Friday, August 11, 2017

I don't love my kids less by taking time to peruse my own hobbies and interests; I love them more because I am fullfilled as an individual. - Stephaine

Want to be a happy parent? Give up these 15 things to find joy, I love all on the list.. I am rocking it..! Life is short, live it... sorry that I can't please you.
Narcissistic Grandma, Wounded Daughter, Alienated Grandchildren.. love this article.. I stop the cycle.. but sadly, this is the exact case of the male version of MVP and GKP!
Here Are 8 Things That Are Making People Less Attractive, According To Science
The Zodiac Signs Ranked In Order Of How Crazy They Are As Exes.. wow.. I had learned to validate my own feeling and less dependence on others.. haha.. I do like documentation.. but nah.. people can change.. once you know about self care, self love and self compassion. you can live a happy solo life too.. I thank Cancer sounds good.. all he was looking for was another opening, so plenty of that around..
These 10 brutal truth about life will help you get your shit together
Twenty Years of ‘Marital Blitz’
What To Do When Your Ex Won’t Stop Talking Trash
Why it's so hard to win you over, based on your Myers-Briggs Personality type
Kids of Helicopter Parents Are Sputtering Out
A 5 year long research study has revealed the two most important factors for a successful relationship
4-H Is Helping Kids Plant The Seeds For Healthy Relationships
All the Lonely People — Where Do They All Come From?
Why I Won’t Call My Toddler ‘Bad’ "Tantrums, pickiness, anger—these aren’t good things. But they’re human things...raising a toddler is going to take a stupid amount of effort".. I am grateful to have the opportunity to go thru this "stupid amount of effort".. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Yes, it is crazy and exhausting.. but ALSO WONDERFUL.
The magic trick can completely transform your relationship
Want to Be Happy? Buy More Takeout and Hire a Maid, Study Suggests
Dating is dead
If we are incapable of finding peace in ourselves, it is pointless to search elsewhere." —Francois de la Rochefoucauld Here's why your attitude is more important than your intelligence
I’m A Busy Single Mom, But I’ll Never Give Up On My Passions, this is so right.. you are so toxic when you shame me. GKP, you go to hell.
6 Ways to Become the Best Version of Yourself #6!!! " Stop glamorizing or fantasizing about what relationships are (walks on the beach, holding hands by candlelight), and think about the arguments, the controlling situations, the needless bickering when you're doing something alone — sometimes it is so much better to be alone than to be with an unhappy mate. Instead of fantasizing or hopelessly romanticizing a relationship, think about it realistically and make peace with the peace that comes from being alone. "
I want to be taken care of, too" I became a mother I realized how capable I am of being selfless"
This therapist mom’s secret to dealing with tantrums ✔️ “I don’t like your choice right now, but I always love you.” " Imagine your partner comes in, your main support person, and they tell you that you need to calm down or they’re going to leave you alone until you can calm down. They walk out of the room and leave you there alone, maybe even yell at you on the way out."-- oh.. so so so toxic. “How can you leave me when I really need you? I can’t just ‘calm down,’ I need a hug!” #3 & 4 speak true on the reflection and interaction I had with my former partner.. Learn it, live it, make it better.
Japan’s 105-Year-Old Longevity Expert Shares 12 Secrets to Living a Long Life
Woman's Post about being manterrupted while reading "Men explain things to me" goes viral

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