Sunday, July 15, 2018

Skip The Baby Shower And Throw A Postpartum Party Instead
When Does Your Adult Personality Kick In?
Stop telling me I only have 18 summers; this is so personal, since my time with child is sliced and diced into time period to co parents where I don't get to have with Gabo. I don't count.. because "Instead I’m soaking up every minute I’ve been given in the here and now." I filled my time with love.
I didn’t understand male privilege until I became a stay-at-home dad
Parenting In The Age Of Screens: Here's What The Experts Do
Your Turn: When Parents Push Too Hard ... Or Not Enough
Why Are We Obsessed with superhero movies? Cult of Self, pt. 1: “If heroes are idealized humans, then today’s reflect an exaggerated Cult of Self. They are unique, supremely talented beings who transcend laws, even those of nature. [...] They celebrate exceptionalism and vigilantism. The old American ideal of succeeding through cleverness, virtue and grit is absent, as is the notion of ordinary folk banding together to overcome a threat [...] Gone is respect for the rule of law and the importance of tradition and community. Institutions and human knowledge are useless. Religion is irrelevant. Governments are corrupt and/or inept, when not downright evil. The empowered individual is all.”

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