Friday, January 21, 2011

"Palin-Free February" , how's about "Palin-Free forever and ever"!
Final Countdown: Keith Olbermann And MSNBC Announce They Are Parting Ways, do you smell anything, what is going on?
The World's Happiest Countries.. I am moving.. yipee!
Consider your pet’s health when fulfilling New Year’s resolution to quit smoking
The Hickey that Paralyzed a Woman *wink*
Nike Air Force 1 Supreme – Year Of The Rabbit, really cool!
10 Things You Should Know About Sriracha
15 Most Hated Companies in America, Toyota? bIt should be US Bank, Chase Bank and Walmart.
AZ restaurant offers African lion tacos, this is pretty sick... on the other hand, what about all those 4-legged four sources?
5 Reasons Why Project Managers Should Use Facebook
C-100 Issues Update: First Lady Michelle Obama Urges American Youth to Strengthen U.S. – China Ties
Cyanide & happiness
Obama, Hu spar over human rights, hail econ ties
Old dog, new tricks: Study IDs 9,400-year-old mutt
GOP spending cuts would affect millions of people
ICEBOX Igloo Maker, fun stuff!
GQ: America's 25 Douchiest Colleges, Harvard is 4th, AZ state is 14th, Ohio state is 19th, UT is 23rd.
高高的山, 珠穆朗瑪峰
Conservatives Ruined the Economy and Now They're Blaming Liberalism
Has Sarah Palin Finally Gone Too Far?; Is This the End of Sarah Palin As We Know Her?
The Class War Launched by America's Wealthiest Is Getting More Savage
U.S. Government Approves Comcast-NBC Merger, this is absurd.
Why Do We Vilify Male Sexuality? 3 Myths About Men and Sex Debunked
M.B.A. Programs Go Global
Starbucks expanding rollout of 31-ounce drink size, so we can have a bigger waistline and addicted to caffeine even more! Not cool. Then you think about how this may raise the demand of coffee and will it hurt the independent farmers?
We are dumber than ever!
You Should Probably Stop Ordering Mimosas

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