Monday, December 26, 2022

Pain can't be transcended. Too much of that and it just gets concretized. Big blocks of pain obstructing the path, turning into weapons that turn inward against the self. Don't believe the ones who say you can rise above it, or meditate it away. It doesn't go away, those ways. It goes away when we move deeply into it, and move it on through. I try to never forget how good it felt to cry as a child. At the end of the release, new eyes and a regained freshness of appreciation. And I also try to never forget what it has feels like to repress tears as an adult. I feel agitated, disconnected and ultimately depressed. I think of depression as frozen feeling. When I thaw them out by feeling and releasing them, the depression lifts. It's not the pain that will kill us. It's all the efforts we make to pretend that it’s gone. The feel is for real... - Jeff Brown

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