Week 7 at work was pretty frustrating.... running all over the place, but not getting much done. TMO is a big focus, along with Parcview - I've been assigned a mentee, and she has a lot to learn here. On top of that, I spent two long days in Springfield, enjoying their southern hospitality.
Tree is gone. Thank goodness - no details, but I am glad to be rid of it. Too bad my neighbors have so much difficulty in operating a telephone.
Some funny things.. on the lighter side. One, Wing has started blogging - and she is very ambitious, starting three simultaneously. Readers go support her! The link is on the right at the top of the page (or at least 2 of 3).
A comment at work... a coworker asked me in a public place if I was married - how embarrassing! This is not the first time - it seems to be a regular question, and comes up at least twice a year. The other common question - have you got a house yet? At least I can put a stop to that one.
Another coworker asked me if I am seeing anyone yet. He heard the other comment about me not being married, and couldn't resist. I told him frankly that I would not be sharing my marital status at work. Keep them guessing...
Seems any time I am seen in public with a male, it is assumed that he is my husband. How odd.
Tuesday night I had dinner with Jennie and spent time with Scott. OH wait... the other way around. Also, Richard called from NC and I missed a chance to chat - sorry!
Wednesday evening was Colleen's birthday - a whole group of us went out to dinner. Hadn't seen the crew for six months or more, so it was good to catch up with them. Gretchen and I did some female bonding, in spite of my reluctance.
On thursday, I visited a coworker from NB, and we did some stargazing - I saw iridium flare, mars, saturn, orion's belt, orion nebula and many other galaxies and clusters. He was impressed with my rudimentary knowledge of astronomy.
Friday, I officially became "#1 DAF operator". I would have prefered "#1 DAF commander", but that one was taken. It was movie night, too, and we just lounged around the house and enjoyed our Netflix evening.
Saturday the workcrew came to work on the floor out back - momma did the usual cooking and cleaning, bless her heart. I also had a chance to briefly visit with Emily and tickle her tummy. Mom's cilantro soup hit the spot. As they left, I picked up some inspiration from my mother and got started on cleaning and laundry projects. Karaoke with wing & Adam.
Friends and family, please enlighten me and let me know how I might improve my communication skills. That's seemed to be my shortcoming.
Sunday I resumed my cleaning and organizing project. I was still feeling a bit low all day, having trouble getting over my blues. The fifteenth day of the new year is here already, and I have barely chatted with Grandma at all. Chinese Valentine's day, and I'm feeling lonely. A phone call from Dave at the top of Warner Canyon couldn't even cheer me up (thanks for trying, though).