Friday, January 08, 2021

What The 25th Amendment Says About Removing A Sitting President
Pelosi, Schumer Join Chorus Of Calls For Invocation Of 25th Amendment Against Trump
Senior officials have discussed removing Trump under the 25th Amendment. Here’s how that could work.
Pelosi threatens to pursue impeachment if Trump’s cabinet does not remove him using the 25th Amendment.
American carnage: how Trump's mob ran riot in the Capitol
Authorities Identify Woman Killed By Police During U.S. Capitol Rioting
The violence at the Capitol was an attempted coup. Call it that
Trump Incites Rioters
Opinion | Trump caused the assault on the Capitol. He must be removed.
‘Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date
The storming of Capitol Hill was organized on social media.
'Be There. Will Be Wild!': Trump All but Circled the Date
QAnon supporter from Arizona dressed in fur and horns joins storming of US Capitol
Republicans Meet Their Monster
Today the Confederate Flag Flew in the United States Capitol
Twitter Locks Trump's Account, Warns Of 'Permanent Suspension' If Violations Continue
'Disgraceful': World Leaders React To Pro-Trump Extremists Storming U.S. Capitol
4 Dead, Police Injured, Dozens Arrested After Siege At The U.S. Capitol
How Police Handled Pro-Trump Mob Compared With Protesters For Black Racial Justice
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer Calls For Trump's Removal From Office
Capitol riot was false-flag operation by leftists, Trump backers claim, with no basis

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