Wednesday, June 19, 2019

【引渡惡法●Fact Check】不足4個月由盲撐到唔撐 民建聯「轉軚」全紀錄
Hong Kong police caught on video brutally beating young girl during protests
【引渡惡法】台女高中生寫信撐港 聽《海闊天空》不自覺流淚
【維港會】麥美娟向林鄭爆粗「X街」 建制派怨氣大爆發
Hong Kong protests dealt China’s all-powerful Xi Jinping an embarrassing blow that could sting for a while
Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam Apologizes But Refuses Announcing Withdrawal of Extradition Bill
Xi's Hong Kong headache darkens chief Lam's future
Hong Kong chief signals revival of extradition bill is unlikely
China risks killing the Hong Kong golden goose
Hong Kong Leader Carrie Lam Makes Apology, Puts Contested Law On Ice
A new kind of Hong Kong activism emerges as protesters mobilize without any leaders




真的考第一了 - 林夕
The Fear Driving The Protests In Hong Kong
Hongkongers hit the streets in full force again, calling for Carrie Lam’s resignation
【反送中】前警員王喜指警隊用械量有記錄 王喜呼籲:開槍警察及早自首
Mark Simon: Hong Kong strong -- Why world should be amazed by what has happened in this city
Hong Kong Activist Joshua Wong Is Freed, Says He Will Join Mass Protests
Thousands rally in Taipei to support Hong Kong protest
Hong Kong extradition bill: Protesters return to streets despite suspension
【引渡惡法】《洛時》:香港發展出無領袖自發社運新模式 「就像AI會自我學習」
‘Sing Hallelujah to the Lord’ has become the unofficial anthem of the anti-extradition protest movement

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