Thursday, September 08, 2016

Oh wow.. Karma.. the Law! YES!

More Questions to Ask Your Kids Instead of “How Was Your Day”
Video Nails The Difference Between A ‘Mom Cold’ And A ‘Man Cold’
Yes, I Have Twins, But It’s All Hard. As a Mama, You Just Do It
How Working Moms Can Stay Sane After a Long Day at the Office
NOW READING Photo Of Multitasking Mom At Work Goes Viral
My Baby's Pediatrician Diagnosed My Postpartum Depression
How Your Personality Traits Predict Your Love Life
17 Moms Share The Worst Thing They Heard After Announcing Their Pregnancy, wow, there are some sad people in this world.. I welcome motherhood.. I was panicking at the beginning because I had a unloving partner.. but motherhood is the best thing ever! I love my child and nothing can change that.
The Real Narcissists
7 Ways Being a New Mother Is Just Like Being a Teenager"Yes, our moods are fierce. Our moods are governed by stress, hormones, and growing up, and sometimes they are bigger than we can control. We’re like half-formed people with loads of bursting energy but not a lot of restraint."and then, you left... you failed us and you don't have a place in our lives.
Childhood, disrupted, I would not let this happen to Gabe.
12 Laws of Karma that Will Change Your Life
You're Not Yourself When You're Angry
I Was Super Real About Motherhood On Social Media & Felt More Alone Than Ever
My Kids Are Growing Up and I Feel Fine
Why and How to Include Your Kids In the Family Finances
Facebook And Mortality: Why Your Incessant Joy Gives Me The Blues
A Silent Epidemic
What Dating When You’re A Single Mom Is Like, & Yes, I Did Drive 124 Miles For Sex, Thank You Very Much
20 Signs It’s Time To Let Go Of The Past And Move On
Persuading Others With Loving Thoughts
My Kid's Dad Changed A Diaper One Time, So It Makes Sense That He's Instantly Famous
Being Single Is Hard, yes lack of "human" touch...but my son hit me with love too
You’re How Old? We’ll Be in something to ponder...
5 Things People Pleasers Need to Remember
Toxic relationship habits most people think are normal, oh so toxic.. we all live like these daily.. the key part is to recognize it and thrive for growing and improvements
How to Help Our Indecisive Toddlers
10 Behaviors That Keep People From Finding Relationships That Work
5 Habits of Deeply Connected Couples
Want a Great Marriage? 11 Things Couples Who Build Successful Marriages Do Each and Every Day
Narcissists Say These 6 Things When They Are Talking to You
Someone Reported A Picture Of My Daughter On Facebook For Nudity
Harvard Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy on Mastering the Antidote to Anxiety, Self-Consciousness, and Impostor Syndrome
10 Signs You’re Losing Your True Self
Why I Decided Not To Divorce My Husband "Marriage is hard. It is damn hard. Anyone who says otherwise is not married or well, not married. Two people get together with their own dreams, their own spirits, their own quirks and you suddenly merge all of these things and BAM! – it’s all supposed to just work. Well, sometimes it doesn’t. And whether it works instantly or not, it requires constant communication, mutual respect and what feels like a whole lot of fucking compromise sometimes." My chance was slim. Narcissist set my marriage on fire. She is content that she ruins 3 people's happiness.
10 Reasons I Quit Competitive Parenting
Helping Toddlers Resolve Conflicts (Rules of Engagement)
Researchers Reveal How Parents Create Narcissistic Children
5 Early Signs You're Not Turning Into A Toxic Parent For Your Kid
Chores Your Kids Can Do Starting at Age 2 (So You Can Do Something Else)
5 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Narcissist, well I was.
The Picture vs. The Reality: Keeping It Real On Social Media
10 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re A Gemini
A Beautiful Message For Anyone Trying To Find Love…
Should You Really Tell Your Partner Everything?

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