Sunday, January 03, 2021

Everything comes to an eventual close, giving way to something else. Whatever you're going through, you can take this as it comes or live close to your personal process. However way you roll, your path is comprised of faith and reason, intuition and truth. And it all belongs to you. Your forbearance, your ability to sustain. Withdrawing and resting, sifting and sorting, or speaking and withholding. These are all noble strides you take, fully aware or unconsciously. And no matter how it turns out, you can hold space to revere your own soul. - Susan Frybort

Whatever happends, however it turns out, celebrate your endurance. Honor what it took to get through. Don't guilt out over checking out when you needed. There's nothing wrong with hiding when you've had enough and for coming out to honestly speak what's been on your mind, or share what's in your heart. It wasn't a disgrace to sift out what felt harmful. Remember yoru connection to something loving, something merciful, somthing peaceful, yet strong. Whichever way it turns out to be, mark this spot your moment of truth. - Susan Frybort

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