Thursday, May 24, 2018

When you’re the scientist in the family
Today in an auditorium full of parents, my son scanned the room, looking for me. When he saw me, his face lit up the room. He wasn't looking for his perfect parent. He was looking for his mom. Don't even forget the power of simply being his mom. - Rachel Marie Martin
This show is so personal. Mothers are really super heroes! 星期日檔案 家有A寶 (2018-05-20)
Dancing Away Despair How to make stress your friend
Find happiness with the Japanese idea of Ikigai. Is today a repeat of yesterday? Rob Bell explains how the Japanese concept of Ikigai can help you wake up with a sense of wonder and purpose.
Schools kill creativity?
What's Going On In Your Child's Brain When You Read Them A Story?

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