Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Most Powerful Way to Build a Happy Family Today
Occupying Their Brains With Our Stupid Questions
Prevent Kids’ Sense of Entitlement With This Proven Method
But Mommy, You Were Too Busy
The Fragile Generation
Children learn more from what you do then what you teach. - unknown
Why Every Kid Should Talk Back to Their Parents
Boundaries, Routines and Early Bedtimes: 13 Habits That Raise Well-Adjusted Kids "It starts with us — the parents. Kids cannot even think at the maturity level needed to break a behavior cycle, let alone do anything about it. So, as the parents, it has to start with us. The foundation for well-adjusted kids always starts with us. "
My Husband Is More Important Than Our Kids
When Children Fall Apart Over the Smallest Things
Why you need to hug your kids when they’re being ‘the worst’.... when Gabe needs me the most.
娶老婆,要娶愛發脾氣的女人! Funny.
Can Teaching Kids Mindfulness Replace Discipline?
Fruitful Forties: 4 Things To Know About Dating A Mature Woman
How one couple saved their marriage by asking each other a simple question
We have to watch it and and then look at each other.
Together we hold it close and carefully
save it, like a bubble that can disappear
if we don’t watch out. - A Valley Like This by William Stafford
To Watch the World and Then Each Other
The Nature of Human Vitality "For me, depression was not so much about being without faith or hope or love; it was, rather, not being able to remember knowing those things, not being able to imagine ever experiencing them again."
Invisibilia: We All Think We Know The People We Love. We're All Deluded; Practice "perspective-getting"; ask and listen!!!!
DIY dudes are crafting a cultural shift
Teach Kids When They’re Ready
How Does Submissive Sex Work in the Age of #MeToo?

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