Monday, December 04, 2017

Republicans in Congress have complained about the deficit for eight years. (Before that, they famously passed W’s tax cuts without cutting spending leading to massive deficits.) Tonight, they have chosen to pass a tax cut that - on its face - results in a massive deficit and (assuming that the tax cuts to everyone who isn’t a corporate entity) are continued, even larger deficits in the future. They did this with the vague assertions that “economic growth” would pay for the cuts. They have failed to offer even one economic projection that supports this. Neither party has clean hands on this issue. And the deficit is a growing problem that absolutely must be addressed. But it is sickening to watch this form of hypocrisy. Exactly what does the (national) Republican Party stand for if it cedes all pretense of fiscal responsibility and flagrantly ignores nonpartisan budget office projections? I’m not convinced there is much left in that shell that isn’t encapsulated as “social issues.” --- CJ Graves

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