes home from Iraq traumatized
Want To Open A Slaughterhouse? Go To Meat School, mom...
Orangutans Aren't Lazy, Just Evolved To Hang Around, really lazy or just plain smart?
Meat, Fire And The Evolution Of Man
What's So Worrisome About A BlackBerry? My berry is old.
Divided by a (not really) common language
Racist, hate-filled graffiti in Richmond targets cops, ChineseP
Yellow fellow
NEW- Think Alternative
My What Beautiful Glowing Red Eyes You Have
It No Longer Takes @#$%& To Use 'Foul' Language
The most disgusting 'Sandwich Monday' yet, wait a minute, there was my lunch.
K-Town Reality Show Promotes New Stereotype Of Asian Men
Region's Asians and Latinos "Disproportionately Exposed to Toxic Waste Sites": UCI Researchers
From Tiananmen Square to Possible Buffett Successor
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter
The Future According To 'Minority Report' May Be Now
Is Emotional Pain Necessary?
Scientists Take Quantum Steps Toward Teleportation
The death of my friend Karen, so sad, British surgeon among 10 medics executed in Afghanistan
In Superman’s Hometown, a Labor Dispute Over Health
Raising a stink
In Illegal Immigration Debate, To Hire Or Not?
'Late-Life Lesbians' Reveal Fluidity Of Sexuality
Bad Yearbook Photos Collects The WORST School Pictures
Portland Trail Blazers Name Rich Cho General Manager, woohoo!!!
'Porkchop' pageant: Who is the ugliest Miss Hong Kong?, I don't see what the fuss is about, she is not deadly "porkchop" in my opinion.
HP chief Hurd quits after sexual harassment claim, walks away with $12 million in cash and tons of stock are just wrong, so wrong!
養狗貴自律 方可解矛盾
富豪主動捐輸 創造社會雙贏
Methane powered car runs on human excrement
Consumers Still Skittish About Gulf Seafood.. i know I am.
Scientists Trumpet Discovery Of Cholesterol Genes, But Hold The Champagne
Innovation prizes And the winner is…
A hockey trailblazer emerges from obscurity
Byte-Sized Books
US billionaires pledge 50% of their wealth to charity
40 U.S. Billionaires Pledge Half Of Wealth To Charity
More Billionaires Sign the Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge
Low-Carb Matches Low-Fat Diet On Weight Loss -- With A Heart Bonus
In Japan, Living Large In Really Tiny Houses
You Scream, I Scream ... at the Price of Ice Cream
D.C. Poor Eligible For Discount On Medical Marijuana
Cracking The Lychee 'Nut'
Results From Our Survey Of NPR Facebook Fans
Not Sarah Palin's Friends
Grand theft American
Military dog comes home from Iraq traumatized
Want To Open A Slaughterhouse? Go To Meat School, mom...
Orangutans Aren't Lazy, Just Evolved To Hang Around, really lazy or just plain smart?
Meat, Fire And The Evolution Of Man
What's So Worrisome About A BlackBerry? My berry is old.
Divided by a (not really) common language
Racist, hate-filled graffiti in Richmond targets cops, ChineseP
Yellow fellow
NEW- Think Alternative
My What Beautiful Glowing Red Eyes You Have
It No Longer Takes @#$%& To Use 'Foul' Language
The most disgusting 'Sandwich Monday' yet, wait a minute, there was my lunch.
K-Town Reality Show Promotes New Stereotype Of Asian Men
Region's Asians and Latinos "Disproportionately Exposed to Toxic Waste Sites": UCI Researchers
From Tiananmen Square to Possible Buffett Successor
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter
The Future According To 'Minority Report' May Be Now
Is Emotional Pain Necessary?
Scientists Take Quantum Steps Toward Teleportation
Friday, August 06, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
No can do... :(
Free stuff at the park.
Aug. 5, Drums From Two Continents, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m., Japanese and Brazilian drumming and choreography features Portland Taiko and The Lions of Batucada
Aug. 6, Opera in the Park, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. The performance of Verdi’s Il Trovotore includes Richard Zeller as Il Conte di Luna and Mark Panuccio as Manrico.
Aug. 7, Jazz Women, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. The Quadraphonnes, Janice Scroggins, Ward Griffiths, and Leah Hinchcliff will join some of Portland’s best female vocalists.
Aug. 8, Portland Festival Symphony, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Portland Festival Symphony celebrates 30 years of free park performances.
Aug. 9, Ty Curtis Band, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Rockin’ blues from Ty Curtis and his band
Aug. 10, Carrie Cunningham & The Six Shooters, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Down home country music ranges from bluegrass to western swing.
Obonfest 2010
2010 Bite of Oregon
The Worlds 13th Annual Elephant Garlic Festival! 2010, free admission!
Providence Bridge Pedal , I wish I can go, but I have a study group in the morning, and I will miss all the start times pedal on!
Aug. 5, Drums From Two Continents, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m., Japanese and Brazilian drumming and choreography features Portland Taiko and The Lions of Batucada
Aug. 6, Opera in the Park, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. The performance of Verdi’s Il Trovotore includes Richard Zeller as Il Conte di Luna and Mark Panuccio as Manrico.
Aug. 7, Jazz Women, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. The Quadraphonnes, Janice Scroggins, Ward Griffiths, and Leah Hinchcliff will join some of Portland’s best female vocalists.
Aug. 8, Portland Festival Symphony, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Portland Festival Symphony celebrates 30 years of free park performances.
Aug. 9, Ty Curtis Band, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Rockin’ blues from Ty Curtis and his band
Aug. 10, Carrie Cunningham & The Six Shooters, Washington Park Rose Garden Amphitheater, 6 p.m. Down home country music ranges from bluegrass to western swing.
Obonfest 2010
2010 Bite of Oregon
The Worlds 13th Annual Elephant Garlic Festival! 2010, free admission!
Providence Bridge Pedal , I wish I can go, but I have a study group in the morning, and I will miss all the start times pedal on!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
因為想念妳的日子很難度過 ........
只屬於他一個人喊的稱呼⋯⋯ ......
決不會相愛多年後,還讓妳妾身未明 ......
捨不得讓妳流淚 ..
隨時隨地讓妳能夠找到他 .....
不會將妳和其他女人做比較,即便妳並不優秀 ......
因為他把妳的身體健康看作第一位 .........
會把妳看成是生命中最重要的 .....
讓妳感受他的心跳 .......
因為妳是他的天使 .......
並且很高興陪妳逛街 ........
喜歡融入到他們當中 .......
但很少讓妳知道他所做的犧牲 .......
妳是他最美好的幸福 ...
因為想念妳的日子很難度過 ........
只屬於他一個人喊的稱呼⋯⋯ ......
決不會相愛多年後,還讓妳妾身未明 ......
捨不得讓妳流淚 ..
隨時隨地讓妳能夠找到他 .....
不會將妳和其他女人做比較,即便妳並不優秀 ......
因為他把妳的身體健康看作第一位 .........
會把妳看成是生命中最重要的 .....
讓妳感受他的心跳 .......
因為妳是他的天使 .......
並且很高興陪妳逛街 ........
喜歡融入到他們當中 .......
但很少讓妳知道他所做的犧牲 .......
妳是他最美好的幸福 ...
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Let's join in and talk about "is she wearing a Wang?"
Chelsea Clinton Gets Married
Weddings By the Hour
I Can't Talk About Chelsea's Wedding
The Spectacle Of Matrimony, dang it, my bookies are calling me.. :P
Weddings By the Hour
I Can't Talk About Chelsea's Wedding
The Spectacle Of Matrimony, dang it, my bookies are calling me.. :P
Ariz. Churches Mobilize Against Immigration Law
Ansel Adams Or Not? The Answer's Worth Millions, what will Rick do?
Human Trafficking In The U.S.: One Woman's Story
Just Buy It: Impulsiveness Tied To Brain Chemical
No Corsets. No Hat Pins. And No Crying..... Must see.. super funny!
Report Asks: What's Lurking In Your Stadium Food?
California To Mark 'Ronald Reagan Day', watch you to Reagan and non Reagan's fans!
Oil Industry Rethinks Costs, Risks Of Drilling In U.S.
Logging On Helps People Lose Weight
Ousted Evangelical Reflects On Faith, Future
A 'Teachable Moment'? What's The Lesson?
What Is The American Constitution Party, Tom Tancredo's New Home?
Canadian Team Finds Abandoned 19th Century Ship
Google, Everywhere, Or How Privacy Is The Net's Biggest Quagmire
Galapagos Removed From Endangered List, let's go.
The Food Chain's Weak Link: Tiny Ocean Plants Dying
Ivy Bean, Known As Oldest Twitter User, Dies At 104
Could a "Craigslist for Cuisine" Get Leftovers to the Needy?
Leadership Tips from Tony Hayward (or Not)
How to Avoid (and Quickly Recover from) Misunderstandings
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Study: Americans with accents judged less credible than native speakers
In E-Publishing Revolution, Rights Battle Wears On
Disasters In Reel Life: It's About Time (And Suspense)
Fighting Happily Ever After
Credit Cards Take From Poor, Give to the Rich
Do Prisoners Eat Better than School Children?
Lost in Translation
'Jersey Shore' Cast Rings Opening Bell At NY Stock Exchange; Or, Is Nothing Sacred?
Tobacco Funds Dwindle as Obesity Fight Intensifies
The New Republic: The Significance Of The Wikileaks
Japanese women extend life expectancy to new high; 日本女性最長壽香港第二. HK ranks 2nd in women and men.
How the British found their thrill on blueberry hill
'Cut down on meat to lose weight'
How Britain said farewell to its Empire
A new journalism on the horizon
Education 'helps brain compensate for dementia changes'
Ansel Adams Or Not? The Answer's Worth Millions, what will Rick do?
Human Trafficking In The U.S.: One Woman's Story
Just Buy It: Impulsiveness Tied To Brain Chemical
No Corsets. No Hat Pins. And No Crying..... Must see.. super funny!
Report Asks: What's Lurking In Your Stadium Food?
California To Mark 'Ronald Reagan Day', watch you to Reagan and non Reagan's fans!
Oil Industry Rethinks Costs, Risks Of Drilling In U.S.
Logging On Helps People Lose Weight
Ousted Evangelical Reflects On Faith, Future
A 'Teachable Moment'? What's The Lesson?
What Is The American Constitution Party, Tom Tancredo's New Home?
Canadian Team Finds Abandoned 19th Century Ship
Google, Everywhere, Or How Privacy Is The Net's Biggest Quagmire
Galapagos Removed From Endangered List, let's go.
The Food Chain's Weak Link: Tiny Ocean Plants Dying
Ivy Bean, Known As Oldest Twitter User, Dies At 104
Could a "Craigslist for Cuisine" Get Leftovers to the Needy?
Leadership Tips from Tony Hayward (or Not)
How to Avoid (and Quickly Recover from) Misunderstandings
How Will You Measure Your Life?
Study: Americans with accents judged less credible than native speakers
In E-Publishing Revolution, Rights Battle Wears On
Disasters In Reel Life: It's About Time (And Suspense)
Fighting Happily Ever After
Credit Cards Take From Poor, Give to the Rich
Do Prisoners Eat Better than School Children?
Lost in Translation
'Jersey Shore' Cast Rings Opening Bell At NY Stock Exchange; Or, Is Nothing Sacred?
Tobacco Funds Dwindle as Obesity Fight Intensifies
The New Republic: The Significance Of The Wikileaks
Japanese women extend life expectancy to new high; 日本女性最長壽香港第二. HK ranks 2nd in women and men.
How the British found their thrill on blueberry hill
'Cut down on meat to lose weight'
How Britain said farewell to its Empire
A new journalism on the horizon
Education 'helps brain compensate for dementia changes'
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