Friday, September 17, 2010

I have been busy, kids.. read it now.

Happiness in business? Priceless
Facebook's world-domination strategy
Books, Stress, Pizza: A Recipe For The 'Freshman 15'?
Defend Your Research: It’s Not “Unprofessional” to Gossip at Work
The true cost of a pack of cigarettes: $18.83
Timblerline has new St. Bernard pup, HI Heidi!
Best college class in the nation? Playboy magazine says it's at Oregon State..
全球最富有 港排第七
The most 25 of what? Reed, S(D)ucks are on the list, but for what?
grad skool rulz #24 – am I done yet?
Managing Yourself: The Boss as Human Shield
Dog Surfing Contest Draws 4,000 Spectators
How does your state rate on Human Trafficking laws; WA is better, OR needs lot of works done.
The Beauty Of Bug Eg
Determining 'Brain Age' With A Simple Scan
Three Books For Surviving Graduate School, I need it badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A blog from my friend
Dancing 101 - Tricks to Make Ladies Swoon, pretty funny!
Vegan Cupcakes
Entrepreneur Says "I Do" to Divorce Insurance
How to Fill a Job Nobody Wants
Asian-Americans Climb Fashion Industry Ladder
Luxury Vans Are An Alternative To Flying
Gates, Buffett To Sell Giving To China's Richest
Shanghai 5 Years Later: More Money, More Subways, sorry, not impressed!
P.K. 14.. very fascinating.
Life Under Mao
Learning in two languages; Arabic immersion school teams up with FBI
One Small Step For Man...
Football Fans Ignore Increasing Violence
Adding It Up: How Much Tax Does A Taxpayer Pay?
Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let The Bedbugs ... GROSS
Critics Say LEED Program Doesn't Fulfill Promises
Facts Can't Trump Politics In Immigration Debate
I was an 'anchor baby'
Hurd’s Move to Oracle: Do Business Ethics Matter?
Packaging Is All the Rage, and Not in a Good Way
One Nation, Two Deficits
At What Price Happiness? $75,000, that can't buy my happiness, but it can pay my bill $$$
Engineering a Better Cup of Coffee
Australia and New Zealand top World Giving Index'
Many Americans Don't Even Know They're Fat
Piers Morgan to replace host Larry King on CNN network
Cuba's Fidel Castro criticises Iran over anti-Semitism
Charlie Chan: A Stereotype and a Hero; Investigating The Real Detective Charlie Chan
In Afghanistan, The Civil Service 'Surge' That Isn't
FDA To Lipton: Tea Can't Do That
HP Sues Ex-CEO Hurd Over New Job At Rival Oracle, this doesn't sound right!
In Young Kids, Lack Of Sleep Linked To Obesity Later
Voters To The Parties: It’s A Date, Not A Marriage; Hating On The President: A Great American Pastime
Why The Priest Fainted: An Ode To Eggplant, yummy!
Computers as Invisible as the Air
Defriended, Not De-Emoted
Nike iPhone app keeps track of where, how fast you run

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