Sunday, May 29, 2016

Be Thankful "I’m holding on."

For the Love of Skinny Babies
5 Things Your Toddler Needs You to Know
But I Want It
Happy Maternal New Year
9 Illustrations For The Single And Not-So-Ready To Mingle
How To Trust Your Gut When You Want To Talk Yourself Out Of It
This Is Why Parents Are More Exhausted Than You Think They Should Be
Why you will marry the wrong person
She spoke to students about the importance of gratitude and resilience
Getting Married Is Not an Accomplishment, But Finding Happiness (In Any Form) Is
"Continued happiness and commitment will always be the real accomplishment aspect of getting married." "True happiness isn't always easy to come by, so when it's found, it should be cherished." Sons of divorce fare worse than daughters
IT’S A BOY THING, Data suggest that couples who have sons are more likely to stay together than those that don’t. Emily Bobrow looks into why this might be< not true if you have GKP in your life. Watch out.
The Brain Science That Changes Parenting
Calm and Confidence Will Slay the Toxic People in Your Life
9 Lessons Older Mamas Want Young Moms to Know LOVE YOURSELF, BE KIND
6 Ways Changing My Perspective Helped Stop My Kid's Tantrums SO IMPORTANT
10 Things I Want to Tell My Kids Before They’re Too Cool to Listen
The Science of Making Friends
Big messes and even bigger hugs: 23 ways having sons will change your life
'I've Never Thanked My Parents for Anything'
Your Small Paycheck May Have Been Determined At Birth
7 ways to practice emotional first aid
Anatomy of the Perfect Toy
Yes, I Am A Real Mother, oh yeah, I was really yelled at by a low energy nobody "You’re not a real mother."
Ship That Breast Milk For You? Companies Add Parent-Friendly Perks
Setting boundaries with toddlers using empathy and positive guidance
23 Everyday Ways to Say 'I Love You'
11 Quotes To Remember When You Feel Lost In Life
Honoring The Mom She’d Have Been If She Could
5 Signs Your Partner Is Too Selfish
Be the grown up your child needs“…we have a duty and obligation to fully inhabit the grown-up role to the best of our ability. This might require being present with our uneasiness or discomfort about our children’s anger toward us. But we shouldn’t avoid those unpleasant feelings by abdicating the bigger need they have – for us to lovingly Captain the ship, steering them through storms as well as calm waters.” – Susan Stiffelman
9 Non-Sexual Things That Make A Woman Sexy AF To A Man
24 Signs That You Are Becoming Your Mother, no thank you, NEVER.
10 Single Mom Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Advice
The Origin of Marriage (And the Evolution of Divorce)
Research has uncovered the precise age at which we start losing friends
12 Realites Of All-Boy Moms
Joan Didion on Self-Respect
Women fall in love more easily with men who are good storytellers
How happy we are in love depends directly on our dating pool
Nope, We're Not Having a Second Kid
Punishing Children for Being Human "Don’t project your bad moods. Learn how to handle your frustration, anger, fear, sadness, or disappointment. Don’t be rude to them. We all need high standards, and do you know what else we all need? A little grace. You know better, but sometimes you have a bad day and say something that isn’t nice, or you slam a door, or you yell at your kids. We aren’t robots. Sometimes life is just plain hard, and we need a break, not a lecture. We need a hug, not a scornful look. We know we did wrong, but we’re having a hard time. We just need grace. The same goes for our children.”
NOW READING #MyDepressionLooksLike Shows The World What It’s Really Like To Live With Depression
Everything You Need To Know About Parenting In 12 Jim Gaffigan Quotes
You’ve Got This, Mama
Our Troubling (And Sexist) Fascination With High Heels
The Exhausting Reality Of Parenting A Toddler While Pregnant
Screw You, Anxiety
Breaking Up Feels Different for Men and Women""Put simply, women are evolved to invest far more in a relationship than a man. A brief romantic encounter could lead to nine months of pregnancy followed by many years of lactation for an ancestral woman, while the man may have 'left the scene' literally minutes after the encounter, with no further biological investment. It is this 'risk' of higher biological investment that, over evolutionary time, has made women choosier about selecting a high-quality mate. Hence, the loss of a relationship with a high-quality mate 'hurts' more for a woman."
Turning Toward Our Children: Answering Bids for Connection
Breaking Down The Science Of Picky Eating
When the State Takes Kids Away From Parents: Three Perspectives
8 Things To Remember When Your Loved One Is Struggling With Depression
Dear First Born: It’s Not You, It’s Me
Kafka’s Remarkable Letter to His Abusive and Narcissistic Father
Why I Secretly Hated My Husband After My Daughter Was Born
I quit working full-time years ago—here’s why I recommend it highly
Ignoring Stuff Is Good for Your Memory
HOW I TESTED HIV POSITIVE — NINE TIMES — WHILE PREGNANT, what scary false alarm this was!
The Four Loves We All Need To Know More About I miss LOVE
How to Heal From Trauma
A Letter To My Firstborn: I Miss Us
Why This Boy Sleeping in "His Own Room" Will Make You Count Your Blessings
Why I’ll Never Have Another Brazilian Again
3 Things All Professional Waxers Want You To Know About Your Vagina
Baby formula is loaded with GMOs - Avoid these brands YES!
Raising Kids as an Only Child
Why Being An Only Child—And Raising One—Isn’t Such A Bad Thing YES YES YES
Research Reveals Key Steps to Successful Parenting" What makes for good parenting? Research puts giving love and affection at the top of the list. What comes next in importance may be a surprise: managing stress and having a good relationship with the other parent." SAD
The Science of Stress and How Our Emotions Affect Our Susceptibility to Burnout and Disease
As I Lie Beside My Son: I’m Holding Onto Childhood "I’m holding on to their childhoods by holding onto them. I won’t hold on forever. Independence comes on its own, and time with kids just keeps speeding on, whether you want it to or not"
NOW READING Mom’s Viral Post Reminds Strangers To Mind Their Own Damn Business
The Ultimate Paradox That Is Motherhood Amen, it is Me and all other moms that I know.
12 Charts That Perfectly Illustrate Parenthood In A Nutshell, haha, so true, loving every second of parenthood.
How I Slowed My Family Down. Like, to the Last Century.
Drowning really is silent: What parents need to know this summer WATCH OUT! Stay alert!
Bedtime Battles: When Saying Goodnight is Hard
Why Do We Have Such A Hard Time Believing Domestic Violence Allegations?
I Am Having It All!, not having a loving partner, I made peace with it. It is ok to live without a toxic one no matter how much I love him.
Why I have stopped telling my kids to give hugs to others AMEN
8 Reasons You Should Date A Gemini If You Always Get Bored In Relationships, thank you, thank you very much. I am all those special.. :)
7 benefits of submarine parenting in raising kids, interesting.
I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL TO GIVE BIRTH…AND TESTED POSITIVE FOR METH, wow, what a sad way to enter motherhood.
To help kids, Coach their parents
Things I Swore I’d Never Do... Until I Became a Parent, I enjoyed the list, except the minivan, but I am Getting close to that one, too! Haha, Life is good when Gabe is in it.
Amber Heard: Johnny Depp Is a Serial Abuser Who Made Me Fear for My Life, shocking, but not really, people changed....they are not who you think they are
For Dogs It's "Of Course I'll Obey — If You're Watching Me!"
6 Things You Should Never Ask An Unwed Mom-To-BeLove, Marriage, Baby... that trio was just a fantasy...
5 Things You Need To Stop Giving My Children

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