This blog is a way for me to communicate with web browsing friends all over the world, and will serve as a virtual diary for me to share my perspective on the weird in the world.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Leadership Essentials 101 August 22-24
Don't get me wrong, the instructor rocked, with true enthusiasm. I had a hard time understanding her perspective, but it was enlightening. To my surprise, I was already implementing a lot of the skills the class was teaching, but I did learn some ways to be more effective as a leader and coach, which will help me a great deal in managing folks. I think what I learned will be helpful for me at any job I may have in the future, and to enhance my ability to interact and manage effectively. I was disappointed to be ignored, but I did get to see my good buddy from Springfield, and we had some very frank exchange about my future. I am very happy that he was completely supportive of my choice. In addition, I also could see that I need to practice my public speaking skills, as this is one area where I lack the confidence that I will need to be a truly effective leader.
After my shift work next week, I will have a long weekend. I should have a double day off, but that won't happen. I will be seeing friends in P-town, driving to L-town to check things out, and hopefully, sleeping a lot. The following picture shows my feeling about having to deal with unpleasant people.
After my shift work next week, I will have a long weekend. I should have a double day off, but that won't happen. I will be seeing friends in P-town, driving to L-town to check things out, and hopefully, sleeping a lot. The following picture shows my feeling about having to deal with unpleasant people.

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Believe it or NOT!
I am HOT.
Horace: Don't stop Praying!
A Korean-American speaking Chinese in a Texan accent is funny.
Boiring Fish, it's not your fault, it was an abnormal shut down. Don't beat yourself down. You made it man, you saw the real deal.
Tech Dept. celebrated 11 years without an recordable injury on Willamette Queen. Hurray!
Give me the money, JY! Double the JY!
Horace is 63! Horace is retiring. BoringFish is becoming the ONE.
BoringFish is helping the head count at Millersburg, welcome to the elite group of defectors. Keep Counting.
Eric started the life of a work slave.
It's official, they even made the formal announcement at 2:30 meeting. I have joined the convent. I started to tell some hourly people too. They were shocked, no really. Now it all made sense.
BoringFish is going to be a FULL foreman.
SP is on going, next round please. Secret Project that is.
BoringFish sent her notice to TO, what a wuss & a quitter!
Horace: Don't stop Praying!
A Korean-American speaking Chinese in a Texan accent is funny.
Boiring Fish, it's not your fault, it was an abnormal shut down. Don't beat yourself down. You made it man, you saw the real deal.
Tech Dept. celebrated 11 years without an recordable injury on Willamette Queen. Hurray!
Give me the money, JY! Double the JY!
Horace is 63! Horace is retiring. BoringFish is becoming the ONE.
BoringFish is helping the head count at Millersburg, welcome to the elite group of defectors. Keep Counting.
Eric started the life of a work slave.
It's official, they even made the formal announcement at 2:30 meeting. I have joined the convent. I started to tell some hourly people too. They were shocked, no really. Now it all made sense.
BoringFish is going to be a FULL foreman.
SP is on going, next round please. Secret Project that is.
BoringFish sent her notice to TO, what a wuss & a quitter!
Congratulations are rolling in!
These are what I heard all night along, quite a contrast.
Keep it running, man you were hammered last night. Don't wreck it now.
Keep it running, man you were hammered last night. Don't wreck it now.
Work update : I am a fool, FOOL!
That's my latest self description as the life of a relief foreman. This update concluded that I continue to improve myself technically but that did not excuse the fact that I am the FOOL. In the latest rotation, I committed costly mistakes during duties, and I excelled in wrecking the machine. Last night, I had my first HAMMERED night and we lost 6 hours of production and have made cull tonnage of 65 since start up. The upside from that, no one gets hurt when we tried to put the sheet on the reel and I finally stopped my good streak of great runs, and start learning from my shortcomings. After all, I am not special. I wanted to stress that the crews were supportive and were at their best to make things work, however, when you are the GREEN foreman with a green crew. It's impossible not to feel that you were set up to dance with the tigers in the cage. AL said "They can't expect you to know how to fix things when you never seen it before." Thanks Al, Mark, Vanessa and Cindy, but I am still bummed.
The inserts summarized some of my mistakes in recent tours.
This was from last night comment 8/17:
#2 PM went down last night when a power bump took out a fuse for the primary BB drive fan. This is a small fan that cools the drive itself in the MCC not the drive motor. The fan went down, the drive heated up and shut down when it got to the high temperature interlock. There are no alarms or indications for this system or any of the other drives. With the PBB went the rest of the wet end.
The biggest problem from last night was the lack of flushouts. When the machine went down, there were no flushouts performed on the stock lines or the headboxes. We got VERY lucky that the headboxes did not plug up but it caught up with us on the bottom ply. The entire line from the MC pump to the consistency transmitter/meter in the basement above the filler screen was plugged like a brick. The line had to be opened in several different spots, the refiner had to be opened, and it all had to be flushed out multiple times. It took approximately 6 hours worth of work to get the line unplugged. During the work, the machine was transitioned to 33# and a duplex sheet.
It cannot be stressed enough just how important and fundamental line flushing is during any shutdown but particularly crashes. Even if you have to overflow tanks or stuffboxes or blow headboxes out on the floor, you need to do it. Make sure that you do it safely and take precautions to ensure that (like spotters or caution tape, etc) but it has to be done.
And the night before last, 8/16:
The machine was shut down this morning to replace the ENP blanket. The blanket was found to be delaminated about 6-12" in from the back edge. The area of delamination was very large and we were extremely lucky that it did not come apart on the fly. A spot on the reel was discovered last night and was traced back to the spot on the blanket but the seriousness of the situation was not recognized. It is very important to understand that if there is a problem discovered with the blanket (abnormal spots anywhere, oil/water spraying in a fixed spot, etc), its critical that you shut down in an orderly fashion and inspect the area. Particularly if there is a spot on the reel - that usually means that something "different" is going on in the nip and if its tied at all to the blanket, its not a good situation. Those situations are your opportunity to avert a press wreck and eliminate a lot of downtime. Even if it turns out to be a non issue after shutting down at least you've looked and ruled out the possibility.
The previous tour note, 7/28-7/31:
The draw in the machine was reduced some more this morning. The wire to press draw was reduced by about 10 fpm and this has the machine back to around 72 fpm of total draw. Try to keep it there. The draw was increased again on graveyard tonight and was too high. Anything over about 78 fpm is probably too much.
Dayshift was doing a very good job of keeping the waste left on the reel spool to a minimum. Make sure that we are always working together between the reel and winder to minimize how much we throw away. This really adds up to a lot of paper at the end of the month.
The screen rejects were found going to the couch pit today. Make sure these are going to the screening system whenever possible.
The inserts summarized some of my mistakes in recent tours.
This was from last night comment 8/17:
#2 PM went down last night when a power bump took out a fuse for the primary BB drive fan. This is a small fan that cools the drive itself in the MCC not the drive motor. The fan went down, the drive heated up and shut down when it got to the high temperature interlock. There are no alarms or indications for this system or any of the other drives. With the PBB went the rest of the wet end.
The biggest problem from last night was the lack of flushouts. When the machine went down, there were no flushouts performed on the stock lines or the headboxes. We got VERY lucky that the headboxes did not plug up but it caught up with us on the bottom ply. The entire line from the MC pump to the consistency transmitter/meter in the basement above the filler screen was plugged like a brick. The line had to be opened in several different spots, the refiner had to be opened, and it all had to be flushed out multiple times. It took approximately 6 hours worth of work to get the line unplugged. During the work, the machine was transitioned to 33# and a duplex sheet.
It cannot be stressed enough just how important and fundamental line flushing is during any shutdown but particularly crashes. Even if you have to overflow tanks or stuffboxes or blow headboxes out on the floor, you need to do it. Make sure that you do it safely and take precautions to ensure that (like spotters or caution tape, etc) but it has to be done.
And the night before last, 8/16:
The machine was shut down this morning to replace the ENP blanket. The blanket was found to be delaminated about 6-12" in from the back edge. The area of delamination was very large and we were extremely lucky that it did not come apart on the fly. A spot on the reel was discovered last night and was traced back to the spot on the blanket but the seriousness of the situation was not recognized. It is very important to understand that if there is a problem discovered with the blanket (abnormal spots anywhere, oil/water spraying in a fixed spot, etc), its critical that you shut down in an orderly fashion and inspect the area. Particularly if there is a spot on the reel - that usually means that something "different" is going on in the nip and if its tied at all to the blanket, its not a good situation. Those situations are your opportunity to avert a press wreck and eliminate a lot of downtime. Even if it turns out to be a non issue after shutting down at least you've looked and ruled out the possibility.
The previous tour note, 7/28-7/31:
The draw in the machine was reduced some more this morning. The wire to press draw was reduced by about 10 fpm and this has the machine back to around 72 fpm of total draw. Try to keep it there. The draw was increased again on graveyard tonight and was too high. Anything over about 78 fpm is probably too much.
Dayshift was doing a very good job of keeping the waste left on the reel spool to a minimum. Make sure that we are always working together between the reel and winder to minimize how much we throw away. This really adds up to a lot of paper at the end of the month.
The screen rejects were found going to the couch pit today. Make sure these are going to the screening system whenever possible.
Friday, August 18, 2006
A 冬天 TO 2
B 夏天 TO 5
C 不分季節 TO 1
A喜歡 TO 2
B不喜歡 TO 5
A會 TO 3
B不會 TO 6
A跟老闆吵架,要求換一鍋新的 TO 13
B不吃了,直接付錢走人 TO 10
A很有名氣 TO 7
B價格便宜 TO 8
A會 TO 6
B不會 TO 8
A兩三個知心好友 TO 9
B一大群朋友 TO 3
A等 TO 11
B換一家 TO 12
A加麵條 TO 9
B加冬粉 TO 7
A先喝湯 TO 10
B先吃料 TO 12
A願意 TO 17
B不願意 TO 13
A會 TO 15
B不會 TO 14
A一開始就放 TO 15
B最後才放 TO 11
A一起煮 TO 17
B一樣一樣煮 TO 16
A烏龍茶 TO 16
B烏梅汁 TO A
A家裡 TO 16
B外面 TO 14
B不會 TO C
B不會 TO 16
A 涮涮鍋:你的個性內向、有點自閉~
B 麻辣鍋:個性有點偏激,喜惡分明~ BoringFish
D 鴛鴦鍋:你的個性頑固、喜歡鑽牛角尖~
A 冬天 TO 2
B 夏天 TO 5
C 不分季節 TO 1
A喜歡 TO 2
B不喜歡 TO 5
A會 TO 3
B不會 TO 6
A跟老闆吵架,要求換一鍋新的 TO 13
B不吃了,直接付錢走人 TO 10
A很有名氣 TO 7
B價格便宜 TO 8
A會 TO 6
B不會 TO 8
A兩三個知心好友 TO 9
B一大群朋友 TO 3
A等 TO 11
B換一家 TO 12
A加麵條 TO 9
B加冬粉 TO 7
A先喝湯 TO 10
B先吃料 TO 12
A願意 TO 17
B不願意 TO 13
A會 TO 15
B不會 TO 14
A一開始就放 TO 15
B最後才放 TO 11
A一起煮 TO 17
B一樣一樣煮 TO 16
A烏龍茶 TO 16
B烏梅汁 TO A
A家裡 TO 16
B外面 TO 14
B不會 TO C
B不會 TO 16
A 涮涮鍋:你的個性內向、有點自閉~
B 麻辣鍋:個性有點偏激,喜惡分明~ BoringFish
D 鴛鴦鍋:你的個性頑固、喜歡鑽牛角尖~
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
I am petitioning a seperation from MR ALBANY and I will be getting a trialed marriage with MR. W!.. yeah, I am, isn't it sweet? I am signing my life away, ok at least for the next 3 years. Then, I may ask for another seperation.
Shout out to my homies.
I talked to my friends on a regular basis. We usually chat about work, family, music, love life etc.
It was nice to re-connect to a few of those long lost friends.Some of the highlights are: Mosquito, best friend for life- gosh it was liked more than 1 year ago that we were hanging out in HK. The 4 golden flowers are doing good, coping with life, chucking along.
Ted was another lost pal that I haven't seen or talked to over a year, we re-connected recently via email and he is doing great with his new job, joining the elite mileage club.
Richard gotta send me a job description from IA? IL? OH? One of those. Remember the slogan at Ross "Friend don't let friend move to Toledo"
and Tod, he was liked "gotta go to bed ,can we talk tomorrow night?" NO
It was nice to re-connect to a few of those long lost friends.Some of the highlights are: Mosquito, best friend for life- gosh it was liked more than 1 year ago that we were hanging out in HK. The 4 golden flowers are doing good, coping with life, chucking along.
Ted was another lost pal that I haven't seen or talked to over a year, we re-connected recently via email and he is doing great with his new job, joining the elite mileage club.
Richard gotta send me a job description from IA? IL? OH? One of those. Remember the slogan at Ross "Friend don't let friend move to Toledo"
and Tod, he was liked "gotta go to bed ,can we talk tomorrow night?" NO
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Cuz E is trying to get a job at the heart of the valley. Wish him luck!
Farmer A is getting his exam today. Wish him luck!
I am meeting with Tommy today, wish me luck!
Horace is off today, good for me, better for him!
Farmer A is getting his exam today. Wish him luck!
I am meeting with Tommy today, wish me luck!
Horace is off today, good for me, better for him!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Cuddle Fish
Boringfish is cuddling tonight, enjoying soft skin and smooth scales in contact. Funny to feel the hair between the scales, brushing againt warm flesh. The hair of the dog is here, too. Kissing and slobbering all over everything - dogs are great that way, always giving regardless of how we treat them. "A dog is the only thing on earth that will love you more than himself." Read that at the Rogue. Those Rogues must be on to something. Good bye to Brewer, too. You will be missed, but please say hello to Coffee when you see him. You two will get along great. Take care of my chicken boy! He needs you to help him.
Too late now.. gotta go.. thanks for being patient with the scaly one.
Too late now.. gotta go.. thanks for being patient with the scaly one.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Stoop on a Pick
I have been emotionally troubled for the past few weeks, and very stressed at times. I have been contemplating whether my decisions in life, and their consequences, will be poor decisions. I have become good at making decisions that cause a lot of pain, and it turns out that even decisions I think are good end up coming back to haunt me. I guess not making any decisions at all would probably be worse, but sometimes I wonder if that is possible.
I think a change of environment will be on the horizon. I don't know how I will sustain my lifestyle as I continue to spread myself more and more thin. I prefer to avoid confrontation and turmoil, but right now it seems that all my relationships are in this state. It is hard to convince myself I am headed in the right direction. I do have a job, a home and a supportive family, on the surface, as well as adult responsibilities. But underneath I am feeling a lot of conflict and concern for where this ship is headed.
I think nobody is happy around me, it seems that everyone is pissed at me. Not just me being crazy either - I think they really are mad at me. Probably a side-effect of me being a bit selfish, and focusing on my needs to exclusion of others. This may be short-sightedness on my part, as the big picture is not looking as good, even though my day-to-day decisions are focused on my own satisfaction.
I guess it is time to take a good long look at how I want to proceed, and then commit to my decision. Operating on a short-term basis seems to be getting me nowhere fast.
I think a change of environment will be on the horizon. I don't know how I will sustain my lifestyle as I continue to spread myself more and more thin. I prefer to avoid confrontation and turmoil, but right now it seems that all my relationships are in this state. It is hard to convince myself I am headed in the right direction. I do have a job, a home and a supportive family, on the surface, as well as adult responsibilities. But underneath I am feeling a lot of conflict and concern for where this ship is headed.
I think nobody is happy around me, it seems that everyone is pissed at me. Not just me being crazy either - I think they really are mad at me. Probably a side-effect of me being a bit selfish, and focusing on my needs to exclusion of others. This may be short-sightedness on my part, as the big picture is not looking as good, even though my day-to-day decisions are focused on my own satisfaction.
I guess it is time to take a good long look at how I want to proceed, and then commit to my decision. Operating on a short-term basis seems to be getting me nowhere fast.
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